The Republicans in Congress promise hearings once they are re-elected…

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The regime's breakage of campaign laws and FEC rules is completely irrelevant. Those laws and rules only exist for the regime to deploy against their opponents.

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What gives money value? It is the value that people give to it. Otherwise it would just be paper, or numbers on a screen. Even gold would have no value if people didn't value it.

What gives law value? It is the value that people give to it. Otherwise law would be nothing more than words. So if many on the Left no longer have regard for the law, then the only thing keeping the law alive are the people who still respect it (mostly conservatives). The greatest danger I see now is that if the conservatives get so fed up with the liberals breaking the law that they decide to take matters into their own hands and ignore the law themselves, telling themselves it takes monsters to fight monsters, that's the day our Republic will breathe its last gasp. So I echo your words: resist, resist, resist anything short of lawful (Constitutional) processes.

Remember, our country isn't just a land mass or even a people. A land mass or a people could be governed by any number of governments. Therefore what makes the United States a unique nation is above all else our Constitution, which is what our elected officials, law enforcement and military swear an oath to uphold and defend.

Thus if you deny even your worst enemy the right to free speech, the right to freedom of assembly, or the right to a fair trial, for example, then you will have lost those same rights yourself. What's more, you will have lost our Constitution and thus our nation. Then your enemy will have won by inducing you to destroy yourself. Our Constitution must therefore be the battle line we defend at all costs. If you must be a monster, be a monster for the Constitution.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." (Ephesians 6: 12-13, Holy Bible, KJV)

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Yes it is a coup and they do not go by any laws or the supreme court’s decisions ! They cheat and lie and steal ! It’s the only way they can win anything! They are doing the same thing to us so blatantly that Russia, Iran , China and all these countries like them do and we sit back and let them do it !

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It’s actually the final phase of the first and only coup, which took place in 2008.

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Politics is sock puppet theater for the gullible. Brics has been running this show for years as and through the UN, and it's affiliates.

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Shoot this FucN paid actor!

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They (noticed this especially on National Public Radio) also ritualistically insert the word "baseless," before any statements or beliefs that they disagree with.

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Unmitigated horseshit.

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This is a coup alright a coup to turn this country into a Socialist state

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This is total garbage. I used to respect Wolf's work, but she's obviously drunk the Kool-aid. Absolute deranged garbage.

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Insane conspiracy theorist.

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This some next-level batshit wingnuttery. Why did Substack put this garbage in my feed? Get some help. Yeesh.

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Please go back to being a democratic feminist, try harder

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As a side note, Jill Biden has the WORST fashion sense of any 1st Lady, ever! Jacki O's turning over in her grave. If the months leading up to this debacle weren't enough to charge her with elder abuse, leaving poor ol' Joe when his mind AND ego are demolished, has gotta be one of the most sadistic and selfish acts we've ever witnessed.

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Just, FANTASTIC. Thank you!

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