Your essay is full of beauty and clarity. I know that there are mysterious energies. I don't know why God created them. I don't seek them and neither do you. It's a favor to all of us that you share your experiences with them. Thank you as always for your writing. I'm so thankful for it.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

Dear Naomi, I used to have this thing happen to me where I kind of woke up from sleep in the middle of the night, but I wasn't really awake. I was paralysed. I couldn't call out of for help or move or do anything, although I could see the room around me as if I was awake. It felt as if I was levitating, overwhelmed by some negative force that stayed as an aura around me for a while and then went away. This happened to me in the night for many years until I visited a Shaman in Arizona who was taught her craft by the Hopi Indians. When I told her about my experiences, her advice was simple and basic. She said, 'Next time it happens, tell them to go away.' I did, in my mind I told them emphatically, and have never been overwhelmed by that negative force since. Please try it next time you are faced with disturbing spectres and I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. x

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Can't wait for the Geneva Bible readings to continue! I am a paid subscriber there. I totally support all your work but the Bible readings is what matters most to me in this moment <3

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Thank you for writing about what I call the really real. You are in the company of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who wrote: "One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

Fear not, and stick with God--He'll always treat you right.

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Naomi, you are one of the special ones chosen to be in the front lines of this battle between good and evil. You have shared with us your vision of Jesus years ago, and so in some sense you already suspect that there may be an afterlife with Him.

I offer another story for you to consider. My dear grandmother died when our oldest son was only eight. At the age of 20 he was hit by a car at Notre Dame. We got the middle of the night call that he was bleeding from the aorta and they were rushing him into surgery. I knew he was not likely to survive, but we prayed to everyone we could think of on that four hour drive, including my grandmother.

We arrived to find that he had pulled through, but then learned the incredible details. He had been taken to an emergency room where films were done, but the doctor was busy. When he finally read the films three hours later, he was horrified to see the chest full of blood.

A cardiothoracic surgeon rushed to the hospital and as he opened the chest was shocked to find that the aorta had been completely severed. It was as if a hose had been cut in half. There was no medical explanation for how our son could have survived those three hours, and multiple doctors kept coming in wanting to see him, and calling him the miracle kid.

Several days later, our son awoke from a fitful sleep and said, "Mom, I just had the strangest dream. I saw great-grandma. But she was much younger, and very beautiful. She was full of light. And she was smiling at me."

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B R SH T are also WORDS in Hebrew. Thus 'House, Head, (fang)Eat, Cross. Or in Acts 2:42 in your 1560 'fellowship, Apostles' Doctrine, breaking of bread, prayer'. I propose that they are similar.


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Thank you, Naomi. I felt the presence of God as I read this. May you be blessed. Much love. A Canadian Grandma

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The Threshold Covenant





Author of “Kadesh-barnea,”

“The Blood Covenant,”

“Studies in Oriental Social Life,” etc.




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Fascinating. Thank you. Seems to me, Naomi, that the old and new testaments render an account of what you’ve experienced. Can’t say for certain but that which creates fear leans in the direction of the demonic. By contrast, the phrase ‘Do not be afraid,’ is uttered by Yahweh in the OT and Jesus in the NT, quite often. Just a thought.

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Thank you very much for sharing this. It reinforces the many similar experiences I’ve have throughout this life.

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Thank you for sharing your journey with us! I appreciate your authenticity and struggle to move forward and understand without pretending it didn’t happen. So many great comments here in the chat too. In Jesus name the disciples were given authority to cast out and revile the demons. You too have that authority. I love your sharing the meaning of the Mezuzah. While I am very familiar with that beloved passage of scripture, this has made it so much deeper for me.

I have not experienced things like footsteps before. I know people who have. One grew up in a house that they all believed was haunted and saw the apparition on various nights. I have been places where my personal discernometer was registering the presence of things or practices or something that was not of God. I left in a hurry and one night in an old hotel there was something way wrong. I could not sleep. There was a complete sense of chaos happening out in the hall and another room where it sounded like something abusive was happening. Then my husband and my sister both woke up at the same time sat bolt upright in their beds screaming at the same time. Our daughter oddly did not awaken. We were all in the same room. It was the most bizarre stay ever.

You are right. The battle for our souls is underway. They have been disclosing it all along too. Go back and watch the DNC event from 2020 election. Their slogan was something like fighting for the soul of America.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you”. Keep going. You are doing what you are called to do. And all your life God was preparing you for it. . Be blessed, friend.

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Naomi, is there a particular reason you sent this out during Rosh HaShanna? Curiously, I chose to read it after Rosh HaShanna had ended (not knowing the subject matter). Having not experienced anything such as you have, I find it gripping, and perhaps, a little unnerving. May you have a sweet, fulfulling, healthy and safe New Year.

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Interesting. I have never heard abbarations, but have seen angels escort my father the very moment he died. I've heard God's voice warn me of actions I need to immediately take which I did, that subsequently saved my life twice. I've also herd God speak to me in a booming voice loud as could be when he needed to get my attention. Last Sunday I observed the spirit of God use a prayer during worship to reach out and connect with many in our church. But never any foot steps or whispy ghost like things.

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I've had a number of spiritual/metaphysical experiences, all positive except for when I too saw an inky/smoky entity hovering to my left at night, shortly after starting in earnest on my own spiritual "quest." It was accompanied by a horrible heavy, dark feeling. Scared the bejimminies outta me! I also prayed and it vanished. (Repeating light, light, light aloud is, I've since learned, a "non-denominational" way to banish dark energy.)

My first experience was not long before this, while doing laundry. A voice I didn't hear aloud but in my head told me I was not alone and I felt the most amazing, deep, enduring love. This was accompanied by a vision of all the people and pets I've loved who've passed, as well as angelic looking beings, all standing at the far end of a bridge.

I'm not sure why this happened in my laundry room of all places, but it opened me to the existence of much more than we can see and it made God "real."

Now that the last four years have occurred, I think the timing of those two experiences is partly how I was able to recognize the evil for what it is, and that there's a spiritual battle ongoing and everyone's involved whether they know it or not. Gratefully, I also know that the Light is much, much stronger.

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21 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Naomi, none of this is abnormal except in the mind of a modern skeptic, but this sort of thing is completely in line with the teaching of the New Testament on demons. I have read about and heard testimony, though thankfully never experienced, about people being visited by an evil presence. Some call it a UFO, but really, I believe it to be demonic. I have also heard testimony that when Christians and even non-Christians call on the name of Jesus, the demonic entity has fled. I suggest praying the Jesus prayer and calling on the name of Jesus. This is the prayer of the aesthetic Eastern Orthodox Christian desert monks and nuns in Egypt going back to the 5th century. One can also say the Lord's prayer as believers -- and unbelievers can call on the name of Jesus and be saved.

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I couldn't read the Bible without demonic interference. But calling on Jesus of Nazereth stopped it each time, and then for good! Our loving Lord seeks to transform us towards good! I can't thank Him enough!

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Indeed we have a battle for our souls going on in the West. I will not side with the communists, those "unburdened by what came before" Because this is what came before: The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Equal Justice under the Law, Criminal and Immigration law. In its place will reign censorship, show trials, the right and the ability to kill or imprison all who stand in their way, an American Holodomor.

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Everywhere on the Earth, really.

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