One of the most important developments this year, if you ask me. Thank you Naomi for giving these attorneys the coverage and support that they deserve.

AND PLEASE post regular updates on these efforts in FL, LA, and TX -- even if the answer is "nothing is moving"

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Recently in my town there was a story about an 8 year old boy who had a heart transplant and within a day or 2 of the transplant it had failed. They put him on an artificial heart and stabilized him until they could decide what to do. He stayed that way for nearly a year, but was conscious, alert, interacting with his parents and staff and apparently quite bright for his age. Finally the physicians called his parents into a meeting and told them there was nothing else that they could do so they would be disconnecting his heart machine and oxygen. The parents, stunned said "But won't he die?" Yes, the doctors replied, but we'll make sure he doesn't suffer and isn't aware of what's happening. They set the date for one week. The parents had little resources or time to try and get an attorney to stop this action so they resigned themselves to the fact that their son was going to die and spent every minute they could with him. The day came, and a nurse walked into the room, unhooked the heart machine and turned around and left. The little boy began to scream and said, "Mommy, what are they doing? Why did they unhook my machine? Make them come back!" The parents tried to reassure their son as he continued to scream and beg for help as he finally died in their arms. No sedation was given as promised, and the parents were horrified. They are now suing the hospital and staff for millions of dollars. They should sue for enough to shut them down. Imagine being the nurse who murdered an 8 year old little boy that day and having to go home and look your own children in the eyes and tell them how your day went at work today. The physician didn't have the balls to do it himself. He put it on the nurse. This is what the medical establishment has become. I was a nurse for 36 years. I would have walked out and turned over my license before I would have done that to a child.

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Unreal. Moral injury is very real. Sad, as so many of us took oaths and had to watch all of this go down. I have PTSD 2 fold now. Why I still work is beyond me. It’s hard.

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you must take this avenue for justice also, US courts Criminal Complaint https://www.uscourts.gov/forms/law-enforcement-grand-jury-and-prosecution-forms/criminal-complaint these courts have the judges that were placed by the Trump admin. and interpret the law as it is written . Not filing here will make your process arduous.

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This lawsuit gives me hope. I want to share this information far and wide.

Every state should be a part of this lawsuit. From what I have read the worst crimes happened to the poor and disabled. The All Cause Mortality data shows that the poor and disabled were the largest group to die before the jab roll out. I am not even calling it COVID, because the evidence will show it wasn't a novel virus that killed people, but the protocols that killed people.

I know that is not a popular thing to say, but I don't care. I speak the Truth even when it's unpopular.

Enough of playing along with this novel virus BS. Where did the flu go?

In a normal year, over hundred thousand people go to the hospital with the flu and about 40K to 60K die from the flu each year.

What we witnessed was a re-labeling of the flu driven by a mass propaganda campaign (psychosomatic is a real and measurable phenomenon) and protocols put in place that didn't allow doctors and nurses to treat people for the flu. When you don't treat people properly for the flu they die. Read the book: What the Nurses Saw for more evidence of this topic.

Additionally, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik and others have stated this fact. People were coming in with symptoms that they knew how to treat using a few different medicines and because they were not allowed to use those medicines and only use the ones allowed by the "protocols" people were dying needlessly. These doctors tried to stand up for people and were removed from their posts for not going along with the killing of innocent people. It's beyond obvious at this point.

My belief is, not only was this done to make money in the hospital system, but it was also done to drive up fear in the population, to make a normal flu season look like a pandemic (which it was not) and this fear would drive more interest in a experimental gene therapy disguised as a vaccine.

They had to create this hysteria of people dying from a novel virus in order to get ordinary people to roll up their sleeve for an experimental drug.

You got to give them credit. Their plan worked on most people.

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Well said and laid out. Yes their strategy worked on about 70% of Americans.

Hospital homicide… criminal immoral. And evil.

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You left out the elderly. Almost half the casualties were the elderly.

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You are correct. I should have mentioned the elderly. But you may be surprised to know that the All Cause Mortality data for the USA shows it was mostly poor and disabled people who died before the shot was rolled out. Yes, elderly people died, but not as many as the other groups I mentioned.

"The large excess mortality of the covid period, far above the historic trend, was maintained throughout the entire covid period irrespective of the unprecedented vaccination campaign, and is very strongly correlated (r = +0.86) to poverty, by state; in fact, proportional to poverty. It is also correlated to several other socioeconomic and health factors, by state, but not correlated to population fractions (65+, 75+, 85+ years) of elderly state residents."

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362427136_COVID-Period_Mass_Vaccination_Campaign_and_Public_Health_Disaster_in_the_USA_From_agestate-resolved_all-cause_mortality_by_time_age-resolved_vaccine_delivery_by_time_and_socio-geo-economic_data

More information on this here: https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay

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You continue to be correct. I am surprised. Your sources are completely unimpeachable and confirm again something I've known for a long time : "If you're determined to be proven wrong, argue with a woman."

Color me contrite, and grateful. Thanks for sharing.

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Absolutely 100% and if you say this to most people they get mad.

Why are people so thick-headed to see what is happening before them?

I saw this all in Jan 2021 and tried to warn people and yet, here were are....so frustrating to watch a genocide in slow motion and not be able to help people. Just typing that sentence is heartbreaking. Really!

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Wondering if Moffitt Cancer Center is on their list?

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three states, try, 50 states, NYS is probably worst, never forget what these people did, never, the morons will be coming for you next time again unless they are put to rest, in local NYS newspaper today the photo of newly voted in school council, they are wearing face masks, how disturbing is this, there are the psychopaths and the morons following them, I agree with S Bannon, the psychopaths only understand force, --

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This is fabulous news. The lawyers are David taking on Goliath. I believe God is with them as God’s moral laws and teachings tell us how important the pursuit of the truth is to God and to humanity.

Also, there is a recent SCOTUS decision overturning the Chevron deference decision/practice which allowed government agencies to make rules (with the force of law) over their own malfeasance or incorrect decisions. This now means the 9th Circuit lower court ruling stands and opens the door to lawsuits directly against Pfizer for their dangerous and ineffective products.

The fact that FDA or NIH or CDC called these products safe and effective no longer has the force of law, rather legal reviews and decisions are returned to the courts where they belong and give Americans back their Constitutional due process rights under the fifth and fourteenth Amendments. No longer can a Federal (or State) Agency stand on a ruling against a citizen, even an incorrect one, with no recourse to the courts.

I join all of you to pray for the truth to be revealed, for our truth warriors to be protected, and for the guilty to receive just punishment on earth and in heaven. I pray for the families of the dead or injured to receive justice.

May God Bless you all.

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What the heck Naomi? Is she just a junior attorney?

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Hi Naomi, it’s a wonderful interview so many people were harmed and so many people died needlessly. Is there anything being done for those of us who’ve been harmed by the jab can’t call in the vaccine because it seems to be a bio weapon. Thank you Naomi for all your hard work, keep it going!

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Dr. Mercola is citing a peer reviewed study in his article, High Likelihood of ‘Causal Link’ Between COVID-19 Shots and Death.


Be sure to download a PDF copy as the article will archive.

The article reports that nearly 74% of the deaths post-jab were COVID-19 vaccine-related. The mean age was 70 years old and most deaths occurred within one week of being jabbed. My friend Leon was 58 yrs old, took the second shot, within 3 days had COVID then died 7 days later. My uncle at 63 yrs old had natural immunity but was forced to take the shot by his employer. Upon completing two shots and some boosters in a short period, he was mowing the lawn then suddenly collapsed and died of heart failure - with no history whatsoever of heart issues. The article points to 35% had sudden cardiac deaths.

This peer-reviewed study, aside from reporting the findings, raises the concern of Crimes Against Humanity of which someone must be held accountable.

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Thanks for this...I downloaded the pdf.

Hopefully every one of the criminals will be brought to justice.

Instead of culling the innocent victims, they are the ones who need to be removed from the gene pool.

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excellent interview, excellent news,,,, but whats happening in canada.

This is a special occurrence can the USA and canadian law makers come together to prosecute on both sides of the border. This idea may sound odd but consider this was a global rackett not limited to specific geopolitical actors.

canada has its own actors from medical, political to media of course but lets lump them together.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work Who knew, When did they know,Who suppressed it.

Accountability Now,Now,Now


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Good work Naomi, as ever. And I know funds are tight, but allying yourself with the Wellness Company is to put yourself on very dodgy ground in my view. McCullough's position is tarnished by what is often seen as cynical cashing-in on the back of the Pandemic Industry. Look at the advertising! Whilst it may be true a new (probably avian flu) "pandemic" is being manufactured, to scare people into buying your products is pretty underhand and the tactic doesn't come over as unblemished philanthropy one bit. Many in fact feel he has betrayed the so-called freedom movement. Assuming you get to read this, my advice would be don't take the very real risk of becoming tarnished by the association. Others who have been approached by the Wellness Company have smelled a rat and passed on the offer.

Sent with love and hope.

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give me lots more evidence because I do not see what you see and I appreciate access to ivermectin and other medicines I don't plan to take unless I need them

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It's certainly a point of view. Others point to the high prices attached, failure to deliver orders, the questionable inclusion of Tamiflu which has some nasty side effects (some long-term, I'm told). Then there's the $10K per month for board members I read was standard (check this out for yourself - I've only seen it reported and it could be wrong); but mostly the tone of the advertising which has the appearance of sensationalism in pursuit of sales. I understand that with a little ingenuity, one can secure these medications far more cheaply - not that personally I've tried. But my point is: with the controversy around McCullough, it might be politic to avoid being tarred with the same brush. Personally, I do find his motives questionable, as does someone I know who withdrew from a possible contract with them. But if you value the products, that's fine. I'm "just saying" 😊

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If just 1% of lawyers are UNCORRUPTED…there is a path to justice.

Brava ladies.

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Monumental task. Take them to the mat.

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