Magic, the spiritual and mystical did not go away, but you, will not find it if you, do not go looking for it. I, was wilfully ignorant for 42 years as the information was there but I, did never look before. I, am 46 now and do try to walk the spiritual path to climb the mountain back to God. Over the past two years I, have been led to books and authors that I, would never have heard of or come across, such as the Bulgarian Spiritual Master, Philosopher and Mystic Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (https://www.prosveta.co.uk/), and much more besides. The teacher of I, Richard Abbot (https://www.thehermitage.org.uk/richard-abbot), describes it as a Silver Stream and old age, not new age. In his book “Soul Strong Volume 1” (https://www.thehermitage.org.uk/store/soul-strong-volume-one) he did say:

"It is my spiritual conservatism that makes me conscious that anything I do or say is merely a droplet in the Silver Stream of spiritual knowledge that flows on forever, from the great teachers of yesterday to the bright hopes of tomorrow. Sometimes that Silver Stream spreads wide and deep, at other times, when it becomes harder for it to cut through the landscape, it becomes progressively narrower and shallower. There are even times when it is reduced to a barely moving trickle. But always it flows on, not quite as an inheritance from teacher to pupil, but as a legacy from one society to the next. And, because of this, and due to the fact that I hold the past in such high esteem, nothing that I write now should be taken as either complete or final.”

Those of man, and womankind, who are interested in becoming “Soul Strong”, can become members of the Hermitage Hub, which is a self-directed learning resource for all things spiritual and mystical: https://www.thehermitage.org.uk/join-us

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“Think not that I am come to send peace into the earth, but the sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies shall be they of his own household.”

Matthew 10: 34-36

The Living Word of God is also called a sword. Jesus Christ said it would divide: we do not follow a sissy. We follow a Victorious Conquerer and King. There is such power in confession, power in the name of Jesus Christ. Evil is terrified of this. So the Word, and all those who believe & confess it- are going to offend, and we see this in how the persecution of Christians and Jews is accelerating. Until the ‘Harpazo’ when the restrainer (aka believers) are taken up from the earth; the Rabbi, Jesus Christ- he said we are to expect trouble- you have already suffered persecution because of who now dwells within you- but He also said that through him, we will overcome the world !

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“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.””

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭30‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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As a Christian, in no way am I offended by this essay. It was excellent. Christians generally don’t view the old and new testament’s as two separate books. It truly is one sacred text.

You should read the article “Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower” in Christianity Today. Kirsten Powers had a similar experience as yours.


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Dear Naomi, I was on a zoom call last night with Celia Farber and her other subscribers, and Dr Rima Laibow joined us. Dr Rima has set up the website Prevent Genocide 2030 and is desperate to get the 10 million Patriots Challenge going NOW - BEFORE the UN Summit for the Future is held towards the end of this month which will I understand result in more of the Pandemic Treaty being enacted around the world (as it already has been in NZ and Canada). The aim is to get the US to withdraw from the UN by getting US Congressmen to vote a UN withdrawal through with a supermajority. The website sets out 6 steps for us to each take including eg tweeting challenges to Congressmen/women to vote appropriately etc. ANYWAY! Rima has been on Alex Jones but not recently and hasnt been able to get through to him.. She needs lots of publicity NOW! Celia Farber is going to see if she can use her contacts to get Rima onto Tucker. It'd be great to get her on to Jo Rogan, Kim Iverson, etc etc! Can you help? Hod Bless

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God Bless!

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Amen and amen. Yes it is one story, I believe this with all my heart. What if heaven itself is but a dimension away? Keep going! I too have things to write that I have no bandwidth to get to yet. They are related to these topics. They have been on my heart since I was 16. I believe that the timing is as significant as the topics. Be blessed as you move through this series. We are in spiritual battle but the devil is not Yahweh’s equal and his crew is outnumbered two to one since 1/3 of heaven fell with him. Thanks for your honesty and bravery. 🙏♥️

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Dear Doctor Wolf,

I hope this note finds you well. First of all, thank you for your kind comment to my last post. It was appreciated.

I listened to your pod cast and have given thought to your words.

Something told me to reach out to you, so, If I may be so bold, a bit of counsel.

Do you remember the comedian, Sam Kinison? He died in an automobile crash. Just before he passed, he pleaded for his life to an unseen force. But he was denied and died there. Read about this, because for you it has meaning. You too asked for life, but your request was granted, his was not.

So you have to ask why. Why was life given to you? This is your quest. When you discover the answer to this question, you will know your fate. The issue is, how do you find the answer? From your story, it seems that …..you are …..you are….. being led or receiving guidance on what to do. If this is the case, I have one piece of advice. I learned a long time ago, that the fear really never goes away. There is no courage without fear. But face the fear, and slowly it will die.

No matter what your fears….follow the guidance that comes to you. Embrace it. Act upon it. If you do not, regret will be a life-long companion..

You have been chosen. Why or for what end, no one can say. Only you will know. The journey may be hard or even full of pain, but it is the journey that God wants you to take. Was not Abraham called to sacrifice his only son? Does not Christ tell Thomas that “blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” ? It is hard for us humans trapped in corporeal bodies to believe when the world says otherwise. But that is the essence of faith. Your journey is one of faith, simple as that.

As a former soldier, all I can add is this. If you truly believed that God spared your life then you owe Him a debt for the time you have left. You have a duty to perform and from what you have told us, it is time. The words of the Emperor always come back to haunt us……….

“Duty, as heavy as a mountain, death as light as a feather.

My thoughts are with you. I wish you the best. The more you listen to your inner heart, the stronger it will get.

Robert G. Fausti


US Amry (ret)

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Naomi, Your "what if's" are the "what if's" that I have often thought about for most of my agnostic octogenarian existence. I have often wondered whether there were distinct historic moments or periods of time when attempts were made to suppress and annihilate "the Word". eg; the Roman War that scattered the tribes of Israel, the proselytisation (and re-writing of the original message) by St Paul, the 1st and 2nd Councils of Nicea, the exclusion of various gospels from the modern Bible, Emperor Constantines' proclamation of Christianity, the Church of Rome's adoption of papal supremacy, the Spanish Inquisition, the Vatican's resistence to the Renaissance and Enlightenment, the Slavic nations anti-Jewish Pogroms, the Holocaust of the modern era. I am neither pro or anti Jewish or Christian however there seems to be a recurrent theme of cultural, ideological and religious persecution over the millennia that has attempted to re-write the age-old Message. I wait with baited breath for your next essay.

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Experiencing another culture is a certain way to review your own circumstances and delete redundant thoughts and practices in favour of learning another way of life. Beautifully written.

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P.S.: Though I’ve read many bibles extensively, cover-to-cover, and many apocryphal texts, essays, studies, I’d not yet read The Geneva Bible. Looking into it.

I’m always thrilled when Wisdom overlaps “isms”, when the threads of truth are experienced, reflected across cultures, eons, paths. Thanks, again. More, please! ☺️

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Dear Naomi — Perhaps, as it does with me, your breath-of-fresh - (ancient) air will ring true and not at all strange, foreign, offensive, outlandish. Thank you for sharing as you have! I’d say to take heart, as there are likely a lot more folks “out here” for whom this knowledge is not at all “wild”, nor sacrilegious — nor even new. Quite the opposite, in my experiences. It does my heart good to see and hear you, a person with (normally!!) a large platform, sharing, delving into this subject, as there’s never been a more important time for such in human history. Yes, that’s a dramatic statement, but these, certainly, are dramatic times with “all the world” to lose — or to gain!

Hoping you’ll share much more! It’s all too rare to be able to have shared “Aha!” moments of Spirit.

Love, blessings on your work!


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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

To all your "Maybe..." posits, I say Yes! :)

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I always read anything and everything you write with sheer pleasure, even if I disagree, because your literary style is so excellent! Thank you for using the gifts God gave you so diligently. You do far, far more than most, yet the Blessed Mother spoke directly to you and asked for help. As a Catholic, I'm accustomed to her appearances and interventions, but it is always momentous. You must feel overwhelmed, yet hopefully inspired? I continue to keep you in my prayers, Dr. Wolf - carry on!

As an example of above and beyond, you recently supported Mark Steyn at his London trial and spoke passionately about the importance of free speech.

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Fabulous. Far too many coincidences to be just that. Thank you so much.

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If you are interested in the history of magic, paganism etc. then the fascinating writings of John Michael Greer (who writes the Ecosophia blog) may be of interest: https://www.ecosophia.net

An example of his writing: https://www.ecosophia.net/a-primer-of-magical-combat/

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John Michael Greer posted a link to one of Naomi's Substack posts. That's how I found her. I think he's a great resource right now.

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God has you in His grip. Be courageous. That is what we are called to do. Proverbs 3:5-10. Keep walking. I understand your dilemma with Christians and Jews. My family is both. I walk the line. But trust in Adonai…He is calling you.

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