Unfortunately, the Left will use any accusation to slander someone they think is a threat to them. Is this anything new!? Cavanaugh was an great example of this. Believe all women unless, they are Jewish women, who had physical proof of their rapes.

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32 mins ago·edited 4 mins ago

Dear Naomi,

I kindly disagree with you on this matter though you certainly are free to hold your opinion. Mr. Kennedy has not denied the allegation, and his current wife Cheryl Hines was spotted this week at Fashion Week out and about in public without a wedding band.


A man in politics who who has an extra marital affair with a woman who is not his wife needs to come clean, and it matters to the wife and the public. Why? How a man engages in private has a lot to say about how he engages in public. How a man treats (or mistreats) his wife, whom he publicly promised to be faithful to, by having an affair on the side is of import to the American public because once again, it shows us if he is honest or dishonest. If a man cannot even be honest with his wife, who is supposed to be his closest confidant in this life, how can he be trusted to be honest with us, the public?

This is not about the young journalist's sexual freedom to send provocative sexual images to RFK Jr. This is not even about "Puritanical" sexual ethics. It is about whether a man can be honest with his wife, his friends, and us. Men in the public eye like President Trump or Mr. Kennedy are known to have sexual weakness for beautiful women, which is why these men get preyed upon and set up. It is also why they likely have had multiple marriages. (Mr. Trump is on his third marriage, as is Mr. Kennedy, and his second wife killed herself, supposedly for things he did and said while married to her, but only he, she and God know the truth).


I bet the "journalist" who went after RFK Jr. knew about his weakness for loose women. She may have even been an undercover Mockingbird CIA asset or agent.

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I read your article with great interest, and agree that we shouldn't require political candidates to have squeaky clean personal lives. At the same time, I believe that you and Trump's other allies would do exactly the same thing to Democratic candidates. Why don't you call out people like Laura Loomer who claims that Kamala Harris "sucked dick" to get where she is. It's disgusting. I was a registered Republican who voted for John McCain and Mitt Romney. I left the party when it was corrupted by Trump.

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Last time I checked it took two people in the same room to tango. Timing is everything, where was this revelation when he was NOT supporting Trump.

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Well said, Naomi.

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Another thoughtful article Naomi. Thank you. It seems that the phrase "come clean" now means "get on board." Sadly, journalists no longer have the appetite, nor are rewarded, for true investigation. The weak and foolish leader is embraced, and few of his/her follies are exposed to scrutiny. I agree that personal lives have deliberately become "time bombs" to be exploited at will. The public has been primed for outrage when prompted by the Press. When the public loses interest, the Press may lose incentive. Prayers for RFK, to transmute this attack into healing for all involved.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Lies and innuendo along with digging up both real and shall we say “creative” dirt has become the stock and trade of today’s Journalists. Journalism having become the merger of two here to fore only vaguely related specialities, Creative Writing and Journalism! Give me any MA or BS graduate with some writing skills and some scruples and I will show you a superior reporter of truth or Journalist if you will!

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I don't understand why this is an issue. Didn't RFK close his campaign? Is he running for something I don't know about?

My understanding is he suspended his campaign for President and intends to help the Trump administration should Trump win. Have things gotten so stupid that people are somehow to negatively link an RFK infidelity to Trump's presidency?

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4 hrs agoLiked by Dr Naomi Wolf

When I lived in Montreal in the 1970s, I was contacted by a journalist from The Montreal Star who asked for my opinion on the impending divorce of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau from his wife Margaret. I startled the journalist by saying that the private life of the Prime Minister (or anyone else's for that matter) was none of my business and that I found it deplorable that journalists would consider that kind of muck-raking worthy of their profession.

My opinion hasn't changed.

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Can't you block texts?

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4 hrs agoLiked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Yep. Nothing personal, just a part of the Marxist playbook. Thank you for writing about this. I will share on my social media, expecting that it will be taken down by Meta.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Totally agree Naomi. Thank you for articulating these points so cogently. The story reeks of a setup, from a tired playbook, and a desperate measure too.

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Thank you for addressing this so thoughtfully. This story as presented by our ‘news media’ was clearly intended as a smear of Kennedy as no evidence of any affair or ‘relationship’ was presented. The timing alone is extraordinarily suspect. Another angle is Nuzzi recently wrote an article exposing the lies and deceptions involved in obfuscating Biden’s cognitive decline. And then these stories suddenly appear? The system is playing a protection game. This has every appearance of a typical corrupt illegal deep state smear operation. Nothing indicated here will cause me to stop supporting him as a voice of deeply informed wisdom in a nation run largely by frauds and fools.

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A tremendous essay...so true and so compassionate...Thanks!

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He should compare notes with Matt Gaetz

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7 hrs agoLiked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thank you for your complete analysis of this at this critical time. When you said that RFK texts and talks to so many on the campaign trail it reminded me that RFK actually called me once (I was on text with someone in the campaign) I told the campaign member that another attack against RFK was made online so I replied to it in support of RFK. She then told RFK that I had spoke out in support of him and he called and left a message of appreciation on my phone. I was amazed. At first I thought it was a recorded message but it was real. And I have heard the campaign workers also say that RFK is such a nice and thoughtful person.

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