Your essay really resonated with me--a left-wing person who has been relegated to shallow relationships by friends and family---the ones that haven't ditched me all together. My primary crime is objecting to gender identity ideology, though my narrative-challenging views on other issues are also involved. I've been struggling with the shunning, the silencing, and the disrespect.

If you or others reading this know of Greater Seattle area support groups and social networks for people who reject the "progressive" cancel culture mindset, please, let me know.

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I so enjoyed the # 2 that I searched for and read this too. I enjoyed the content and even more the style and graceful wording.

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Hey everyone writing about the Fires in Los Angeles:

These events should be examined and analyzed in the context of the global pattern of fires in places around the whole world in the last several years, including Australia, Northern California, (there is much more to that story to be revealed at some other time) Canada, Northern Texas, and recently in Maui, now Los Angeles. What is going on, believe it or not is setting up areas for the coming world Global A.I. Infrastructure build out around the whole world, for the future world to come that the Global elite and their minion global Corporations have decided on, and planned to bring to full fruition and materialization, for their “New World Order” which is really “the Plan for New Atlantis”, a one world Government run by Technocrats operating everything under a “Technocracy” system, Ruling the World by technology, which includes Trans-Humanism, merging man with technology, I could say much more, but I will write more in the near future; ( you may begin to comprehend what is behind it all when you investigate who ends up with all the land and property where all the homes and buildings burned down, at all these locations around the world, and who and what is behind them, IE Investigate )

Put succinctly, they need a lot of land around the world to set up the energy power grid, and the data processing and storage centers, to run the world global A.I. and Quantum computer centralized Government, and their great transition of human controlled governance, to mostly A.I. Quantum Computer controlled Global Government ! Having all the work carried out by A.I. robots and nano bots, is much easier and simpler for our Ruling Class “Superiors” who will not have to pay any employee wages, taxes, disability insurance, pension & retirement benefits, no need for insurance policy payouts to the humans anymore, paying for the medical treatments of their worker employees, because of course, nano bot robots, and quantum computers operating themselves after the smart learning general super intelligence is achieved, will not ever need any of those "human" "benefits" and "necessities" ( some say it is already done, and they can have the bots take over for the humans now, so that is what they are really up to doing at present with all these changes) Soon we can confidently say: “Welcome to the New World Order” or, You have now arrived in “New Atlantis” !’

Hey everyone writing about the Fires in Los Angeles:

These events should be examined and analyzed in the context of the global pattern of fires in places around the whole world in the last several years, including Australia, Northern California, (there is much more to that story to be revealed at some other time) Canada, Northern Texas, and recently in Maui, now Los Angeles. What is going on, believe it or not is setting up areas for the coming world Global A.I. Infrastructure build out around the whole world, for the future world to come that the Global elite and their minion global Corporations have decided on, and planned to bring to full fruition and materialization, for their “New World Order” which is really “the Plan for New Atlantis”, a one world Government run by Technocrats operating everything under a “Technocracy” system, Ruling the World by technology, which includes Trans-Humanism, merging man with technology, I could say much more, but I will write more in the near future; ( you may begin to comprehend what is behind it all when you investigate who ends up with all the land and property where all the homes and buildings burned down, at all these locations around the world, and who and what is behind them, IE Investigate )

Put succinctly, they need a lot of land around the world to set up the energy power grid, and the data processing and storage centers, to run the world global A.I. and Quantum computer centralized Government, and their great transition of human controlled governance, to mostly A.I. Quantum Computer controlled Global Government ! Having all the work carried out by A.I. robots and nano bots, is much easier and simpler for our Ruling Class “Superiors” who will not have to pay any employee wages, taxes, disability insurance, pension & retirement benefits, no need for insurance policy payouts to the humans anymore, paying for the medical treatments of their worker employees, because of course, nano bot robots, and quantum computers operating themselves after the smart learning general super intelligence is achieved ( some say it is already done and they can have the bots take over for the humans now, so that is what they are really up to doing at present with all these changes) Soon we can confidently say: “Welcome to the New World Order” or, You have now arrived in “New Atlantis” !

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We live among a cult who no longer speak but spout diatribes at imaginary foes.

I tried recently to converse with a Canadian who is a vehement supporter of their MAID program. When he finally spoke, it was an outburst against the "fundamentalist Christians" and their arguments (as he understood them). He would not engage with me -- who was right there -- and my arguments. It's akin to a disease, this sort of behavior. Maybe it should have a name...

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I know what you go through with your" loved ones." One of my "loved ones" left all my siblings lots of money on his death. Not me. Due to my politics, his lawyer told me. I haven't talked to my sister in years and am trying to reconcile with my brothers. The difference is I left the Dems during the Clinton years and I never looked back.

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The silences have been deafening this holiday season. For us, it seems that this Christmas was the moment that many of those who ostracized me and my family decided it was safe to pretend nothing had ever happened. We were invited to parties in the woke-beyond-belief professional theatre community of which we were once a part; I was re-included on an annual ex-friend's family newsletter; we were invited back to my wife's family Christmas party. We declined the theatre party invitation, as there had been years of silence from the host; I wrote back and asked my ex-friend to re-exclude me from his annual newsletter, as there had been years of silence from him. We did attend the family Christmas party, as it helped ease the fears of our elderly family members that their family had been forever damaged, and it was full of conversation (five years to catch up on!) and full of silence as everyone pretended we had just been busy the last five years, not excommunicated from our family.

No one on the other side who did damage is ready to break the silence that stems from refusal to acknowledge that damage they did by ostracizing others.

On the other hand, I did have one good silence-breaker with my oldest friend, who didn't do damage, but hid away during the worst times, quietly complying and waiting for it to all be over. I was able to describe my experience of those times to him, and he was able to listen and empathize. That was the best thing.

I just renewed my subscription, Dr. Wolf. I look forward to another year of your knowledge, your energy, your inspiration, and your wondrous, beautiful, perfect hair. And by hair, I also mean eyes and smile. I hope it's all right that a happily-married, middle-aged dude can nurse a schoolboy crush on one of the stars of Substack.

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I love reading your essays, Naomi. I do admire you greatly for your honesty and for speaking the truth in love even though your liberal relatives cannot appreciate your viewpoint. It felt very familiar to me to read about relatives who disapprove of our views. Covid brought some very sad divisions in families. My own sister viewed me as a virus and said I was not welcome in her home, that it was a "safe house" because I did not wear a mask and did not have a vaccine. I never got Covid. She was convinced it would kill her because she has Rheumatoid Arthritis so she alienated me and everyone but her son who lives with her because of her fear of death, thinking isolation and masks would keep her safe and protected. We were uninvited to dinner parties. We shared your book the Bodies of Others with a relative who realized how deceived she had been about the media lies and the shot. May God continue to reveal Himself to you more and more and may He bless you and lead and guide you into all truth and protect you from the evil one who seeks to destroy or corrupt every good gift that comes from God.

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Dear Naomi,

This is a very elegant, touching essay, bringing psychological acuity and local color to the reader; I appreciate how, at the end, you discuss how interpersonal relations and communications are more important than public policy and yet, ideological strictures on discussions of "out-there" policy stunt communication on a more friendly and familiar level. The cause of this is, I think, that many people have made an idol of "out-there," policy--it's all they believe in, all that they believe can affect the world for good. They also give it massive symbolic import (again, as a religious expression) so certain words and legal structures have to be in place to feel calm and for the good to be possible.

I too, am familiar with this vibe and milieu: extremely affluent folks in their 70s and older--who believe that, if you do well in school and aren't an abject drunk, you too ought to be able to buy a house such as they have and live very, very comfortably (those I know in these positions are all government employees [including the public school and university systems] lawyers, or accountants).

The saddest and most inhuman part of your essay is the blankness that greeted your reminder of the personal campaign to ruin your life. You simply do not count when it's against the "Cause" (again, like a religion). My own experience was in a very, very comfortable bungalow describing being groped in public, on my lunch hour, by a young man. I was very upset, but more angry at that point than crying, and my statement that the young twerp appeared to be from a nearby left-wing youth shelter, the woman's face--not especially sympathetic to begin with--froze. She said that those "youth" have a really tough time and that my anger and disapproval of them needs to soften to realize all of their problems...she had zero regard for my safety or having been violated. If I'd been crying, she might have comforted me, but my composure and anger made me a Bad Person is her eyes.

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women often defend men just out of habitual co-dependence. Identification with and defense of the offender/perpetrator gives victims the false sense of safety, especially in a family and/or group setting. This is a very large societal trained defect that kills women.

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DARVO. Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender.

She was doing a darvo number on you. Which is itself abusive manipulation.

So you were violated twice.

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Thanks for your work and writing and we wish you a healthy 2025 and have wished you the best during your health challenges.

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Thank you Naomi for your candid reflection on your time in Washington State and near Eugene OR. This year, for the first time, instead of having one combined late (November) birthday/early Christmas party where guests place an ornament on a Christmas tree, I had two parties. One was for my historic "norm" friends who run the spectrum from polite tolerance of my dissenting writings of the past four years, to those who I dare not mention it again after a first dust-up. Maybe I want some of these friendships to persist because of how they care for my 93-year-old mother, or some other longstanding connection beyond recent politics. But the conversations were contained (at least in my view) and waxed and waned between the splendid and surreal.

Then there was a second party. The guests that placed ornaments on my Christmas tree included the friend who lost her job as a teacher for inviting her grade six social studies class in the Vancouver suburbs to discuss the Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa. There was another friend who was suspended for eight months as a flight attendant for being unvaccinated. As well, my unvaccinated personal trainer, a couple who helped stage a weekly protest on Saturdays against the pandemic measures, and a local photographer who has chronicled some of the speeches given by doctors, nurses, professors and others questioning the reigning orthodoxy.

I am continuing to discern how I hold in my heart the different planets I dwell in from many of my 'historic friends' and what to hold on to and let go of, as I also embrace newer friendships with found dissidents.

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Are you anywhere near Seattle?

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Vancouver, Canada.

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I love when you write from the heart, shaped by introspect. So few people truly experience the world, lost in their distractions. I know of maybe half dozen people of the tens of thousands I've shared significant time with that reflect upon their interactions, experiences, and emotions and wonder what it means about others, but mostly about what it reveals about their character and value to others.

It's been my experience that those that think and reflect with honesty as you do are humble, kind, and compassionate while staying true to self. And above all, they want to add value and meaning to the lives of others.

Thank you for thinking aloud for us. It's truly a breath of fresh air, at least for me.

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You said "I was silent all over town...." a phenomenon I experience frequently, at least here in Ithaca...called "Berkeley East." At the offices of doctors, dentists, at the counters of pharmacies, in our neighborhood. When I first moved here, in 2002, I was driving my very favorite SUV--a Lincoln Navigator. The old-school, big and bold black vehicle one had to step up into, which set me high above the traffic so I could really see where I was going on the mean Beltway racetrack of D.C. I had been in Ithaca just a couple of months when a college age boy walked by and jeered at my car and my morals as I exited the SUV. "You don't have any idea who I am or why I drive this car," I replied quietly. To my surprise, he seemed to take a step back and said "You're right, I'm sorry."

But we don't even speak this much anymore.

Someone is going to need to break the silence.....

~ Ginger Breggin

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Beautiful. Thank you. I love your writing. I already was grateful for the family who accept me as I am, but this accentuated it. I also have several family members who completely and immediately "canceled" me upon posting, "Hey, I've been taking hydroxychloroquine for years for lupus and was told it was one of the safest medications ever developed. What's going on?"

I'm hopeful for you that there is still dialogue and therefore the possibility for improvement in the future.

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I am not finished reading the whole piece but I feel the need to express my frustration in reading it. I know from listening to you read the Geneva bible and also your experience while under hypnosis with Yeshua, that you are a spiritual woman. I think that's why I was taken aback when, in this piece you describe the prayer at the opening of the event, and also your comments about abortion amid the pro life sentiments of the conservative women. There was something about your need to note that you were not in total agreement with them. It felt like you were clinging to your identification as a Democrat, a "Jewish Woman." It is clear that you have a good amount of self awareness in your ability to write objectively about yourself in the experience, it still came across in those early paragraphs, as a fear of losing that identity and a clinging to it. Perhaps it is a style of writing you are used to, I wonder. How would you write if you were free from that identification with your "old" self? You describe how you saw and felt the conservative women were able to stay connected (regardless of disagreement) as something of a superpower, but sadly do not question the source of that and instead settle on Conservative V "Liberal" women, when the potential subject is so far greater than that. I'd love to talk with you about it. Much Love and Many Blessings, for the Holidays and Always! Rev. Dr. Michelle Handwerker

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I think that she just--in a spirit of intellectual honesty--wanted them to know that she might still differ in some ways from their platform on this issue. That's what she writes, so that they would not "misapprehend." It didn't come from a place of differentiating herself or clinging to a position.

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No, it’s not about clinging to an identity. That is gone. It’s just me sharing my genuine views.

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Your writings are fake , as you are too .

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WTH back off

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PS: As to the abortion issue... sheesh. Get the government out of health care altogether. Marriage, too. It's between a woman and her doctor what to do if she's pregnant.

As for me, I send the sperm on their way and wish them success. Of course, if there are offspring, I have to pay for them whether the mother marries someone else or not.

No one tells me if I can or cannot cut off the pipeline for the sperm to get to the ejector.

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