Of course tickets are about making money and not safety. Who actually believes they give out $300 tickets because they give a shit whether or not I wear a seatbelt. Who can I hurt besides myself? Ridiculous.
Hmm, you might want to review some things. I suggest Dr. Ammon Hillman; and Richard Grove (Grand Theft World). If you are "for" Israel, I believe that you can go live there. As you also doing bake sales for AIPAC? Best
Thank you Sheriff Mack. I have some videos from the 90s of you and Jack McLamb.
This interview was perfect timing. The man who was just elected Sheriff here was the son-in-law of a friend of mine. I wanted to talk to him before the election, but didn’t. Now I have a link to give him. Hopefully he will watch it.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty” is a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson believed that the government would only respect liberty if it feared losing power. He also said that the people can be trusted with their own government if they are well informed.
Thomas Jefferson's quote
Full quote
“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. But when the government fears the people, there is liberty”
I am going to make one other observation here that is something to consider.
If this is something that people want, remember that this then alters the dynamic between the People, the States and the Fed. Gov. Not entirely for the better.
Additionally, it would mean that the powers and structure that have bled between these levels will once again be separated out. Not only in Law Enforcement but every other layer of government.
Circumspect is good. What kind of "undesirable result" do you sense in restoring the Constitutional "dynamic between the People, the States and the Fed. Gov"?
Naomi has truly crossed over as a Patriot here, grasping she has the Right of self defense with a firearm = not controlled by unelected DC Globalist oriented Bureaucrats...!
Now with Dems inviting millions literally from multiple nations releasing their prisons and mental asylums ALL American women are potential victims of assualt, rape, robbery +/or murder...!
Sheriff Mack alluded to the "Clinton Chronicles" of the long list of 80 + - dead people that crossed the Clintons who were murdered mysteriously some in bizarre way's...!
She still needs to come to terms with the truth about the Clintons. :) Vince Foster. The others who “just happened” to not survive. But she is getting closer. :)
Dr Wolf, 30 years behind the times, again? (Arguably 100 years. Have you read the drug crime cases from the early 20th century?)
Drug prohibition is unconstitutional (read Leary v US, 395 US 6 (1969)). Drug prohibition undergirds ALL thug-life policing. Sheriff Mack is NOT for drug legalization. Hence, he is FOR corruption, fraud, and enslavement. (Anyone read the 13th Amendment?)
Cops have DISCRETION to ignore acts - like voluntary transactions, but hey, why cut off the cops from their graft and military tactics?
Dear Mike, I am sorry, I cannot follow you. I noted that Sheriff Mack, like most POS cops, is all pro-drug war, asset forfeiture all the time. He is NOT pro-liberty. He is PRO-cop. What does that have to do with Dr. Wolf's nonsense about "insurrection"? Best
Sorry. You ended get serious about liberty and I was reminded of her fomenting hatred of Trump and his supporters and was reminded of that libelous video.
I agree that FEDGOV has no place in telling us what we can or must or cannot or must not do with our bodies including what we ingest or do not with the possible exception of that which will kill us.
Dear Mike, worried about ingestion of toxins? That can kill? Let police, and tasers and guns decide? Hmm. Too much water is called drowning. But seriously, drinking excess amounts depletes electrolytes leading to heart attack. Any one can drink rubbing alcohol. Lots of ingestion of Ritalin, Statins, and Remdesivir. Lots of death ... while allopaths profit.
I am a purest. End ALL drug prohibition. All for standard common law liability. Best
Got 4 and a half minutes? Watch Dr. Wolf construct the table and then set the table for leftist media narrative that President Trump will cause insurrection and declare martial law, and this based upon Democratic Governors ACTUALLY arrogating Emetgency Powers to themselves. She had a well-spoken and willing dimwit, Forlano, join her in this.
Thanks. I believe. No need to watch. I never voted for Trump, but know that 2020 was stolen. I also know that J6 was just a typical Fed op. I saw NO insurrection. I saw BS from cops.
Mike, I speak of Common law - looking at the arguments and ideas filtered through experience and justice in areas of tort, contracts, and trespass. Standard "caveat vendor" rules, applied to merchants of vax would stop them. We need to repeal NCVIA of 1986 which courts have interpreted as granting near absolute immunity to vax makers and injectors.
As for "Natural Law" - I mean, no government is natural. And we should not submit to the logical fallacy that posits all natural practices are inherently good and just. However, being harmonious, and in balance with neighbors and strangers would include the non-aggression principle. Vax are anti-nature; are not supported by proofs using the scientific method via employ of falsifiable tests; and injection causes injury - via a trespass against one without consent.
There are sheriff's in Washington state that do not protect their people, protect and enforce election law, nor respond to calls of election malfeasance.
First I must congratulate everybody and America for the great election outcome, the result of much, much work of many, many and it was great to see it all being accomplished in the huge voting turnout. I would say, even Europe is feeling the vibe of hope by this, as America merits many thanks one more time!
Btw surely the good Sheriffs should get all the means they need...
Listening to the good Sheriffs comments about deputizing the church members and then it occurred to me that each state guard unit could also be deputized as protection against federal authority. That would make the full unit to include equipment available to be used as needed. I don’t believe it would ever be needed but the people would love to know that they do have power to protect themselves.
Dear Troy, try "protecting" yourself from Israeli-trained thugs, in military equipment, who decided that your house emits an odor .... Since the 1970s, the drug war + military training for cops have created a hyper police-state. END drug prohibition, END militarized cops. MAKE cops wear pink. The hostility will diminish!
I am hesitant to make too much of a discussion in this because of the complexities involved with constitutional law.
The last time I saw this kind of "Constitutional" verbose, we saw the Bundy Ranch situation and before that other more nefarious stories.
Some of them totally legitimate and some of them questionable. Including the possible if not probably troll.
J6 anyone?
I am not pointing fingers at any specific person making any specific or even spurious claim. Just the fact that alot of government level psyops have taken place in the past several decades, much of it originating in the late 1980's thru today. For this reason I am deeply cautious and filled with a healthy does of skepticism.
Federal unelected bureaucRats(CIA/FBLie/IRS/EPA/BLM/ATF/FDA/AG Dept/Dept of Ed. etc- have run rough shod over citizens since inception under the guise of "protecting the people"...!
Under FBLie Director Hoover wiretapped everyone illegally til they got in the way of his policy like in recent time = Lavoy Finicum, Ruby Ridge, Waco on + on
You need to read carefully not get all personal & shoot people from the hip...lol
ALL Federal appointed EO'd Agency's are "unelected", this is just a reminder & headsup to reiterate the fact of the abuses from them going back to FDR(self stated "Friend of Stalin") on up thru to the 432 of them ruling us today+cdc/nih in cahoots w/their-fda+Ag Dept. = all cloaked Globalist intrusions as was/is the UN;
*tho Esp.Woody Wilsons Illegal @Globalist FED/IRS(1913-> used to finance all the horrors for control thruout the 20th Century = to worse now, Esp. w/their imf/who/wef's-Great ReSet/bis/ccp-digital soc-cred-score
Naomi, this was really eye-opening about the role of sheriffs vs the police. Thank you.
Not sure what the issue is with stating the simple fact that there's a long trail of bodies left behind the Clintons.
Of course tickets are about making money and not safety. Who actually believes they give out $300 tickets because they give a shit whether or not I wear a seatbelt. Who can I hurt besides myself? Ridiculous.
Thank you Naomi. It would be great to hear Sherif Mack’s thoughts on election integrity.
Wow. I'm sharing this with my newly-re-elected Sheriff and hoping he's already up on all of this.
Dearest Lilac,
Hmm, you might want to review some things. I suggest Dr. Ammon Hillman; and Richard Grove (Grand Theft World). If you are "for" Israel, I believe that you can go live there. As you also doing bake sales for AIPAC? Best
Thank you Sheriff Mack. I have some videos from the 90s of you and Jack McLamb.
This interview was perfect timing. The man who was just elected Sheriff here was the son-in-law of a friend of mine. I wanted to talk to him before the election, but didn’t. Now I have a link to give him. Hopefully he will watch it.
Trump appointed RFK Jr. to be the Head of HHS. It's on like Donkey Kong!
When the government fears the people, there is liberty” is a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson believed that the government would only respect liberty if it feared losing power. He also said that the people can be trusted with their own government if they are well informed.
Thomas Jefferson's quote
Full quote
“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. But when the government fears the people, there is liberty”
I am going to make one other observation here that is something to consider.
If this is something that people want, remember that this then alters the dynamic between the People, the States and the Fed. Gov. Not entirely for the better.
Additionally, it would mean that the powers and structure that have bled between these levels will once again be separated out. Not only in Law Enforcement but every other layer of government.
Again, with undesirable result yet to be seen.
Circumspect is good. What kind of "undesirable result" do you sense in restoring the Constitutional "dynamic between the People, the States and the Fed. Gov"?
Naomi has truly crossed over as a Patriot here, grasping she has the Right of self defense with a firearm = not controlled by unelected DC Globalist oriented Bureaucrats...!
Now with Dems inviting millions literally from multiple nations releasing their prisons and mental asylums ALL American women are potential victims of assualt, rape, robbery +/or murder...!
Sheriff Mack alluded to the "Clinton Chronicles" of the long list of 80 + - dead people that crossed the Clintons who were murdered mysteriously some in bizarre way's...!
She still needs to come to terms with the truth about the Clintons. :) Vince Foster. The others who “just happened” to not survive. But she is getting closer. :)
yup, big time.
Dr Wolf, 30 years behind the times, again? (Arguably 100 years. Have you read the drug crime cases from the early 20th century?)
Drug prohibition is unconstitutional (read Leary v US, 395 US 6 (1969)). Drug prohibition undergirds ALL thug-life policing. Sheriff Mack is NOT for drug legalization. Hence, he is FOR corruption, fraud, and enslavement. (Anyone read the 13th Amendment?)
Cops have DISCRETION to ignore acts - like voluntary transactions, but hey, why cut off the cops from their graft and military tactics?
Get serious about liberty, PLEASE!
Probably does not want to admit to her egregious leftist crimes like claiming Trump would incite insurrection on January 6th 2021.
Dear Mike, I am sorry, I cannot follow you. I noted that Sheriff Mack, like most POS cops, is all pro-drug war, asset forfeiture all the time. He is NOT pro-liberty. He is PRO-cop. What does that have to do with Dr. Wolf's nonsense about "insurrection"? Best
Sorry. You ended get serious about liberty and I was reminded of her fomenting hatred of Trump and his supporters and was reminded of that libelous video.
I agree that FEDGOV has no place in telling us what we can or must or cannot or must not do with our bodies including what we ingest or do not with the possible exception of that which will kill us.
Dear Mike, worried about ingestion of toxins? That can kill? Let police, and tasers and guns decide? Hmm. Too much water is called drowning. But seriously, drinking excess amounts depletes electrolytes leading to heart attack. Any one can drink rubbing alcohol. Lots of ingestion of Ritalin, Statins, and Remdesivir. Lots of death ... while allopaths profit.
I am a purest. End ALL drug prohibition. All for standard common law liability. Best
Got 4 and a half minutes? Watch Dr. Wolf construct the table and then set the table for leftist media narrative that President Trump will cause insurrection and declare martial law, and this based upon Democratic Governors ACTUALLY arrogating Emetgency Powers to themselves. She had a well-spoken and willing dimwit, Forlano, join her in this.
Thanks. I believe. No need to watch. I never voted for Trump, but know that 2020 was stolen. I also know that J6 was just a typical Fed op. I saw NO insurrection. I saw BS from cops.
Is Common Law not based on Natural Law? Possibly I misunderstand.
Mike, I speak of Common law - looking at the arguments and ideas filtered through experience and justice in areas of tort, contracts, and trespass. Standard "caveat vendor" rules, applied to merchants of vax would stop them. We need to repeal NCVIA of 1986 which courts have interpreted as granting near absolute immunity to vax makers and injectors.
As for "Natural Law" - I mean, no government is natural. And we should not submit to the logical fallacy that posits all natural practices are inherently good and just. However, being harmonious, and in balance with neighbors and strangers would include the non-aggression principle. Vax are anti-nature; are not supported by proofs using the scientific method via employ of falsifiable tests; and injection causes injury - via a trespass against one without consent.
There are sheriff's in Washington state that do not protect their people, protect and enforce election law, nor respond to calls of election malfeasance.
First I must congratulate everybody and America for the great election outcome, the result of much, much work of many, many and it was great to see it all being accomplished in the huge voting turnout. I would say, even Europe is feeling the vibe of hope by this, as America merits many thanks one more time!
Btw surely the good Sheriffs should get all the means they need...
Listening to the good Sheriffs comments about deputizing the church members and then it occurred to me that each state guard unit could also be deputized as protection against federal authority. That would make the full unit to include equipment available to be used as needed. I don’t believe it would ever be needed but the people would love to know that they do have power to protect themselves.
Dear Troy, try "protecting" yourself from Israeli-trained thugs, in military equipment, who decided that your house emits an odor .... Since the 1970s, the drug war + military training for cops have created a hyper police-state. END drug prohibition, END militarized cops. MAKE cops wear pink. The hostility will diminish!
I am hesitant to make too much of a discussion in this because of the complexities involved with constitutional law.
The last time I saw this kind of "Constitutional" verbose, we saw the Bundy Ranch situation and before that other more nefarious stories.
Some of them totally legitimate and some of them questionable. Including the possible if not probably troll.
J6 anyone?
I am not pointing fingers at any specific person making any specific or even spurious claim. Just the fact that alot of government level psyops have taken place in the past several decades, much of it originating in the late 1980's thru today. For this reason I am deeply cautious and filled with a healthy does of skepticism.
Federal unelected bureaucRats(CIA/FBLie/IRS/EPA/BLM/ATF/FDA/AG Dept/Dept of Ed. etc- have run rough shod over citizens since inception under the guise of "protecting the people"...!
Under FBLie Director Hoover wiretapped everyone illegally til they got in the way of his policy like in recent time = Lavoy Finicum, Ruby Ridge, Waco on + on
I didnt say unelected. You really need to learn civics. The Constitution provides for alot of heave and how in this.
its not what you may think.
You need to read carefully not get all personal & shoot people from the hip...lol
ALL Federal appointed EO'd Agency's are "unelected", this is just a reminder & headsup to reiterate the fact of the abuses from them going back to FDR(self stated "Friend of Stalin") on up thru to the 432 of them ruling us today+cdc/nih in cahoots w/their-fda+Ag Dept. = all cloaked Globalist intrusions as was/is the UN;
*tho Esp.Woody Wilsons Illegal @Globalist FED/IRS(1913-> used to finance all the horrors for control thruout the 20th Century = to worse now, Esp. w/their imf/who/wef's-Great ReSet/bis/ccp-digital soc-cred-score