More importantly if you want an accurate translation then look to the Revised Standard Version- Catholic Edition (https://mycatholic.life/bible/rsvce/) Any question on where the bible came from (New Testament especially) then look at this book: The Bible is Catholic Book by Jimmy Akin

At Amazon below:


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You might enjoy this as well: Fragment of a 1,750-year-old New Testament translation discovered https://phys.org/news/2023-04-fragment-year-old-testament.html

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This was an excellent article!

Recently I've been studying the history of Christian Resistance Theory, which is a uncommon topic in todays American Evangelicalism today. Looking back through the history of Western Civilization the concepts that no human authority is absolute, and that when authorities become tyrannical we have a God given right to resist by way of a verity of means that God has placed at our disposal were the soil out of which the American revolution grew.

Of course, THE primary event that spear headed the circulation and advancement of these ideas was the ability of the common man to be able to read, and understand the scripture for himself. The Reformers were doggedly committed to this idea, and out of it came the Geneva Bible. Praise God for those english speaking Christians that had to flee to Geneva, where with the help of John Calvin and Pierre Viret, they were able to publish an english Bible with good notes in the margins explaining difficult texts.

Appreciate this article. Thank you for publishing it!

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That is what our constitution says! America

is a GOD centered country. People wanted religious freedom, and not a tyrannical king who abused them.

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Dr. Wolf, there is already a complete audio version of the 1599. I was a part of the republishing effort of the 1599 and we recorded a complete audio version. It is very good and professionally recorded by a professional voice actor. I can tell you more if you are interested.

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I am very interested in this this version already recorded, thank you.

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Thank you for introducing me to the Geneva Bible! I’ve longed to get more of a sense of the Ancient Hebrew way of expression for better understanding. The 1560 Geneva with notes is at least a step in the right direction. I love listening to your readings as well!

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Thanks to your delight with this version, I went out and bought myself a copy. I'm very much looking forward to reading it.

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“...it is hard to read directly if you don’t happen to have been trained in Elizabethan typography (oddly enough, I had to take that class to get my Oxford MPhil. Like my Hebrew familiarity, I never thought I would use that skill set again; but life is funny that way.”

The Lord works in mysterious ways and plans waaaay in advance. 🙂

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One of my favorite passages from the Geneva Bible: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2011&version=GNV

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May I share my recent piece on Noah with you (all) as you may find it interesting. I just listened to the podcast on Noah that you did Dr Naomi, and it's so great to hear a different take on the Hebrew Bible. https://thesidewaysthinker.substack.com/p/the-rainbow-revolution-the-trauma

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Beautiful. There is nothing that compares to the Word of the Living God.

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The words of the Infinite One, the Living GOD, are in the Bible. That it also included the words of many false gods is also the case. Elohim is NOT another name of YHWH the Infinite One. See Ps 82; Jer 10:11. Dr Wolf sees a much more compassionate GOD in her reading of the Bible than that of most all English translations. I have over 1000 different English translations--problems with every one because of mis-translation. GOD is LOVE, The Creator is Not a Killer, Jesus was a teacher and Not a Penalty Payer, There is No Trinity.

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Naomi, how can I subscribe? I couldn’t find it anywhere. I want to if you are continuing reading The Bible I would appreciate being able to find it and listen. I hope you get this message.

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Dr. Wolf,

Thank you for all you and your team have researched and written to warn people. I've referenced you in one of my articles on depopulation and the birth reduction numbers.


Thank you for sharing your insights on the Hebrew and Geneva Bible. I've also found that going back to the original text is important when studying scripture. Biblehub.com has been a helpful tool during Bible studies.

For example in Revelation 13, the Beast of the Earth with the "head wound" is described. Traditionally one would interpret this literally as a person with a wound (if one takes on a futurist view of Revelation). However, when you look at the original Greek the word for "wound" is "plege" and can be translated as "plague" or "plagues". In fact, "plege" is translated most often as "plagues" throughout Revelation, except in Chapter 13. Now if the Beast of the Earth is "globalism" and it suffers a "plague" - it provides a whole new meaning based upon what we've seen recently.

God Bless.

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Read Isaiah 45:18, it shows that God didn’t create tohu bohu in genesis 1:1-2

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Yes, The Infinite One does NOT create waste, trash, death. I found this text many years ago. Thank-you for posting--Good Job!

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1 In beginning, he created elohim and the heavens and the earth. 2 She BECAME a chaos.

elohim are created intelligent creatures and that wanted more intelligent creatures made like/similar the themselves.

War in heaven Rev 12: 7-9--insert between verses 1 and 2 . Evil was already existing in the universe prior to Gen 1:1

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Dr. Wolf, I recently came across a book that my aunt bought me several years ago. "Minyan The Ten Principles For Living a Life of Integrity" by Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro.

I've just started, but will read along with the Geneva Bible, and while listening to your podcasts.

Rabbi Shapiro refers to Hasidism in his book, and how mainstream Judaism offers a dualistic understanding of reality, separating G-d and creation. He goes on to say that there is no separation between G-d and creation. Yesh, Being, is that manifestation of G-d appears to is a separate entities- physical, psychological, and spiritual. Ayin, Emptiness, is that manifestation of G-d that reveals all separation to be illusionary: everything is simply G-d in differing forms.

This is going to be fun.

Thank you so much.

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Praise God, Naomi. Keep going.

**Analogously,** (and I trust you can fill in how that is so) I recommend you make your next project reading the Septuagint to understand why the New Testament writers made copious use of it and less so the 3rd-century BC Hebrew from which it was derived.

I have for years made daily use of https://www.apostolicbible.com/ which offers a nice crutch to those of us who don't know koine Greek. My mind continues to be blown. Daily.

May yours be as well!

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What a GIFT!

Thank you. I'm in.


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