Dr Wolf, thank you yet again for a beautiful and inspiring piece. This essay was lost in my inbox in the chaos of life. But in God's timing I discovered it this evening and decided to read it. So very thankful that I did as it brought me to tears and reminded me you can always find good. Your deep and rich words reward the reader. I am grateful that you have graciously shared your escape from the left facing halls of judgment, gotten over the status quo and joined the resistance. Yes love and our Creator can lift us from the darkest places, impart peace and shine glorious light on our every blessing. We just need to open our heart to receive it all. God bless you Naomi Wolf.

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So, so beautifully written, Naomi. I love having a puppy heart and feeling so blessed and grateful every day. God loves us each and every one. If humans could only see and feel His love every day.

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So love this Naomi! So moving and powerful! God bless you! ✝️🛐💜

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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You and I might be on some sort of similar path.. as have recently discovered a “bottom line” question that, when I ask it of myself, a whole new dimension, or realm, or something very large, inviting, and brimming over with unimaginable color, sound, and possibility flashes before me.. and that is: what if you knew you were so thoroughly loved, unquestionably, unconditionally, without end nor bound...

what kind of person would you be?

or.. in my case, what kind of person would you have been?

A totally unfamiliar one, to be sure.

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That was so beautiful. Thank you Naomi for such an elegant heartfelt essay. Have a blessed holiday and have fun with Loki.

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Thank you...such love expressed in your writing.

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Today, every moment is a gift…. That’s why it’s called the Present! 😃

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You , Dr.Naomi, for a breath of fresh air. It clears the mind and settles the soul.

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The alcoholic in his/her second step 'comes to believe' from that moment their life is forever changed: contingent on this belief's renewal each morning 'upon awakening' :)

much love Naomi and friends

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Just a beautiful article. So descriptive, that I saw myself in this setting. It was so moving to me. And very apropos with what we are all going through in the last 1.5 months that we lose sight of what is important. The little things. But that is human nature. We need to be reminded of what is important. I too have a dog. Very similar to your new puppy, but he’s now 8. And nothing makes him happier than throwing a ball to him and catching it. And nothing makes me happier than late at night lying in bed, with him taking up 3/4’s of the bed and leaning into my side. There is nothing better in life for me. Thank you for writing such a wonderful article.

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Beautifully put Naomi. Thank you. I swear my dog cured my seasonal affected disorder when he was a puppy.I got him in November--the worst time to get a puppy since housebreaking involves being outside a lot--but I was outside a lot, because of him--and there I was, talking to people, meeting other dog walkers, laughing at my own puppy. And my puppy loved everything--snow, rain, sun. It was the first time in my long life that I noticed that there are plants that grow, flowers even, in the dead of winter. Your piece reminded me of this and tears of gratitude popped up in my eyes.

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A young and lively puppy is a loving companion at any time of the year, the looking back to see is the greatest reward a dog lover can receive.

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As ever, Naomi, you have zoned in on the most essential of all lessons we have to learn on this Earth. I'll never forget a day in Paris, long ago, when I stood , heartbroken and empty for various reasons, waiting for a bus. Suddenly I looked up, and there, scratched on the metal pole of the bus sign, was a message: Love is the answer. Yes...it is the only answer. How sorely we need this message now.

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Wonderful article. Brightened my morning.

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Naomi, what an incredible account of observing and experiencing the love of our faithful God...from whom ALL blessings flow. How incredible the blessings upon blessings he bestowed on you that Thanksgiving day. My prayers for you are being answered in a beautiful way.

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