Dear Ms Wolf. I just want to thank you for such a wonderfully both enlightening and respectful article. I am exceedingly grateful for both you & Mr. Carlson and your dedication to true journalism, including even retaining the desire and ability to hear viewpoints from one "on the other side".

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Kirsten Powers, a dedicated leftist, used to have concerns about this. She wrote about it in her book, "The Silencing," in 2015. She recounted how when she used to appear as a regular on Fox News that her friends on the Left complained to her constantly, "You're giving that network legitimacy," as if she had the power to do that. She eventually left Fox. Though, I didn't hear the reason. I used to hear that she appeared on CNN, but I don't know where she is these days.

I don't recall her going through the same ordeal you did. She wasn't trying to publicize censored information. The complaint against her was just that she was arguing with conservatives on Fox, as that was a prominent feature of the network for many years. Their slogan being, "We report, you decide." Fox used to consider itself unique, because Roger Ailes started it as an answer to the mainline networks, whom Americans had learned to trust over generations, but which conservatives had picked up were a) lying about them, and b) were slanting news coverage to favor and buttress the leftist narrative. Since 2017, Fox has gradually steered away from that mission, in a quite deliberate process. Ailes could no longer manage the network, so Rupert Murdoch, and his sons, took over. His sons, in particular, hated what Fox News was. Their goal ever since has been to turn it into another version of CNN. So, Bill O'Reilly was out, and now, so is Tucker Carlson. We can expect more to follow.

Cable TV is a slowly sinking ship, as internet media is taking over, but since it's still a big business, I expect it will still be around for many years. It's just not a growth business anymore.

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Just a quick note about the yellow star. I worked for one hospital that identified fall-risk patients by a star posted outside their room. I believe it was yellow. It was thought of as kinder than posting the words 'fall risk' outside the room and every hospital knew if they saw the patient engaged in risky behavior (such as climbing over the bedrails) to call for help.

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Who are these clowns who have such faith in Big Pharma?

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I feel bad for "Doctor" Wolf. However, can she tell us where and when she attended medical school? (Quack Quack Online University?) I'm close friends with two of her Yale classmates and they said that it's been tragic to watch this person fall apart both mentally and ethically, in such a public, humiliating way. They're incredulous and heartbroken that such a promising and gifted woman could so rapidly descend into this type of mental state. I feel for her family and whatever real friends she still has in her life. And I sincerely hope that she will seek the professional help she so clearly needs.

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What stupid lies you write. You actually think this impresses anyone who thinks for themselves?

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Not worth a comment.

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Have to wonder what motivates a attack response like this! Have you looked in the mirror lately?

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There is a notable lack of specificity in your attempt at character assassination, and your faux concern comes off as slimy and insincere.

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you're about as "sincere" as a nest of angry hornets LOL

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What an outstanding declaration of independent thinking, honesty, belief in timeless values and perseverance! I salute Ms. Wolf for the strong character and clear thinking that she possesses.

America needs many more people like you. Only thanks to people like yourself can America be saved from a fate, which would end up worse, than depicted in Orwell's 1984.

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Ha! Fellow MAGA Morons. You and Wolfie...members of the same TrumpSucker Country Club!

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MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. This plan is needed, because the Leftist Loonies decided that the US as it was before isn't good enough. So, they started a systematic destruction of your once Great country.

Apparently, your ilk doesn't like your own America and resent what the acronym, MAGA means. You are consumed with a pathological hatred of anything that relates to Donald Trump, and anything that was the stable, and valuable in traditional America.

It is YOU and your kind who are the traitors. Personally, I despise you such, that words are inadequate to express my loathing toward your Lefty, Commie mob.

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yeah, he's such a perfect example of the looney tunes, and as such I have to wonder if hes real, but the thing is , i know similary in real life, so i know he very well is "real"

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In my 80 years of life I have met and known individuals, who were really off the Gaussian distribution curve. Yet they could function in society and contributed like others.

Perception isn't everything. Also slander of the one you disagree with is no reason for hatred.

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it wasn't just the "leftist loonies " who have been the problem.. they are equaled , or near equled in ignorance by the rightie loonies. i don't want to have to split hairs as to which side is nuttier... definitely during kovid the Left stands out

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During most of America's history the country's general orientation was what you call 'Rightie'. It was most definitely not Leftie.

The Leftie stuff came after WWII, when the Soviet Union decided that the best way to defeat the US was to undermine America's original value system. This is what started the demonization of that part of society, which had trust in traditional values.

Today we are at a crisis point, where one part of society wishes to preserve the past (during which the country could grow and become a world power) and the other group believes that this is wrong, and must be demolished. These people abhor America remaining a world power. They would rather let some other country to assume that position.

After that they want to establish a new world order, whose viability is highly questionable and appears to be dystopian (the New World Order).

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it was ok back in the day to mix and sparr in elite circles with the other side, as long as you didn't cross certain lines.( i.e. kept things enjoyably superficial) Ben Bradley was involved in covering up the framing of a black man for the 1964 murder of Mary Meyers, JFK mistress. A murder the cia committed. Mary was crossing this line in washington in her investigation of the realities of the assassination. she was going too deep. asking too many questions.

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Dr. Wolfe, I BEG you to stop pronouncing it

"vee-airs"... This mispronunciation of such a simple word(acronym) make you COMPLETELY lose credibility, instantly, so they'll listen no further after hearing that! It's pronounced: VAIRS/VARES.

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In the past few years I hav often wondered WHAT has happened to minds and views such as Naomi Wolf has shared in this article. God bless you, Dr Wolf! THANK YOU!

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Why? Why is the DNC President and echelon inside and outside of it wanting to destroy the Republic and the Constitution? Why is thev2nd and 3rd amendments mostly an endangered species? Sad.

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I am not from usa, nut NEVER in my 61 years have a seen such biasness and deliberate hatred from one "dogmatic" democratic group towards conservative opinions. Hair rising and scary and primitive. People are suppose not to think the same, otherwise we would not have been thinking...it is as if we are back before plato and aristotle, dark aged minions. I don't even think these aggresive democrats should deserve the nametag democrat, because they don't even know what it means. It means at the most basic to have a choice to speak at the least, and it has been taken away in a undemocratic way globally. I think democrars should be renamed to communists or neocommunists, because that is the road of aggressive democratic abrasion they are taking...

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This is the most important thing I will read all year if not longer. You are a hero for writing this!

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I subscribe to this blog because I'm fascinated by Ms. Wolf's narcissism. She tells us in every post what a sensational wonderful, life she has. She also loved loved her Lefty friends and misses them terribly. Note: she never sees the damage that they did. That includes her announcing with pride her feminist roots instead of apologizing. Feminism destroyed this country, starting with denigrating motherhood.

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Typical ignorance and idiocy from a person who doesn't understand what feminism is and who relishes her subservient and obedient "woman's place" due to her fear and confusion. How pathetic.

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May 8, 2023Edited
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Nah. The truth is that you're as delusional and ignorant as Wolf is. The only difference is you were likely always obtuse and deeply confused. At least Wolf was mentally balanced when she was younger.

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And you sir are the walking definition of a horse's rear end!

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are you for real?? sadly, its quite possible you are. a truly deeply madly mind controlled libtard who is as base, an authoritarian, who adores similarly mind controlled m.d. s , brainwashed in the "finest" brainwashing schools in the U.S. No secret really why Americans are so mentally & physically ill w mind controlled robots in charge of their health. Thank GOD Almighty that Wold is breaking out the mind controlled from which you suffer!

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First of all she's not a doctor. She's a PHD. The title is Naomi Wolf PHD. That's kind of like Dr. Jill Biden. I am very happy she finally figured out Covid with all the researchers she has. Why narcissism? She has never apologized for all the damage she and her "feminist sisters" have done. Remember, Ha Shem loves humility. BTW She would never have had that success without her buddies.

It's a circle jerk.

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And you, Pam, are simply a jerk. No circles are necessary for you to gleefully gobble up whatever Trump and his ilk choose to ejaculate in your direction.

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May 14, 2023
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Exactly right on! I couldn't have written it better myself. Thank you Sir.

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I miss that America and wonder what the hell is going on, too.

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We'll, I'll tell you what's going on Jeff. The world is changing, as it always is, and people like you can handle it due to your fear and ignorance. And your numbers are shrinking every day. Luckily, fewer and fewer people are buying the extremist, delusional right-wing hatred and violence you're still selling. And that's why you and your fellow MAGA Morons are so bitter and increasingly unhinged. Your views are less and less popular everyday and that reality is driving you insane. And that's why so many of you are resorting to lies, manipulation, anti-American, and anti-democratic policies. And, as proven on 1/6/21, you'll ultimately use violence to hold on to the bizarre fantasy world that you refuse to abandon. You'll "hang Mike Pence" and murder anyone else that you've been indoctrinated into hating. I hope you'll change and choose a better life before it's too late for you and those around you.

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So, you're saying we actually are being replaced, eh?

You're welcome to stick with your Lying Sacks of Shit Party, Spencer, and their malicious dirty, rotten tricks on the people. You think their lies and crimes are justified, but that is exactly what caused J6 and will cause the next blow-up.

Okay, now justify all those lies and dirty tricks and its ugly offspring, BLM/Antifa.

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Is there somewhere where I can read about the incidents that caused you to lose your fucking mind?

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Your nome de-guerre indicates you have no respect for yourself. Which means you have no respect for your mother and father who gave you their name.

You're disgusting coward and I'm calling you out.

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I disagree. Ms. Wolf always must have had a very sharp mind and one day it had to open up to see the destruction that the Left-wing denizens have unleashed on your country. (I am from another country).

Please, Ms. Wolf, do not be influenced by the negative vibes emanating from the likes of people like Mr. Jackinov. He has watched too much CNN, MSNBC, and so on. They are like re-education camps the CCP is using to 'cure' the Uyghurs.

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If people were aware of the actual video Tucker Carlson was referencing in his text, they might be able to comprehend the content of his comments: https://wastedink.substack.com/p/tucker-carlson-was-fired-for-being?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Ftucker%2520carlson&utm_medium=reader2

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