Will you also post the Bible reading on this Substack? I’m a paid subscriber this one and like that I can get all content here. If not, I’ll just subscribe to the Bible reading one as unpaid. Right now I’m getting what seems to be duplicate postings in this Substack but finally figured out one contains the video and the other contains only audio. Are the reading also posted to DailyClout? I have a paid subscription to it as well.

Keep up the good fight.

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Hello Naomi,

I appreciate your breaking this out.

I subscribe to Outspoken mostly out of support for the Geneva Bible readings. Should I keep my subscription where it is, or cancel it and move it over here?

Thanks! These readings are so great.

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I just heard a recent study on Ezekiel, particularly I listened to chapters 38 and 39. Also he did an excellent study on the book of Daniel, chapters 2, 7-12... it ties into his Revelation series. But he quotes so many verses from the Old Testament. I think you would find it factual and interesting. Its Stephen Armstrong. He can be found at versebyverseministry.org but if you go on you tube and type in Stephen Armstrong Revelation and then go to #4a, 4b and 4c and then skip to #18, it's so interesting. Please check that out. 🙏 He did these studies in 2019 and then died in 2021. Very timely study.

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Julie, thanks for that info. I did a bit of reading on his site and found that he used the inductive Bible Study method. I’m in a Bible Study where we use this method. It is amazing and I understand the meaning of passages so much more. https://versebyverseministry.org/bible-answers/studying-the-bible. Hoping Naomi will read about this method in the link provided. My study was in the New Testament and we would only study a few verses (2 to 4) at a time. There is much richness found in studying this way. You do need resources like a reference with Stong’s word numbers, cross references etc.

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O that's wonderful!!! I just keep learning more and more and fall more in love with God and His Word. I so enjoyed Stephen's teaching on the age of the gentiles. I thought the age of the gentiles was when the church started and found out it was about 605bc. I love how much information is in the Old Testament that ties into end times. The Old Testament is so relevant. Amazing times we are living in and I look forward to meeting Jesus soon it seems. Yes, praying for Naomi and Dr Simone Gold as well. I am curious your thoughts on Ezekiel 38 and 39? After hearing Stephen Armstrings teaching on that being at the END of the 1,000 years, I have to say that seems extremely possible. I have heard the other options and each one leaves some questions but found this one flows very well with what the Bible says and reading it literally ie Israel living in peace and unwalled villages, war involving horses, and bows and arrows and wooden weapons which then Israel burns for 7 years....the only thing then that I can't figure out is Revelation says at the end of the 1,000 years and after Satan is released for a short time, that He creates a new earth etc. So it all flows quite nicely and then there would be a delay bc they would be burning wood on this earth for 7 years... I question that but like I said each one has its issues.

You would probably also enjoy The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum who is a messianic Jew. Excellent book pointing out many Old Testament verses that tie into end times and the 1,000 years when Israel is in their rightful place!

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God bless you. Keep doing the right things for the right reasons

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