"Their symbolism will be their downfall."--Q

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He's a weird bastard full stop

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Fabulously well written

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Shows off the blood of sacrificed children better

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Tim Cohen Author Air force graduate 12yrs old

The Antichrist&ACupofTea

YouTube bloodlines

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You are simply wrong about “the Rod of Equity and Mercy”. (Scepter with the Dove.) I remember this well from my childhood reading about “The Crown Jewels/The Regalia” from the tourist guides of the fifties and the 11th Britannia

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I did not watch it. Great writing and food for thought. All ancient magik and ritual to keep us locked into a spell. He is not my king. May he have a long and happy life. But like the elf’s in Lord of the rings the royals time is over.

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So many things seem to not be what they should be these days, the opening ceremonies at the Paris Olympics for example.

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Very sad. It is done so subtly.

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Dr. Wolf, surely you don't believe that Jesus would tell anyone "It was necessary there should be sin." So then, who was the impostor in her vision? Roman Catholicism is NOT Christian. It is the "Christianization" of Paganism.

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There are hundreds of checks and double-checks in preparing for events like these. Look at the absolutely bizarre Olympics ceremonies this year too. It’s hard to believe that any odd parts of these were anything less than intentional.

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The symbolism represents control and its reinforcement. Also ancient ideologies that people believe will bring continuation. It’s all a mind screw when it is said and done.

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They're all weird. Who would want to prop up very expensive royals?

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After the coronation, I saw someone on social media comment that the Prince of Wales official website still had Charles holding that post - of course, he was no longer the POW, However, on the front page of the official Prince of Wales website was an announcement, made a few years earlier but still up for months, of how proud the then POW Charles was in announcing the Great Reset. I wish that I'd screen shot that front page. I didn't, however, I do wonder if the Way Back Machine might still have it. My point is that Charles said at that time that HE was the one that took great pride in being the first one to announce the Great Reset. And, on this POW official site. When I looked it up, months ago now, I didn't expect it to still be there but it was. Months after William took the post, there was still that front page of Charles announcing how proud he was (still is, no doubt) of being a leader of the Great Reset.

When his ascension to the throne ceremony happened (before I knew about that front page announcement), I knew for sure while he was throwing a fit about the fountain pen, that all those people in the room knew that Charles was going to betray the people of the UK (and, further, the Commonwealth).

Just something to add to the conversation. Thank you, Dr. Naomi, for the work that you do.

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