Thanks everyone. D p.s. warm wishes on Valentine's Day.

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Dear Naomi,

It saddened me greatly to hear you,right out of the gates cast suspicions in the minds of the listeners that back door access to Dominion's software product could be utilized by Russia or Serbia (two countries that have had(having) their people killed by NATO) . What would their aim be? To ensure that Biden continues killing Slavic people? The implications must therefore be that they would 'Fake' a Trump win.

At least 11 blue states send out Presidential election ballots to ALL drivers licence holders. This included legal residents of these states that are not citizens. The number in 2016 was approximately 2,300,000 people that would have received Presidential voting ballots in the mail. I have not checked what that figure might be today. It may well not only apply to blue states. A valid driver's license is therefore a valid ID but not valid proof of citizenship.

We leave you in the light of the one infinite creator.

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Dear Dr. Wolf,

I've been doing a deep dive for four years into exactly what is happening to people right now. Please read to the end. This is important.

What I think I understand now is that it is not the human itself that breaks down the food we eat, but rather the symbiotes that colonize within our digestive system. They start to colonize from infancy. All living organisms on the planet utilize symbiosis for survival. There are three types of symbiotic relationships; mutualistic, communalistic and parasitic. A healthy digestive flora is filled with mutualistic and communalistic symbiotes that keep all our systems functioning in a healthy state. They are able to break down complex molecules and send signals to many different systems within the body: endocrine, hormonal and immune to name a few. When that healthy flora colony becomes damaged it allows opportunistic parasites to move in and flourish. ●The parasite itself changes the state of the body to a hypoxic state and changes the metabolic pathways towards glycolitic.● Both of these adjustments benefit the parasite and drive the host to crave simple sugars, which are easily digestible by the parasites. The parasites flourish under these conditions. This creates many disease states. Parasitic infections also increase IgG4 levels.

(Maybe the increasing injections destroyed the good symbiotes, we know it completely wiped out bifidobacterium. Do the parasites induce elevated IgG4 to escape immune destruction? Is it the spike the IgG4 is tolerating, or the parasites?)

The facts I listed above are currently indisputable and backed by scientific understanding and observation.





^^^"IgG4 antibodies inhibit clearance of tumor cells or the invader, respectively, in melanoma or helminthic infections."

I think we should start testing the digestive flora of the people suffering current disease states for parasites. Long covid, hiv, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Autism, chronic fatigue, lupus. All these disease states have two things in common; hypoxia and a glycolitic metabolic pathway. Both of these states are induced by parasites to benefit themselves to the detriment of the host.

The human being is a walking, talking terrarium. We cannot see the terrarium, so we are not aware when it becomes damaged and attribute parasitical disease states to other causes. I believe it is why fasting works. It's why the carnivore diet works. It's why the keto diet works. These interventions starve the parasites of the simple sugars they need to stay alive.

I think the goal of treatment protocols should be to restore the digestive environment to one that is beneficial to colonization of mutualistic and communalistic symbiotes and not to parasites.

Anything ultra processed will feed the parasites. Anything as close to natural as it comes will feed the mutualistic and communalistic symbiotes. I think there must be a variety of food stuffs full of living organisms, though. I don't think the fasting, carnivore or keto diets have it completely correct.

Perhaps a treatment with anti-parasitics. (Perhaps that is why Ivermectin works so well for so many disease states.) Followed by a diet plan that includes living fruits, vegetables, herbs and botanicals; fresh meats and dairy; and aged/fermented foods to establish a healthy digestive flora. These foods are full of living organisms that are beneficial in establishing a colony of healthy symbiotes in the digestive system.

I think this is the way.

"Every person is a collective, a vast and complex gathering of interdependent life. Any description of ‘human’ must acknowledge these intimate strangers. Our bond with microbes is such that they are not so much riders, parasites, and assistants as part human. And we, it’s becoming increasingly clear, may need to begin thinking of ourselves as part microbe."

~Guy P. Harrison

Thank you for your time and consideration. And for all you do to move the scientific debate forward. If you would like to discuss any of this further, don't hesitate to reach out.


Angela Rhoten

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Love love love this!

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Excellent…. :) We were trying to get this (paper ballots) done when we lived in Michigan about 30 years ago, but the U. S. Taxpayers Party (now the Constitution Party) was small and didn’t get much attention. It sounds great. I just sent the information to my state representative here in New Hampshire. I am nearly positive she will take this up or join in.

Now we will get to see who exactly it is that doesn’t want transparent elections.

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Paper Ballots and Same-Day voting Voter ID all these are set to assure a clean and fair election.

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We should be specific in our terminology. Machines is a much too broad concept. It must be narrowed down to for example computer technology, software, algorithms...

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I’ve forwarded this & your “At Last” stack to the county Republican Party where I live & they are enthusiastic & plan to discuss this @ the next officers meeting.

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A bill like that would scare the Democrats worse than a 10 foot alien...

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“ONE DIGITAL ID TO RULE US ALL” – RACING TOWARDS THE BIBLE PROPHESIED MARK OF THE BEAST", To read more, pls visit 👇 https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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I sent this to Senator Campbell and Representative Isaac from the reddest county in Texas!

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Bless you, neighbor.

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Naomi, Last week, spoke to Phill on John Frederick's Radio Show about the voter roles. My question: My son had not been living with us for 12 years, in VA, how was he still on the rolls. When I inquired with our city elections office, learned he has to request his removal. Formally. Phill told me about your effort. Kudos. Don't we all want free and fair elections? After watching the documentary Let My People Go, reading Rasmussen poll of the elite, I am not sure.

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There are plenty on both sides of the “political divide” (e.g. Uniparty) that do NOT want free & fair elections, term limits or having to abide by the same rules they pass for we masses of the great unwashed. Hadn’t that been obvious for decades?

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Google will manipulate the perceptions of 50 million voters in the next election. The fraud machine with its many parts will deliver the win the swamp wants. No meaningful change has happened to fix the massively fraudulent election system. Even with paper ballots ideologically possessed and bribed people run the elections. It is a mess, no easy fix.

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F.Y.I check out Man in America Podcast interview with Dr.Robert Epstein. Eye opening. They have the proof.

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This is fantastic, and hopefully you can ignore some of the naysayers in comments saying it won't help. The rules outlined here will make it harder to cheat, and easier to spot those who do. 2020 was the opposite, and we'll still be paying for it years after Biden's left office.

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One more thing. If the individual in the State with the authority to certify elections is corrupt, nothing anyone does to try to prevent illegal voting matters.

We know there are many state workers who are corrupt as their bosses are also corrupt. If you have a corrupt governor and corrupt election certifier, do you think elections will be valid?

I believe we need more than one person in the state to certify elections. We need at least three and hope that one of them at least isn't corrupt

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No transporting ballots period. When the person comes in to vote, he/she is given a ballot. No mailing ballots to anyone. No handling of ballots by the USPS.

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