No one would have ever known about Covid, it would have been just another flu-season if there were no internet, no fake-news, but foremost without the foundation of all of the Covid-lies: The PCR-test.

PCR multiplies exponentially, so at 35 cycles (Ct) the genetic code of a virus molecule (as selected by Drosten - the German Fauci, in a database full of known sequences) has been multiplied more than 17 billion times; 17,179,869,184 times to be specific.

The foundation for these outrageous, destructive Covid-lies is the PCR test of Christian Drosten and Marion Koopmans, who make a lot of money from its patents. However, this test is utterly unsuitable for diagnostic purposes. Karry Mullis the Nobel prize winning inventor of this test warned people like Fauci many times about it. Mullis passed away in 2019 (?), but his videos on this matter are still available.

Even worse, the test is based on the sequence (the genetic code) gathered and entered into a computer by Drosten, because that of this SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been determined up to today. This means that the virus has not been isolated, nor being purified and therefore there’s no scientific evidence!

This genetic code consists of a number of letters, in which Drosten has chosen one that is very similar to that of the manmade virus SARS-CoV-1. However, this is limited to a single PCR test (primer) instead of a scientifically accurate triple (to verify) and is “looking for” the head, tail and something in between so to speak, because it is testing for 100 out of 30,000 base pairs only. In addition, it resembles that of influenza and is very abundant in human DNA.

All in all, as shown by several studies, this results in at least 97% false positives. And as you know, a positive test result is translated in to cases and deaths, no matter the real cause of illnesses or comorbidities. Above that it adds several bonusses to the doctors, clinics and hospitals their paycheck.

You might be unaware of it, but this (a pandemic based on PCR-tests) happened several times before in recent history, such as in 2005 and 2009. Drosten and Koopmans are the driving forces.

In short, how do you create ultrahigh Covid case numbers to be able to call it a pandemic (apart from changing the definition of a pandemic by the WHO in 2009, just before they launched the swine flu)? Indeed, introduce the fraudulent PCR-test.

It is important to realize that if we stop PCR-testing, the entire house of cards will collapse.

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And yet, the existence of the virus still has to be shown. FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

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The WEF, The Rockefeller Institute & The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation won't back down . . . I guess they intend to instead double down on having more & more people getting graphene's death-inducing vaccines and have them willingly asking for their demise from untested vaccines. (Or tested on only eight woeful mice.)

It's a no-brainer. This is about Klaus Schwab's Great Reset depopulation agenda. Bill Gates himself comes from a long line of eugenicists.

Scroll until you find: Ève Dubé (pages 15-16)... then translate into English: you'll notice that Mrs. Dubé was part of a WHO's committee (2012-2014) on how to dissipate vaccine hesitancy in populations: "Her research program, which focuses mainly on the psychosocial and cultural determinants of vaccination, is a continuation of her doctoral research where she focused on the 'ethical' issues and acceptability of harm reduction interventions in public health. She has conducted several studies in Quebec, Canada, and elsewhere to understand why parents hesitate to vaccinate their children and why some health professionals have doubts about vaccination. From 2012 to 2014, she served on the World Health Organization's Expert Panel on Vaccine Hesitancy. The work of this committee has made it possible to develop a theoretical framework of the causes and determinants of vaccine hesitancy which will serve as a conceptual foundation for research in this field. Ève Dubé currently directs the Canadian Immunization Research Network's social sciences and humanities research network on vaccination, funded by the Public Health Agency and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research."

But such evil research for controlling people's minds should be DEFUNDED/stopped!

My college, Quebec's Laval University, has planned research for five years. This research is destined to promote the "nudge" concept... to fight vaccine hesitancy (thus fighting the truth about mRNA vaccine-established iatrogenesis dangers.






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The WEF, The Rockefeller Institute & The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation won't back down . . . I guess they intend to instead double down on having more & more people getting graphene's death-inducing vaccines and have them willingly asking for their demise from untested vaccines. (Or tested on only eight woeful mice.)

It's a no-brainer. This is about Klaus Schwab's Great Reset depopulation agenda. Bill Gates himself comes from a long line of eugenicists.

Scroll until you find: Ève Dubé (pages 15-16)... then translate into English: you'll notice that Mrs. Dubé was part of a WHO's committee (2012-2014) on how to dissipate vaccine hesitancy in populations: "Her research program, which focuses mainly on the psychosocial and cultural determinants of vaccination, is a continuation of her doctoral research where she focused on the 'ethical' issues and acceptability of harm reduction interventions in public health. She has conducted several studies in Quebec, Canada, and elsewhere to understand why parents hesitate to vaccinate their children and why some health professionals have doubts about vaccination. From 2012 to 2014, she served on the World Health Organization's Expert Panel on Vaccine Hesitancy. The work of this committee has made it possible to develop a theoretical framework of the causes and determinants of vaccine hesitancy which will serve as a conceptual foundation for research in this field. Ève Dubé currently directs the Canadian Immunization Research Network's social sciences and humanities research network on vaccination, funded by the Public Health Agency and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research."

But such evil research for controlling people's minds should be DEFUNDED/stopped!

My college, Quebec's Laval University, has planned research for five years. This research is destined to promote the "nudge" concept... to fight vaccine hesitancy (thus fighting the truth about mRNA vaccine-established iatrogenesis dangers.






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I see the same hypocrisies at my alma mater

the disappointment in what once seemed to be illustrious halls of education is un fathomable

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Wow, Naomi! I just watched the speech on Rumble- a day or two after reading this article. Very Powerful. Thank you for continuing to speak up. It is all so heart breaking.

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The dark Soviet night of false utopianism. The vampire's kiss. Seems that rejecting God still leads to the same darkness.

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What did you expect from the STATE that brought America the Sandy Hook HOAX and subsequent legislative coverup?

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I've been saying for a long time now that this entire plannedemic was paid for by Americans with these multi-trillion dollar bills going through Congress. Payments go to every level of institutions and the terms of agreement are the catch to push the narrative. Money HAS become the God of far too many people and organizations. We all have front row seats to the destruction of this once great country. I even question the "once great."

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Sad decline of a great university. I went to Yale College in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Still a great university at that time, but just starting in on its decline. Unfortunately the decline has continued ever since. Stay away.

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It appears that the curtain has been drawn back revealing a choice between liberty, integrity, character, virtue, or what can be hoarded from Mammon. Those who opt for the former can only pity those who seek society with an unrepentant Scrooge. This isn't just an indictment of Yale, but anyone who dreams of attending what can no longer be legitimately viewed as an institution of higher learning.

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This World is a עַלמָא דְשִׁקְרְא, the world of falsehood, where even physicality appears to be something separate from the Creator. It is not. All of the Creation is unified in God Almighty the Creator, Giver of Life.

Our human task is to reveal His Presence through our thoughts, speech, and actions that further His Agenda . . . and not to be tricked by the world as it seems to be.

Now, as foreseen, it is the truly wicked who have gained dominion over our physical existence:

הָיוּ צָרֶיהָ לְרֹאשׁ אֹֽיְבֶיהָ שָׁלוּ

Her adversaries have become the chief, her enemies prosper (איכה א:ה)

. . . but not over our spiritual essence, for we are eternally connected to our Source, may He be blessed and may His Name that precedes Him be blessed forever.

The wicked elite do not realize that their "blessing" of financial and political power are from God Almighty in order that their merits will be used up in this material realm with no hope for eternal life.

And soon there will be payback:

כִּֽי־קָרוֹב יֽוֹם־יְהֹוָה עַל־כָּל־הַגּוֹיִם כַּֽאֲשֶׁר עָשִׂיתָ יֵעָשֶׂה לָּךְ גְּמֻֽלְךָ יָשׁוּב בְּרֹאשֶֽׁךָ׃

For the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your reward shall return upon your own head. (עובדיה א:טו)

And as we say repeadetly on Rosh HaShana, the Day of Judgment for the year:

כִּי תַעֲבִיר מֶמְשֶׁלֶת זָדון מִן הָאָרֶץ

. . . when You will destroy the Dominion of Evil from the earth


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Mordechai, I am trying to write an essay about this. Where was this foreseen, in the Jewish tradition?

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Bracha v'Shalom, Naomi Rivka. I am happy to speak with you about this (but please do not call on Shabbos here in Yerushaliyim or by you). I sent you my phone number a few months back via your e-mail. Let me know if you cannot find it and I'll send it again.

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Thank you for this fabulous, heartfelt essay. Your revelations of the institutions’ decay are shocking and depressing. All we seem to hear about lately are institutions prostituting themselves for money.

All commitment to decency and purpose is forfeited in this shameless race to hell.

It is indeed time to stay close to the Lord.

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So are you bringing forth a lawsuit?

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Boola Boola, '73. I enjoyed every word. Well done! I am now 72 years old retired and living in Thailand away from the madness. You cannot imagine how totalitarian and evil the USA looks from the outside. I honestly thought Yale would never defy their students this way. Extremely sad.

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In 1989, I'd heard almost nothing of PEG, nano-lipid particles but I got my "classified experimental anthrax vaccine" going to the Gulf as a Marine. I was diagnosed with "multiple sclerosis" after I recovered most of my vision, and the paralysis had receded and I could run again. In 91 I was diagnosed, that one of four vaccines was discarded and ever since, every person on active duty has gotten one of the other three anthrax vaccines. To this day, almost nothing is known about "the anthrax letters" that initiated this vaccine, and some nine to ten thousand veterans have died or been disabled as I have, apparently from that one vaccine. I learned much about "mRNA vaccines" and its study in the year immediately following my blindness, paralysis. I didn't know that was what I was learning about at the time, and here we are. I lost my wife to "m.s." going on three years ago, having been bedridden about five years prior, and having "shared my disease" from a couple years after my onset. Any connection to a vaccine has been denied. Now they call it "shedding".

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Sounds like the Gulf War Syndrome epidemic. Servicepeople came home and ended up infecting their wives and girlfriends, etc.

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