i appreciate learning of the dichotomy, yet so-called Thanksgiving and America are based on the " agonizing fact that [Natives and the land aka Turtle Island] were, indeed, a battlefield... stripped, and shamed...held hostage, and plundered, and violated." and still are in many ways, think Standing Rock and elsewhere. The US Nation's healing is intertwined with the healing of the Original/Native Peoples of which there were 6,000 Nations before 1492.

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Beautifully written, Naomi. I have only my own experience here in Northern California, but descriptions of what people went through in places like New York, Chicago, and even Los Angeles and San Francisco are foreign to me in my area of California. Here, extreme reactions were fairly short-lived. I had to submit to wearing a mask a for only a short time in order to get into some place like Whole Foods down in the Sacramento area, or Costco, but my foothills area of perhaps 10,000 people spread across two nearby towns always seemed "almost" like before. I never wore a mask after the summer of 2020. Quite a few of our local restaurants revolted early on against the the idea of shutdowns and refused to do so. They filed a lawsuit against the local government and they backed down. My husband and I, along with many others, continually ate out to support these restaurants. I never stopped going to the gym, and our stores stayed open. The pandemic craziness seemed to fade away even while it was in full force in many other places. I volunteered to be part of the 2020 Census in late summer/early fall, and had no problems with that in my area. A lot of the schools in my area, including some alternative as well as religious schools, remained open. My maskless appearance never once caused a comment from anyone. A huge part of California outside the several big cities was surprisingly non-compliant and rebellious, although you would never know that from the media There were a great many small towns in which you never saw anyone in a mask, and nothing was closed.

My daughter is a nurse who worked in several nursing/rehab facilities. She easily got religious exemptions, as did so many other nurses she worked with. Almost all of my family here chose not to get vaccinated and haven't had a problem. My 37 year old son got Covid in November 2019 while he was at UC Davis, but not again since. My daughter got it in November 2020, and after that worked with Covid patients with never a problem. The elderly in her hospitals did just fine, and she saw a 104 year old women recover quite quickly. As far as I know, my husband and I never had covid. and we were out and about a lot.

What happened with Covid in places like New York continues to astound me.

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I watched a bunch of my freinds die in Florida from covid. I am not going good because of my Shigrex shot. I have E-B syndrome from it. I thought it might be my covid shots but tracing my weight loss.

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I’m so sorry about your loss of friends. I’m even more sorry about how your friends were lost. It’s heartbreaking.

We are hearing about this more and more......and we just want to know why?

I’m fairly certain I know why, through shear logic, though it pains my heart.

I think that logic sends us the message, not politics. If one aligns themselves with a certain political allegiance then that in fact can nullify real and true happenings.

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Wow, incredible. Your writing expresses beautifully what I’ve been feeling, but didn’t quite now exactly what I was feeling......beautifully written. 🙏😭😭

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Just bought your book on Amazon - arriving tomorrow!!!!!!! 💃💃💃

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As a 5th generation Floridian, I’m appreciative of the complimentary comparison you make between ours and the harsher “lockdown” states. That said, the denigration and damage done to #WeThePeople’s psyches countrywide by the #NefariousNewWorldOrder and their perfidious propagandizing #PowersThatBe began three score years ago on 11/22/63 per their Orwellian “Lone Gunman” “Big Lie.” Our societal trauma subsequently metastasized via the “Shock(ing) & Awe(some)” #911FalseFlagAtrocity, so that our CONNEDition of “perpetual war”

has us benumbed &, excepting writers like yourself and the Christophers Hedges & Bollyn, et al, dumbed down.

So, identify as #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) and thereby align in the nonpartisan & nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness for #FreeingTruthAndReconciliation (ref. Bollyn.com, John 8:32 & #NelsonMandela, respectively).



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Dear Naomi Wolf,

while your descriptions of what you actually experienced are beautifully written as always, and deeply insightful, I'm sorry for feeling I have to tell you that your unrestricted enthusiasm for the "free state of FL", as the made-up moniker goes, is a-historical, partly just a legend.

There WERE lockdowns and mandates in FL, even local beaches were closed and trespassers criminalized. And the state government went all in with promoting the "jabs", with the governor proudly presiding in person over such endeavors.

I'm not denying that FL opened up rather early and they did back off from the mRNA poisoning over time, so when you visited, that was all long gone. Still, FL did lock up, which may have been understandable at the time when it happened during the first months of the scam. And again, they DID promote the "vaccine" and were proud of administering it at scale and efficiently.

Yes, I'm telling you not just for general accuracy, but because these things have been weaponized into a campaign narrative against the 45th President. The FL governor is not the saint as which he has had his minions paint him as. (And Donald Trump has actually prevented the "great reset" as it was clearly planned for. You think "free FL" would have been possible with the globalist Dems occupying the WH? Surely not.)

I've written about this, and included some "receipts", as they call it nowadays:


Btw the thing with Texas, as a complete outsider, I could imagine that the differences in "public sentiment" are mainly resulting from the two states being different in geography, history, demographics. A little town on the beach will always be different from a big city inland, too.

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Beautiful! Got your book and am, as always, moved, educated and intrigued by your words. Thank you Naomi for your great courage tenacity and wisdom. May peace be with us! Maureen

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Early in CV, I came across something that said we are in an abusive relationship with our institutions. And I thought that was a perfect description of the situation.

If we acknowledge that is the case, how do we get out of it and more importantly, how do we heal trom it?

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I can see you don't have to use a ghostwriter! Your writing is so non-formulaic, so heartfelt. It's truly a pleasure to read. Why do I have no problem visualizing you in the final scenes of Fahrenheit 451?

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Dr Wolf is able to eloquently write what I feel! I was not forbidden from attending any celebrations but had a similar experience. My husband and I had hosted Christmas Eve since 1985. In 2020, not one of my family members would come over, except for the sister who already had had WuFlu. But those same family members had no issues going to Target or Walmart or wherever. I had another sister tell me how she was the better person for wearing a mask to “protect others”. I was looked down upon for not submitting to an unproven gene therapy.

My husband and I no longer host Christmas Eve, having moved on. That’s what WuFlu did to my family. I really don’t feel particularly close to them. I hope this feeling eventually passes.

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Dear Naomi, I'm about halfway through your new book and it has filled me with remembered

anguish. My dear mother Rose Anne Hensley passed away in a hospital just as the covid lockdowns began here in Albuquerque. Only one person from her family could be with her, and I was the one. Here is what I wrote about that experience:

Love in the Time of Coronavirus

The great sunlit foyers of the hospital echo as I leave. There is not another living thing for as far as the eye can see.

Then I see the masked-men-all-business security and the barriers and the tape. I have only bent their rules because someone is dying. I could only come alone.

I have thrown away the clear visor, the sad floppy hat and gown, the sticky gloves and that suffocating stiff bowl of a mask, filled with my snot and sweat and tears.

She has thrown off that “old crate” of a body.

She was my pistol of a mother, the one of a kind honkeytonk piano player, the lavish-beaded necklace maker, the family-loyal-to-the-death, the giver of a hundred hundred presents, everybody’s Granny Rose.

For years she said, “I’m just waitin’ for my ride.” She never, ever, ever lost her trust in the Driver.

She got her ticket punched and left this day, this Palm Sunday. I got to escort her in my arms. The last goodbye was a whisper, a puff too soft for a dandelion.

At the end, she was completely surrounded by just her Savior and me on this holyday.

I lay my Rose among the fronds for safekeeping.

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Beautiful. So sorry for your loss.

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I’ve just finished reading your wonderful, beautiful, terrifying and uplifting new book. I thank you with all my heart. Your book makes so much sense, pulls so much together, opens a new path. I wish you and your family all strength and happiness. Thank you again.

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Thank you so much!

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Dr. Wolf,

Are you deleting comments?

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I hope in the future, people realize how we stood for freedom in the breach against medical totalitarianism. Even willing to lose friends and family. I for one will never be a just following orders person. It is painful the relationships lost, but I am proud of myself for having the backbone to resist.

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It wasn’t quite as idyllic in Florida as she recalls. My mother spent a year in an assisted living in Florida with no visitors, unless they scheduled an hour to sit outside with her. She and all of her fellow residents were essentially prisoners in their own apartments as there were no longer meals together in the dining room, but instead delivered to their apartments where they were left in a bag hanging on the doorknob, lest they open the door and breathe on, or be breathed on, by the masked employee who knocked on the door and ran. All entertainment and shopping trips etc were cancelled. Then came 2021 and my mother and her fellow residents were forced to be vaccinated if they wished to continue to live there, and where else could they go when all doors at other facilities were closed to new residents, and they all had the same procedures in place anyway. No one could work there or visit who wasn’t vaccinated, which left me unable to see my then 89 year old mother for another year. It was certainly no better in my home state of NJ, where my 96 year old mother-in-law died alone in a hospital bed with my husband not able to see his mother for the last 6 weeks of her life. What a terrible thing was done to all people, everywhere.

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Beautifully said. Lovely to hope once again. The forces of darkness violated every one of us. I shall not forget. We shall be vindicated one day by the Ancient of Days. Of that I’m supremely confident. I rest in Him until then. 🙏🏻

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