Dr. Naomi Wolf. I must admit to having a serious crush on you back in the days when we were liberal dems (in San Francisco) fighting the Bush-Cheney insanity... We've crossed paths while preparing poll-watching groups pre- Bush/Cheney 2nd Selection...I've admired you, your work and energy. Boy, those post 9-11, early-mid 2000's sure had me sewed up tightly in the Duopoly in the Dem-bag! I feel so ridiculously naive when I think of those days!

Remember Medea Benjamin and her Code Pink army? It all seems so surreal remembering how "activated" we all were on the "Left" and how self-righteous everyone, including myself, appears in retrospect.. It was somehow "easier" to focus the wrath when snugly comfortable in the false paradigm of the political duopoly. What a road trip it has been to get here! And, We're still trying to untangle what's real! I've lost most of what was my family due to the red pills and my innate skepticism since my childhood in the 50's and 60's...oh hell, better include the 70's and beyond, too! I was given one little red pill by my then friend and advisor, Ken Kesey. I was just 20 years old when he told me that the LSD/Psychedelic phenomenon I was then negotiating was actually begun by the CIA and it's minions starting in the late 40's...It was all a massive mind-control experiment...I like to think got quite a bit out of their control. I highly recommend reading the 1978 book, "Operation Mind Control" by the late, great Walter Bowart. I's available free at archive.org (at least for now)... These have always seemed like strange days, indeed... We can hope that the monsters behind the various curtains will FUBAR this latest "Operation" and enough undamaged world populace will be left to hunt the bastards down. Thank you, Dr. Naomi Wolf, for all that you do.

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How is it that those who see and hear, continue riding about on high horses and dwelling in those same high towers? Can they really not perceive they continue to dwell among murderers, liars and thieves?

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Welcome to the party.

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That was beautiful (you) and tragic (the trendy sellouts) -- brava, Dr Wolf!

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Here’s to you Naomi. I felt similarly sad watching the Queen’s funeral. Farewelling a time now passed. Love your posts and your bravery. Xx

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Gun control is a 'tyrant enable switch'. Leftists use the term 'gun violence' implying that the violence would go away without guns, as though 1,000 A.D. London were a crime free place. One suspects that the real reason for gun control is that the powerful know that people will not willingly get in the boxcars. Here is a cynical thought; the powerful want to disarm the populous, so they have a plan. Pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the students, (the gun free school zones act), and wait for the occasional nut-case. Hype it to the hilt on the news, but never rescind the act and never mention it. Do everything you can to keep the children at risk. This has been the case for over thirty years. I don't believe school shootings began before the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990.

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"The institutions the boxes memorialize are dead; and maybe they never really existed, as we believed them to be, in the first place."


But be careful to not replace one illusion with another.

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Courage is the most important virtue. Your old friends lack it.

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Oh how I wish I had even a fraction of your gift as a communicator. Your writing leaves me speechless.

Brava Naomi!

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In my mind, you should not be concerned about your personal value to us all. Given the profound thoughts you shared in this exposay, I am certain you will remain deeply admired for your courage and honesty. I look forward to more of your analyses of the present dangers to our country. Thank you for your outstanding patriotism.

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Still dealing with the mourning of the fact that most people are swayed by power, I see. I'm feeling it too. But as we move into the phase of constructive action I'm glad we have writers like you on our side.

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I wish I could get out of the big city. I am fortunate to live in a suburb, but my parents and my fiance's parents own real estate and businesses here, my fiance owns a business here as well, so we are pretty tied down. Fortunately, politics hasn't come for us yet, but I know it eventually will. In the meantime, I'm pretty isolated here. My friends have turned on me as well, as has half of my family. People wear masks in their cars around here, at least half still wear them in the grocery store and in the parking lot outside. The other night my fiance suggested that we go out to dinner at a new restaurant in the area, and I burst out in tears because I just can't do it, I just can't let go of the fact that less than 6 months ago we weren't allowed to go to restaurant. I know what these people are capable of around here , and I'm not interested in spending any more time around them than absolutely necessary. I'm trying to be understanding of their brainwashing, but some days I can't handle the virtue signaling.

I'm trying to figure out how to move forward with my life and reinvent my career, but it's tough to do when you're keeping your head down and hiding in your house like it's a bunker because you're stuck in the same environment where everyone hates you and wants you dead.

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Wow, just wow. My son is majoring in journalism right now which some days terrifies me when I see what "journalists" are in our current world. If he can aspire to this level of beautiful and honest writing he would be in amazing company!

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Wow, just wow. My son is majoring in journalism right now which some days terrifies me when I see what "journalists" are in our current world. If he can aspire to this level of beautiful and honest writing he would be in amazing company!

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Dear Naomi, once again I find myself in tears while reading your latest piece. But within those tears, I'm finding something . . . maybe righteous anger mixed with deep grief over what's been lost, but with your telling that something signficant is emerging. "I am living in a new world already — a world that most people can’t see yet as it is still being envisioned and built up - painfully, daringly, laboriously. Though it exists at this point in history more conceptually and even spiritually than it does materially and politically, this new world is my home." Forthright, beautiful, thank you, thank you.

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How ingenious to use the trope of unpacking old boxes, like the madeleine in the teacup, to bring back old memories; though in this case the old memories are made unavoidably unpleasant by the writer's honesty. Her realization of the vacuity of that earlier, long-gone life in the West Village, her discovery that the people she partied with were not her friends at all -- such painful discoveries await all who are honest about the anxious mutual stroking they were compelled to engage in. That is what the willfully deluded are afraid of, why they cling so tenaciously to demonstrably false and self-destructive beliefs about the safety of novel pharmaceuticals. Yet this is precisely the sorting-out that those who have deluded themselves will have to do to regain their equilibrium. The writer does all of us a valuable service in advancing the duty of honest discovery.

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