Just watched Tucker’s interview with you. Many, many years ago a college professor told us to write a paper on the topic of “Why are there wars?”

One catch….only 10 words or, preferably, less!! Next day these words were written on the blackboard,

The winner makes the rules. And we all know that, in the end, God wins🙏

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I am happy to be able to subscribe because the corporate sponsored media is preventing citizens from hearing the truth. The only way people will be able to know the truth is through journalists that we hire. Thank you, Naomi!

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I hope everyone has had a chance to view Meryl Nass’s website doortofreedom.org on the WHO and Kat Lindsey’s site SovereigntyCoalition to sign the petition to stop our government from joining the one world government. If not here is the link. https://sovereigntycoalition.org/the-american-sovereignty-declaration/ Please sign and pass on to 9 other people! Thanks! And Thank you Naomi for all of your work! We have had suspicious men moving into our little town here in CT already. We also have a very large chinese population due to the University and the state’s visa program. We need help turning this state around like they just did in Louisiana and Florida.

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Now that you have asked, we can task additional resources to your cause. Including the unseen realm. Expect miracles.

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Omg. What happened to you? Naomi. You sound like you’ve lost your mind. Don’t you even realize that all of us deal with this fucked up world every day. Never even thinking our life’s problems are worthy to be begging on a go fund me page.

I’m sad for you. Best to all and to you too Namomi

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There are no large corporate media companies who hire journalists who tell the truth. They only hire journalists willing to report whatever they are told to report, which always benefits the corporate sponsors and which is certain devastating to the freedom of all citizens of the world. So if we want journalists who are actually willing to tell the truth, so that we, along with other people can be informed, we have to hire them to do this essential work.

I became a subscriber because Naomi and her team have been working relentlessly to expose the data coming from the pharmaceutical companies. No one else is doing this work!

Having paid subscribers is essentially the only way for journalists to maintain their integrity at this time in history, which a few exceptions under various circumstances (being independently wealthy, doing it as a side hobby, etc).

If people are watching “news” that is free because it is funded by corporate sponsors, it means the viewer is the product being sold to corporations.

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It should be clear, to everyone that we are at War, that there are staging areas in our country for for3ign military. It should also be clear, that we have imp0st3rs, in our government. A puppet pr3sident, named J03 Bid3n. I will b3 supris3d if there is an election in the fall. I expect that if it l00ks at all like Trump will win the election, there will be active warfare, in this country. First Antifa, will be mixed with military from outside this country, to disguise them. The National Guard will be ordered to stand down. Conservative leaders will be targeted. And as things get worse internal supply chains will stop working. In an age in which tactical nukes can be placed in the the truck of a car, be sure you have Iodine tablets on hand. (I am using text mixed with numb3rs, bec4se so far AI Scr33inging, cannot idenitfy t3xt it wants to block, this w4y.)

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I do typos fir years naturally

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Naomi, you don’t answer?

Hello! I’m a little confused. I paid a year in advance and have hardly received anything? And when I did receive something, it said I was a free subscriber?

And I think it’s very interesting that you pay more (and I do too - more than you, for supporting people such as yourself), but there are no real people to help us when there’s a problem - so who’s pockets are being filled with the dosh, but NO support? And who’s behind Substack?

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You are not receiving emails? Please check your ‘subscriptions’ on Substack. Let me know if you are not subscribed as I’ve posted over 150 essays.

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you are a Clintonite Epstein connected MOCKINGBIRD fraud.

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Mrs Wolf you are an American treasure,Thankyou for what you do

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Dr. Wolf Thank you for bringing me to a pause in my daily shuffle to absorb the depth you both endure and the sacrifice's you make for ALL of us in this dystopia. I support you in many ways but nudges such as, What a War Requires, have me reach deeper to $upport even more. It's the best way I can truly say, Thank you. God Bless, your in the prayers of many.

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So grateful!

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Time to get REAL folks….. this is not a mere intellectual exercise here. Being part

of something of significance requires sacrifice…. Do without a couple of coffees, the reward is in the doing and the satisfaction of contributing to something bigger than yourself.

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Hello! I’m a little confused. I paid a year in advance and have hardly received anything? And when I did receive something, it said I was a free subscriber?

I’m a retired Registered Palliative Care Nurse on the tiniest of pensions. Most of my earnings went to charity my whole life - as I said “I don’t need anything, I have enough.”

Most of my singing work was for the raising of 100’s of 1,000’s of dollars for charity.

I don’t have any other income now and, as a previously big tall strong Nurse, I was called upon every time we had a heavy patient or someone on the floor. Over 40+ years, that adds up. I’m now using a stick and have supports on my wrists and arms, with a frozen shoulder and torn rotator cuff muscles, plus multiple spinal cord injuries and issues. Not complaining, just explaining.

Even in Substack, I support about 10 people - but it adds up VERY quickly. Even if you guys dropped your cheapest amount to $2 per month, you’d earn so much more than I do but you may get more subscribers!

Plus I find it SO VERY difficult to get any help from Substack about anything - WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING because they’re taking a percentage of your money - so what are they doing to earn it?

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So sorry for what you are going through. Let me know what you need.

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I’m a paid subscriber but now I’m thinking I should do more - do you suggest to just pay more for the substack ?

Naomi, you are under no small amount of stress . What do you do to care for your health and your wellbeing ? Don’t neglect yourself !

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Thank you! Trying. Go to DailyClout.io to donate if you wish to help more. Greatly appreciated

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Done! Now, go get some rest friend !

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Jacqueline Toboroff is a new contributor. She has been writing about the same things. Check her out. And on instagram

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We're following along to watch your bizarre deterioration, and not paying to support your fantastical ravings.

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I am deeply saddened to read this comment. When someone is standing up openly against the abuse of power, taking huge hits for all of us, I would hope there would be at least gratitude and thankfulness, even if a person can’t contribute, but to make such a snide remark to a person who is already under immense stress is beyond belief.

I hope Naomi somehow missed seeing your comment and I hope you will remove it.

I am surprised that someone of your age has not yet learned to be more gracious and kind and compassionate. Maybe you’ve had an easy life. Maybe you haven’t needed kindness, compassion, or grace yet.

Life isn’t easy for a lot of us. It’s even more difficult for those who refuse to go along and who take on the deep state.

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Grow up.

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LOL - when they take you away because you’ve offended them you can let us know .

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Thanks Karen. Go back to CNN now.

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If you have any suggestions on how to deal with people still either being willfully ignorant or truly not knowing or painfully embarrassed pls lmk. It's so awkward. I visit my BF in NYC and she is blue no matter who and it's tough to deal with. Any suggestions?sabrinalabow.substack.com

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That is tough. Love and prayers. But I don’t know how to solve that. It’s ‘strong delusion’.

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