Mums baby as iam deserves love in the face of wickedness she willfully allowed.

Glad i still have my siblings. Our parents are long gone and taught us to look out for one another. Its sometimes means realizing ‘you can take a horse to the water and it wont drink but eventually let you give them a bottled water glass of love

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Sadly, nattokinase really caused me to break out, and I started losing my hair. I’m taking it to reduce the fibrin in my blood caused by Lyme disease.

Has anyone else had any side effects with this?

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I worked in mental health and found an administrator and MD who said that “You’re not supposed to notice,” and “If I told you I’d loose my job,” related to corruption.

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i just shared this post in comments on local m.d. vax pusher/social distancing supporting crackpot's fb page , Elizabeth Alleman. her page is open. her profile is a photo of herself in purple top , blueish scarf draped over top. wonder if she'll block me. what group does this M.D. belong in . she who very actively pushed the narrative on radio , in letters??? Very curious to know.

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isn't the Wellness Company one of the companies Cliff High claimed was deep state connected? just asking . anyone?

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Made in a Lab put in a Jab , ALL NEEDLES .

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Btw Naomi your befores and afters, are becoming glaringly obvious and more abundant each day.

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Spike protein is more fear mongering and so is gain of function. The only reason these myths are now mainstream is because they want it to be to prop up the germ hypothesis. No one has ever isolated this virus. Plenty of proof of this. If the scientists and doctors actually read the methods sections of these “isolation” papers they will understand. Stop “trusting the science” by reading abstracts. Without the scientific method that includes an independent variable and a placebo control no one can claim something exists. Also look into the contagion studies. There are many that have been done even during past “pandemics.” They all have disproven contagion.

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^^This. This is the mind f*ck. We need to keep sharing this message, throwing as many rocks as we can until their glass house shatters.

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I like your coinage “mind fucked!” I’ve had quite enough of our government and mind fuckers like Fauci!

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That is the most direct and honest way to explain it... and the needle? That's rape as far as I am concerned. And those that took it (willingly/unwillingly) now carry a seed in them that has entered and deranged their cells.

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HCQ and ivermectin are pharmaceuticals that simply stop the detox of the body. They kick the can down the road. That’s how people eventually get chronic illnesses. Better to use remedies that assist the body in the detox.

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HCQ and ivermectin are both potent antivirals. I suggest we start trying this stuff with the common cold! And PubMed has several papers which actually go through the mechanisms. I was fascinated to find that ivermectin stops Covid in seven different ways! It’s like it was designed to kill Covid.

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Please show the paper that describes the isolation of any virus using the scientific method. You can’t have medicine for something that doesn’t exist.

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Please see zerospike.org and augmented nac to detoxify the spike protein. See also www.healthy.co.uk/blog/augmented-nac

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Actually HCQ acts as a cell cleanser and has been used for decades in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Trump attracted a lot of sneering and mockery when he recommended it because he referred to it as bleach, it's full name being hydroxy chloroquine. It can be made at home from citrus fruit peelings, demos on YouTube. It was banned because it worked. Ivermectin is lethal to parasites. These two items can not be patented, both have been in use since before WWII.

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By the way they will both be tweaked so that they can be patented and the name will be changed. Of course pharma doesn’t want you to use unpatented drugs. That was their real objection to its widespread use. They are trying to tweak ivermectin now and claim it’s a cancer cure.

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HCQ suppresses symptoms and ivermectin kills parasites which are not the cause of disease but the result. Parasites pass through our bodies all the time and don’t stay unless they have something to eat like dying tissue or toxins. Once you get rid of the cause they will leave. HCQ reduces inflammation which the body needs to heal. It doesn’t heal on its own just gets rid of the symptoms. Symptoms are all part of the body’s effort to detox. Better to use remedies which aid in detox not suppress it. The suppression causes more trouble down the road.

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Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are both extremely potent antivirals. That’s why they work.

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Check the science of virology. None have ever been isolated. Read the methods section of any isolation paper to see they have no independent variable and no placebo control. There is no need for “antivirals.” Those products simply suppress the bodies detox process. What Rockefeller medicine promotes as viruses are simply the body trying to get rid of all the poisons. It’s a natural process. Better to use remedies that aid the detox process. Please read CAN YOU CATCH A COLD and THE FINAL PANDEMIC. Then check their citations. If you are a medical professional read Mark Bailey’s paper A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY.

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Perhaps a check on Wikipedia for these will help you with dates? 🙏

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Virology is a pseudoscience. No one has actually ever found a virus. Fear kills people. Trauma, stress, deficiencies and toxins make people sick.

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Look into the work of Louis Pasteur. He never proved that any germ caused a disease or that people and animals were contagious. Read THE TRUTH ABOUT CONTAGION. Rockefeller medicine has kept the contagion/ germ hypothesis alive so they can sell their poisonous products and gain control.

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Until everybody (who is not being paid / threatened to chant Big-Pharma's DoD's mantra) consistently states: "This was PREMEDITATED mass-murder" and those behind it are captured / killed & put on trial for genocide, then the lunacy continues. Speak the truth.

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TWC and FLCCC are both propped up entities designed to embed the lie that there was a scary spreading pathogen.

Nobody associated with either of those entities ever wants to delve into the details behind murderous and dystopian hospital and care home protocols, which were the actual source of “covid deaths.

Every single aspect of the pandemic was fake and these guys’ jobs are to prevent us seeing it. The true things they say are designed to make you consider them credible dissidents so you swallow the bigger lie.

And literally nobody will touch what actually happened in NYC, the official story of which is riddled with holes as Jessica Hockett and I described on our podcast with you.


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