I am coming to RFKs defense:

I will start with my big disagreement with him.

I remember RFK’s first campaign speech when he said he would end endless wars. I was very happy. After that he met with Rabbi Shumley and some billionaire Israeli. When asked about Palestine after that I recall him saying that Palestinians were a well taken care of people. I about fell off of my chair. Sometime after that his comment on Palestine was the people are good, Hamas is evil. The latest comment is we need a 2 state solution. I think he is trying to be more reasonable and I think he is being black mailed (Massad is extremely good at that) or he needs support from the Jewish community if he hopes to win. SO I THINK HE CAN CHANGE.

He is still saying that ending endless wars is an issue and he wants to cut the defense budget in half and close a lot of military bases around the world. I think the budget, at half, would be bigger than any other country’s and we have around 900 military bases so we can keep control of countries. Get rid of them. China has one or two.

Another issue is controlling corporations. I believe they control the country. Look at big Pharma and big Ag and the companies selling herbicides and pesticides like Monsanto. And how about Wall Street and Blackrock and Blackstone. And take a deep look at the military industrial complex. We basically have no say in anything.

And he wants to work for healthier food and healthier children and adults.

He knows how to deal with environmental issues and wants to.

The cause I consider most urgent is free speech, NO CENSORSHIP.RFK is an advocate.

RFK wants a closed border with proper dealing with immigrants who need asylum..

He also wants better housing prices so more people can own home.

The government could subsidize that instead of war and fossil fuels.

And last on my list but not least is he will free Julian Assange.

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I am telling friends Nicole is a genius. She is amazing.

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Fascinating interview!! I learned a lot from it.

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As referenced at 13 min, the late 90s fires at Berkeley High were covered by Meredith Maran in her book Class Dismissed. https://www.amazon.com/Class-Dismissed-American-School-Glimpse/dp/0312283091/

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While I appreciate Nicole's statement that she believes there's something dark and unsettling (and evil, that qualifier added by NW), going on in SV, that she's having a hard time being a woman there after butting heads with the longevity proponents over IVF (who couldn't care less about a woman being able to conceive and have kids without any help from science), that's hardly what concerns most people. No discussion of immigrants being let in at US borders every day by the thousands (and given money, transportation, and free lodging); no mention of money-laundering in Ukraine or the genocide in Gaza, no mention of the erosion of our civil liberties, the incremental creep of surveillance by the National Security State, the destruction of food-production facilities (which suspiciously appear like arson), a cashless society, etc., etc. If I didn't know better and if I hadn't heard the references to an authoritarian state, I might have thought I was listening to a couple of women discuss the problems of the privileged professional class.

Here's what matters to the common zhlubs who will vote for her (or not)--who her friends are, her net worth ($1B), organizations with whom she's professionally and privately allied, etc. She's rich and you can bet she hobnobs with other rich people. She's removed from the everyday problems of the common man, and to think otherwise is utter naiveté. So is RFK Jr., much as I appreciate his standing up to Fauci and big pharma. These are people in what George Carlin termed The Big Club, and if one has any political power in America, you can bet on their membership in it. These are not people who will fight for the masses. (And neither will Orange Man Bad or Creepy Joe.) When push comes to shove, the selected always defer to the power behind the throne. It has always been thus, so why would people think it'll be any different this time?

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Perhaps a missed opportunity that DJT and RFK,Jr. couldn't work out a plan to work together: Trump giving Jr. carte blanche to go after the Gov/Medical cartel, Media censorship, cleaner food, shots, environment; nearly everything Jr. could make a real impact on, while at least agreeing together on no more useless wars and reigning in The Complex. They both could achieve more good together. Of course they're far from perfect; who isn't? The country is gone and the only question is can we regain the most important parts as all our institutions have been destroyed. With less than five months to go expect some large surprise(s) and give us strength...

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She's a Zionist just like RFK, Jr. is. They don't see anything wrong with the current genocide against the Palestinians going on. They fully support the criminal state that is Israel...along with just about everybody else in our government. Wars and coups all over the place. Imperialists. NO THANKS!

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There is an attempt at genocide. It is against Jews. There are about 22 Arab nations and even more Muslim ones, yet they refuse to acknowledge the Jews’ right to their native homeland. Muslim extremists have been attacking Jews for years. October 7 was not the most recent beginning of the extremist attacks. Israelis have put up with the terrorism except when they have no choice.

Rocket attacks are so common that Israelis have “safe rooms” where they run to hide when alarms sound (on a regular basis in some places), warning of incoming rockets.

There seems to be only one reason that people refuse to leave Israel in peace: the rejection of the God of Israel, His claim on the land of Israel, and His decision for the Jews to live there.

The nations will gather together against Israel and will divide Jerusalem. That is when Messiah will intervene.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That will bring peace to the whole world.

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... you REALLY need to read more books...

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I’m speechless………

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looking foward to Damen Doktor Volf's interview with the much misunderstood klaus schwab who has been pigeonholed by the mainstream media he owns...

i am certain ms wolf can present the many trials klaus has had to overcome so bravely to achieve world domination on his own terms, while struggling to juggle taking over the world with hiring sufficiently pliable nannies for his heirs...


is there such a thing as too much and/or misplaced empathy ? ? ?

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I find it revealing that Naomi is spending time on the candidacy of a wacko who kept a diary detailing all the women he slept with, and who so emotionally brutalized his wife that she killed herself. We are in a spiritual battle for the survival of the collective soul of humanity. If you read this entire piece you will gain a significant understanding of what it really entails.

My good friend Mia Feroleto recently interviewed RFK, Jr. Mia is an amazing artist, and activist who is the publisher, and editor of the highly regarded New Observations. She started Art Walk New York when she lived in NYC. Mia recently succeeded in getting Lakota artifacts that were looted from dead, and dying Lakota during the Wounded Knee massacre returned to the tribe from a creepy museum in Barie, MA. Now MOMA in NYC has agreed to return their grave-robbed artifacts after Mia approached them. The state propaganda rag the New York Times wrote a big piece about Mia's work. Native American spirituality is important in this so pay attention to it. It's deeply esoteric, and powerful which is why it has been covered up by the feral federal government. The Mound Builders, and others built significant spiritually powerful structures all over America. Many were destroyed.

Back to Mia's interview with RFK, Jr. She was not allowed to discuss the genocide in Gaza by the Zionist terrorist state of Israel which was founded by nonSemitic, socio-psychopathic Ashkenazim Zionist terrorist on rape, murder, pillage, and plunder. So Mia did not bring this issue up. RFK, Jr., by the way, has a pathological liar from the CIA (Criminally Insane Asswipes) running his campaign. Mid way through the interview RFK, Jr. began berating his staff like a psychopath. Mia decided not to publish her interview. She said RFK, Jt. creeped her out.

He, and his wacky VP candidate will only get 2% of the vote which is about 2% more than they deserve. His campaign is amateur hour at best.

I got to know Chris Kennedy a little bit when I donated, and volunteered on his campaign for governor of Illinois. Chris ran against J.B. Pritzker who is a legacy beneficiary of an Ashkenazim gangster. Chris is a humble, smart, very decent man. He ran a good campaign but it's difficult to compete with a billionaire gangster in a cesspool like Illinois. RFK, Jr. is estranged from his family, and Chris is nothing like his brother.

A good friend of mine worked as a lawyer for Chris when the Kennedys owned the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. He said Chris was fantastic to work for because he was humble, and if he didn't know something he admitted it, and listened to those who knew more than he did. Chris also really reformed the Univeristy of Illinois system when he was Chair of the UI Board of Trustees. He's very bright, and accomplished. He quietly also does great civic work with his wife.

Back to the Pritzker Crime Family. AN Pritzker was a 5 foot tall gangster who made the Pritzker family fortune. JB Pritzker is a fat pig who illegally removed all the toilets from a mansion he and his morbidly obese wife were rehabbing so they could claim it uninhabitable to lower the property taxes on it. You know when you have billions of crime family proceeds you've inherited it's important to save a few dollars on the backs of taxpayers. JB Pritzker was also exposed for offshoring some of his dirty billions of dollars to avoid paying taxes on it. Another super creepy thing about JB Pritzker is he owns a horse farm in Racine, WI. After this pig locked down Illinois during the scamdemic, he fled to his horse farm.

Racine is a global pilot project for the eternal enslavement of humanity. The other global pilot project for this eternal enslavement is Shenzhen, China.

Racine is a major hub for child trafficking. It has an international private airport, and a super expensive harbor on Lake Michigan that provides it with access to the St. Lawrence Seaway. There are many internationally known billionaires who own estates in Racine, like the Bauers, and many others. Why? Racine is a fairly poor, mostly working class small city with a sizeable poor black population. Odd isn't it that it attracts so much money. Microsoft has big operations in Racine. There are may other prominent hi tech people operating in Racine. Why?

Joe Biden, a criminal sexual abuser of children, appeared in Racine, before he helped steal the 2020 election, to help rig a billion dollar public bond referendum. Racine is ground zero for rigging elections. The creepy front for Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, who had abslutely nothing whatsoever to do with founding Facebook, had his not for profit headquatered in Chicago's West Loop working in Racine to rig the 2020 election. The SC Johnson billionaire family is into sexually abusing children. SC Johnson is headquartered in Racine.



Barack Obama is a closeted homosexual who also sexually abuses children. So is his handler, John Brennan, also a seuxal abuser, and murderer of children. The CIA, and the FBI have many employees, and assets who sexually abuse, and murder children. The CIA trafficks narcotics, and children, and it also rigs elections, and has since it was founded.

Foxconn is a major corporation that is headquartered in Taiwan but is substantially controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. It received major state subsidies from the State of Wisconsin when the Koch Brothers, a major international crime family in the U.S., one of whom is on the Epstein flight logs, as was Tom Pritzker, had their lacky Scott Walker installed as governor of Wisonsin. The reports at the time this subsidy was granted were that Foxconn was going to manufacture hi tech computer screens. They later pivoted to 5G, and oddly enough there was also a huge battle about water rights for access to millions of gallons of Lake Michigan water to use to cool quantum computers. Racine is literally a pilot program for the eternal enslavement of humanity using quantum computing, artifical intelligence, digital central bank currency in some form, and there are people there literally working to figure out how to "steal" human souls. It's very deeply dark esoteric stuff. It's related to the Native American Path of Souls.

Most people know nothing about the deep spiritual aspects of our solar system, the cosmos, and the human collective soul, and our individual souls. I hope the spiritual awaking of humanity grows quickly. Say prayers. God hears our prayers. Pray fervently for humanity.

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Great post, Dennis. Very interesting that RFK, Jr. would not even allow her to bring up Gaza. I've seen him in quite a few interviews trying to justify his stance, and it's always a big fail for me.

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RFK, Jr.lacks the courage to take on the Zionist terrorist state of Israel which is an enemy of the United States with its foreign agent, AIPAC, and the child traffickers for the Mossad, Epstein, and Maxwell, having compromised most of Congress.

Representative Massie has the courage to talk about the foreign agent AIPAC, and former Georgia Congresswomen, Cynthia McKinney, refused Zionist blood money from AIPAC because it requires that the recipient sign a loyalty oath to the Zionist terrorist state of Israel. She was targetted, and finally defeated through vote fraud.

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I have greatly appreciated Dr. Wolf's work since the early days of convid (my term). Great interview. As an art person I've been so concerned about the suppression of freedom of thought, and so really appreciate Nicole mentioning creativity as being oppressed as well. When you can stifle creativity, you can gain an upper hand, and you can deceive. I saw this going on before convid, which made the con easier to understand. The ill health situation nowadays, for kids and grownups alike, is considered normal. It has been normalized. Normalized by the Poison Cartel, delivered to you courtesy of Big Tech and the legacy/ corporate media.

We're all on a continuum, weighing and balancing truthfulness, but each of us can always learn something new, and we need our creativity to have openness to new experiences and exploring new ideas. And those who have trustingly practiced the Poison Cartel normalization but then undergo awakenings are the ones who may be the most valuable for change in this movement toward truth. They will be the most powerful leaders, deeply moved to be the most effective.

I feel just lucky to have been reading on truths about food and organic and regenerative agriculture since pre-convid -- Dr Vandana Shiva navdanyainternational.org .... Organic Consumers Association organicconsumers.org .... truth sources where organic & regenerative ARE the norm, not some "alternative". Earth health IS human health. If we don't have that, we don't have anything. What a great conversation it could be to have Nicole Shanahan at VP Debates at some point, and have all candidates challenged on our states of health vis-à-vis food origins. 'Don't know whether those issues would be addressed at the upcoming CNN presidential debate, but would be interesting. Meanwhile, I signed the petition to include Kennedy at that debate. Now that will be riveting. www.kennedy24.com/debate-petition?recruiter_id=473180 Here's to freedom of thought! Blessings to all here!

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Can't wait for her to debate Kamala Harris and whomever Trump selects. Honestly, I think that she and Harris could have an intelligent conversation. I suspect that Shanahan brings out the best in people.

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Kamal Harris and intelligent conversation is an oxymoron. Clearly you aren't listening to her talk. Most kindergardeners would find her stupidly tedious.

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Amazing all the hate here. Especially with the other options being so fantastic and amazing. Could this campaign be a trojan horse, I suppose. But if you ever want to really change things, you have to sway Silicon Valley. Maybe an insider can do that. Even those soulless vultures must be sick of their own children being a health disaster. But this is our world. Disagree on any point- you’re SATAN!!!!! Die a miserable death!!!!!! At this point we deserve whatever we get. Oh wait, I forgot. The orange savior will fix everything. Just like last time. Ahahahahahahahahaha

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three zionist candidates. what could possibly go wrong?

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Trump 2024!! The Best choice for me. He will not be running against OBiden, it will be someone else. 🤷‍♀️

Thx for the interview a hard NO.

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She apparently has major ties to Soros and potentially WEF. I've NEVER voted for a dem and was loosely considering RFK2, but this is an utter deal-breaker. RFK has great points and extremely intelligent, but, to me, this choice shows poor judgement and perhaps a window to his soul.

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What did she say in the interview that worries you?

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Her history....

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And did they talk about this?

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Don't care....compromised.

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VP picked that wants to AI your healthcare and wants your dna database, a fair border, (what is a fair border means)? A sovereignty country needs a border.. and a social justice translated to DEI (which they're all pushing it)

Nicole Shanahan foundation funded Event 201 and had tied to Sam Bankman-Fried. And who have funded Gascon, backed by Soros. She's from Silicon Valley which is a hub for cia. RFKj's handlers picked a globalist to be his vp! If her resume doesn't scream red flag 🚩 then we're more brainwashed than ever before! Wise up ppl 🦉

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RFk, Jr., his compulsive liar from the CIA Criminally Insane Asswipes running his campaign, and his nut job VP will only get 2% of the vote so they're a non issue aside from that they're running an amateur hour campaign. All the Dems I know think it's a joke, which it is. Trump is more popular than he was in 2020 when he won a record landslide with a record vote for a Republican from black and Latino folks.

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What did you think of their conversation?

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Base on my first comment .. she is a globalist and her experiences do not qualify the vp title. She can't even get her personal life in order lol and she wants to dictate what is good for my health and my family as she lives behind gated communities sitting on her million$!

As for RFKj .. he marched around about forever wars, very outspoken on Russia/Ukraine then crickets 🦗 on Gaza and all in for Israel !

Wasn't going to touch our 2A but will sign if congress give him a bill

RFKj was asked about abortion "We should leave it to the woman" ' Even if it's full term?" "Even if it's full term." When RFKj knows that vaxx made out of aborted fetuses.. the more mature of the baby .. the more organs to harvest. (Health of a mother/raped/incest we already have the protocol on those circumstances which is less than 1%

His CHD was founded under protecting children especially under medical harms. He was against gender affirming under 18yo then walked it back a week later... saying he doesn’t know enough about the transgender drugs involved. (Which is BS)

He flipped flops more than a fish out of water.. at his age, he should've a better world view and stand by his conviction.. even if I disagreed .. I still have respect 🫡

He isn't meeting us all in he middle . He's trying to save his party which at this point .. just call em commies .. nothing about the D is for democracy!

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If one cares enough about human beings to fight against the Covid 19 jabs -- and Kennedy has fought against them -- then why not care about the little pre-born human beings?

Even if I agree with every single thing a candidate supports, if he or she will not fight to protect the lives of little pre-born, utterly innocent humans, I will not vote for him or her.

I cannot for the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket.

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The only "qualifications" I see for this person is a marriage to Sergei Brin and a good choice of a divorce lawyer. For her few years of marriage the collected One Billion Dollars... and has spend 10 million of that on the Kennedy campaign. She was married for 4 years witch works out to 250 million per year of marriage... a good gig if you can get it, and pull this off.

So her claim to fame is ripping off her former marriage partner.

Not a good indicator as the kind of character I want running the country.

So to me, looks like she bought her way into this canadacy, and Kennedy helped her do it (while lapping up the money like a cat with an oversized milk bowel)... so NOT a feather in his cap, either.

I will not support him or her.

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RFK, Jr. Is a nut job who kept a diary of all the women he slept with, and so emotionally abused his wife that she committed suicide. He is estranged from his family. He's very sick.

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So his wife had nothing to do with her own suicide? Not that I agree with him stepping out, but could she have already been an emotional wreck, and that's why he stepped out? I don't know, I'm just asking, but it's a possibility.

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You seem like a bit of a sycophant for Kennedy so why don't you just go do some research yourself and you'll learn wack job he is, and what he did to his wife. His own siblings have noting to do with him. He's not even listed as a sibling on their official public information. He's largely irrelevant in this race anyway as he'll only get aboutb2% of the vote.

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Name calling is not a good argument. DO better or expect to lose your point with others.

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Grow up cup cake. I could give two fucks if I lose my point with others or not. The facts about RFK, Jr. are as I stated them and readily available for anyone to find.

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And you won't listen to the interview?

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