Dearest Naomi, I have followed you since your book, The Beauty Myth, was published. BTW, you signed it at your speaking event at Trenton State College! I am more aware and educated on many topics from reading and listening to your words. Keep going and keep sharing with us. I appreciate and believe your supernatural experiences are meant to be shared to help us all learn. I hear that you are sometimes fearful-and thankfully you are also brave.

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24 mins ago·edited 20 mins ago

Apart from faith in Christ as the Messiah, the 2nd person of the Trinity that took on a human body and nature to be our substitute, to fulfill the requirements of God's law for us, and to pay the penalty for our sin, we are at the mercy of evil spiritual forces far more powerful and subtle than ourselves, who will easily deceive us when they pose as angels of light. They promote a one-world, ecumenical religion that denies Christ as the only way of salvation, contrary to Christ's own words: "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me." John 14:6. May God grant you great grace to continue your journey until you see and embrace the infinite excellence of Jesus Christ, the true and only Messiah. God's best to you, always, Naomi.

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Thank you. Also:

Very good – astonishing new details, including Obama as CIA’s foreign “community organizer”

The Dark Truth About The Trump Assassinations | Who Is Really Trying To Kill Trump? With Mike Benz


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You are 100% correct Dr Naomi. when you state that Scriptural Books DO have power .

One interesting document I have read is the Didache which is the teachings from the first Apostles and Disciples to the First Early Christian Communities as they traveled around preaching to them about what Jesus had taught them. These writing,s prior to the New Testament having been written ,are being discovered by Archeologists in many Early Christian communities all over the Middle East., that documented what they were told by the first evangelists , all over the Middle East.

Remarkably there has not been much difference in what they all wrote.

You can pick a copy up in Amazon or Ebay which is a better reference than online.


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Dr. Naomi …. Would like your take on several other available bibles and their metaphysical emphasis (trying to sound somewhat knowledgeable ). Bibles: Gnostic, Geneva, King James, Catholic, Mormon. Have also become interested in scripture written during the time of Jesus, the days after Jesus’s death, thru to the time of Constantine and his ‘forced’ council of Nicaea. What happened to all these other documents? Why some included and others excluded ? Centuries of text translation, and whitewashing of true scriptural meaning. This from a Christian perspective. What do you think ? rks

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Today is the anniversary of the battle of Hastings 1066. I would guess the battlefields of Hastings, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, etc., where so many died, are haunted. Naomi, you and Brian might learn much if you spent the night in the Devil's Den at the Gettysburg battlefield. I doubt this is allowed so you would have to sneak in to do this. Let us know what you find out.

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Naomi, You're a trip and a half. At 42 minutes, you mention your Sephardic memory. Here's proof of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ7KIGggyKk

Lots of love, Mary

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Naomi, I so appreciate your sharing your journey. There do exist spiritual forces and energies that are not familiar to us. I would caution you to be aware of “new age-ist” concepts that focus on human-based concepts that are really godless, and can be used by hostile forces to distract you from what is real and true. The only true God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who sent His Son to become human and to die a cruel death for our salvation. The enemy of our souls’ main objective is to snatch souls from God because he hates God and wants those souls to be lost. Please keep an open mind on your journey and may you discover

Where you truly fit in….

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Naomi, you are right about the enemies that flow through us. The pineal gland is very sensitive to this energy, but I hear that fluoride can calcify our pineal glands and make them less sensitive.

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Naomi, you might enjoy THE FAIRY FAITH IN CELTIC COUNTRIES, by Walter Evans-Wentz who is famous for his work on the Tibetan Book of the Dead. He did his doctoral thesis on the fairy faith.

Happy Columbus Day! Make Columbus Day Great Again!

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Michael S. Heiser was an American Old Testament scholar and Christian author with training in ancient history, Semitic languages, and the Hebrew Bible from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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You might want to check out the work of Michael Heiser.

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I am a Jesus follower who is also digging for the truth. I highly recommend reading the book- “A More Christlike Word” by Bradley Jersak who is also on the same journey for truth. You are very brave!!👍👍

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I love to read your writing Dr.Wolf.

When I try to access the app, I read that the app is not available in my country (USA).

Very strange.

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I haven't listened to all of your video yet, but I'll start in a minute. I love reading text from all different places. I've read the Ante-Nicene Fathers' works, and I just finished reading King James' interpretation of the Book of Revelation and it is enlightening and makes so much sense. I would love to read any analysis you could give of the Book of Mormon from your Jewish perspective. I have a Jewish friend who felt like he was coming home when he read it. It brought together his culture and brought him to a solid relationship with Jesus. There are anti-Mormon people who will warn not to read it, but I have read it many, many times, and it has been the best balm to my soul as a child abuse survivor. I feel like it has something for everyone who reads it with an open mind and a sincere heart. I'm looking forward to listening to your video. I love your posts!!!

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