more horror, more confusion, part of the dark depopulation playbook

Refusing to allow the state to inject us with synthetically engineered MRna experimental gene therapies was a no-brainer for some of us.

Under public attack from mainstream media as unvaxxed menaces to society, we at once immersed ourselves in understanding the complex strategic weave of the new global totalitarian monster that was beginning to take shape.

After learning much from our tireless online colleagues we are now ready to accelerate the growth in public opposition to this new beast.

The road ahead is clear.

Too much coverage on too many fronts, is now proving to be counterproductive to our mission. It should be noted that our vulnerable global population have no capacity to take on any more " fear" at this time.

Five important alternative media focal points below are not only too difficult for your average citizen to understand, but all these roads lead to Dystopia , which is psychologically terrifying to most. No one wants more fear in their life. No one wants the anxiety and therefore no one wants to listen to what we are saying.

1. Grim medical riesearch discoveries by our top professionals - on the impacts of synthetic MRna.

ie... Dr's Meryl Nass, Hooker, McCullough, Malone, Cole ...et al

2. The WHO's formal takeover of our sovereignty in May 2024

3. Devastating increases in "all cause mortality"

4. The Prep Act, Barda and the insidious nature of the contractual structure of DoD countermeasure policies

5. Wuhan virus origins and gain of function research.

But what is understandable to all and carries no fear to the individual pysche is the "War on Ivermectin" story. It is all the public needs to know.

As Bobby Kennedy Jr. has voiced many times, "a federal law that very few know about states: In order to initiate 'Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) ' there cannot be a drug or prophylactic that demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of covid 19."

Not only cheap in cost, Iverectin stood in the way of EUA and had to be banned in spite of its global successes as a prophylactic against viral and parasitic attack.

Had Ivermectin been available:

there would have been little MRna take up.

Vaccine passport rollout would not have been accomplished,

personal rights and liberties would not have been trampled,

incalculable harm and sorrow would have been averted,

depopulational tactics would not have succeeded and

equity market participants would not have been enriched

All so easy for the masses to understand without generating fear, and once understood the dominos begin to fall

Expect WHO to have little hope of survival

UN close behind

Demand elimination of Ivermectin ban and force over-the-counter availability.

Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

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Dr Wolf,

Please do elucidate the point you mention about historical reasons why Jewish Americans vote so overwhelmingly Democratic. This is a matter that is befuddling to many conservatives, like me, who see the Republican party as the stalwart defender of both Israel and Zionism.

I, for one, welcome a better understanding of what it will take, short of even clearer existential threats to Israel, for American Jewish voters to embrace political candidates that actually align with their views. Every Jewish person I know, when pressed, says that the clear/singular litmus test issue for any ethnic or religious Jew is unequivocal support for Israel's right to peacefully exist, yet the portfolio of issues that ultimately drive their voting behavior would seem to belie that sentiment.

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Naomi, people like you and Charles Eisenstein are the beams of hope in the growing darkness.

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Just saw your speech posted on lewrockwell. You mentioned the interview with Lew "from your twenties" -- i remember both of them, 2008 and 2010, as i was in law school when i ran across a speech you did promoting the ten steps book and then heard you on lrc. Publicize those interviews as models of persons listening to one another, at first remaining polite if only to keep the conversation academic, but then actually considering what you're discussing. As you say in the other speech, that was rare for when you were on the left and it is rare all around for everyone these days.

Lew's podcast links are broken, but the interviews are still there. Here are the landing pages:



And here are the links to the actual interviews:



Thank you!

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Naomi - The Israeli/Palestine conflict is being used not only as a means to promote a new world war (in which those involved in weapons manufacturing greatly benefit from) but to inspire a divide amongst disparate groups that had come together to defy the current Woke Authoritarian Left movement that is promoting various ideologies designed to undermine a society. I see it happening in real time as those who use to find common go-round are now being divided as they pick a side in this fight deciding that their side is the underdog and the other is the villain when in fact the conflict is not that simple. All are conflating the Palestinian peoples with Hamas just as the media here in America has been conflating things for decades to promote its agenda.

America must help Israel drive out the Hamas terrorist organization in full and then see how things play out between the people of Palestine and Israel. In the past Israel has tried at least 3 times to offer Palestine a state of it's own and each time it has been HAMAS that has stood in the way and the Left leaning controlled media refuses to acknowledge this fact choosing to conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people who are at the mercy of those terrorists. I believe that a HAMAS free Palestine will choose differently should Israel make an attempt again to offer them a state of their own.

What's most important of all is to not allow these forces that have been behind the infection of America with what we commonly refer to as woke ideology to use the conflict there to divide us here!

God Bless!

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So sad to see anti-semitism is alive and well and growing just as God said it would in the Bible. One day you demonic haters will see the Truth and you will not like what you are left to endure. You are just brainless pawns being used in a global chess game that you obviously know nothing about. When these game players no longer need you, be prepared for the onslaught that will arrive on your doorstep. It is coming. It will come for you. It will be too late for you to claim "but you told me......." They will laugh and throw you into the fiery torment that lies behind them and will walk away. That I promise you.

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Hatred of any ethnicity will always exist because humans are human.

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Thank you! I have published some pieces now, but hardly done any promotion. You are my first comment.

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Dear Naomi. As I see it, the information you hear in the US is limited. I have just published a piece, https://susannelindberg.substack.com/p/scene-iii-israel-vs-palestine . It's for sure time to look at the letter by Albert Pike. It does give everything a very different perspective, as I do try with my piece. Maybe you will like. It's in need of more comments that will come soon. Love Susanne

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Thank you for compiling all this information. Some of this I already knew but there’s also a lot in here I didn’t know. I’m still going through it all. When I see all the people protesting with anger and hatred I know we are all being played. It’s what they want. They can’t maintain control if we are all united. Plus they feed off of the negative energy/low vibrational state. They are very skilled in mind manipulation and they play both sides. This is why it can get confusing and as a general rule I don’t trust any of them. “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." —Vladimir Lenin

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You los me Naomi.... now I see you real colors. Not a word about the terror resigned on the Palestinians for 70 plus years, not a word.

Your attitude and that of some many that align themselves with that mindset are a blight on the entire world.

I will begin to believe that there is indeed a God in heaven when he somehow saves the world from the perpetual "victims". There fingers are everywhere where there is criminality, conflict, and chaos. What is the worth of your seeming intelligence when you are unable to get it? You are a failure, I will never respect you again. Go live in Patagonia where your tribe is terrorizing there in preparation for their next home. This unbelievable theater of bloodletting that your people so happily celebrate in has hopefully iniciated the final stage in the world's disgust for this overindulged little terrorist state. Good riddance.

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Seleukas - you are trying to simplify a complex situation. The enemy here isn't Israel nor is it Palestine. HAMAS is the enemy of both. Israel has tired at least 3 times to offer Palestine a state of it's own and each time HAMA's has stood in teh way. Now you can try to claim no such offers were ever made or claim they were too little but what can't be denied is HAMA's reasoning for declining for they openly say why they have denied it each time and that is because they refuse to allow the Jews to have a state of their own and they plan to kill every Jew in the name of Allah. Sooo, tell us again how it is Israel that is the terrorist's Surely you have an example of Israel claiming it will not stop until all Muslims have been killed in teh name of Yahweh.

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What a truly vile and demonic human thing you are.

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I get your frustration but harsh and demeaning language towards someone like this won't help to change their minds and winning minds is more important then calling them names.

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Heres my problem with Naomi....

("In the heightened bloodlust after 9/11, for instance, which was a genuine tragedy, we were so inflamed that we invade").....

Well its been 22 years and you still don't know that was by design? She doesn't know or realize that the 9/11 wars were orchestrated by her precious fellow American Jews all for her beloved israel. We Americans are on the Paul Wolfowitz foreign policy plan, nothings change, hello. Failure after failure but nothing chaged - because thats what Jewish Supremacy wants.

She doesn't get or hides it well or like many, just fails to see that Jewish Supremacy reigns Supreme in America and especially in Washington. It is Jewish Supremacy thats behind the creation of the fictional nonexistent "evil" called Whyte Supreeemactis Raycissst. Hell the FBI has to invent Patriot Front wholecloth to make it appear as though there really is such a boogieman for real. Joe Rogan called them out as feds, couldnt Naomi?

Hows your eyes Naomi? And if your eyes are sharp enough to see that, then why cant you see it with fake "Hamas"??? Hamas is as fake as Patriot Front. They are both so well dressed from head to toe and make scary marches with their faces all covered. (They both COULD BE easily machined gunned down at these very public marches, but that never happens does it. Strange?)

This is because, just like Antifa and BLM, top Jews WANT IT THAT WAY. Remove the scales from thy eyes.

And YES it serves a purpose, a very important purpose. It provides cover for the evil things the State wants to do.

As Kanye discovered, it wasnt Whyte Supreeemactis making him lose billions, it was Jews.

As Naomi and the rest of us will discover the second CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency comes out, WE WILL ALL BE Palestinians living in an Open Air Prison or "15 minute city" -Oh joy joy- and like Palestinians we cannot leave without special permission. OBEY or water, electricity and food can and will be turned off at a whim. Our calories and "carbon credits" will be counted. The WHO will order new RNA vaccines and you won't ask what is in it because you know you must have your Digital money to enter the store. We will be Palestinians in lock down. We will be drugged and managed cattle. We will ALL be Palestinians. Yes even Jewish ones too, for while "All Jews are Special", like Animal Farm, " Some Jews are more special than others". Oh joy joy.

And you will remember the day that Palestinians APPEARANTLY tried to breakout but didnt even know the jail break was on. Oh you won't mention it, but youl'll dream about it for yourself. Youll commit "wrongthink", and then frown at the old word for wrongthink, "antisemitism".

You might if you're honest ask yourself why you were on the side of the Israelis anyway, dont you hate ghettos? Dont you love to tell about how many programs you suffered? Since its founding, how do you not see Israel doing the same thing to the Palestinians - programs and ghettos?

...... Oh yes, the Holocaust Mind control. That mythical 6 million that you never questioned. It was right there in the nations nation newspapers for 20 years predicted 6 million jews dying, when WW2 rolled around the expectations were set, and it fit the Rabbis. That mythical 6 always had you in a state of worry for YOUR extermination and yet the fact is, you cheered the extermination of Palestinians.

So much for "Never Again". So much for learning the lessons of the Holocaust.

Meanwhile the real WW2 Holocaust was the Alied bombing of Dresden and 8 other cities. No wonder why Eisenhower and others redily focused of those evil Germans and starving Jews.

These allied bombings fried people into a crispy whole right where there stood, burned whole, ie Holocausted them.

But the Prison camps were far away, safe from that real Holocaust. What the prison camps got was starvation and lice and a number tattooed permanently.... hey not too much different from the permanent number we will all receive under Central Bank Digital Currency (hint: just some evil Jews behind it trying to do what Caesar, Stalin and Napoleon couldn't do--- rule the entire world.

Naomi please be a "Not All Jew" and we will all together try to avoid the fate of the future fate of the Palestinians.

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Also you cannot believe all what you see in a screen, not anymore with AI all over, babies and children are appealing to sentiment and feelings and indignation, but after the pandemic with all those fake bags with corpses who then get up and walk after the filming was over we should not relay in anything that is present to us but be very aware and watchful!

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Israel has the security of an iron wall, nothing pass by their skies or any place ( yes I’m being there) without the Israelis knowing it, so all these Hamas being over on the highs and producing all this turmoil seems very suspicious to say the less, the timing is weird too considering that you listen to the miseles going down each day to keep Hamas and alike groups on check. I just wonder and I’m cautious I’m not supporting anybody I only support peace but this is too convenient, why now is the question and what the powers want to achieve?

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After reading hundreds of comments I recalled what I said to myself and a few friends when the jab was unleashed on the Israelis a few years ago: "The Jews are doing to themselves what Hitler could not." I was astounded, as it made zero sense. Some of the comments here make sense of this piece of insanity.

I am doubly saddened for the Israeli people.

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Same here.

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Glad you mentioned that, Doug. I'm partly Jewish and have read every book on the Holocaust. For me, there was never any doubt that Israel was in the right. However, the way they "dealt" with the Covid scam was a massive eye-opener for me. It made me realise that the modern state of Israel is just another nasty secular nation and one that has no connection with its traditional Hebrew roots. I still belief the Jews needs a homeland, and accept that there are still many people who want them all dead, but for me, their leadership is just as bad as any other Western government.

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Wasn't that just disgusting? Hearing how they pushed that on their own people made me want to shout "didn't you people learn anything?!" So many people allowed an untested (that is now an established fact) and unknown substances to be shot into their bodies without knowing any of the side effects or long term consequences because they blindly followed the demonic pied piper over the cliff. I was truly astounded that Israel has the highest rate of jabs.

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Yes I was astounded myself at the time but now I believe that the people really running things in this world are only hiding behind religions like Judaism and Christianity. They worship Lucifer. You can tell by the symbolism and the information that has gotten out through the years about things like 33rd degree freemasonry. Look at the occult ceremonies they put on like the tunnel opening at CERN, the 2022 Commonwealth Games or look at the Vatican auditorium hall (it’s a serpent). These are only a few examples. There are many.

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You nailed it Maureen. I think that is why God said there would be a remnant in the last days. So many people are living under delusion and hate that they can't see the facts right in front of their faces and that includes so called "Jews" and "Christians."

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Thanks. Not that long ago I would have thought I was crazy but what’s crazy is the amount of evidence you can find to support this. It also makes sense as to what we’re witnessing in the world. I just pray more people wake up.

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A very informative article, thank you! It is just a matter of time before America will be attacked from within by the terrorists Biden and Mayorka have allowed to cross our southern border. One difference though is that Americans are armed, not defenseless like the Israelis who were depending on their government and police to protect them.

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This goes WAY BACK before our current administration. The Refugee Act of 1980 really started the inflow of terrorists into this country (and no, I do not believe they are loving and peaceful and these are just "radical" muslims.) We got Omar from that Act and the other terrorists in our government. The Socialists began a plan in the early 1910's to destroy the US from within: attack the family, indoctrinate the children, destroy the American Church and infilitrate our government and institutions. I will give them credit for one thing. They made a plan and played the long game. Slithering their way into our culture and country while people sat blindly by. Why do you think the Republicans have never accomplished one thing? What have they done since January except talk? NOTHING.

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The goyim are increasingly getting educated on the terrorist founding of Israel described as the Nakba by the victims of the Communist Jews were murdered both Christian and Muslim Palestinians to settle the God forsaken land. Ashkenazi Jews don't have any more right to be in the Holy Land than the people of India who converted to the Cherokee religion have a right to kick people off of formerly Cherokee land through terrorism and set up camp and expand the camp. Israel project needs to be utterly abandoned and the Ashkenazi converts to the false religion of Talmudism need to admit they were sold a lie. They are not God's chosen people. Their Messiah already came and his name is Jesus. Further that God already fulfilled all of his promises to ancient Israel as told explicitly by Joshua when they conquered the land. Talmudism is a hellish religion surpassed on by the Talmudists who also adhere to the occult Kabbala.

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An ancient message of wisdom:

"Hatred destroys the vessel more than that on which it is poured."

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