I have one question for Dr Naomi Wolf: What are "transwomen"?

Is the CCP the one evil party that planted transgenderism AKA commercialization of identity in 2009 in countries around Russia first and then mainstreamed it in all the other in Europe? Is CCP the party that's allowing kids to cut parts of their bodies because they're depressed about life?

Is that why Wolf called out those women who told her they don't want men in women's prisons and bathrooms, a so-called "payed opposition"?

"Shine a light on the funding of these people and ... show solidarity with trans people and say not in my name," Wolf said.

Or was all that the US corporate neoliberalism?

The fact that Wolf thinks CCP is CPC says enough about this hypocrisy of "leftism".

Wolf wouldn't want you to know the facts about China. If you did, there's no point in reading her bullshit.

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So perceptive... an' chilling! I knew speech (free) was goin' down the ol' Chocolate River in WonkaVille (where Augustus Gloop wuz "processed" fer not follerin' the rules--lol Roald Dahl bein' a bit of a martinet himself!) BUT I didn't see just how "dialectic" (or dia-bollock-cul) it wuz--'til readin' this as a more detailed piece. But yes, just walkin' away seems ta be a free pass--not answerin'--not explainin' yourself or yer actions which has led to the complete dumpster fire of our entire "gubbamint." Noboddy needs ta answer! Coke in the While House! Lapdancers on the Laptop! Private Servers! Tunnels in the Capitol Bld (used by senators, meant for children...), I mean nobody 'splains anything any more! It came, it went, no consequences either... (Rant over...)

As far as newspeak, frankly "social distancing" is the most oxyMORONIC term ever--cuz distancin' is the frankly anti-social (small personal space excepted). Had ta laff when ya compared the non-answers back like kids sayin' "Says you!"--that's datin' us both!--I don't think ANY kid ever said "says you!" after 1979 lol! (tho' I did like PeeWee Herman's tongue-in-cheek "I know you are but what am I?" to any put-down--I wonder if that'un still flies?). But I sure DO git yer meanin'--it's sassin' back with a non-answer which in our day would get ya detention or time spent in the corner (not so good either but at least there were consequences back then...today, none.) I have a friend who used'ta be a teacher in the NYC public skool system an' she said she got in hot water fer tellin' kids ta sit down 'er simmer down or listen to her... all that wuz now verboten. Chaos was invited in like Pandora's open box--seemin'ly on purpose.

Addin' too that the death knell for the End of Language also harkens back to kids that cannot read, are inarticulate, have no vocabulary, no reference points, no sense of history--so they are... (in NWO new speak) FOLLOWERS... b/c we're in a world of "influencers" and "personalities" who frankly have all done squat-all but folks follow 'em so we now have "LIKERS" and "FOLLOWERS" an' (in the mainstream / on the Left I left!) zero free thinkers... zero independent thinkers with their own opinions.

With all this diggy-tale (digtal) refuse that goes for content swimmin' around in the brains of the young'uns I don't see this mess turnin' around--no room fer Twain 'er Chaucer 'er Kafka. Real words ain't gettin' out past the "lip plumpers" an' ain't gettin' in through them giant hoop earrings an' hair extensions either! (oy!)

If ya know of any solutions do share--meantimes I homeschool my own darlin' daughters an' fer all their faults they are all well-read, well spoken, an' kept far away from social meeeee-dia an' smart phones (which are dumb). Both are feelin' hopeless, however, as they cannot find peers who HAVE language and are well-read an' able to debate, discuss, and offer insights... even thoughtful adults fer them ta converse with are far an' few between. What a world!

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Actually years before Covid, Mike Adams of Natural News did a video on how language was being canceled and manipulated in USA to control thought, same tool the Nazis used.

I think at the time you guys in USA were no longer permitted by the SJWs to say you guys to women. Which is really funny because when I first hit North America in 1972 I had to train myself to say "you guys" -- "come on you guys let's go!" (talking to a roomful of women). I felt great saying it! Since hearing Mike (wish I'd kept a link to that video) I intentionally choose to always use "you guys" especially when talking to women. To me, it reflects close friendship.

Haven't brought myself as far as to say "chicks" again (fluffy little helpless things that are lowest in the pecking order) when talking about women. The feminist movement of the 60's successfully erased that word from my neural networks. Yet I love the Dixie Chicks!

190 countries introduced a propaganda trick used by Hitler. They created a new artificial term -- social distancing. The Nazis created new words like "Entjudung" which means "de-Judaization" (which described their confiscation of Jewish business and land -- a label somehow makes it okay).

"Social distancing" is an oxymoron. Social means to come together in close proximity. I intentionally say "antisocial distancing" which it is. I refuse to allow "them" to redefine social as "at a distance."

As psychiatrist Dr. Viktor Frankl wrote in "Man's Search for Meaning:"

"The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me... In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

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Truly superb, Naomi! I heard your podcast, and can only say that I've been noticing this change for the last 25 years or so. In the corp world, I would never use that stupid "PC" language.

I actually despised it. I have an excellent command of the English language, and I wasnt going to give that away to adopt an inferior form of the language.

My managers were amused at my independence, and secretly enjoyed it, I think. I never got reprimanded, because my production was always good, LOL.

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Interesting article. I've found myself wondering lately what has happened to definitions. 'They' openly redefined 'pandemic' to make it fit any scenario desired. Then 'vaccine' was redefined. Mostly to convince that it was safe but also to convince the authorizing agencies that required gene-therapy standards could be avoided. Lately I find the term 'democracy' has a new definition, though I'm unclear what it is. I'm sure there are more easy examples, just can't think of them right now.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I live in a city that is 90% Latino. My friends roll their eyes when some white faculty lounge gringo calls them "Latinx." Like, what is that?

Sort of like, "Are you having difficulty urinating? Talk to your doctor about Latinx, the revolutionary new diuretic from Pfizer..."

If you are a minority, there really is a colonization going on by white people. Look at what they call you for a clue. They box you into a category of their design.

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I, too, have long chafed at the terms “public health” and “public safety”. They are collectivist terms for voluntary individual choices. The “we” is silent. But it speaks volumes and steals individual autonomy. Amen, Naomi. Thank you!

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Thank you for this well thought out essay. I have long been annoyed with the 'upward lilt' of Psaki, Kirby and Jean-Pierre. I thought they had become some kind of 'Stepford' spokespeople. It looks like indeed that is true.

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Excellent writing and I’m looking forward to reading your latest book. I was especially surprised and happy to see you quote the New Testament!

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Dr Wolf,

Thank you for this essay. On the way home from school yesterday, my 12-year old said it would be so much easier if we all spoke the same language, because then she wouldn’t have to study her French. Haha. Her comment actually gave me a chill. Fortunately, we were in the car together and for ten minutes we were able to discuss the beauty and importance of culture and language, and how languages arise from cultures and their contexts. You probably know there are near 100 Icelandic words for “snow” but she did not. She was blown away. In English, we don’t need so many words for “snow.” “Snow” plus an adjective or two will suffice. Kind of boring, but entirely reasonable. Here in my part of southern US, our language has its own kind of richness. Many of our expressions would leave a northerner scratching his head. (E.g., “That egg custard was larrupin’ good!”) Your defense of language is so timely and important. Thank you.

P.S. Your Geneva Bible readings have been particularly moving, and in part prompted me to begin studies for an MA in Biblical Hermeneutics at the London School of Theology. The various lenses through which the Bible has been and is being read are . . . interesting!

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Biblical hermeneutics is fascinating.

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Great work Dr. Wolf

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023


Not sure how I cam across it, but if you haven't read it you might find it interesting.

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Censorship: Online safety. Content moderation.

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As I was reading this post along with many of the comments, I just received a WhatsApp video from a friend in Israel. It's a little snippet from the evening news that shows the steady stream of rockets arriving from Gaza and directed—at this moment—at more than twenty cities in Israel. Unlike Israel's bombardment of Gaza which seeks to destroy Hamas' military capability to terrorize and kill Israelis, the Hamas rockets are aimed indiscriminately at civilian centers in Israel. The civilians dying in Gaza are suffering their fate because Hamas has chosen to embed its military capabilities in the heart of its civilian population, in schools, hospitals, markets and mosques. Their missile launching facilities can not be destroyed without civilian bystanders being destroyed along with them.

Once you understand this, you realize that Hamas has forced Israel into a kill-or-be-killed situation. Hamas has refused to build a single bomb shelter for their civilians, while they hide in their underground tunnels and claim that dead Gazans in the streets above are clear evidence of Israeli war crimes.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of demonstrators in London, Paris, and New York shout encouragement to Hamas while calling for the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews. They appear to be untroubled by moral complexities or by imprecision of language. They know where they stand, and there in no ambivalence in their calls for genocide.

We may love peace with all our hearts, but we are in a war where the survival of the Jewish people is being called into question for the first time since the Holocaust. Under the circumstances, we can ill afford to seek refuge in soul searching and intellectualism. The blood of our brothers cries out from the soil. And I stand with Israel.

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"Kill or be killed" ... That's about it, isn't it?

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Resist what?

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