Dear Dr. Naomi

I am call waiting on my new bank card as the old one was recently compromised. promise monthly. Dave pi

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Naomi, I've been following your work for a couple of years. So inspired by your journey and your spot-on insights. Have you considered the claims of Jesus Christ? I am going to read portions of the New Testament in the Geneva Bible, due to your recommendation. Have you considered Isaiah 53?

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Yes, but what about God? What about Noah and all of the animals? Don’t you know, Doctor Sheep Eater, it never crossed my mind; the difference between giving you a puppy and saying “Here is your new puppy, ‘Spot’!” AND “Here is your new puppy, what shall we call him?” I don’t even know that I can express how staggering the difference is! What about the Arc, please? Surely you know that those of us raised with this story are all the more eager to hear it as it was intended? God didn’t slam Noah and them in a boat and say “Good luck, too bad, so sad! I’m wiping out the disgusting filth that is your fellows!” He was sad! Our most Likeable God of Whom we have ever heard was at His wits end! Haltingly, sorrowfully, He closed the hatch knowing He had provided as much comfort as His chosen could embrace!! What about God, Naomi?

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I see that in Genesis 1, the serpent said, "Surely God has not said..." All he has, that liar and destroyer, is words. He seeks to pervert them, destroy them, confuse them and use them to deceive. Who is easily deceived? Those who are not standing upon the Cross, standing for a biblical world view and/or, those who do not read. The natural progression of destruction in and of America, has been aided by the non-Biblically literate educational system, who have promoted anti-God humanist/demonic philosophies. Evolution vs God. Liberalism vs God. Government vs God. Each of these has happened because the active Church has not stood up to philosophies from hell, brought about by doubt in Him and seeking humanist answers to all things pertaining to man. Even the high courts do not acknowledge God or biblical world view, or Puritan work ethic, or the founding document clearly stating the Law of Nature and Nature's God, is the foundation for the Constitution and our rights and liberties. The result at this time, is that families have been destroyed, literacy destroyed (from #1 to about #30), responsibility destroyed, service destroyed, and more. We need to understand the importance of world views, which in itself is worthy of a course in schools, in order to recognize the deceits of man and the manipulation of governments unchained by these same Puritan work ethics and Biblical world view. The Tree of Liberty needs to be refreshed by taking these things on by each and every one of us in our own worlds, places of employment. It can be done with God on our side. There is more than one way to reset this nation but this must happen. We must have our words back, and the beautiful complexity of our lovely English language.

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AMEN!! I was dubbed "Wordsworth" in H.S. and wore the moniker proudly. What we have now - especially in Western and technologically "advanced" countries is the beginning of the dystopian world like that in FAHRENHEIT 451--I just found the original movie of that Bradbury book (from 1966) on YouTube archives. If you're interested in watching it, I'll send you a link on this Comment section, I.L.L.!!

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YES Please send and I will watch!

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Here you go, I.L.L.!


It's a little "slow" in spots - but well worth the almost 2 hour play time.


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Sociability at a distance is intimacy expressed from a Rapunzel tower. Deprived of pheromones, nervous tics and eye (soul) contact, sociability withers away. Social Distance is a chaordic. Love kills. Warmth chills.

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The definition of Evil, the opposite of live, has it's origins in a simple notion: that I am more valuable than another person. If a person can HONESTLY say that their life, is more important than another person's life, then there is no turning back. One might, have to make decisions of life or death when confronting evil, however, it seems that having been born into families with the social illusion of wealth, and it's dark neighbor power, causes some people to take on the false notion that they are more important than others. Sure, you may have privileges that the "game" of society offers, but that does not mean your life is more or less valuable than another life. Understanding that, the language and expectation of what "freedom" means, blurs and the action of a person treasuring another life over their game tickets, should become possible if not probable. Without such realizations, the trend of evil being synonymous with power will likely continue, until the time when societies come together and remove material accumulation, voluntarily. It should at some point, simply fade away. We are unlikely to see it in our lifetimes at our current rates, but I tend to believe it will be achieved at some point. I think we're getting bored with greed and we need to grow up, once and for ALL.

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They have been labeling people Vaccine 'hesitant'. They won't take no as an absolute answer. They're like used care salesman with that poison.

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We are vax defiant! Be disdainful if called merely "hesitant."

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Thank you for addressing this issue. It's been a very subtle exercise on the part of those who were elected to represent our voice. It now appears that not only are our voices being silenced by ambiguity and nonsense, but communicating is no longer required.

It's funny how I've noticed the same thing as your examples demonstrate, but came to the same conclusion. I was wasting my breath seeking an answer to a question.

I guess we're supposed to become automatons that only require a punch code to operate?

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A book was written on this subject called Language of the Third Reich, by Klemperer. He was a linguist during WW2 and noted how the Nazis manipulated language in order to manipulate people. Manipulation of language isn't just a tactic of globalists and Nazis (which may ultimately be the same thing). Sociopaths and psychopaths use manipulation of language to confuse, mislead and manipulate their victims.

One of the most classic tactics of Nazis/globalists/sociopaths is to make a false statement as if it's true. If you disagree with them, it validates their statement as having some basis in fact that can be debated. The only way out of their manipulation is to call them on their tactics right there: "do you always make false statements to manipulate people?"

This tactic is why people almost always lose 'debates' with city councils, school boards, etc. The bad policies are presented as if they're a viable and people waste their time arguing on the points of policy which the council probably doesn't even understand. Instead, people need to point out the bad judgment of council leaders:

"There's no way these bad, unwanted policies could spontaneously come from thousands of councils at the same time. Where did you get the policies? What reward or motivation is being offered to promote these policies? Did the council question these policies, did you do any research before you decided to promote them?"

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Another book was written on the subject after WWII: 1984. English is becoming Newspeak. I saw this coming decades ago when "inclusive language" made its appearance.

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have been reading your book over the past couple of days. enjoying very much for the most part. the conversations in the Traitor chapter gutted me. surprised that after all you have been through w media that you initially believed the media coverage of J6? sounds like there are things you just haven't woken up to yet? like the huge fakery of the holy hoax narrative?(and most of the mass shootings) Monika Shaeffer is a canadian woman who spent a couple of yrs in a German prison just for a youtube vid she made apologizing to her German parents for not believing them when they told her the holocause narrative was not true. MOnika wrote a book about all this https://barnesreview.org/product/sorry-mom-i-was-wrong-about-the-holocaust/

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Marxist Feudalist? WTF. Marx explained how and why feudalism ended in Europe, via the change of material circumstances and social relations that allowed a new middle class, of capitalists (financiers) to rent labor and thus turn landed peasants into a working class - largely living at subsistence levels.

Marx argued against wage-slavery, and feudalism - and against the scam created by bankers and rentiers!

You also said something about the West "for millennia"?! Arguably, the "West", in what we think as that which is marked by modern political life, starts with the Enlightenment and the era with the break from theocracy. Coinciding with the end of feudalism and the rise of industrial capitalism, modern forms of political organization and ideals about the individual are the core of Western thought - but they are NO millennia old. Do you need to RE-read the Declaration of Independence?

When did torture go from being a common practice to being condemned and turned into a state crime? Did such occur back in 300 AD? Gimme a break.

Dang prof. Wolf. Why are channeling Jordan Peterson AND Ben Shapiro?

Oh wait, let me put on my Oceania Hat, "Blame the Neo-Marxists, BB told me that they are hiding under every desk." Now BOOST!

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Happy to debate these points.

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Because of a hearing disability, I am not able to get much from podcasts. Does this exist anywhere in text/transcript form?

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Thank you -- see this Substack. There is a text version with he same title.

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I have the same "audio" issues so glad I can read your "podcasts" instead of straining to hear it. May Jehovah Jireh continue to enable you and strengthen you for the battle you have undertaken against suppression, tyranny and DEATH mongers!! I received your latest book 2 days ago and have started to read it - lately my reading skills are much more "ponderous" than when I was young--so I'm certain I will finish it--but it may be weeks before doing so. I hope this book lands in the hands of POSITIVE CHANGE people who will take it to heart and make YOUR message their own, Dr. Naomi.

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Thank you! And please consider posting an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads when you are done. I appreciate your support for my work!

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I certainly will, Naomi.

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This would be so much more user-friendly for my little brain if you put terse examples in the beginning as you're describing language issues.

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Thank you -- if you read the text version alongside it that may be helpful as the examples are bolded.

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Oh, ok thanks. I think there was a link to that somewhere, LOL. I'll find it.

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If you find that link to the text version, please post it, Vanda--I could not locate it this A.M. THANKS!

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I couldn't find it but I did subscribe to your sub stack lol!

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I'm wondering why it's so difficult to find that link to the text version of Dr. Naomi's podcasts?

In any event--a big "merci" to you Vanda for subscribing - I am still in the "on ramp" to posting my essays as they are mostly in my "head" and I'm not even certain I want them leaving that "safe place"--LOL!!

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Ah. I hear you. If you need a fire under your butt to write regularly, start getting paid for it!

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I really used to enjoy reading your posts. I am really sorry that you only do podcasts now.

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I do both - this is an audio version of the essay with the same name. Thank you!

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I guess I missed the written version. Thank-you for letting me know!

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I cannot locate the written version either, Bandit--I hope Dr. Naomi will post it at the top of this "Comment" section--LOL!

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Megaphone 📣 shout out !! Truth Naiomi! 😉

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YES! I've been noticing this 'what I WILL say' thing among our bureaucrats and elected officials also. And I get pissed every time I hear it. It was so refreshing to read your analysis of the ways these people are attempting to subvert their obligation to truth and transparency. Naomi, among our dissident community, you are by far THE BEST writer. Thank you.

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