Actually, I am in France - there were some Astra Zeneca at first given here, but then it was phased out once 50+-aged women were shown to have blood clots (this was fairly early on - in summer 2021 - as a friend of mine had the AZ but then had to go with Pfizer for her 2nd one.
So most shots here were the MRNA ones, to my knowledge.
What poor through no fault of their own Americans have ever gotten free housing, free food, free health care, free phones, free housekeeping, free transportation, etc.?
None of what the illegals receive is free but paid for by taxpayers. Why are we taxpayers paying to destroy us?
The damage has already been done. They aren't going to stop pushing more and more jabs because they are a huge money-making business and too many people profit from it.
What is most concerning to me is the fact that these evil greedy murderers are concentrating on killing children or making them sick for life as they increase the "need" for "vaccines" for more diseases needing more damaging pharmaceuticals to alleviate the symptoms of these diseases.
The slow-rolling military invasion and illegal votes are the looming threat. Most of us have to trust men like Brian O'Shea to deal with the invasion. The rest of us need to protect our elections. How can non-Americans cast ballots in your precinct? Can they apply for a driver’s license, self-report “I’m a US citizen,” and then register to vote? Your local election administrator and your Secretary of State have the answers. Find out how to become an election worker, and then show up. Poll watch if nothing else. Drop in on your county or precinct political-party meetings. Those are all open doors virtually NOBODY enters. Go in, ask questions, get loud, and at least TRY to protect the future for our children and grandchildren.
Hi. I have loved your page and content for a year now.
I'm trying to raise awareness of surgical mutilation of infants during heart surgery, their organs used to make profitable pharmaceutical drugs. If you would be so kind as to read the below and consider helping raise awareness in any way, me and the babies would be forever in your debt and so very grateful. Thank you.
The thymus organ is removed during heart surgery of infants without parents being notified and without consent. It is common practice, links below. Immunological decay of these infants has been acknowledged in medical studies for over 40 years. They continue to remove thymus organs from patients and do not place them back, instead implanting them into other babies, AIDS patients and using them to make pharmaceutical drugs. My links below include medical proof of what they are doing
One in a hundred babies, or 1.3 million per year around the world, are born with congenital heart defects (CHD), of which over 70% will require medical or surgical treatment within their first year of life.
The reason they give for its removal is better access to the heart. No other organ is removed from a human for better access and if it is, as is the case of caesarean section, they place the organ back. Instead of placing the thymus back they sell it to pharmaceutical companies, implant the thymus into AIDS patients, other babies and use it to research potential drugs for future applications.
One bioethics book I own from the 1970’s said thymectomy during heart surgery is unethical, high risk of infection, death and future immunodeficiency but they did it anyway even though heart surgery was performed successfully prior to thymectomy.
I know that the thymus is one of the main organs they are extracting for profit from aborted/murdered babies, selling these organs to research scientists and perhaps others. What a nightmare!
The U. S. Taxpayers Party (now the Constitution Party) was warning about U. N. troops coming here and being used against us in the 1990s. I attended an anti-U. N. rally in Lansing, Michigan, in about 1996. It was a huge event. The Lansing police were essentially guarding the U. N. flag, which had been raised for the day. It must have been “U. N. Day.”
We see biblical prophecy coming true. People and the things they do are getting worse and worse.
Whether or not the “invasion “ is an engineered Great Replacement or an slow coups d’état or not, it will certainly result in all those entering the US are assured to be loyal voters for the party that invited them in.
Canada was early in rolling out AZ. Most of my friends took it first, until it ran out and the health czars said take another, doesn’t matter ( anyone remember that insanity?). Within months Norway at least stopped issuing it. Not here, in spite of mainstream reports. Canadians were already surfacing with vaccine injury, ignored or shuffled along. Many spoke publicly. The AZ vax kept coming. Health cArs kept promoting. Months later I’d heard of a few associates, healthy people, some young who died mysteriously. One had to have a hysterectomy for unresolved reasons other than a bleeding uterus. She’s ok. One close friend actually got the ModeRna vax and I could tell from his voice that he was impressed by its higher strength. I was always out about my “pure blood” status and stance. Oddly no one has ever come to me later to bring the topic up again. This tells me that most Canadians still have no idea that anything was really wrong with this entire program and narrative. Most Canadians were not pro-trucker convoy. We still have a loooong way to go. The news “we” all read and watch is just not crossing the great divide, as intended. We are along the most brainwashed people on earth. But it’s heartening that places like US and UK had enough info and activism piercing the mainstream membrane to make people more wary- especially when it comes to future scams and globalist takeovers. Canadians are normally a “no” culture compared to Americans . Not this time
I can see Canada from my front yard --I live on the St Lawrence river- in the Thousand Islands region -- during the summer of 2020 - we where on a boat cruising through the Brockville narrows---we where warned by the coast guard that we where not allowed to be in Canadian waters - I knew things where going to get bad -- and they did!!!
A sobering Podcast, that confirms the “Great Replacement” of freedom loving people in Western Civilization is in high gear. This is a multi year plan. However, should the freedom loving people of Western Civilization, retake control of their Governments (2024 Elections), the multi year plan must be accelerated. This is why a multi front WW3 can erupt at anytime. Another Plandemic coupled with some version of the WHO Treaty, would facilitate Governments to implement emergency lockdowns. A U.N. Army, embedded in America, would enforce the lockdowns. U.N. sanctioned Terrorists embedded in America could create sufficient chaos to justify marshal law, enforced by the U.N. Army.
Stop letting them tell you what to do. They have no legitimate power over you. If you let them regulate anything, they will eventually regulate everything. This podcast explains the concept:
Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... It's better than the morning after pill, as the miscarriage rate is over 90%! & as far as children go, ALL had adverse events following being injected.... then go to The Appendix...
In case you believe the FDA did not know about what to expect... check out: and look at Page 16 (it was a slide, during the original presentation) and it shows that on October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension the world.
Also: Page 22 (as of Sept 17, 2021, FDA knew people who got injected with the mRNA “vaccines” were 2x as likely to get infected with Covid)
At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.
PS. In case you’re unable to see the Safety Data, Google: “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021” and you WILL find it that way…
Actually, I am in France - there were some Astra Zeneca at first given here, but then it was phased out once 50+-aged women were shown to have blood clots (this was fairly early on - in summer 2021 - as a friend of mine had the AZ but then had to go with Pfizer for her 2nd one.
So most shots here were the MRNA ones, to my knowledge.
."They" suppressed the truth and these statistics confirm suppression is still in place.
⚖️ Dr Fauci hearing (currently LIVE):
What poor through no fault of their own Americans have ever gotten free housing, free food, free health care, free phones, free housekeeping, free transportation, etc.?
None of what the illegals receive is free but paid for by taxpayers. Why are we taxpayers paying to destroy us?
They aren't undocumented immigrants. They are illegal aliens which makes them criminals.
The damage has already been done. They aren't going to stop pushing more and more jabs because they are a huge money-making business and too many people profit from it.
What is most concerning to me is the fact that these evil greedy murderers are concentrating on killing children or making them sick for life as they increase the "need" for "vaccines" for more diseases needing more damaging pharmaceuticals to alleviate the symptoms of these diseases.
The slow-rolling military invasion and illegal votes are the looming threat. Most of us have to trust men like Brian O'Shea to deal with the invasion. The rest of us need to protect our elections. How can non-Americans cast ballots in your precinct? Can they apply for a driver’s license, self-report “I’m a US citizen,” and then register to vote? Your local election administrator and your Secretary of State have the answers. Find out how to become an election worker, and then show up. Poll watch if nothing else. Drop in on your county or precinct political-party meetings. Those are all open doors virtually NOBODY enters. Go in, ask questions, get loud, and at least TRY to protect the future for our children and grandchildren.
Hi. I have loved your page and content for a year now.
I'm trying to raise awareness of surgical mutilation of infants during heart surgery, their organs used to make profitable pharmaceutical drugs. If you would be so kind as to read the below and consider helping raise awareness in any way, me and the babies would be forever in your debt and so very grateful. Thank you.
The thymus organ is removed during heart surgery of infants without parents being notified and without consent. It is common practice, links below. Immunological decay of these infants has been acknowledged in medical studies for over 40 years. They continue to remove thymus organs from patients and do not place them back, instead implanting them into other babies, AIDS patients and using them to make pharmaceutical drugs. My links below include medical proof of what they are doing
My son's story including medical links to thymectomy during heart surgery and immunological decay
they use these thymus organs for pharmaceutical drugs (with medical study and drug links):
Lawsuits in UK over thymuses removed from live babies - did not stop them from continuing this practice:
Horror stories from parents whose children had their thymus removed during heart surgery, one of them died:
One in a hundred babies, or 1.3 million per year around the world, are born with congenital heart defects (CHD), of which over 70% will require medical or surgical treatment within their first year of life.
The reason they give for its removal is better access to the heart. No other organ is removed from a human for better access and if it is, as is the case of caesarean section, they place the organ back. Instead of placing the thymus back they sell it to pharmaceutical companies, implant the thymus into AIDS patients, other babies and use it to research potential drugs for future applications.
One bioethics book I own from the 1970’s said thymectomy during heart surgery is unethical, high risk of infection, death and future immunodeficiency but they did it anyway even though heart surgery was performed successfully prior to thymectomy.
I know that the thymus is one of the main organs they are extracting for profit from aborted/murdered babies, selling these organs to research scientists and perhaps others. What a nightmare!
This is making so much sense! Scary stuff
The U. S. Taxpayers Party (now the Constitution Party) was warning about U. N. troops coming here and being used against us in the 1990s. I attended an anti-U. N. rally in Lansing, Michigan, in about 1996. It was a huge event. The Lansing police were essentially guarding the U. N. flag, which had been raised for the day. It must have been “U. N. Day.”
We see biblical prophecy coming true. People and the things they do are getting worse and worse.
Whether or not the “invasion “ is an engineered Great Replacement or an slow coups d’état or not, it will certainly result in all those entering the US are assured to be loyal voters for the party that invited them in.
Canada was early in rolling out AZ. Most of my friends took it first, until it ran out and the health czars said take another, doesn’t matter ( anyone remember that insanity?). Within months Norway at least stopped issuing it. Not here, in spite of mainstream reports. Canadians were already surfacing with vaccine injury, ignored or shuffled along. Many spoke publicly. The AZ vax kept coming. Health cArs kept promoting. Months later I’d heard of a few associates, healthy people, some young who died mysteriously. One had to have a hysterectomy for unresolved reasons other than a bleeding uterus. She’s ok. One close friend actually got the ModeRna vax and I could tell from his voice that he was impressed by its higher strength. I was always out about my “pure blood” status and stance. Oddly no one has ever come to me later to bring the topic up again. This tells me that most Canadians still have no idea that anything was really wrong with this entire program and narrative. Most Canadians were not pro-trucker convoy. We still have a loooong way to go. The news “we” all read and watch is just not crossing the great divide, as intended. We are along the most brainwashed people on earth. But it’s heartening that places like US and UK had enough info and activism piercing the mainstream membrane to make people more wary- especially when it comes to future scams and globalist takeovers. Canadians are normally a “no” culture compared to Americans . Not this time
I can see Canada from my front yard --I live on the St Lawrence river- in the Thousand Islands region -- during the summer of 2020 - we where on a boat cruising through the Brockville narrows---we where warned by the coast guard that we where not allowed to be in Canadian waters - I knew things where going to get bad -- and they did!!!
A sobering Podcast, that confirms the “Great Replacement” of freedom loving people in Western Civilization is in high gear. This is a multi year plan. However, should the freedom loving people of Western Civilization, retake control of their Governments (2024 Elections), the multi year plan must be accelerated. This is why a multi front WW3 can erupt at anytime. Another Plandemic coupled with some version of the WHO Treaty, would facilitate Governments to implement emergency lockdowns. A U.N. Army, embedded in America, would enforce the lockdowns. U.N. sanctioned Terrorists embedded in America could create sufficient chaos to justify marshal law, enforced by the U.N. Army.
Stop letting them tell you what to do. They have no legitimate power over you. If you let them regulate anything, they will eventually regulate everything. This podcast explains the concept:
after connecting the dots
i can see now its all a plot
trying to drive me insane
by whiplashing my poor brain
double takes on doublespeak
my wrongthink makes me feel weak
what i've thought with some alarm
soon be at the funny farm
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet
Lest We Forget: … and: … and:
and the rest of the smoking gun:
Here’s Pfizer’s OWN safety data that Pfizer DEMANDED to keep SECRET for 75 years:
Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... It's better than the morning after pill, as the miscarriage rate is over 90%! & as far as children go, ALL had adverse events following being injected.... then go to The Appendix...
In case you believe the FDA did not know about what to expect... check out: and look at Page 16 (it was a slide, during the original presentation) and it shows that on October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension the world.
Also: Page 22 (as of Sept 17, 2021, FDA knew people who got injected with the mRNA “vaccines” were 2x as likely to get infected with Covid) - 2012!
as a result... at 1% reporting ( Page 6, paragraph 3), here's data for the US: - Open VAERS data. - one of the "experts" - Bill Gates says: “SADLY” Omicron is a type of a vaccine
At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.
also: - there was “NO compulsory” vaccinations, NZ - Musk’s OWN on X, re: “highly effective” - “no one is safe”
PS. In case you’re unable to see the Safety Data, Google: “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021” and you WILL find it that way…
Also:Lest we Forget: - the number of dead from/with Covid: 587, ALL (!!!)... but 2, were residents in Long Term Care Homes across BC, - CTV News, Break down: 10,947 Covid deaths, with 910,781 (OVER 98%!) of those in Long Term Care Facilities in Quebec & Ontario, - Ontario “Public” health official live micophone recording, - Ontario “Public” health official on PCR test finding over 50% FALSE positives. - : “we cannot force somebody, so we will accommodate”... how quickly that changed!
there is more... much.. much more...