Dear Naomi,

I just listened to your interview with Tucker Carlson. So glad you're reading the Bible. You mentioned Jonanathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew. You might be interested in listening to some vides of James Tour. He is a world-renowned scientist from a secular Jewish family who became a believer in Jesus in college: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVGMa9yuqnM

Blessings to you; I appreciate your honesty and courage,

Marilyn Lee

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Ge I wonder , the illegals , are they showing proof of so called vaccination before being allowed into the USA....arrrgh!

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I'm also sorry (not sorry) to mention, and I might be banned into oblivion for saying so...but William "Bill" Cooper warned about this back in the 1990's. He warned EXACTLY about what the UN is doing, right here, right now. I just want to invoke his name because there was prior warning, and he was also assassinated because of it. I'm not surprised about what the UN is doing.

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It doesn't happen in Canada, what you describe. The legal "newcomers" are not required to learn the so-called "official" languages. They go to their ghettos, and are proud of it. Brampton is a great example. And that does not even describe the illegal ones that have been flooding our border since Dear Leader has been "in charge" pushing the WEF's agenda.

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While here in Texas we've got hot wheels acting like he's battling mass immigration. Can you say DAY LATE DOLLAR SHORT?! Lately I've seen more rag heads then mexican! One evening I was at our local TJ Maxx and over half in there was anything BUT white or mexican. As I was walking out I saw several rag heads on the sidewalk chatting. Seemed innocent. Then I saw this car coming my way and took notice because it was NICE! Older, but NICE! It was a big, boxy Mercedes. As I worked my eyes all around the car I then met eye contact with 2 rag heads. They were fixated on me and I glared at them in disgust. (On one of my conservative social media sites my profile pic says...I'm I'm ever murdered just know I talked shit til the end!) 100% me! Anyway after they saw my look of disgust they looked at each other and said something. I got to my car and as I grabbed the handle I noticed they paused, but then goosed it and went on. They ended up pulling in right behind me. I was texting someone...with doors locked of course. My point is ain't nothing being done about illegal immigrants and if they started yesterday rounding them up it's still too late! PS I read your Substack on how NY has changed. I teared up. I don't cry much...if ever. I did cry when I was told my blood looks like it vaxxed. That was mad and scared tears. I don't know if I pitty all the ones walking around thinking things are a-okay...or if I'm jelly?! You're a good peep Dr. Naomi. God bless and keep you safe! May He give you the strength and means to keep fighting the good fight! And all God's people said...AMEN!

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Dear Naomi, you deserved the standard of respectful conduct that we've come to expect for many generations. That taxi driver was completely out of line, as you detail. It's shocking and very concerning. May your account prepare other women to be prepared to be "in-your-face" with these taxi drivers that need a lesson in cultural etiquette here in North America.

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I knew about the moon, and about the things the video mentioned-I bought Cathy O Brians book, and the books that Robert David Steele brought forward about the debauchery.

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Maybe go nuclear on the next sexist taxi driver. He may be coached but American women are not taking his bull crap!

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Wow! Thank you Naomi for reporting on this issue - I’ve been harassed in a taxi before (in New Haven) after traveling by train from NYC & I was peeved - thinking where is chivalry, where is the America I grew up in???

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my experience w muslim men (Iranian , Afghanistani) who lived in U.S. is that they are extremely polite, sophisticated and rather charming but i'm going back to late 70s, 80s. in northern california, midwest college town. Hey also an uber driver a few yrs ago in detroit who was from Lebanon or Jordan (not sure he was muslim though). Very polite & awake. Anyway i will have to say i think this is more of a deep state socially engineered problem. Wouldn't surprise me one bit that these rude cab drivers have been coached along the way in their "immigration process" to (invasion of?) the U.S. to not put up w any crap from Americans including females. Told that our (America's) time was over & to treat us as such. Yes this kind of thing is a common CIA /deep state tactic. research Operation Nothrwoods. General Lemitzers proposal in 1962 to JFK is outlined in James Douglasses book JFK And The Unspeakable

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Naomi, our prayers are with you and our country! May God grace us and rescue us from the evil that rules today.

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I am not surprised you were insulted and degraded by your driver. I assume he was Muslim because in Islam, females and inferior to males and are only good for sex, childbearing, and babysitting. Sharia Law mandates female genital mutilation, a wholly unnecessary procedure, honor killings of females (and females only) who dishonor their families somehow, child marriages (Mohammed had a 9 year old wife), and polygamy. Kaffirs, which is to say non-Muslims or infidels, are all inferior to all Muslims and their females are even less than Muslim women. So, your driver saw you as a less than human person, which is to say, a male, and was therefore offended that you did anything but shut up. (BTW, African pagans also use many of the same tools to suppress their females as the Muslims).

Regarding the mass invasion of the U.S. (and all Western societies), this is a plan by the communists worldwide to destroy all of us, as you can see here but is much more advanced in the EU. Then, they can finally seize all power and control. Promoted and supported by the most racist and violent government in history, the Chinese Communist Party (which is actually a national socialist party), they work to bring in hordes of illiterate, unskilled and violent young males from 3rd world country and literally turn them loose on the natives, everywhere. It is the great replacement theory in action. All around us we see societal collapse and chaos, which is as Lenin would have liked it: "More chaos!" as he was quoted saying, many times.

Your and your team from the Posse have done a great job in exposing the Chinese bioweapon mRNA injections, which was designed to sicken and kill all takers. Now it is time to spread the word about about this cataclysm befalling us, and all of civilization. If not, we all face a future of either living under Chinese fascism, or an Islamic one.

Danny Huckabee

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It is a fact that this predominantly male immigration mostly hits the women of the host country, i e uncivilities, rapings, poverty, and women as bearer of yes, the culture. The fear of not going out nights, always picking the right streets, having your kids being humiliated, being passed over in shops and certainly the financial brunt to bear of extra millions of mostly men not particularly keen on working. Seems like getting out of UN and its horrid clause to accept arriving immigrants at all cost, is the only escape from the immigrant tyranny.

Sadly, the national governments are all puppets of the UN and the DAVOS greater scheme of things. In addition suffice to read Cathy O´Brian´s Trance on mind control to realize what happens to all unacompanied children arriving.... - It is all evil malintention to ruin the West by some inbred degenerates, so called globalists, to operate mainly the US and Europe to the total detriment of our countries, no less. So out of UN and other international bodies remains the only remedy! We know in Sweden! Wait til they are taking over the schools, the welfare benefits, alas the prisons because of their constant crimes, rapings, killings ...creating failed states of the West, to the benefit of absolutely noone in the end!

The reporting is excellent btw, covering all the details, worthy of journalist Yon.....

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It is a fact that this predominantly male immigration mostly hits the women of the host country, i e uncivilities, rapings, poverty, and women as bearer of yes, the culture. The fear of not going out nights, always picking the right streets, having your kids being humiliated, being passed over in shops and certainly the financial brunt to bear of extra millions of mostly men not particularly keen on working. Seems like getting out of UN and its horrid clause to accept arriving immigrants at all cost, is the only escape from the immigrant tyranny.

Sadly, the national governments are all puppets of the UN and the DAVOS greater scheme of things. In addition suffice to read Cathy O´Brian´s Trance on mind control to realize what happens to all unacompanied children arriving.... - It is all evil malintention to ruin the West by some inbred degenerates, so called globalists, to operate mainly the US and Europe to the total detriment of our countries, no less. So out of UN and other international bodies remains the only remedy! We know in Sweden! Wait til they are taking over the schools, the welfare benefits, alas the prisons because of their constant crimes, rapings, killings ...creating failed states of the West, to the benefit of absolutely noone in the end!

The reporting is excellent btw, covering all the details, worthy of journalist Yon.....

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So, why do New Yorkers vote for these leaders? Leaders who do not seem to have sworn an oath of office and seem to be bent on destroying the culture? All they have to do is vote to get the vermin out. Yet, they seem to be voting hard left. When that happens, they give their freedom to communist type leaders that are in place to destroy every last freedom. They are inviting the armies around the world into our country. They VOTED for this, they continue to vote for it, they listen to left news, embrace it, and spout it as the WAY. Sad.

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The 12-year-old grandson of a friend of mine was mowed down in Florissant, MO, by an illegal immigrant doing 70 mph in a 40 mph zone without license or coverage before Christmas 2023. Sick of it. Zero respect for the law, safety, decency. Welcome to Absurdistan.

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