Thank you, Naomi. I am reminded of what (I believe it was St Elizabeth of the Trinity) who started that (paraphrased), “My great sufferings are markers of God’s great love for me.”

There is a deep and mysterious spiritual calculus here, that I am assured you certainly understand.

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One of my favorite posts because in amongst the horror that you went through you’d put in humor - somehow you did it.

God bless you and those you love.

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I think of Naomi Wolf every time I drink my bentonite.

Not medical advice. I'm not a doctor, don't arrest me. :)

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God is using you in tremendous ways!

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Our work here is not done. Keep up the fight. I'll do the same.

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Thank GOD you are still here. We need you. God Bless!

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Naomi, I remember this so very well. I recently had my own health scare and I fought hard to stay out of hospital. I found out that Australian hospitals were/are targeting the unvaccinated for aggressive treatment (in my opinion, murder) as official government policy that has extended well beyond the Emergency.


Remdesivir and covid protocols in Australian hospitals and globally

On murder of a minority dissident group

They are also still withholding treatment to the unvaccinated such as organ transplants. Most recently a young woman named Dazelle Peters was murdered in an Australian hospital because she would not submit to 4 covid jabs. The consulting surgeon said it was "to protect others in the hospital." This statement occurred occurred in 2024.

I do not think there was meant to be a control group here in Australia. One way or another, they will eliminate us as a matter of principle.

Thank you again for re-posting.

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I remember,that was awful but not totally unexpected. Sick care in Sweden is also like what you described so well. But here we are surviving everything!

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I likely speak for the majority of your readers: So very happy you are "Not Dead Yet". The world would be much darker without your presence and spirit. Happy Anniversary.

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There's that famous saying, rooted in the founding of the USA Navy

'We have not yet begun to fight'.... Quite appropriate!

You have our UK Foreign Secretary to experience yet. A male politician who is of the opinion that men can grow a uterus. We realise we've had a lucky escape that he's not the Health Secretary. He sits alongside the non elected Minister of State for Science Patrick Vallance ex President GSK and government lacky in lockdown nonsense. He was awarded some gong for that in our truly dead democracy.

Strange times and let's get ready to start the fight now! Blessings 🙏

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In March of '18, I was diagnosed with sudden-onset Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Usually a death sentence at my age then (67). In August of '18, I received a stem-cell transplant with a statistical one-in-four chance of success, and fraught with a plethora of possible and risky-filled complications. I am happy to say that just about everything since then that could go right has gone right, and that what has gone wrong was inconsequential and minor. Dr. Wolf (days away from my 74th birthday): I'm glad both of us are still here. Live long and prosper!

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And then there is also your chicken soup! The best! Happy one year still alive anniversary! God’s blessings. Philip

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When I read the comments of gratitude for Dr Naomi, I feel touched and blessed to the point of tears. Words fall short in expressing my thankfulness as we all press on for truth and justice in our world. I know this war we find ourselves in may not have been possible to endure without Doctor Naomi’s (and others) profound work and courage. So much has been learned and we have all profited in body and spirit through her incredible revelations! Many blessings as we forge ahead finding light where there was once darkness. All of this with a family that we have never met -yet are held together in spirit by a common goal. May we all rejoice as truth is ours to behold. May God bless us through the trials we face!

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Dearest Naomi, We are deeply grateful for your continued presence in our lives and in our world. May you walk the Earth for many more years. Thank you for all the wisdom and love you are sharing with all of us. Love, Ginger and Peter Breggin

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In these times we cannot take anything for granted: our health, our "democracy," our friends, who is paying attention... Thank you for surviving your ordeal. And thank you for all your posts of the past year in the struggle.

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This resonates to me as I ponder all you have been through during these dark days as it pertains to Joseph and his trials set in motion by “ his loved ones”—

In the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, Genesis 50:20 says, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives".

Dearest Dr. Naomi, likely we will never meet , but you are salt. And light. So very very valuable. And like Joseph, despite the evil sent your way, I have not a scintilla of doubt that YHVH is using you to save many lives.

Please give your Brian a hug from me.


And by the way, you are looking very beautiful these days. The darkness really did not succeed in diminishing you and it shows on your very countenance.

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Oh how I wish I had said this!


God bless🙏🏻

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Again, what that horrible professor did to you as a young woman that was intended for harm and derailed your intended career as an academic… well YHVH sure turned that lousy move by a creepy coward to His holy purposes, didn’t He!

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