These lawsuits are great but they are ignoring the pain and anguish of the real victims.

Play some Twilight-Zone music. Rod Sterling narrates, "Image if you will, a force 5 tornado bearing down on Megaapolis. Evil people have taken over the government and believe the population must be reduced." Break to a radio station. They are about to make an emergency announcement. The Police break in, guns drawn, "Stop what you are doing. You are not allowed to spread mis-information about a tornado."

Radio station weatherman, "It's not mis-information. We have a massive tornado on radar. We are receiving phone calls about towns being wiped out."

Police, "The National Weather Service did not predict a tornado. You are trying to spread misinformation. Put down the microphone and put on some music."

So who are the real victims? The radio station is upset but there is no direct financial loss. They are forced to play some music and put on some paid ads.

The real victims are the residents who get no warning of the huge tornado. Many die.

Who are the real victims of Covid jab censorship? The people who were not warned of the dangers of the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J jabs. They could not give informed consent because they were not informed.

Image if you will a legal ad, "Do you have a child under 12 suddenly struck with myocarditis/pericarditis, a heart attack, stroke, cerebral blood clots or other malady now proven to have been caused by Covid Jabs. The vaccine companies managed to get immunity. Big Tech companies did not. They violated our laws and our constitutional right to freedom of speech when they censored critical information on the dangers of these jabs. The courts have ruled that it is not just the speakers, writers, and publishers who were damaged. Every single person who did not get this critical time sensitive information was damaged, maimed, and sometimes killed and they and their families have a right to compensation. Big Tech companies have trillions of dollars. Call us at Wee, Cheatum, and Howe where we are seeking tens of millions of dollars for each and every chil...........

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Confirmed for First Time: Vaccines Cause Myocarditis Deaths, Says Oxford Study

A new University of Oxford study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation found that a COVID-19 vaccine is actually four times more likely to cause myocarditis in men under the age of 40 than a COVID-19 infection. This is also the first study that has acknowledged that people are actually dying from vaccine-induced myocarditis.


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Did anyone watch the footage Rand Paul found where Dr Fauci says in an interview that natural immunity is superior to any vaccines and no vaccines are needed with natural immunity....?


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WOW. This is disgusting. Our government is straight corrupt A--F.

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You are a powerful voice. Never be quiet. Never be silent . God raised up Deborah. He raised you up also.

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Everyone needs to listen to or read the transcript of Corbett's documentary on Silicon Valley. They simply played the tune their payer called.


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During a 2020 FDA virtual meeting before the Covid vaccine rollout, an apparent accidental slide showing the shot's side effects appeared for only a split second. Apparently not intended to be shown because it was immediately passed by in a split second and was not referred to.

The public was never given this information on the possible side effects of this experimental RNA/mRNA treatment.

This meeting video and slideshow that was presented is still up on the FDA's YouTube channel. The link below has the 2+ hour video queued up to at 2:33:25 a few seconds before slide appears. Instructions to see the slide: Before hitting Play, click the "gear" tool in the bottom right of the video window and change playback speed to .25 then hit play. It will be slowed down considerably. Watch the slide appear and suddenly go away at 2:33:40.


*note: change the speed setting back to Normal so that future YT videos play normally.

Before the Covid shots were released in 4Q of 2020, the FDA knew about the side effects proven by the existence of this slide. Subsequent to the rollout, stories from people experiencing these same side effects were suppressed by the government, by reliant physicians and also by social media. These side effects listed on this slide were learned during Pfizer's short 3-month trial BEFORE the rollout and the results from these trials including adverse events experienced by the participants were not to be made public for 75 years. No one was warned about these side effects. The messaging from the govt and media was "100% safe and effective".

Individuals were not given the option to decide risk vs benefit in regard to this experimental man-made RNA treatment being used to stop the transmission of SARS-C0V-2.

Since the rollout, the adverse events experienced by thousands have been suppressed by the government, social media and the news. Miscarriages, abnormal vaginal bleeding, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, reversal of cancer remission, sudden death, heart attacks, onset of shingles, etc are included in these suppressed adverse events experienced by real people. Doctors that investigate correlation are threatened with removal of hospital privileges and de-licensing.

They knew. The government and those that run the FDA/CDC knew. The shots are still being administered under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), packaging only contains an intentional white (blank) data sheet and are NOT FDA approved. No - they are NOT. As of Sept 2022, none of the three vaccinations (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) currently being distributed in the US are fully FDA approved. EUA does not mean FDA approved. The two therapeutics (Paxlovid and Molnupavir) are also only EUA and not FDA approved. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or is misinformed.

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I am glad you are helping to bring this madness to light. Hopefully this will shake some people awake. You are a brave voice in this fight.

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Good luck with this!

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Good news. Go get them!

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Of course, they're saying, Yes, there was collusion and censorship. We did it to make sure Americans "have access to factual, accurate, science-based information." Bullshit, the bar for "misinformation" had nothing to do with truth, even if a some actual misinformation was swept away in the process. The bar was if don't conform to the One Allowed Narrative, which was full of unfactual, inaccurate, bullshit "information".


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Thank you for your efforts. I hardly recognize our country anymore as the constitutional republic it is supposed to be. Increasingly it really is resembling a tyrannical and fascist dictatorship.

May freedom and the constitution win when all is said and done.

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Relevant and aged well... NOT about WHAT or HOW ONE FEEL's or SHOULD ONE. An early indicator of NOT a matter of CONSENT or CHOICE, but refusal for WHO tells me what to do and when. Oh the hypocrisy and irony of it all. October 7, 2020: https://youtu.be/p7WD8l0Dc1I

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Keep charging at the bastards.

Never stop. Never let up. Uproot this colossal evil.

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I can only wish for people like you who continue to fight for the truth even at their own expense. A true patriot!!! It’s unreal to think of people who see what this administration is doing but still support them. I personally read about Germany in the 30’s because my family lost blood there. The concentration camps didn’t start with Jewish people being sent to them. It started with censorship. Naomi I know you know this. You have the courage of a lion. The next step in nazi Germany was jailing political opponents. This started before this administration was sworn in. Just a few days ago Merick Garland, yes the man who’s grandparents fled western Russia from the pale settlement which persecuted Jews for there religion, issued 50 warrants to search and seize electronics from Trump administration officials. This is besides the dozens of people that have been arrested, frog marched in handcuffs and leg irons for political views. The last thing I will say is religious persecution is political persecution Merrick, your family had America to flee to and as you said in your confirmation hearing you wanted to give back to the country that provided safety for your grandparents. Where is my family supposed to flee to, to get away from your persecution?

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I never thought we would see this kind of censorship in America. What has surprised me more is that it is generally the left that is cheering it on. I’m so completely grateful for those of you, especially on the left traditionally, who are standing up and fighting for what is right. You have so much courage!! I’m so glad that good people from all sides of the political spectrum are joining together to take these foundational freedoms back!

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