I've been part of a grass roots team in Ohio auditing elections. How can I help your new campaign for paper ballots? I honestly want to help.

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There are so many problems with western democracies and a secure and transparent voting system is one of them. Watching what just took place in the US midterm election and in Brazil, one has to question if any voting system in the western world is legitimate. And in addition to the voting system, can one have a well functioning democracy when the mass media is controlled by a small number of large corporations that speak with one voice? A free, independent, diverse and dispersed press/media is at the core of a free nation.

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If the machines were producing CAST VOTE RECORDS and on each such record was the ID of the ballot we handled so we could check the list of cast votes and each of us see our own... then we'd know our vote was IN THERE... so all that remains to be checked is 1) that our '1's and '0's are in the right columns of our record... and 2) that the cast vote spreadsheet of our precinct does ADD UP to the NUMBERS that the county published for our precinct.... and 3) that the county's published precinct data adds up to the county total... and 4) that the state's data by county adds up to the state totals.... all easily checked... in minutes...

Then the ID checking WITH CLEAN VOTER ROLLS takes care of the rest..

Spreadsheets are quick to download [especially precinct size databases] and inserting column totals is also quick.....

Clean voter rolls and ID checking are done in advance not in confusion....... and checkable in Ohio....

Our county is looking at the possibility of buying the upgrade for our Unisys system to do cast vote records.......

Paper ain't infallible. and QR codes are not any help to humans..

Spreadsheet ''summations'' basic skills and downloading should be a middleschool skill... And for anyone not there yet there are plenty of tech savvy people around to lend a hand to anyone not yet into that part of computing but who wants to check their data.... Certainly the BOE should want to help...... ttyl

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This won't solve everything, but will go a long way.

When you go get your ballot, you first select a four-digit number like a serial number off a computer screen. Only you know what it is. When you hit "go" out comes your ballot with your unique ID number printed on it, plus ID numbering for the precinct. When you cast your vote, you get a xerox copy on counterfeit-proof paper. Now you can go to any computer, google your precinct, and scroll to the data region that has your unique voter number. Only you know which vote you are looking at. Now you know whether the system actually counted your vote correctly. You can also totalize votes for your precinct or city or county or state if you use the right software, and see if TV reports are accurate.

Some say this would allow blackmail and bribery. But a huge proportion of voting happens absentee, and that is already hugely subject to blackmail and bribery. So as long as there is absentee voting there can be no legitimate objection to the proposal of the preceding paragraph.

We already are doing almost exactly this same thing. Every time you pay a dollar for a lottery vote for 5 numbers, you are getting a copy of how you voted instantly, anonymously, and for cheap. So we know the technology is practical and economical. What the lottery does on a daily basis, the voting system can economically do merely once in two years, and only crooks with vote rigging to hide can object. If it works for cheapie lottery tickets, it works for my much more valuable vote.

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They need to be counted right then and there at the polling center, so there is less centralization and less ability to commit fraud.

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This is excellent! Thank you, Dr. Naomi for all you are doing! As Mr. Bannon says, “You are doing the LORD’s (YHVH) work!

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Your opinion is duly honored by yours, truly. Perhaps the bold need be more the likes of me--a septuagenarian on the way out--than of those who have much more at stake, long-range. The point is that our voting system--as currently established, practiced and abused--is now definitively and forever compromised and discredited. How any individual chooses to stand up and be counted is a function of chosen, individual risk. Risk taken is risk rewarded...maybe. YMMV.

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I miss the good old days. Granted, I usually voted on one of those old, mechanical voting machines. And I once worked on a recount. We had a Republican monitor, a Democratic monitor, and the county employee...all three of us would look at the totals on each machine. I loved those old elections. There was evidence that you could count. Now we have people who vote by digital machines...or people who vote with paper ballots that they may be handing to strangers.

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I appreciate all of the details and nuance, but the fact is we knew, or should have known since 2020 that the electronic machines were BLATANTLY cheating. Why the qualifier 'blatantly'? Because electronic mahines have always cheated, being basically made for that purpose. Some were just less blatant. Why do we vote on Dominion and Konnech machines? Because that Diebold machines we used to vote on were banned after obvious tampering with the 2000 and 2004 elections. Guess who Diebold sold their voting machine business to? I'll let you Google it. Anyway knowing that the machines were BLATANTLY cheating, why hasn't anyone done anything in the past 2 years about it? Besides talk and post and tweet. This was the one thing you could do at the local level. You could demand this of your local governments, or have it put to vote, or demand audits, etc. But nobody did nothing. Besides talk and post and tweet. And this is what the article should really be about. Have we drifted so far from the real tangible world that we can only deal with real problems by yelling back into some fake feedback loop?. Have we no capacity to act? Such that we are stuck watching our reality play out like a TV program, so caught up in the drama of it that we fail to grasp that these are real things that will really affect us in real time. Kinda like COVID. People took to masks far too willingly. They took to the vaccine far too willingly. All because it was what was happening on TV. Exceot on TV nobody died. We should have been able to THINK about the implications of rigged machines being used in the next election and ACTED to prevent that. It was so painfully easy and clear. But in two years we failed completely. Effectively giving away our democratic process. The how's and why's of THIS failure are the only thing you should be thinking about.

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Better still: Toss a canned good into the massive acrylic box belonging to the candidate if your choosing. At the end of the day, charitable entities pick them up as contributions.

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I am at a point where I’d rather use huge acrylic boxes and everyone toss in a rock.

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Excellent article. Anyone interested in learning more about electronic vote fraud can go to blackboxvoting.org and read the book Votescam.

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Sad, these shot up Zombies surrendered their will. Things will never go back, the alert need begin to guide the Zombies before the switch is turned ON!

Oh, wait...


Idiots are now running the asylum.

They require guidance as are easily confused.

Blinding lights blue LED lights everywhere, the soul was offered up and blank stares hit you at

the corner store!

2 store clerks stocking shelves...5 people in line...

A lone customer is holding the line so NO ONE MOVES! All store customers STAY IN LINE quietly waiting to pay...

a lone customer runs to the back and asks for assistance at the front desk.

The store clerks are confused, run to the checkout and begin to check people out.

Naomi, you're offering up a big ask to these Zombies. They truly are unable to think...BRAIN DAMAGED.

How can they comprehend your article?

Your point?

This is Black Mirror Live...

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Did anybody happen to see Biden huddled at the summit today, flanked by Trudeau and Rishi Sunak? Three WEF Global Leader Musketeers. And a speech by Klaus Schwab boasted his Great Reset NWO agenda without any doublespeak. He laid it out with confidant aplomb.

Also in attendance, the illustrious psychopath, Bill Gates.

Shouldn’t this have been THE platform for the midterms? So long as the GOP is led by McConnell and the Bush/Clinton/Obama UniParty apparatchiks, we will inch closer to the end of free will

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Paper ballots, signed receipts and the voter is issued a copy of the ballot, signed by the voter.

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The best action, is the no action, don't vote!!!!

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