Spend what time you have left in getting your soul prepared for a good death and a life everlasting with God. God does not want us to be fearful or anxious. This world is passing. Nothing but your soul lasts forever. Step away from the lies of the worldly.
The problem, ladies, is that you "know NOT the God who created you". You touch on the periphery, which is obvious by some of your statements, but then you say, "this is how I interpret" which is of no consequence. You choose to delve into a slew of "philosophers" and that may become your downfall. I pray that does not happen and that you see the Light for it is not a red/blue pill decision but a Light Pill/Dark Pill choice. You keep referencing human evolution, fear, confusion because, again, you know not. Evolution is a Satanic construct and essentially totally debunked by actual hard science (visit EvolutionNews.org). Confusion is not of the Lord but may be a result of demonic interference due to things you rely on for guidance. I noticed some statues behind Ora and one can scoff if they choose but beware for it is written " The wise will become as fools" and sometimes those things can become door ways for dark forces to enter through. Finally, you want to "chant a Mantra" to "be still" but God says chanting and repeating He doesn't listen to, simply say what it is you need and move on. If you have fear of what is now or what is to come, again, you Know Not The God Who Created you for fear is not of the Lord. "Fear not, and KNOW that I AM GOD!". Dark days are upon us and IF we are close to the End of Days, it will become much darker and much more difficult to see the Light. What is Prophesied will not be a picnic and all your survival preparations will vanish quickly. Many people know you have them and will come for them. Trust in the Lord.
Where to start! The Christian Gospel revelation as revealed by St Paul answers these deeper questions. Jesus says "Come to Me", that is the beginning of finding the answers to why we are here. It humbles our intellect. The deceptions of mysticism and trans humanism will take us away from God. God reveals His truth to those that seek Him.
It's the AI of things, the LEDGER of things, the smart-contract tokenization of things, the BIONT (Biological-Internet-of-Things). But it is an artificiality, an artifice. One might even say an archontic matrix, if one were so inclined. We can't allow it to define us, to steer us, to subsume us and what makes us human. So we won't.
The archons were spoken about by our ancestors but most of that knowledge was systematically eradicated. The keepers of the knowledge like the Cathars were all murdered. I’m reading a book right now called Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology and the Future of Belief by John Lash Lamb. He talks about the archons and the discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts in which they are mentioned. I have also listened to Max Spiers and he describes it as a vampiric like consciousness that has taken hold. Everything is inverted. This explains why so many things never made sense to me. I couldn’t understand the logic. They use humans as a source of energy. They are unable to create on their own. Hence, the child trafficking, sacrifices, fear based campaigns, etc. Stadiums, theaters etc. are located on ley lines in order to harness the energy. They are actually fearful of us which is why they want absolute control over every single one of us. If you are content with yourself there is no need to control others. We are more powerful than we’ve been told. If we want out of the matrix do not go along with what they want, do not fall for their tricks (e.g. division of people by war, race, religion, vaccination status).
Yes, that’s the way they prefer. Also once you are in a state of fear (fight or flight) they can really take control of you because you are not thinking clearly. You may like Max Spiers. He helped me to piece certain things together. He was murdered in 2016. Here is one of his last speaking engagements in Poland.
I don’t know. He was British but he also worked for the US military and lived in the states for a while. He was coughing up a black goo like substance. Black goo is another rabbit hole. Supposedly the Falkland Islands War was fought over this sentient goo that was left behind by extraterrestrials. All the scientists that worked with it wound up dead.
I am familar with black goo, I am a targeted individual, the intelligence agencies worldwide hit us with direct energy weapons, c.i.a. funded, the programme is rampant in ireland, people are dying from cancers. Suscide. Targetedjustice.com, thank for your time, we fight the good fight.
What we're facing is an emergent amalgam of many different aspects of what we might call "the technocratic realm." This isn't an arena of only a technocratic government, but of social, economic, financial, etc. upheavals that are based on the exponential expansion of technology and its intrusion into our lives.
It's highly likely-- without bringing God or Satan into it-- that at some point humanity would have to deal with the raw power and speed of technological advances, with the potential for good or evil. At this point the technocratic realm is aligned with many governing entities and offers those who work within it money, power, and status and it's understandable that many people would want these things. Many are involved in this exponential expansion of technology (innocently, for the most part.) However, technology unchained seeks to expand and intrude into our most personal lives and our own bodies partly because, like Mt Everest, they're there, and partly because that's where the bulk of money and power will come from: the ability to expand and intrude into our lives, including our commons.
The simple laws for the protection of life, liberty, and property would have to expand to apply to the subtle expansions and intrusions of technology. That's not what those who work within the technocratic realm would want, as it puts fences around the individuals they wish to access. But we need only imagine a world 100 years hence, unimaginable in its technological innovation, expansion and potential for abuse, to see our dilemma.
Rituals that do not give us the experience of reality are worthless. What we need are the most powerful TECHNIQUES to become healthy, clear-minded, fearless, super intuitive, awakened (enlightened), and heart-centered.
To me…I do not see that humanity is moving anywhere near to solving the problem we find ourselves in. I am looking for Jesus to literally come soon and take me to the home he that he is preparing for me. His Spirit lives in me, and he calms my fears. I know all is going as planned… it is like the Bible is coming alive before my eyes.I can rest in him.
Neville Goddard: "We are living in a dream world". and it is through our imaginal acts that we create this holographic reality experience.
Jason Breshears, one of the most impressive guys on actual data and proof that we are in a simulation, he calls it a simulacrum meaning we are in a reality that is a COPY of a real world.
Those that control the world, KNOW that it is through our imagination that we CREATE the world we live in. This is why they control our minds and direct our attention and inject their beLIEfs into our minds and influence our perception so that we CREATE their game plan.
We are beings of LIGHT. We are projectors of this light and our THOUGHTS are the creative influence, the energetic code, that is projected on to the SCREEN of life. We are in a holographic construct.
In ways we're in a holographic construct. More than that, we're in a emerging narrative/realty that we might call "the technocratic realm." Still, there are many potentials beyond the technocratic realm, and so there are potentials for making a world wherein individual self-determination and creativity are the driving forces, instead of authoritarian entities.
Dig deeper into the free associations in this discussion and you uncover some amazing connections. Simulation was the theory of French philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard. The publication of his text “Simulacra and Simulation” (French: Simulacres et Simulation) launched the postmodern movement in 1981 after a CIA backed group hosted the philosopher’s presentation of his ideas at a New City York conference. One of the Wachowski brothers, now sisters, was a student of postmodern theorist Bracha Ettinger whose “Theory of the Matrix” inspired the films.
Postmodernism is over, however, extended far beyond its natural death into post-postmodernism characterized by Woke as a retreat from bearing the tension of the opposites to birth New Earth. There is indeed a cosmic pattern at work delivering humanity into the Age of Aquarius!
Great comment, and because I can sometimes (always) be goofy, and you're quite obviously brilliant, I spent a minute trying to analyze why you mighta written out NYC, my childhood neck of the woods, as "New City York". You're hip enough to make me think I should follow suit.
Well thanx Fred! I find goofy, even as a word … beyond hip! I was an art critic out of NYC (under my real name) but fled for Berlin — I got my PhD at European Graduate School in the Swiss Alps where the theorists mentioned above were professors (Sylvère Lotringer, who published Simulacra and Simulation, gave me an enigmatic smile when I asked him if the CIA ever came knocking on his door). Now I am living on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Speaking of hip — it is a hippie paradise! You are keyed in … So THIS is how you follow suit. Forget New York.
Check out my Substack where I interpret the fall of western civilization through astrology
Yes, an unexplored one as Bracha is the lone postmodern theorist who acknowledges the crucial role of the feminine in theory. The shifting of gender by the brothers fascinated me regarding my theory of the HIEROS GAMOS long before the transgender movement. Clearly both the transgender and transhuman movements are engineered to continue to repress the feminine … and this is why they will fail.
Don't worry about a Higher Presence! We are able to create our realities and it's time to let go of the Darkness, kick it out. Choose Light, choose Love, appreciate Life and the spirit of Hope. Help one another, enjoy each other.
Where God is not accessible, I did not say not present, is where there is condemnation and judgement of his Son, that being all of humanity. God is Love and Love is unconditional by its very nature.
It may be surprising to learn that God is accessible and present everywhere. Even if every mouth was silent and the Bible was hidden from man, all of nature would testify to God. God is ubiquitous or omnipresent. Also you are referring to agape love which is God unconditional love. There are three other loves: eros, storge, and philia. Collectively, they are the four loves.
We are in the Crisis of Progressivism. Their goal is to disrupt American society to transform America to a socialist state. Amidst this crisis many things are happening.
First, there is a transition away from the Judeo-Christian ethic to a secular-humanist ethic. In doing so this is reflective of ancient Israel's turning away from Yahweh to Baal. There is a reversal of morals, values, and rights. We are literally, observing our leadership reflect the leadership in Ancient Israel. Bill Clinton is King Ahab and Hillary is Jezebel. Not in some vague likeness but a match in actions, timing, sequencing, and kind of events. Not only to the day but to the near exact moment. Obama matches King Jehoram. Trump matches King Jehu. So there is historical precedence and a repeat of history unknowingly by these people. We see the Providential Hand of God in Trumps life overcoming all these bizarre obstacles and attacks thrown at him. Trump is predestined to do something big and God's work is not done in America.
Second, the Political Leadership from the Left is reflective of the Sadducees all too closely. We have authority figures without competent authority but put on a good show acting with all the pseudo-authority they project. Currently, we are seeing leadership by proxy. Aside from the analogies that 'Biden at the White house' is like a 'Weekend at Bernie's,' Biden is sort of like Jeff Dunham's Ventriloquist doll 'Walter'. We just do not know whose hand is up him controlling the Presidency. It most likely is a cadre of power hungry actors getting the dibs in. On top of this, they use process obfuscation to avoid accountability. Ever notice that when all politicians publicly speak, they do so in front of the Maritime Flag and not a Constitutional Flag. They are not beholden to the Constitutional Law because they under Maritime Law. So they can say and do stupid without consequences to themselves.
Third, the Political left is disturbed according to Dr. Rossiter.
"The faulty conceptions that lie behind these passions cannot be viewed as mere cognitive slippage. The degree of modern liberalism’s irrationality far exceeds any misunderstandings that can be attributed to faulty fact-gathering or logical error. Indeed, under careful scrutiny, liberalism’s distortions of the normal ability to reason can only be understood as a product of psychopathy. So extravagant are the patterns of thinking, emoting, bagging, and relating that characterize the liberal mind that its relentless protests and demands become understandable only as disorders of the psyche. The modern liberal mind, its distorted perceptions, and its destructive agenda are the product of disturbed personalities (Rossiter, 2006, p 330)."
As far as other worldly or simulation of reality, that is a very secular belief that has been around around for many years. Solipsism has been a popular theory but fails when a believer in this steps in front of a bus. As for the Matrix, the Wachowskis are denying Judaism and Christianity offering an alternate explanation. However, the Wachowskis are leveraging a combination of theories to include Quantum Computing and M-Theory or the Multi-verse Theory. Yes, the physical universe, human reality, is the outcome of a quantum computer in which the output and processor are indistinguishable. Our embodiments are, in fact, the output of biological processing. Everything is information based. That said, the Judeo-Christian God spoke, communicated information, the universe into existence in the form of light. Matter and energy are interchangeable based on the law of conservation and the there is the wave-particle theory of light. In quantum computing light goes through a process of compactness forming a particle, the God Particle. From there in a algorithmic computational manner the inanimate universe is built. Life is the chicken and egg enigma. Abiogenesis theory has never had any substantive support. The alternative is supernatural action.
In the supernatural narrative of the Judeo-Christain worldview, sentient humans were created. Following a war in heaven, evil was trapped in the world. Adam and Eve became self-aware or knew good from evil. From this point forward in time, Individual spirits, souls, are breathed into embodiments as a test of loyalty they go through trials and tribulations of the world ruled by evil. Few realize this and accept God's invitation home. The remainder of humanity ends up before God in a final judgement against humankind.
Humans have an image of God and God is the Creator. Likewise, humans are creative and can take that to extremes becoming rebellious. The heighten awareness is being caused by dark principalities. Humans have free will and can choose their path and there is only two paths just like Adam and Eve had two paths. They choose the wrong one and affected all of humanity.
Humans choose their path to their reality. It is a dyadic struggle.
Rossiter, L. (2006) The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. Free World Books, IL
Fascinating analysis, thank you. I was seeing Bill and Melinda Gates as Ahab and Jezebel but I see why you say Bill and Hillary, more logical.
As regards Progressivism you might be interested in my analysis of the word 'progressive', I find the anagrams revealing. Having looked also at 'Progressivism', I find no improvement.
Bill and Melinda Gates are eugenicists using their NGOs to charade their bizarre agenda. Melinda Gates is actively working to restate eugenics in more pleasant terms but it still remains the same old thing - racist. Jezebel became a demon that operates to this day. Most secular people may know Jezebel as a narcissist. More specifically, a Mayberry Machiavellian or someone who is your best friend smiling at you as they stabbed you in the back. It is possible that Melinda Gates is such a person having Jezebel's spirit in her. Jezebel rules through powerful men and destroys the male when they are no longer useful to her.
If you are subordinate to a Jezebel, run away like a bat out of hell. If you are a peer to a Jezebel, life will be miserable and it is better to run away. If the Jezebel is subordinate to you, maneuver away from her if possible, keep your distance, and watch your back. She will use everything at her disposal to take you down which usually involve sexual misconduct allegations whether or not true. Usually not true.
Couldn’t Joe and Jill Biden be Ahab and Jezebel? I always thought Hillary was the Whore of Babylon, and while I’m on an apocalyptic bent I think Obama is the antichrist. I’ve thought that from the moment he appeared on the national political stage back in 2004 and I still think it today.
When you look at the careers, timing, events, crisis, issues, and other substantive details of Ancient Israel and the era beginning with the Clinton's, there is a hauntingly perfect repeat of history that goes right up to the current day. Hillary's career and exit from public life is as Jezebel were here today. The same is true of Obama and King Jehoram or Trump and King Jehu. These modern day folks are acting out historical events in modern times without a clue as to what is happening.
In death, Jezebel became a demon and it is possible that Jill Biden has invited Jezebel into herself. She may be leading as Jezebel did through King Ahab and men of her day. Jill Biden seems preoccupied with her status and demands to be called doctor when protocol does not afford her that title. It is almost to the point that she is supporting Joe like A Weekend at Bernie's. Joe has fostered ethics and morals that are contrary to the status quo. So I would argue that Baal is certainly at work.
The person of the anti-Christ is not known until after the Body of Christ is removed from the world in the premillennial dispensational lens of scripture. The constructs for the anti-Christ reign have not fully developed. The Jerusalem Temple has to be rebuilt on the same spot it once stood. This signals the removal of the Body of Christ sometime thereafter. There also has to be ten regional centers of economic influence whose leaders appoint the anti-Christ to power. So far only five have emerged. We have a ways to go before any apocalyptic events occur. Prophecy is pattern. We must look for the patterns to emerge. All ten strategic trends of the end times are in play and have been since 1900.
The Bible speaks of a seven headed (the seven continents) red dragon (Satan) with ten horns (ten horns are the economic centers of influence), Revelation 12:3. The heads are crowned and the horns are adorned with jewels and purple meaning wealth.
There are three theories on New Babylon. Babylon is:
* The original Babylon restored which gained popularity when Sadam Hussein unearthed the ruins that were 200 feet below the surface. Hussein rebuilt Babylon putting his name on every brick and fashion himself (surgically altered his appearance) to look like Nebuchadnezzar.
* A fictional allegory for the world or a place in the world. This is not well supported.
* A place that becomes the city of the devil as in ancient history. This is the interpretation the Muslims use when calling the US the Great Satan. The Bible describes New Babylon as being far away from the Middle East, sends its emissaries by sea, has great wealth, foolish entertainment, perverts the world, and when destroyed in one hour burns as the merchants sit off her shores, Revelation 17 and 18. Follow the cross references to Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel for further clarification. Many people think this sounds like the US.
If the region where the US is located becomes New Babylon, most likely the US government will no longer exist. It will be something else. We see today that the Progressive and liberal factions are acting to transform the US to a socialist state. We have leaders who are deliberately reversing rights and morals. The American population has become highly secular and no longer holds Judeo-Christian values. US churches are embattled as people are allowing membership to be openly rebellious against God. While NAFTA is defunct, its replacement USMCA is another regional center of influence. The regional superhighway is under construction and there is a blending of medical systems (Obamacare was an attempt to regionalize the healthcare), social security systems, militaries, and much more ongoing. In time, the borders will dissolve and a regional leader will be appointed. When the regional authority takes over, nationalism will end. This is the final stage as the world transitioned from a theological pride to a secular nationalistic pride and will become an economic pride in the near future.
This makes perfect sense to me. We didn’t invent computers, they are integral to universal laws. Like fractals. God exists and it’s his universe. 3-d printing anyone?
You got the idea! However, reality is more than 3D printing because in quantum computing the processor and output are the same thing. Whereas in 3D printing the printer is separated from what it produces. It is difficult to understand quantum computing because everything in quantum realm denies our common sense. Entanglement has particles separated by billions of light years immediately reflecting each others movement. Gravity acts instantaneously, faster than the speed of light. A digital one and zero can exists simultaneously. It is really weird in the quantum realm.
We do not understand all the quantum processes yet but we do know that the process coming out of the Quantum realm is computational and particles assemble algorithmically.
So this gets into the interesting idea that we're entering into a technocratic realm, which is the concrescence ("becoming real") of ever-expanding technological potentials.
Unfortunately as technology advances our political understanding lags behind. Laws should be to protect life, liberty, and property, and instead they're being expanded and used to support the emerging technocratic realm, wherein so many technological powers will become manifest. It's natural and inevitable that humanity would have to come to grips with the awesome powers of many facets of technologies and the abuse of those powers to attack or subvert the life, liberty, and property of the common people. We're there, and technology isn't slowing down for us.
We are currently in the Age of the Hybrid when there is a blending of domains. ie Physical and virtual reality, electronic and biological computing, and many other domains will blend. It will become increasingly more difficult to discern between what is real and what is virtual. We are also on the cusp of the Singularity when machine computational capability out performs human computational capabilities.
However, humans have character qualities that AI is not capable of fully achieving but may approximate. Humans have wisdom, creativity, beauty, intuition, surprise, and other like qualities. Surprise, intuition, and creativity are perhaps the most curious qualities to humans that machines cannot synthesize. Although futurists like Kurzwiel predict spiritual machines. These machines most likely will not be electronic but instead biological computational devices.
Common people can compete it they develop the skills to properly discern information.
We have to decide what we want. Do we want a world of surveillance, of censorship, of medical mandates (so that we'll be obliged to accept their technology and hacking)? Or a world wherein technology is off-limits to impact the liberty and property of people? The idea of "liberty" has to expand to include freedom from intrusion or surveillance, and the idea of "property" has to expand to include our bodies, our thoughts, our feelings. Technology with expand into these if we allow it. Individual self-determination has to be preserved as an inalienable right based on the natural human propensity to create our own lives and personally own them.
The timeless Right is to be secure in your person. Regardless of the technology, circumstances, conditions, etc... you have the Right to be secure in your person. Any mandate that seeks to stab, jab, poke, or prod a person without informed consent is called assault. When governments or organizations do this to a large population it is called a crime against humanity. This timeless Right to be secure in one's person is also the Right to privacy. We also have the Right to express ourselves. We have a Right to tools of the trade, and material effects. There is a Right to a secure home, family and marriage. All these are natural Rights.
Governments are instituted to protect and guarantee natural Rights. They are not to invent or prevent Rights. When preventing Rights they become tyranny. When they invent Rights then they overstep their charter.
We are currently faced with the challenge of a reversal of the Right. Natural Rights as known by the Forefathers protected society from the individual. For example, The Right to Life has a duty not to kill and the responsibility to uphold the sanctity of life. In this way, everyone is alive and society is prospering. Unfortunately, the contemporary thinking is the Right to Kill. The Duty is to select the form of killing; euthanasia, assisted suicide, or abortion. The responsibility is selfish to oneself. Society has no say in the matter as the individual is protected. This reversal is perfectly in line with the ancient Phoenician God Baal
Salvador Dali denies that his melted clocks in the Persistence of Memory painting are a representation of Einstein's space-time continuum despite doing that well, perhaps you could paint a transitional painting from the God-particle to the universe. BUT you need an eccentric artist name other than Kathryn. How about 'K-Pax' or 'K-Borealis' or 'Kat Sagittarii'
Ha ha! I have an eccentric nick name , but it fits me too well. I forgot to thank you for your post/essay , and the time and consideration in your replies. So thank you!
Thanks for the link, Robert duncan passed away last week, you can draw your own conclusions. .
Spend what time you have left in getting your soul prepared for a good death and a life everlasting with God. God does not want us to be fearful or anxious. This world is passing. Nothing but your soul lasts forever. Step away from the lies of the worldly.
The problem, ladies, is that you "know NOT the God who created you". You touch on the periphery, which is obvious by some of your statements, but then you say, "this is how I interpret" which is of no consequence. You choose to delve into a slew of "philosophers" and that may become your downfall. I pray that does not happen and that you see the Light for it is not a red/blue pill decision but a Light Pill/Dark Pill choice. You keep referencing human evolution, fear, confusion because, again, you know not. Evolution is a Satanic construct and essentially totally debunked by actual hard science (visit EvolutionNews.org). Confusion is not of the Lord but may be a result of demonic interference due to things you rely on for guidance. I noticed some statues behind Ora and one can scoff if they choose but beware for it is written " The wise will become as fools" and sometimes those things can become door ways for dark forces to enter through. Finally, you want to "chant a Mantra" to "be still" but God says chanting and repeating He doesn't listen to, simply say what it is you need and move on. If you have fear of what is now or what is to come, again, you Know Not The God Who Created you for fear is not of the Lord. "Fear not, and KNOW that I AM GOD!". Dark days are upon us and IF we are close to the End of Days, it will become much darker and much more difficult to see the Light. What is Prophesied will not be a picnic and all your survival preparations will vanish quickly. Many people know you have them and will come for them. Trust in the Lord.
Where to start! The Christian Gospel revelation as revealed by St Paul answers these deeper questions. Jesus says "Come to Me", that is the beginning of finding the answers to why we are here. It humbles our intellect. The deceptions of mysticism and trans humanism will take us away from God. God reveals His truth to those that seek Him.
It's the AI of things, the LEDGER of things, the smart-contract tokenization of things, the BIONT (Biological-Internet-of-Things). But it is an artificiality, an artifice. One might even say an archontic matrix, if one were so inclined. We can't allow it to define us, to steer us, to subsume us and what makes us human. So we won't.
The archons were spoken about by our ancestors but most of that knowledge was systematically eradicated. The keepers of the knowledge like the Cathars were all murdered. I’m reading a book right now called Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology and the Future of Belief by John Lash Lamb. He talks about the archons and the discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts in which they are mentioned. I have also listened to Max Spiers and he describes it as a vampiric like consciousness that has taken hold. Everything is inverted. This explains why so many things never made sense to me. I couldn’t understand the logic. They use humans as a source of energy. They are unable to create on their own. Hence, the child trafficking, sacrifices, fear based campaigns, etc. Stadiums, theaters etc. are located on ley lines in order to harness the energy. They are actually fearful of us which is why they want absolute control over every single one of us. If you are content with yourself there is no need to control others. We are more powerful than we’ve been told. If we want out of the matrix do not go along with what they want, do not fall for their tricks (e.g. division of people by war, race, religion, vaccination status).
J L Lash, yes, a fascinating bloke.
How do they harness our energy?fear?
Yes, that’s the way they prefer. Also once you are in a state of fear (fight or flight) they can really take control of you because you are not thinking clearly. You may like Max Spiers. He helped me to piece certain things together. He was murdered in 2016. Here is one of his last speaking engagements in Poland.
Murdered by the c.i.a.? Thanks for the reply.
I don’t know. He was British but he also worked for the US military and lived in the states for a while. He was coughing up a black goo like substance. Black goo is another rabbit hole. Supposedly the Falkland Islands War was fought over this sentient goo that was left behind by extraterrestrials. All the scientists that worked with it wound up dead.
I am familar with black goo, I am a targeted individual, the intelligence agencies worldwide hit us with direct energy weapons, c.i.a. funded, the programme is rampant in ireland, people are dying from cancers. Suscide. Targetedjustice.com, thank for your time, we fight the good fight.
Thanks Susan,
Sounds like a good start. Some may prefer Biblical scripture to calm 'fear'
The Bible (NKJV) has been proven accurate by secular folks trying to discredit it.
Names, dates, personage, tribes, locations-
-all accurate, its a great tool and resource...
The book that I mentioned contains some great scripture quotes helpful for calming fear.
The book on fear that I found very helpful was How to Handle your Emotions by June Hunt. It deals both with fear and with other problematic emotions.
Don't get turned off by the price of scarce used books. It's available on Kindle for a reasonable price.
Speaking of metaphysics ...
What we're facing is an emergent amalgam of many different aspects of what we might call "the technocratic realm." This isn't an arena of only a technocratic government, but of social, economic, financial, etc. upheavals that are based on the exponential expansion of technology and its intrusion into our lives.
It's highly likely-- without bringing God or Satan into it-- that at some point humanity would have to deal with the raw power and speed of technological advances, with the potential for good or evil. At this point the technocratic realm is aligned with many governing entities and offers those who work within it money, power, and status and it's understandable that many people would want these things. Many are involved in this exponential expansion of technology (innocently, for the most part.) However, technology unchained seeks to expand and intrude into our most personal lives and our own bodies partly because, like Mt Everest, they're there, and partly because that's where the bulk of money and power will come from: the ability to expand and intrude into our lives, including our commons.
The simple laws for the protection of life, liberty, and property would have to expand to apply to the subtle expansions and intrusions of technology. That's not what those who work within the technocratic realm would want, as it puts fences around the individuals they wish to access. But we need only imagine a world 100 years hence, unimaginable in its technological innovation, expansion and potential for abuse, to see our dilemma.
Rituals that do not give us the experience of reality are worthless. What we need are the most powerful TECHNIQUES to become healthy, clear-minded, fearless, super intuitive, awakened (enlightened), and heart-centered.
To me…I do not see that humanity is moving anywhere near to solving the problem we find ourselves in. I am looking for Jesus to literally come soon and take me to the home he that he is preparing for me. His Spirit lives in me, and he calms my fears. I know all is going as planned… it is like the Bible is coming alive before my eyes.I can rest in him.
Neville Goddard: "We are living in a dream world". and it is through our imaginal acts that we create this holographic reality experience.
Jason Breshears, one of the most impressive guys on actual data and proof that we are in a simulation, he calls it a simulacrum meaning we are in a reality that is a COPY of a real world.
Those that control the world, KNOW that it is through our imagination that we CREATE the world we live in. This is why they control our minds and direct our attention and inject their beLIEfs into our minds and influence our perception so that we CREATE their game plan.
We are beings of LIGHT. We are projectors of this light and our THOUGHTS are the creative influence, the energetic code, that is projected on to the SCREEN of life. We are in a holographic construct.
In ways we're in a holographic construct. More than that, we're in a emerging narrative/realty that we might call "the technocratic realm." Still, there are many potentials beyond the technocratic realm, and so there are potentials for making a world wherein individual self-determination and creativity are the driving forces, instead of authoritarian entities.
Dig deeper into the free associations in this discussion and you uncover some amazing connections. Simulation was the theory of French philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard. The publication of his text “Simulacra and Simulation” (French: Simulacres et Simulation) launched the postmodern movement in 1981 after a CIA backed group hosted the philosopher’s presentation of his ideas at a New City York conference. One of the Wachowski brothers, now sisters, was a student of postmodern theorist Bracha Ettinger whose “Theory of the Matrix” inspired the films.
Postmodernism is over, however, extended far beyond its natural death into post-postmodernism characterized by Woke as a retreat from bearing the tension of the opposites to birth New Earth. There is indeed a cosmic pattern at work delivering humanity into the Age of Aquarius!
Great comment, and because I can sometimes (always) be goofy, and you're quite obviously brilliant, I spent a minute trying to analyze why you mighta written out NYC, my childhood neck of the woods, as "New City York". You're hip enough to make me think I should follow suit.
Well thanx Fred! I find goofy, even as a word … beyond hip! I was an art critic out of NYC (under my real name) but fled for Berlin — I got my PhD at European Graduate School in the Swiss Alps where the theorists mentioned above were professors (Sylvère Lotringer, who published Simulacra and Simulation, gave me an enigmatic smile when I asked him if the CIA ever came knocking on his door). Now I am living on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Speaking of hip — it is a hippie paradise! You are keyed in … So THIS is how you follow suit. Forget New York.
Check out my Substack where I interpret the fall of western civilization through astrology
San marcos/ San Pedro , Panaschel e.c t., magical, your ✍️ are above my pay grade but I am working on it,.
Fascinating. The Wachowski Brothers, that’s a rabbit hole!
Yes, an unexplored one as Bracha is the lone postmodern theorist who acknowledges the crucial role of the feminine in theory. The shifting of gender by the brothers fascinated me regarding my theory of the HIEROS GAMOS long before the transgender movement. Clearly both the transgender and transhuman movements are engineered to continue to repress the feminine … and this is why they will fail.
FYI -- https://open.substack.com/pub/activemeasures/p/ukraine-nazi-leader-assassinated?r=byea&utm_medium=ios
Yes, imagine everything can be much, much better!
Don't worry about a Higher Presence! We are able to create our realities and it's time to let go of the Darkness, kick it out. Choose Light, choose Love, appreciate Life and the spirit of Hope. Help one another, enjoy each other.
Who's in control? AI and AI is at war against, programed to, take over, minds, life itself and God no less.
Regardless, of the appearance to man, God remains sovereign over AI. If right minded, what we are calling AI is not that formidable.
Where God is not accessible, I did not say not present, is where there is condemnation and judgement of his Son, that being all of humanity. God is Love and Love is unconditional by its very nature.
It may be surprising to learn that God is accessible and present everywhere. Even if every mouth was silent and the Bible was hidden from man, all of nature would testify to God. God is ubiquitous or omnipresent. Also you are referring to agape love which is God unconditional love. There are three other loves: eros, storge, and philia. Collectively, they are the four loves.
We are in the Crisis of Progressivism. Their goal is to disrupt American society to transform America to a socialist state. Amidst this crisis many things are happening.
First, there is a transition away from the Judeo-Christian ethic to a secular-humanist ethic. In doing so this is reflective of ancient Israel's turning away from Yahweh to Baal. There is a reversal of morals, values, and rights. We are literally, observing our leadership reflect the leadership in Ancient Israel. Bill Clinton is King Ahab and Hillary is Jezebel. Not in some vague likeness but a match in actions, timing, sequencing, and kind of events. Not only to the day but to the near exact moment. Obama matches King Jehoram. Trump matches King Jehu. So there is historical precedence and a repeat of history unknowingly by these people. We see the Providential Hand of God in Trumps life overcoming all these bizarre obstacles and attacks thrown at him. Trump is predestined to do something big and God's work is not done in America.
Second, the Political Leadership from the Left is reflective of the Sadducees all too closely. We have authority figures without competent authority but put on a good show acting with all the pseudo-authority they project. Currently, we are seeing leadership by proxy. Aside from the analogies that 'Biden at the White house' is like a 'Weekend at Bernie's,' Biden is sort of like Jeff Dunham's Ventriloquist doll 'Walter'. We just do not know whose hand is up him controlling the Presidency. It most likely is a cadre of power hungry actors getting the dibs in. On top of this, they use process obfuscation to avoid accountability. Ever notice that when all politicians publicly speak, they do so in front of the Maritime Flag and not a Constitutional Flag. They are not beholden to the Constitutional Law because they under Maritime Law. So they can say and do stupid without consequences to themselves.
Third, the Political left is disturbed according to Dr. Rossiter.
"The faulty conceptions that lie behind these passions cannot be viewed as mere cognitive slippage. The degree of modern liberalism’s irrationality far exceeds any misunderstandings that can be attributed to faulty fact-gathering or logical error. Indeed, under careful scrutiny, liberalism’s distortions of the normal ability to reason can only be understood as a product of psychopathy. So extravagant are the patterns of thinking, emoting, bagging, and relating that characterize the liberal mind that its relentless protests and demands become understandable only as disorders of the psyche. The modern liberal mind, its distorted perceptions, and its destructive agenda are the product of disturbed personalities (Rossiter, 2006, p 330)."
As far as other worldly or simulation of reality, that is a very secular belief that has been around around for many years. Solipsism has been a popular theory but fails when a believer in this steps in front of a bus. As for the Matrix, the Wachowskis are denying Judaism and Christianity offering an alternate explanation. However, the Wachowskis are leveraging a combination of theories to include Quantum Computing and M-Theory or the Multi-verse Theory. Yes, the physical universe, human reality, is the outcome of a quantum computer in which the output and processor are indistinguishable. Our embodiments are, in fact, the output of biological processing. Everything is information based. That said, the Judeo-Christian God spoke, communicated information, the universe into existence in the form of light. Matter and energy are interchangeable based on the law of conservation and the there is the wave-particle theory of light. In quantum computing light goes through a process of compactness forming a particle, the God Particle. From there in a algorithmic computational manner the inanimate universe is built. Life is the chicken and egg enigma. Abiogenesis theory has never had any substantive support. The alternative is supernatural action.
In the supernatural narrative of the Judeo-Christain worldview, sentient humans were created. Following a war in heaven, evil was trapped in the world. Adam and Eve became self-aware or knew good from evil. From this point forward in time, Individual spirits, souls, are breathed into embodiments as a test of loyalty they go through trials and tribulations of the world ruled by evil. Few realize this and accept God's invitation home. The remainder of humanity ends up before God in a final judgement against humankind.
Humans have an image of God and God is the Creator. Likewise, humans are creative and can take that to extremes becoming rebellious. The heighten awareness is being caused by dark principalities. Humans have free will and can choose their path and there is only two paths just like Adam and Eve had two paths. They choose the wrong one and affected all of humanity.
Humans choose their path to their reality. It is a dyadic struggle.
Rossiter, L. (2006) The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. Free World Books, IL
Fascinating analysis, thank you. I was seeing Bill and Melinda Gates as Ahab and Jezebel but I see why you say Bill and Hillary, more logical.
As regards Progressivism you might be interested in my analysis of the word 'progressive', I find the anagrams revealing. Having looked also at 'Progressivism', I find no improvement.
Bill and Melinda Gates are eugenicists using their NGOs to charade their bizarre agenda. Melinda Gates is actively working to restate eugenics in more pleasant terms but it still remains the same old thing - racist. Jezebel became a demon that operates to this day. Most secular people may know Jezebel as a narcissist. More specifically, a Mayberry Machiavellian or someone who is your best friend smiling at you as they stabbed you in the back. It is possible that Melinda Gates is such a person having Jezebel's spirit in her. Jezebel rules through powerful men and destroys the male when they are no longer useful to her.
If you are subordinate to a Jezebel, run away like a bat out of hell. If you are a peer to a Jezebel, life will be miserable and it is better to run away. If the Jezebel is subordinate to you, maneuver away from her if possible, keep your distance, and watch your back. She will use everything at her disposal to take you down which usually involve sexual misconduct allegations whether or not true. Usually not true.
Couldn’t Joe and Jill Biden be Ahab and Jezebel? I always thought Hillary was the Whore of Babylon, and while I’m on an apocalyptic bent I think Obama is the antichrist. I’ve thought that from the moment he appeared on the national political stage back in 2004 and I still think it today.
When you look at the careers, timing, events, crisis, issues, and other substantive details of Ancient Israel and the era beginning with the Clinton's, there is a hauntingly perfect repeat of history that goes right up to the current day. Hillary's career and exit from public life is as Jezebel were here today. The same is true of Obama and King Jehoram or Trump and King Jehu. These modern day folks are acting out historical events in modern times without a clue as to what is happening.
In death, Jezebel became a demon and it is possible that Jill Biden has invited Jezebel into herself. She may be leading as Jezebel did through King Ahab and men of her day. Jill Biden seems preoccupied with her status and demands to be called doctor when protocol does not afford her that title. It is almost to the point that she is supporting Joe like A Weekend at Bernie's. Joe has fostered ethics and morals that are contrary to the status quo. So I would argue that Baal is certainly at work.
The person of the anti-Christ is not known until after the Body of Christ is removed from the world in the premillennial dispensational lens of scripture. The constructs for the anti-Christ reign have not fully developed. The Jerusalem Temple has to be rebuilt on the same spot it once stood. This signals the removal of the Body of Christ sometime thereafter. There also has to be ten regional centers of economic influence whose leaders appoint the anti-Christ to power. So far only five have emerged. We have a ways to go before any apocalyptic events occur. Prophecy is pattern. We must look for the patterns to emerge. All ten strategic trends of the end times are in play and have been since 1900.
Not seven as in the G7? (actually 8 but the EU is not technically counted) Do you think the New Babylon is the United States?
The Bible speaks of a seven headed (the seven continents) red dragon (Satan) with ten horns (ten horns are the economic centers of influence), Revelation 12:3. The heads are crowned and the horns are adorned with jewels and purple meaning wealth.
There are three theories on New Babylon. Babylon is:
* The original Babylon restored which gained popularity when Sadam Hussein unearthed the ruins that were 200 feet below the surface. Hussein rebuilt Babylon putting his name on every brick and fashion himself (surgically altered his appearance) to look like Nebuchadnezzar.
* A fictional allegory for the world or a place in the world. This is not well supported.
* A place that becomes the city of the devil as in ancient history. This is the interpretation the Muslims use when calling the US the Great Satan. The Bible describes New Babylon as being far away from the Middle East, sends its emissaries by sea, has great wealth, foolish entertainment, perverts the world, and when destroyed in one hour burns as the merchants sit off her shores, Revelation 17 and 18. Follow the cross references to Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel for further clarification. Many people think this sounds like the US.
If the region where the US is located becomes New Babylon, most likely the US government will no longer exist. It will be something else. We see today that the Progressive and liberal factions are acting to transform the US to a socialist state. We have leaders who are deliberately reversing rights and morals. The American population has become highly secular and no longer holds Judeo-Christian values. US churches are embattled as people are allowing membership to be openly rebellious against God. While NAFTA is defunct, its replacement USMCA is another regional center of influence. The regional superhighway is under construction and there is a blending of medical systems (Obamacare was an attempt to regionalize the healthcare), social security systems, militaries, and much more ongoing. In time, the borders will dissolve and a regional leader will be appointed. When the regional authority takes over, nationalism will end. This is the final stage as the world transitioned from a theological pride to a secular nationalistic pride and will become an economic pride in the near future.
This makes perfect sense to me. We didn’t invent computers, they are integral to universal laws. Like fractals. God exists and it’s his universe. 3-d printing anyone?
You got the idea! However, reality is more than 3D printing because in quantum computing the processor and output are the same thing. Whereas in 3D printing the printer is separated from what it produces. It is difficult to understand quantum computing because everything in quantum realm denies our common sense. Entanglement has particles separated by billions of light years immediately reflecting each others movement. Gravity acts instantaneously, faster than the speed of light. A digital one and zero can exists simultaneously. It is really weird in the quantum realm.
We do not understand all the quantum processes yet but we do know that the process coming out of the Quantum realm is computational and particles assemble algorithmically.
So this gets into the interesting idea that we're entering into a technocratic realm, which is the concrescence ("becoming real") of ever-expanding technological potentials.
Unfortunately as technology advances our political understanding lags behind. Laws should be to protect life, liberty, and property, and instead they're being expanded and used to support the emerging technocratic realm, wherein so many technological powers will become manifest. It's natural and inevitable that humanity would have to come to grips with the awesome powers of many facets of technologies and the abuse of those powers to attack or subvert the life, liberty, and property of the common people. We're there, and technology isn't slowing down for us.
We are currently in the Age of the Hybrid when there is a blending of domains. ie Physical and virtual reality, electronic and biological computing, and many other domains will blend. It will become increasingly more difficult to discern between what is real and what is virtual. We are also on the cusp of the Singularity when machine computational capability out performs human computational capabilities.
However, humans have character qualities that AI is not capable of fully achieving but may approximate. Humans have wisdom, creativity, beauty, intuition, surprise, and other like qualities. Surprise, intuition, and creativity are perhaps the most curious qualities to humans that machines cannot synthesize. Although futurists like Kurzwiel predict spiritual machines. These machines most likely will not be electronic but instead biological computational devices.
Common people can compete it they develop the skills to properly discern information.
We have to decide what we want. Do we want a world of surveillance, of censorship, of medical mandates (so that we'll be obliged to accept their technology and hacking)? Or a world wherein technology is off-limits to impact the liberty and property of people? The idea of "liberty" has to expand to include freedom from intrusion or surveillance, and the idea of "property" has to expand to include our bodies, our thoughts, our feelings. Technology with expand into these if we allow it. Individual self-determination has to be preserved as an inalienable right based on the natural human propensity to create our own lives and personally own them.
The timeless Right is to be secure in your person. Regardless of the technology, circumstances, conditions, etc... you have the Right to be secure in your person. Any mandate that seeks to stab, jab, poke, or prod a person without informed consent is called assault. When governments or organizations do this to a large population it is called a crime against humanity. This timeless Right to be secure in one's person is also the Right to privacy. We also have the Right to express ourselves. We have a Right to tools of the trade, and material effects. There is a Right to a secure home, family and marriage. All these are natural Rights.
Governments are instituted to protect and guarantee natural Rights. They are not to invent or prevent Rights. When preventing Rights they become tyranny. When they invent Rights then they overstep their charter.
We are currently faced with the challenge of a reversal of the Right. Natural Rights as known by the Forefathers protected society from the individual. For example, The Right to Life has a duty not to kill and the responsibility to uphold the sanctity of life. In this way, everyone is alive and society is prospering. Unfortunately, the contemporary thinking is the Right to Kill. The Duty is to select the form of killing; euthanasia, assisted suicide, or abortion. The responsibility is selfish to oneself. Society has no say in the matter as the individual is protected. This reversal is perfectly in line with the ancient Phoenician God Baal
Potentiality becomes reality? Some of my family are super smart. I missed the boat. More of an artist.
Salvador Dali denies that his melted clocks in the Persistence of Memory painting are a representation of Einstein's space-time continuum despite doing that well, perhaps you could paint a transitional painting from the God-particle to the universe. BUT you need an eccentric artist name other than Kathryn. How about 'K-Pax' or 'K-Borealis' or 'Kat Sagittarii'
Ha ha! I have an eccentric nick name , but it fits me too well. I forgot to thank you for your post/essay , and the time and consideration in your replies. So thank you!
No problem. I enjoy a good conversation.