I love this beyond words so I won't try.

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I keep reading this again and again. Especially now, in the wake of the Roe vs Wade take-down, when my lefty-friends are raging on Facebook and rallying the “my body my choice!” masses.

In another time, I’d share their posts and their concern. But right now, I can’t quite get over the hypocrisy. These are the same people who worked overtime to ensure I was systematically discriminated against because of MY medical choices… Who insisted I had no right to MY medical privacy.

The same people who discriminated against not only me, but significant numbers of Black people, Jewish people, young people with their lives (and fertility choices) ahead of them.

As long as they thought they were discriminating against “the enemy,“ Republicans, the Maga crowd, they were happy to allow people to lose their freedoms, their jobs, their economic stability.

They were happy to discriminate against “the other“ as long as they felt it was socially acceptable and politically advantageous.

I wish I had not seen what I have seen. That I did not know what I now know. But I have. And I do. And I can’t go back.

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You are an amazing writer of truth Naomi. You clarified all those feelings of sadness,disappointment and rage with my fellow citizens (Canadians)

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So far we tally 19 people we know, dead from the jab. Not all of them close- but especially corporate colleagues, etc. Young, before their time... I just started your book, and it is a page turner. Great to see you on The Highwire. We moved from Ohio to Tennessee, East TN Smoky Mountains where I operate an Internet TV channel and 2 internet radio stations. Justice is a must. This is not over. When you feel the hammer lift off you where it has struck, it is only the upswing of the next downward strike. These people will not stop until we make them stop.

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I feel this 100%.

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I have consulted with the Divine Counsel and you will get your justice, one way or another.

What you are seeing is merely another "distraction" operation designed to keep the people's consciousness suppressed. But in the end, the reckoning of the full disclosure apocalypse cannot be stopped only delayed by the darkness.

You are being separated from your old society, Naomi. That is why it is hard on you. A new society is being built. One that will function without the interference of these... others, who will simply be "removed" elsewhere.

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Stupendous! It mirrors my feelings and thinking perfectly. I will re-read it over and over again.

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The only justice will be to completely shut down every government agency or at least 3/4 of them. Then go in and fire every one from the top down and rebuild. We do not need most of these unconstitutional federal power grab captured agencies. The states can handle education, health and their own environments. The EPA approves poison to rain down on us and sprays everything with glyphosate even after proving it causes cancer years ago. They love their Paris Green and DDT until they could not hide the side effects of that poison. Our Republic was not about a Federal take over of American's. Time to shut down Mommy Medicine and Daddy Government and take back our lives.

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I cannot recommend enough everyone that has had their eyes opened to the public health lies read The Moth in the Iron Lung. This health fraud has been going on since the early 1900's. Virology is all based on junk science. Pure science died a long time ago. Polio and small pox were dress rehearsals.

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CDC has moved our town to high alert again based on 10 hospitalized in 100K

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Your exceptional article has prompted me to write about something up here in Canada that needed an overview, a chronicle of the trucker freedom convoy and where we are now in Canada in May 2022: https://unansweredquestions.ca/trucker-freedom-convoy-and-the-collapse-of-liberalism-in-canada/

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Miss Wolf.

I hope you have a moment to read this.

* *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *.

You still haven't uncovered the question of HOW? All respects to you and your dedication and God Bless you for all that you do. Your an amazing writer and I have spread your name to everyone I know. Seriously.

Ok. Back to the HOW. Have you not asked yourself HOW? HOW can Fauci, Dr. Death himself, always make these predictions?? He has made several predictions. Before Trump was president he spoke at a college and advised he guaranteed there would be "Surprise pandemic during the next presidential term." He says this with almost a smile on his face, like a kid.... I know something you don't know. The look in his eye and conviction. January this year he predicted that it would die back by end of Feb. Conveniently for the State of the union speech the Biden was trying to sell the world that he beat covid and next he was taking on cancer.

Neither were done.

The faster your uncover this to the world the faster we can put an end to the pandemic and put a serious curve ball on the World Organization and Thier master plan to take down America and the rest of the world.

The same answer also answers why not everyone catches Covid.

It answers as to why masks don't work.

Also and also explains why the shots cause more issues than those that don't take it.. which we all knew.

It explains all the holes in the stories and all the reasons why .

For the life of me, I can't believe that even those in the media (Real American) turn a blind eye to the obvious answer and especially when the work and evidence has already been pulled and presented.

I know most people don't like to hear it. But isn't everything we are living right now a "conspiracy theory?". It's no coincidence.

Sadly enough our own government came up with the term conspiracy theory just to use a catch phrase word to spin. Stories around when people are getting close to or have discovered something. Just like was done to you from the fake news outlets.

I personally was blown away and I'm going to be frank... I have been agnostic most my life, but never atheist. This level of evil shocked me and seriously made me question my faith and lack there of.

You can research Pfizer all you want. Your scientist may eventually figure it out, but you paddling upstream with out a paddle. While it's relevant, and the cover up is relevant, it's truly miniscule.

Fake news had us a believing this was from bats. They also had us believing it's something you catch. While yes you can catch covid. Pretty easy to do so, it's not the real issue.

Find out what the Chinese scientist that came from Wuhan said. She had a deposition in front on Congress and they asked her some questions including how they tested it.

I'll include 3 links to a 3 part session of someone you probably will recognize.

If you can watch all 3 and will ALL the PROOF and even more proof than 2000 mules.

It's not a conspiracy theory when it's all linked together and shown. If you haven't watched it, it's probably the most crucial video you need to watch. For you.. your family. My family. Out family's. Our nation under God as we have to be ready and with disinformation being pushed they are trying to squash this.

Just like the want to lock us up. Shang Hai there isn't even anything going on. It's all a show to control and ha e 100% compliant test.

They are walking around with hazmat suits in the city spraying something all around and in the air

There is. NOTHING wrong. It's all control.

We can't look the other way.

I blame this on what I call Santa Claus exposure.

Just like a kid who just found out Santa Claus isn't real you're still like questioning their head as a real or is it not real cuz I really want to believe that is real also it's hard to learn that you just been lied to your whole life. Most people don't even want to know the truth, even if it can save someone they know or even themselves. They can't handle to find out the depth of all this and what it all means.

You can forget you read this and pretend on, or make a serious chess move as you already have towards this massively evil plan. So evil I don't see how all this could be coordinated by any one person .




Part 2




Part 3:

3rd & final episode🤯


Thank you and again thank you for all that you do. YOU are a true leader. A TRUE PATRIOT.

God bless

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AWESOME!!! You add much to the life of our country, and I look forward to more of your ponderings in our future. God be with you and your loved ones.

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I first heard of you six or seven years ago from a Native American coworker. He recommended I check out your work and I did but was turned off by the left-leaning tendencies. I'm pleased to see that you've developed a more balanced perspective since being hit in the face with the covid scam. But there are more lies to uncover. Just how deep does the rabbit hole go? See for yourself.

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You eloquently have said all that I have felt these past two years.. I have felt I was living in a bubble.. It started with the lefts flip: just because Biden was president, I didn't suddenly feel it was any safer and I questioned the rapid and untested nature of it. I was seen as the crazy person and was ostracized in my liberal circles..i am in crazy California and they have gone too far, and can't get out of their cognitive dissonance still.. I just hope the movement to bring the corruption to light keeps it's momentum and that those of us who have been knocked out of the liberal nightmare vote big this election and expose the immoral souls and hold them accountable.

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