And the contrast between the inner / outer musings between you and Brian is ALSO exactly what we need to acknowledge and embrace out loud.

[Sometimes people are just being nice.

There might be no agenda. Really.]

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A very timely rerun. This is exactly what people should be doing on their blocks, floors or fields now.

American Chicken soup for all, with the chosen variations of the one who was solid enough to make it tonight.

Your feel for what the nation needs is uncanny.

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Beautiful writing. Only an entp can wonder if their date is a secret agent and actually let them know the rational reasons for thinking so.! Do you know your husband's type?. Milton from godtype. Ps

New info on the red sermon post you shared last year. Maui was a sacrifice. Biden waited 13 days for a reason. 333 EXACT days from the red sermon. Maui was the event being commemorated. This was a sacrifice to Moloch!


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Your writing is chicken soup for the soul - thank you ❤️

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Great writing, take away the placebo soup stones from our lives and we have great soup!

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Well gosh! I fell asleep typing and now I don’t see the comment - sleep typing is bad!

So the Book of Adam and Eve is considered an authentic biblical text. However, there was no place to insert it in the chronological record the Bible was intended to be. They could not be placed before Genesis nor before Exodus and so was omitted but appears in the Apocrypha. In it, the pair are constantly tricked by fallen angels! Over and again, God gives instruction, leaves, comes back to find them doing the opposite and they respond that His angels told them He changed His mind! Their banishment was not a snap decision, they had disobeyed at every turn.

Knowing that, it makes sense for God to test Jacob by giving an order then appearing as an angel to see if Jacob would accept the angel over God! God didn’t “change His mind”! It makes me wonder if Israel could mean ‘Wrestles for God’?

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Comforting and hopeful Naomi. And, while your main subject might have been the soup, it's the details of who people are that was the value for me.

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Beautiful! 🤗❤️

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And today I made the Soup….I felt I was in need of some Jewish Penicillin myself! So yummy….my stomach and my heart are full 😉

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I sent a one year subscription payment via snail mail….. Did you receive it? Maybe it is pony express and the note and check didn’t make it?

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Thank you! I am travelling so have not been to the PO Box for a week…please give me a week and thank you so much for your support!

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Thank you so much for your response. I did send a little note some time ago. Praying for you as you continue to strengthen and recover.

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So nice to read something with positivity as it is hard on the nerves and the psyche reading about so many bad things bringing negativity over and over and over again yet I must know about all the different attacks we are being bombarded with on a daily basis. Thank you Naomi for bringing some warmth and good feelings and a sense of comfort and peace to my weary mind and soul.

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You touch on the inner soul destruction of the the individuals who carry out the task of Empire. Having known a few of these souls myself, could you tell us more about them and their complex story.

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This is one of the best things I’ve ever read. You have such a gift for writing. God bless you.

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beautiful and sweet story - intrigue included!

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I especially love the very first paragraph of this post. Using "supine" with this post on soup. Little subtlety there. Very nice to read about the Naomi-Brian courting story.

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I love your writing! Truly chicken soup for ALL souls! Thankyou.

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I made the soup overnight. Delicious.

I made it in stages. First, I simmered the chicken. Next, did a simmer with the vegetables and some squeezed lemon (not apple cider vinegar). Both (ACV and lemon juice) are acid and help draw minerals from the chicken's bones.

I also added ginger.

When I ladled out the soup to enjoy this afternoon, I sprinkled in Celtic Sea Salt, pepper and freshly sqeezed lemon. Chopped parsley, too but I forgot the dill. (I'll add that tomorrow. when I have the soup again.)

Next time (like next week!) when I make this soup again, I'll use even more garlic -- and I used a generous amount in this maiden effort. (I love garlic; I belong to the More-Is-Bettah! School of

Garlic Consumption.)

Also, when I can get them, I'll add chicken feet: they're filled with collagen which is very good for us. When cold, the soup will really jiggle courtesy of the chicken feet.

Thank you for passing along your father's recipe, Naomi!

Now off I go to listen to your Geneva Bible update ;-).

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Fab! And great suggestions.

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