While scanning your writings for info about injections and women's reproductive abilities, I have now read this article on dark powers vs. the brilliance of beaming light. You mention Pride Parades and the behavior of gay men. I have stopped attending pride parades, I came out in 1968 and have always been amazed how Lesbians and gay men have very little in common. eg. while speaking in Portland on KBOO Radio Station in the early 70's our group of Lesbian and gay men from our small town country community when asked what we do? A Gay man said, "We are clearing the land" while Lesbians said, "We are living on the land". The difference seems small but one is Patriarchal and the other Gaia oriented. So at the pride parades, I was horrified how gay men used the parade to show their exhibitionism while Lesbians showed our support of Women oriented organizations. AND when I saw that straight people wanting to be supportive, in the early 2000's, brought their children to the Parades, I was again horrified for what the gay men were portraying. (the trans-movement is a whole other story) This difference is why we want the L out of the alphabet soup that the dark powers would have us support and be a part thereof. No Sorry We Will Not Join in your disgusting show of your lack of sexual control. Are these gay men actually portraying how most men do life but in secrecy crossing over to the dark side through sex. We hear of SO MUCH black mail going on with politicians that their votes keeps US locked into horrible and depraved situations for Women, Children and impoverished peoples. Most of our sports events, TV, movie and theater rewards ceremonies are filled with devil worship, are people so blind? I have been repeating out-loud, SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING. DO NOT ALLOW THE DARK POWER TO DO ANYTHING! SHINE YOUR BRILLIANT LIGHT ONTO THE DARKNESS AND EXPOSE IT. BE A LIGHT!!

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Aug 11·edited Aug 12

See LifeSiteNews.com, the premiere Catholic pro-life website, for what they believe may be the very, very dark plans of Chabad Lubavitch and the Noahide Laws. According to LSN, this may be the rollout of the antichrist, and the end times persecution & guillotining of Christians. Search for "chabad" and also search for "antichrist" on the LSN website.

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BDSM and such is a fetish but for female heterosexuals it is mainstream albeit as a fantasy eg 50 Shades of Gray. Sexual fantasies pertain to the ideal opposite sex partner to maximise one's chances of reproductive success. For men this is the hot young women as her attributes point to being able to bear him children, survive delivery and feed the babies. For a woman she needs a man of status and strength to secure resources for her and her children, and protect her and them so her fantasy object is a strong dominating man to whom she can surrender. However SSA men as infants grow up with a strong mother who dominates her husband who acquiesces to her so he emotionally clings to strong Mum after being weaned from her breast to absorb her sexual psyche rather than that of their acquiescent father. Mum's unfilled desire for a strong dominant man is manifested by the gay son externally in Pride exhibitionism rather than it being part of the shadow as it will be for Mum and his sisters.

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stop blaming the mother (mum) for any of guy's problems.

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I have lived in a world where I believed what the Bible said about how Satan was the god of this world and that the world was dark. But I live in a very upscale neighborhood in Colorado and am surrounded by lots of people who either know God and delight in working with Him or at least have morals on some level. Wow, life is great. I went to lunch with a friend today and as our eyes have been opened to the darkness that is really underneath so much (and don't get me wrong-I think I only know about the tip of the iceberg), we have come to the conclusion that- we thought we had a lot more control over what happens in our country and our lives. We must place no hope in politicians or leaders. This darkness has revealed that I must hope only in God. I find that I think that I must be even more focused on loving my husband/children/grands and speaking the truth to them. My 4yo, 2yo and one on the way are not vaccinated, have never seen a doctor, will not attend school. The grandparents and parents are pulling together to educate the kids. (I homeschooled my kids mostly) AT 66 I have a mission. The world is darker than I thought, but the darkness only makes God more real, more light. I rejoice that I have been allowed to live in this time of tumult. It only helps me. God's will be done.

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Mary, It is so interesting to read your post. I retired early to help care for my grandkids. To keep them out of daycare and away from mandatory vaccines. I see many of my friends doing the same. I live in a wealthy area but the darkness is here too...albeit under a blanket of well groomed neighborhoods. Where is there a safe place for our most vulnerable? In the arms of strong and protective grandparents who know life can be different. Thank you Naomi for writing this article. I am hearing you. I am sharing God's love; to overwhelm the darkness with HIS light. God Bless You. Let's keep fighting and trusting our Creator, King of Kings. Lord of Lord. He is enough.

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Love your writings always so well researched and detailed. This preoccupation with death does seem odd but it has been around in various forms as you mentioned for a long long time. I would say since Adam and Eve. I am reading “ Being As Communion” by John D. Zizioulas and actually just got into it - pretty heavy stuff for me. But on pgs 42 and 43 there is an amazing discussion that may in some way shed a little light on this apparent fascination and “ pull” towards self- destruction. The ability to be commit suicide or to self-destruct is the ultimate expression of free will and self- affirmation because the person has no longer prisoner to the “ necessity” of his existence. I am paraphrasing and it is mind- boggling to think of how twisted that thinking is but the adversary of our souls is a master contortionist. The time surely must be short because the satan’s masks and disguises are being changed every second so fast our heads are spinning like the little girl in the Exorcist. The fact is we are Created Beings.

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No mention of the killing fields of Gaza! Of course not, distract with pretended erudition and zeal for truth better to conceal 🇮🇱

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Fascinating and relevant discussion of the Thanatos impulse and how it resurfaces periodically in human history. Often our poets—at least those who haven't over-intellectualized themselves—are the ones to receive the signals first. Think of William Blake, writing at the very outset of the Industrial Revolution about its "dark Satanic mills," which became literal with the abuse of child labour in factories and for export to the colonies. In October 2023 I wrote a series of poems (to be published this fall) called Pole Shift. In it, I wrote: "O Thanatos, let me yearn for life / as much as for you—your quiet / soft as black velvet."

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I have no problem believing that Israel is the locus of evil in the world - I mean look at it! Look what it’s doing to the Palestinians. Read or listen to the accounts of those who have lived through the horror of administrative detention in Israel. They rape men, women and children of both sexes. They use their guard dogs to rape prisoners. They are heartless, pitiless, soulless people, more akin to insects than human beings. I don’t know what they expect from their messiah, but redemption and salvation are denied them.

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“The dark forces know that their time is almost up,” he explained. “And so they want to get people to break every commandment — to do every evil deed — because only by doing so, does that delay the arrival of the Mashiach.”

Chabad and Zionism have their origins in the Sabbatean-Frankist sect and are parts of the dark forces, because they believed that by doing every evil deed, they can hasten the arrival of the Mashiach according to the Frankist belief in the "redemption through sin". This can be illustrated by the fact that Israel is a mecca for sodomites in spite of God's law being unambiguous on the subject (Leviticus 20.13):


The real name of Israel should be "Rothschildistan", as suggested by the Balfour Declaration. It is, in fact, the homeland of the Illuminati, the original source of the "dark forces" of our world, the triple alliance of Rothschild (money), Frankism and Freemasonry.

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This is a summation of the facts publicly known about the Trump Attempted Assassination 3 days out:


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This is a wild piece of writing. I can’t say that I disagree with anything in it. Two or three lifetimes ago I used to study Tibetan Buddhism under a qualified Tibetan teacher. I don’t know if he specifically told us we were at the start of a dark age; these occur periodically and endure for long periods of time. I think a fellow student asked and our teacher more or less confirmed that yes, we were on the threshold not a Kali Yuga. I believe the Hindus also believe that we are in a dark age.

A friend of mine who is a dilettante regarding astrology told me that we are in the Aquarian Age and that all that was hidden will be made known, and you have to admit, everyone has a cell phone and everyone is filming everything and putting it on line.

There are no secrets. People see what the police are doing; see and hear what the politicians are doing; live stream a genocide in progress in Gaza, etc. We are clearly in an age of transition if nothing else. All the poisons that lurk in the mud will out.

We have been in the grip of a death cult for a while in the United States. Our arrogance makes us the Lords of violence and death to 5/7ths of the world’s population. We may not know exactly what is happening, but on a psychic/emotional level we know as surely as any animal knows: something isn’t right. Look at our movies, our literature, our forms of entertainment: they are all about death, and mass killing. Is anyone reading this as creeped out as I am by the endless repetition and display of human skulls on everything, everywhere? Seriously? A human skull? Are we being desensitized? Trained to think that a human skull is cool? Or that seeing one is no big deal?

We are as lost as any human being can be. We are losing all ownership over our lives, our minds, our bodies.

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You might like the prophet Daniel in regard to the burgeoning age of information:

"But you oh Daniel, shut up the book until the time of the end, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase"

The book revealing everything is part way open.

Paradoxically, believing in Jesus and everlasting life offers protection against becoming obsessed with death. Catholics in particular have looked at evil for centuries and know it intimately, being birthed in possibly the most evil empire in history, the Roman empire. Demons and the like are subject to Jesus and cannot overcome him.

For Christians evil can be put into a larger moral tapestry, they recognize the filth. Those of little faith are like children being misled in this regard.

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A paradox indeed. An obsession with death and the promise of eternal life are two sides of the same coin. Eternal life can only be attained through death… in this regard, the promise of eternal life is focused on the hour of death and the “promise” of what lies beyond it. And as we have seen, the desire for paradise can make some people blind and uncaring to the harsh realities of life on this Earth and the vast morass of human suffering - indeed, of the suffering of all life forms. Belief in Jesus Christ is one wing of salvation; the other is doing good works. Whether it’s volunteering for a worthy cause, or selling and giving away to the poor everything you own, belief alone will not gain paradise.

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Yes, we are quickly nearing the time for the Messiah to come (again). Yeshua told us that the troubles to come will be as birth pangs on a woman in labor. Satan knows his time is short. Maranatha!

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Naomi, please stop calling the U.S. a "democracy". It is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, *not" a, as I call it, "dem(on)ocracy". I would think that you know this, and that you know the founders of this country, or at least some of them, were against democracy, that they all believed that this is a constitutional republic, and believed that we have a republican form of government (not to at all be confused with the "rethugliCON" and "DemoCON" government we have today). What's up, and cheers, Doc?! :o)

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Democide is a word coined by Professor R.J. Rummel of the University of Hawaii, who studied the phenomenon of governmental mass killings through history. Since the word genocide really pertains to the killing of a particular race, he preferred the more general term of democide to refer to mass governmental killings in general.

Democide Mass-Murder and the New World Order - Activist Post

Why on Earth would any modern government, with malice and fore-thought, set about killing millions upon millions of it's own people? It's a thing hard to believe, yet it's been a common practice. The deaths by democide in the Twentieth century were greater than those in open warfare, and consider how deadly the warfare was in the Twentieth Century.


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According to ancient Indians time is split in so called yugas of thousands of years, each characterized in special ways. As I remember we are on our way out of a demanding negated period and into a new better,easier one. There are lots of thinking around this which might be to some illumination..

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The Zionist Federation of Australia has lodged a complaint against the journalist for publishing the truth about the genocide in Gaza.


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