I love this essay and strongly endorse your major points about the changes in Christmas over the years. I'd like to slightly modify one of your ideas, however. You said, "Didn’t they understand that the magic was not just something that came and went…it was not caused by the decorations or the gifts; didn’t they understand that *they had created the magic*? Did they not realize that they had accomplished this feat by thinking those sweet thoughts —- by singing those uplifting songs — by elevating their attention — together?"

In a way, you're right... turning our attention to God en masse did open our communities to the "magic" of His grace. However, if there were no God in reality, a God who truly exists, then just thinking good thoughts as a group wouldn't produce such results. God is the ultimate cause of the "magic" of Christmas, and I think He pours out extra gifts onto us during this time regardless of our thoughts, just because He is love and He loves us so much. :)

Devout Christians, particularly the Catholic saints, have discovered, as you mentioned, that the utter joy and peace of Christmas truly can last all year long, and even despite the worst difficulties and sorrows. Advanced saints have lived in the blissful presence of God continually for years and decades, even sometimes to the point of ecstasy and levitation, despite difficult external circumstances, and even persecution and torture which should have killed them.

I'd recommend the outstanding Catholic book on the three stages of the spiritual life (purgative, illuminative, and unitive [i.e., becoming spiritually united with Christ]) by Ralph Martin, "The Fulfillment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints." It's a book which is in actuality a map to a treasure beyond imagining. God bless you and yours!

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The picture you paint parallels mine -- you're 2 years older than I am.

You're right, there SHOULD have been ominous music. :-)

I've always had a bit different reading of the first amendment's "establishment" clause, and it hinges on that word, "establishment".

But also on "congress".

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" and I think too much is read into it.

It was written most specifically -- to keep unelected church officials from gaining positions in government - to prevent law by dictate of unelected officials in this manner. It is a bit more broad than this, to be sure, but that's the basic idea. It was not written to keep values inspired or cultivated by religion from entering our laws, it just restricts the pathway to a democratic process (of course restricted by various Constitutional prohibitions ... SUCH AS ... and you're right, prohibiting the free exercise thereof".)

I look at "establishment of religion" in the same way I view an "eating establishment" or a "drinking establishment". An establishment is an organization. "Christianity" is not "an establishment" of religion, but the Methodist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc Churches are.

We're allowed to choose to go to or not to go to, support, take advice, or follow any of the rules they have that aren't laws duly passed by congress -- from ANY of these organizations, but the government cannot compel us to do it nor prohibit us from doing it. A manger scene in a town square does not compel us to support, go to, take advice from, or follow any of the rules of any establishment of religion.

A big sticky weakness that the cultural Marxist and general contrarians like to exploit is to make up an establishment -- typically one they don't really believe in - but one they know will be a thumb in the eye of truly religious people (primary example, Satanic displays) -- and demand that IT be included in the public square. I can't think of a good way off the top of my head to prevent that other than to change our culture such that fewer such sociopaths are produced.

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"Migration of definitions..." You nailed it, Naomi.

And the result? The ground is stolen from under us and our freedoms erode as we trustfully, sleepily, and lazily doze.

We sleep on at our peril.

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Frankly, I am not personally offended by anyone if they do not believe in Christmas or more particularly, in the Christ of Christmas, but God on the other hand, is highly offended according to the inspired pages of Matthew’s gospel.

"But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven...

and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me." Matthew 10: 33-38

Which ever way you prefer to read the following scripture, Christ’s birth began the divine process of man’s only hope of salvation - Hebrews 2: 9

Aramaic Bible in Plain English

"But we see that he is Yeshua, who became a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of his death, and glory and honor are placed upon his head, for God himself, by his grace, tasted death in the place of every person."

Contemporary English Version

"What we do see is Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels. Because of God's gift of undeserved grace, Jesus died for everyone. And now that Jesus has suffered and died, he is crowned with glory and honor!"

The whole reason Jesus appeared here on earth, was to usher in for mankind a new and living way of salvation, substantially and permanently different from the former Priestly sacrifices, that made atonement for the sins of the people, according to the terms of the agreement God had formerly made with Abraham under the “Old Testament” (Covenant or agreement).

"Therefore Christ is the mediator of a new covenant (New Testament), so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, now that He has died to redeem them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant (Old Testament)" Hebrews 9: 15

"Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, as the Jewish High Priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own."

"For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world (at the consummation of the ages) hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." Hebrews 9: 25-26

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3: 17

For mankind to be reconciled to God, having been permanently separated by sin, it was first necessary that mankind become “righteous," according to the scriptures...

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness: without which no man shall see God." Hebrews 12: 14

God made this righteousness for mankind possible, by sending Christ to be the mediator of a new covenant and become the saviour of the world...

"For He (God) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor 5: 21

Until all of God’s plan of salvation, revealed in His Word, is appropriately digested and properly understood, it is perfectly comprehensible that many would miss the most revolutionary event in history - “The birth of Christ," who lived and died to became the saviour of mankind!

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Thank you Naomi! I had already read your essay but enjoyed your video reading. The so-called “pandemic” was an earthquake for many. But just yesterday day we saw our daughter again first time since late 2019. She had been operating under the influence of Democrats and took the shot ... only once I think ... to keep working in the TV/film industry despite our warning against it. As so often the case, it was a betrayal, with unemployment in the works anyway. As she has not had side effects, hopefully she got one of the dud vials.

It was a such a joy to see her again, willing at last to hear a bit about health freedom ... and the truth about the worthless and destructive shots... without becoming defensive. Her new boyfriend had had personal encounters with death and injury, as I have.

I told her about the October Truth Summit in Rochester I attended where it was a pleasure to hear you speak along with the rest of such distinguished line up.

As she was not familiar with your work, this link to your reading was a lovely introduction to you and the whole health freedom movement. I sent her the link just this morning, Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas Naomi. I’m not a church goer, but like Fred, I believe Christmas has done me good. I’m trying my best to be more of a Fred and less of his Uncle. Actually, it requires no effort. Just let it flow! And the connection to the founding of America is profound and I thank you for driving this stake into my heart.

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The “stake” is Cupid’s arrow repurposed.

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Excellent- Thank you but as a as a former extremely active Christian now reading Torah weekly and preparing to convert to Judiasm, one huge part was missing of which you would not have known. It was The Churches and Ministers and Church Leader who destroyed Christmas. I am 63 and so remember those Chrisrmases in the 1960’s but never did I see a Christmas pagent- nor was I ever in one. You would think living in Ohio, small towns like Zanesville, Dover, Marietta, Newark,Worthington, Granville and Large like Columbus and being a Presbyterian, Methodist, Mormon, Student at Brigham Young Univ, The Ohio State Univ, And tiny evengelical Church of Christ and super large Southern Baptist ( Jersey Baptist) that I would have seen more Christmas play and carols than I could remember But No- and I was in the church orchestra - playing my French Horn but No. Advent was Not the time for Christmas Carols I was told so often. All the plays and music preformed was songs you have never heard before. Oh yes I like John Rutter’s music but he Did Not write Christmas Carols. It was as if Carols could only be sung on Christmas Eve or played inbetween services on Christmas in a brass quintet. So as a former Christian, I put a huge portion of blame on the Christian Churches- and really why would they very few ans I mean Very Few mwmbers have ever read the Holy Bible. Cover to Cover. That is Just Not A Prioity. Thank you Naomi for reading the Geneva Bible! And thanks to Dennis Prager for his writing of the Books of Torah. You both have encouraged more faith in G-d present day than anyone else. Baruch Hashem.

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very kind words, thank you

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We have a group here in the US of mean spirited petty jealous narrow minded people who’s work is to ruin what most enjoy, to meddle & do away with items that most find acceptable. They work quietly but efficiently and are never held accountable. The rest of us wake up to find something else taken away. toe majority as much have nothing better to do l

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You are a gem Naomi! God bless you! 🛐✝️💜🎄❣️

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Merry Yeshuamas.

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My husband is Jewish and feels the same as you. Christmas was a joyful season in his childhood, as was Hanukkah! ❤️🙏🏻🎄

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Merry Christmas

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“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”

Blessed be God for this victory we have in Him! Fight on!

Psalm 2

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Dr Wolf!

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Up and at 'em, all folks of good will :)

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Merry Christmas Dr Wolf. Thank you for all your writing and all your efforts.

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Merry Christmas from Ireland!

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