President warp speed frankentube is an insider

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Great honest and compelling. Journalism.

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What a thoughtful article. Well balanced and complete analysis to help us understand your qualified transition on "The Donald." You are a national intellectual treasure, Naomi.

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At least we now know you're not much of a thinker. Or even a reader.

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Such wit. Did it take you two weeks to come up with this? Should I check back in a month to see if you can formulate something new or will you find some reich wing talking point to retort? Maybe you could ask Grok.

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Oh, you’re dumb enough to pay for Mike Huckabee’s insights. Let me know if you need any of my reply explained to you.

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Thank you for this, please look into the environmentally policies Trump brought in when President, you will be very encouraged!And this is not the time to be passive regarding picking a VP. America needs a American loving VP, not another deep state sleeper cell. TRUMP/LAKE.

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Your conclusion brought tears to my eyes. I too had always disliked Donald Trump, until I began to see how much he truly loves our country and is fighting to preserve our liberties.

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Sorry for this interrupting post, but please get the word out: Attorney Booby Cox is trying to stop NY Governator Hochul from making it legal to lock you up and lock you down. Please donate here if anyone is able to do so: https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/back-me-up-new-york

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That was a very balanced analysis, thank you very much. It makes a refreshing change to read something like that, especially going back to what someone actually said and not jumping to a conclusion based on one's prejudices.

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A modern economy circulating products and services throughout the world doesn’t need money or sovereign countries (national currencies) to be successful. Today, we’ve the scientific knowledge and technological skills to convert our natural and artificial resources into daily life-sustaining deliverables: food, housing, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and employment demands. What we lack is unity, a global framework built upon fair and humane laws and safe and healthy industrial practices. I hypothesize that humanity can end poverty and reduce pollution by abandoning wealth and property rights, and instead adopt and implement an advanced resource management system that can provide “universal protections for all”. Replacing customary political competition altogether, this type of approach, which I named facts-based representation, allows us a better way to govern ourselves and our communities, basing policy and decision making on the latest information, in turn improving the everyday outcomes impacting our personal and professional lives.


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Dear Naomi, where do you find the time for all this writing? Well, I don't want to make you any more busy but will just point out one thing.

That feeling you experience about liking Trump's achievements, but being repulsed by his 'bullying' style, is a recognised phenomenon and has happened all the way from ancient Greece to the present. Victor Davis Hanson has written a book - Saviour Generals - which covers it. Throughout history societies have (eventually) looked to ruthless leaders to protect them, people like Curtis le May or General Patton. Then once the people have been saved they turn their noses up against their 'brutality' and deprecate their very existence.

So it seems that people are fickle, and do not have true gratitude towards those that protected them. I can't see any solution to this problem.

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Trump does love this country, and he is a man of deep passion, Naomi you too are a “Lioness” with deep passion and honest reflection. Thank you for keeping your word to yourself. You are not afraid to speak the unspoken word, your only fear is the fear of the Lord. Speak it to the listening ear and shout it out to all of us !that we too will fear the Lord instead of fear itself.

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So funny, on Tucker Carlson I noticed trumps toned down hair and complexion, he actually looks pretty good. So many of us have known for a long time that elections and politics are a sham, here’s your two clowns take your pick have fun. Maybe Trump played the clown because he knew that was the only way he could get in power-climb up their assholes and get them from inside. I don’t believe you can hold the CIA or FBI in such distain without having some powerful counterforce. We’re led to believe that the mafia is a toothless defunct organization but you don’t get to build casinos without having some powerful backing IMHO. He makes so much sense and speaks so coherently interspersed with gonzo statements like I’ll get China out of Cuba, I convinced North Korea to participate in the Olympics. Orange is the new red white and blue!

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Dear Naomi, I hope you are fine now after the illness. You have now defeated fear, now you write about anything. This is very beatiful, thank you. Change your thinking first, then change your reality.

Dear America, and by that I mean the USA: YES, you can do it, you can become great again and earn the respect of the world by their free will and not under the threat of your using your weapons against them. You can do it, if you want it and if you pay the full price. But because you will have no other choice, you are going to have to make it. At least 70% of the country. Concentrate on the big solutions, I wish you the best of luck! All normal people on this planet wish you the best of luck.

Use this positive energy. Get every help you can, because you are going to need it.




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Thank you Naomi. Your honesty brought tears to my eyes. This was extremely well written and well thought out. I love the pictures of the surroundings you paint here.

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Thank you, Naomi. In addition to the recommendations made by other respondents regarding the environment, I encourage you to look deeper at what you perceive as Trump’s dismissal of women. It seems, perhaps, based on some experiences from your own past that cause you to reflexively characterize him in the same way as those who’ve treated you that way. Even old reruns of “The Apprentice” will help you to see how he quickly identifies and values exceptional people, regardless of age, gender, race, and never suffers incompetent fools. The same “one pager” approach to managing people ensures that his organizations always leverage the best and brightest which, inevitably leads to success, both his and theirs. People who work in his organizations are fiercely loyal and laudatory of him. His genuineness with “his people” from janitorial staff to pilots to C suite is legendary. Imagine working for a company where you know that no colleague is a “slacker” or troublemaker because it’s never tolerated to begin with. He calls out mediocrity (or worse) where he sees it because he can’t fathom the wasted opportunity and resources that type of person (AOC) in such an important position represents. Has nothing to do with her gender or age. Think on it and you’ll probably find I’m correct.

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