Thank you especially, Naomi, for paragraphs 4 and 5. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21a240_d18e.pdf

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An Interview with VAXXED Director Polly Tommey https://www.bitchute.com/video/QSTtKdcoH3MV/

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industrial hygienist Kristen Meghan tells Mike Adams "I'm vaccine

injured" @33:04 min & "Mike, I actually blew the whistle on Air Force

involvement in weather modification ... I'm a military whistleblower"

@33:06 in


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Abortion, sex outside of marriage, the sexualization of children, as well as euthanasia, the "transgender" mutilation of children, and pedophilia that are all rolling in on this culture-of-death tidal wave, are *feeding the demons* that are directing the globalist occult elites. These are the bloodthirsty demons of the ancient pagans, demons that the one true God of the Israelites drove out from amongst His people...the same God Who came to us as Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, our Messiah, Who drove the demons back from much of the world in Christendom.

These powerful, hateful demons (our only true enemies) are returning, thanks in part to the oceans of blood of innocent children, aborted by women who were cruelly deceived by their evil lies. ALL of us have sinned in a myriad of ways, but Jesus is merciful and loves us infinitely despite our brokenness. To all who read this: God bless you and your loved ones, and may He send the Holy Ghost to sanctify us and guide us into all truth, virtue, and charity.

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Coming to this article a year later, but have to say: BRAVA! What a well argued essay. It echoed many of my own feelings and added some points I hadn't considered. Thank you.

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Considering all we know about the life of the unborn baby it’s surprising people are actually sad to see abortion being questioned. Also ask women who have aborted and the serious mental and emotional side effects they suffer from that decision. Praying we don’t keep bowing down to Baal and Moloch.

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OSHA industrial hygienist Kristen Meghan Edwards telling Mike Adams "I'm vaccine

injured" @33:04 min & "Mike, I actually blew the whistle on Air Force involvement in weather modification ... I'm a military whistleblower" @33:06 in "Kristen Meghan reveals the BIG MASK LIE being pushed by Fauci and the media" https://www.brighteon.com/20ada7b2-0be9-43a8-bf38-3a7147c4bb20

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Dear Dr. Wolf:

Please consider that bringing high public attention to the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases can pave the way toward making abortions safe, legal, and realistically rare--by health choice. Here is a link to how I develop this idea. https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/health-stds-and-abortion-toward-safe

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Think Alito's womb is offended???

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OSHA employee Kristen Meghan tells Mike Adams "I'm vaccine injured" @33:04 min & "Mike, I actually blew the whistle on Air Force involvement in weather modification ... I'm a military whistleblower" @33:06 in


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I applaud you on looking at facts as they are and adjusting your ideas to reflect the reality you see.

On abortion: Once you look at the high and rising rate of sexually transmitted diseases, you can see that the abortion-antiabortion debate is “the wrong Suzie.” Focusing attention instead on greatly reducing STDs will naturally result in far fewer abortions: The holy grail of safe, legal, and realistically rare abortions—by health choice. I develop this theme and address issues involved with it in my Substack post https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/health-stds-and-abortion-toward-safe.

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Nice, well written essay. Good job.

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I just came back to read this again after a couple months. It’s beautiful. It reminds me we are not alone in the middle-lands, in this world where it seems two warring factions bent on destroying each other have fractured to whole forever.

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yes, a takedown of judges

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I'm sorry, but there is something truly disgusting about abortion. When I supported abortion, I supported the rare use of abortion in cases where the condom may have broken, where a woman was raped, or even in the case where a woman was too poor, the boyfriend left her, etc.. I didn't support Federal agencies subsidizing clinics, promoting abortion, the hate towards religious groups who oppose, and the corruption that has created a black market for dead fetus's. Nor do I support getting an abortion because someone was too lazy to have their boyfriend wear a condom, because they banged 10 guys this past month, or some other form of cultural degradation. The Supreme Court did not ban abortion. They simply sent it back to the states, and to the communities where people reside. And that is where it ought to be. 90% of people in Alabama think it's disgusting, and they don't want California's moral values to be imposed upon them. The radicals out there doxxing supreme court justices, and screaming how the justices have "banned abortion" have extremely low IQ's. It used to be the conservative party that was borderline retarded, but things have obviously changed in the last thirty years.

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Naomi, you wrote: "This anti-SCOTUS campaign fits in as part of the larger war on our democratic institutions"

We are gaslit and intentionally propagandized with Orwellian Newspeak that messages incessantly around "our Democracy". If you are going to speak of our polity and our governing institutions, particularly in the context of a properly Constitutional reading of law, the correct wording would be: "This anti-SCOTUS campaign fits in as part of the larger war on our republican institutions".

Our Founding Fathers created a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. In the Federalist Papers, the word democracy does not appear even once without being employed in a derogatory way. That is especially stunning when one considers that it was the ANTI-Federalists who were responsible for the inclusion of The Bill of Rights into the Constitution. The Bill of Rights guarantees MINORITY RIGHTS which, BY DEFINITION, is the antithesis of "democracy".

Democracy is the rule of the majority, aka the rule of the mob. A Republic is the rule of law and our Constitution enshrines the protection of sacred individual (NOT majority) liberties & rights.

We are a Constitutional Republic.

No we are not a Democracy. No we may not make Socrates drink hemlock simply by the will of the majority.

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I am very anti-abortion and I just want to say that what I read (didn't read all of it yet) is very thoughtful and well-reasoned. I had a woman screaming at me last night because I don't think

Nazifornia shouldn't be able to tell Texas what abortion laws they should have. These people are

capital F Fascists. These people don't believe in the Constitution and I guess that is where we might have our biggest argument. I am a constitutional originalist just like Scalia.

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