Thanks for the link, Robert duncan passed away last week, you can draw your own conclusions. .

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Spend what time you have left in getting your soul prepared for a good death and a life everlasting with God. God does not want us to be fearful or anxious. This world is passing. Nothing but your soul lasts forever. Step away from the lies of the worldly.

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Well, this gave another interesting perspective. I've often wondered if perhaps I am already in a nursing home, and this is all a dream, sort of like the childhood 'row, row your boat life is but a dream.' Now, I need to add a simulation.

Another way to look at what is unfolding is through the lens of Rene Girard's mimetic and scapegoating theories. (I hope you can interview a scholar on it.) Briefly, while historian Joseph Campbell said Jesus and other Old Testament parables reflected world cultural myths, Girard said, 'au contraire, mon ami.' The Old Testament stories, such as Job and even Abraham's story, introduced the concept of an innocent victim who is not guilty of violating a taboo or custom. This was brought to its fullest vision in Jesus, who knows he is innocent of the mob and elite accusations but willingly goes to his death and asks for forgiveness for his persecutors. Key to scapegoating is that the mob truly believes in the guilt of the victim and the need to punish them. (Thus, Oedipus really did commit the acts despite his efforts not to do so.) The ruling elites may know of the innocence and, in fact, may arrange for their persecution to infuse magical properties while evidencing their power. Jesus's Passion allowed the victim to acknowledge their innocence. It isn't that scapegoating won't happen, as evidenced by so many persecutions throughout Western history, but that at some point, innocence will emerge. Before he died in 2016, he argued that the West was undergoing a massive scapegoating. And indeed, we are. This is particularly true for white males who are deemed guilty of the crime of just being. The ghoulish Olympic opening evidences a time of pre-Christian, which Hegel and others ushered in. While Christopher Hitchens argued that religion was responsible for mass murders, he is partially correct. Pantheism and Atheism ushered in immense blood suffering on massive scales. Another interesting twist from his theory is that under Scapegoating, seemingly disparate groups will come together to choose and sacrifice a victim.

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The problem, ladies, is that you "know NOT the God who created you". You touch on the periphery, which is obvious by some of your statements, but then you say, "this is how I interpret" which is of no consequence. You choose to delve into a slew of "philosophers" and that may become your downfall. I pray that does not happen and that you see the Light for it is not a red/blue pill decision but a Light Pill/Dark Pill choice. You keep referencing human evolution, fear, confusion because, again, you know not. Evolution is a Satanic construct and essentially totally debunked by actual hard science (visit EvolutionNews.org). Confusion is not of the Lord but may be a result of demonic interference due to things you rely on for guidance. I noticed some statues behind Ora and one can scoff if they choose but beware for it is written " The wise will become as fools" and sometimes those things can become door ways for dark forces to enter through. Finally, you want to "chant a Mantra" to "be still" but God says chanting and repeating He doesn't listen to, simply say what it is you need and move on. If you have fear of what is now or what is to come, again, you Know Not The God Who Created you for fear is not of the Lord. "Fear not, and KNOW that I AM GOD!". Dark days are upon us and IF we are close to the End of Days, it will become much darker and much more difficult to see the Light. What is Prophesied will not be a picnic and all your survival preparations will vanish quickly. Many people know you have them and will come for them. Trust in the Lord.

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Where to start! The Christian Gospel revelation as revealed by St Paul answers these deeper questions. Jesus says "Come to Me", that is the beginning of finding the answers to why we are here. It humbles our intellect. The deceptions of mysticism and trans humanism will take us away from God. God reveals His truth to those that seek Him.

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It's the AI of things, the LEDGER of things, the smart-contract tokenization of things, the BIONT (Biological-Internet-of-Things). But it is an artificiality, an artifice. One might even say an archontic matrix, if one were so inclined. We can't allow it to define us, to steer us, to subsume us and what makes us human. So we won't.

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The archons were spoken about by our ancestors but most of that knowledge was systematically eradicated. The keepers of the knowledge like the Cathars were all murdered. I’m reading a book right now called Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology and the Future of Belief by John Lash Lamb. He talks about the archons and the discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts in which they are mentioned. I have also listened to Max Spiers and he describes it as a vampiric like consciousness that has taken hold. Everything is inverted. This explains why so many things never made sense to me. I couldn’t understand the logic. They use humans as a source of energy. They are unable to create on their own. Hence, the child trafficking, sacrifices, fear based campaigns, etc. Stadiums, theaters etc. are located on ley lines in order to harness the energy. They are actually fearful of us which is why they want absolute control over every single one of us. If you are content with yourself there is no need to control others. We are more powerful than we’ve been told. If we want out of the matrix do not go along with what they want, do not fall for their tricks (e.g. division of people by war, race, religion, vaccination status).

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J L Lash, yes, a fascinating bloke.

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How do they harness our energy?fear?

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Yes, that’s the way they prefer. Also once you are in a state of fear (fight or flight) they can really take control of you because you are not thinking clearly. You may like Max Spiers. He helped me to piece certain things together. He was murdered in 2016. Here is one of his last speaking engagements in Poland.


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Murdered by the c.i.a.? Thanks for the reply.

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I don’t know. He was British but he also worked for the US military and lived in the states for a while. He was coughing up a black goo like substance. Black goo is another rabbit hole. Supposedly the Falkland Islands War was fought over this sentient goo that was left behind by extraterrestrials. All the scientists that worked with it wound up dead.

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I am familar with black goo, I am a targeted individual, the intelligence agencies worldwide hit us with direct energy weapons, c.i.a. funded, the programme is rampant in ireland, people are dying from cancers. Suscide. Targetedjustice.com, thank for your time, we fight the good fight.

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Thanks Susan,

Sounds like a good start. Some may prefer Biblical scripture to calm 'fear'

The Bible (NKJV) has been proven accurate by secular folks trying to discredit it.

Names, dates, personage, tribes, locations-

-all accurate, its a great tool and resource...

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The book that I mentioned contains some great scripture quotes helpful for calming fear.

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The book on fear that I found very helpful was How to Handle your Emotions by June Hunt. It deals both with fear and with other problematic emotions.

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Don't get turned off by the price of scarce used books. It's available on Kindle for a reasonable price.

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Speaking of metaphysics ...

What we're facing is an emergent amalgam of many different aspects of what we might call "the technocratic realm." This isn't an arena of only a technocratic government, but of social, economic, financial, etc. upheavals that are based on the exponential expansion of technology and its intrusion into our lives.

It's highly likely-- without bringing God or Satan into it-- that at some point humanity would have to deal with the raw power and speed of technological advances, with the potential for good or evil. At this point the technocratic realm is aligned with many governing entities and offers those who work within it money, power, and status and it's understandable that many people would want these things. Many are involved in this exponential expansion of technology (innocently, for the most part.) However, technology unchained seeks to expand and intrude into our most personal lives and our own bodies partly because, like Mt Everest, they're there, and partly because that's where the bulk of money and power will come from: the ability to expand and intrude into our lives, including our commons.

The simple laws for the protection of life, liberty, and property would have to expand to apply to the subtle expansions and intrusions of technology. That's not what those who work within the technocratic realm would want, as it puts fences around the individuals they wish to access. But we need only imagine a world 100 years hence, unimaginable in its technological innovation, expansion and potential for abuse, to see our dilemma.

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Rituals that do not give us the experience of reality are worthless. What we need are the most powerful TECHNIQUES to become healthy, clear-minded, fearless, super intuitive, awakened (enlightened), and heart-centered.

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To me…I do not see that humanity is moving anywhere near to solving the problem we find ourselves in. I am looking for Jesus to literally come soon and take me to the home he that he is preparing for me. His Spirit lives in me, and he calms my fears. I know all is going as planned… it is like the Bible is coming alive before my eyes.I can rest in him.

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Neville Goddard: "We are living in a dream world". and it is through our imaginal acts that we create this holographic reality experience.

Jason Breshears, one of the most impressive guys on actual data and proof that we are in a simulation, he calls it a simulacrum meaning we are in a reality that is a COPY of a real world.

Those that control the world, KNOW that it is through our imagination that we CREATE the world we live in. This is why they control our minds and direct our attention and inject their beLIEfs into our minds and influence our perception so that we CREATE their game plan.

We are beings of LIGHT. We are projectors of this light and our THOUGHTS are the creative influence, the energetic code, that is projected on to the SCREEN of life. We are in a holographic construct.

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In ways we're in a holographic construct. More than that, we're in a emerging narrative/realty that we might call "the technocratic realm." Still, there are many potentials beyond the technocratic realm, and so there are potentials for making a world wherein individual self-determination and creativity are the driving forces, instead of authoritarian entities.

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Dig deeper into the free associations in this discussion and you uncover some amazing connections. Simulation was the theory of French philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard. The publication of his text “Simulacra and Simulation” (French: Simulacres et Simulation) launched the postmodern movement in 1981 after a CIA backed group hosted the philosopher’s presentation of his ideas at a New City York conference. One of the Wachowski brothers, now sisters, was a student of postmodern theorist Bracha Ettinger whose “Theory of the Matrix” inspired the films.

Postmodernism is over, however, extended far beyond its natural death into post-postmodernism characterized by Woke as a retreat from bearing the tension of the opposites to birth New Earth. There is indeed a cosmic pattern at work delivering humanity into the Age of Aquarius!

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Great comment, and because I can sometimes (always) be goofy, and you're quite obviously brilliant, I spent a minute trying to analyze why you mighta written out NYC, my childhood neck of the woods, as "New City York". You're hip enough to make me think I should follow suit.

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Well thanx Fred! I find goofy, even as a word … beyond hip! I was an art critic out of NYC (under my real name) but fled for Berlin — I got my PhD at European Graduate School in the Swiss Alps where the theorists mentioned above were professors (Sylvère Lotringer, who published Simulacra and Simulation, gave me an enigmatic smile when I asked him if the CIA ever came knocking on his door). Now I am living on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Speaking of hip — it is a hippie paradise! You are keyed in … So THIS is how you follow suit. Forget New York.

Check out my Substack where I interpret the fall of western civilization through astrology


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San marcos/ San Pedro , Panaschel e.c t., magical, your ✍️ are above my pay grade but I am working on it,.

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Fascinating. The Wachowski Brothers, that’s a rabbit hole!

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Yes, an unexplored one as Bracha is the lone postmodern theorist who acknowledges the crucial role of the feminine in theory. The shifting of gender by the brothers fascinated me regarding my theory of the HIEROS GAMOS long before the transgender movement. Clearly both the transgender and transhuman movements are engineered to continue to repress the feminine … and this is why they will fail.

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Yes, imagine everything can be much, much better!

Don't worry about a Higher Presence! We are able to create our realities and it's time to let go of the Darkness, kick it out. Choose Light, choose Love, appreciate Life and the spirit of Hope. Help one another, enjoy each other.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

Who's in control? AI and AI is at war against, programed to, take over, minds, life itself and God no less.

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Regardless, of the appearance to man, God remains sovereign over AI. If right minded, what we are calling AI is not that formidable.

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Where God is not accessible, I did not say not present, is where there is condemnation and judgement of his Son, that being all of humanity. God is Love and Love is unconditional by its very nature.

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It may be surprising to learn that God is accessible and present everywhere. Even if every mouth was silent and the Bible was hidden from man, all of nature would testify to God. God is ubiquitous or omnipresent. Also you are referring to agape love which is God unconditional love. There are three other loves: eros, storge, and philia. Collectively, they are the four loves.

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