Naomi, I’m so happy that there are a few liberals in the left. Very few. Can you please send me the sources for this information? It’s vitally important.

The mainstream media have failed to inform American citizens. It’s disgusting.

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Will this driverless taxi option become widespread? https://youtu.be/-4ZgvwQ6YGU?si=EcMPvZSo0Q15EJOT&t=272

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Never before in history has the US had such a complete welfare state. Now we do, so they have the goal of supporting them, not forcing them to take care of themselves.

Yes, it is an army, the "civilian army" (except that they're not civilians) that your buddy Obama talked about. Does anyone believe that Biden is in charge? Either it's Obama and the Kalorama WH, or it's Klain, Garland and Yellen. Both groups are left wing utopians.

Again, the migrants are in NYC, because NYC supported migrants drowning Texas, so Abbott responded in kind. Only now that it's in the blue cities is it a problem? No. It was a problem before but it was a giggle up your sleeve, "those white Christian nationalists in Texas deserve this...those xenophobes, those racists!!!" I find it impossible to care more about NYC than El Paso. And even though I'm a Jewish woman from NJ, I thank G-D for Abbott giving the left a healthy dose of what they've been prescribing for others.

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Excellent content. We are in dark times, but we will keep fighting!

Best wishes from Ireland (formerly the Land of Saints and Scholars) and thank you for all your work and 'activism' regarding the globalist scum and psychos.

Éire Abú!

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You are being colonized

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T he destruction? Money - Mullah"s - Popes - Satan & the demons - Medical, Science, Insurance unethical practices (and we'll blame the government) - all the woes in the book of Luke, chapters.6,10,11. / Lk 11:39 the Lord said, now you pharisees cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. These "Woes" and condemnation are in all the gospels. When they used the military to protect our "black" students to ensure they're going to these schools (High Schools & Universities) it was a version of the Civil War actions taken in the 1800's - so the white fools never change, systems we're created - especially to fit in with the False Church of Europe with all the Bishop Sheen on TV stuff. Until Oprah will be home invading all you white folk and messing with your minds with the rest of the NOW Pharisees world - so they' took over (bought, whatever you say) the A.M.A. (American Medical Association) along with the Great Depression era, they' stole the Gold out of Ft. Knox, etc.. - while mass murdering the white peoples with Cancer, A.L.S .& Polio (along with others) but only our/the negro's/ blacks got Sickle Cell Anemia, etc..- all of a sudden, our blacks are using Izola Curry to murder M.L.K. in 1958 (payoff's are flying everywhere)-(much backstabbing, etc..)and of course she's a demented woman & all that, while Polio ignited the worldwide vaccination policies around the world (in the New World Order, but the same Old SIN & Pharisees) - there's so much more but the rest is simply race breed all the white girls & "dumb down", create Sodom & Gomorrah (with white males), while murdering all the white males lives ( robbing them of all their future potential, careers, church weddings etc..) Pharisees greed and wickedness comes from all the nations, every ethnicity, forget skin colors, etc.. and there it is, Pilate said to Jesus, "What is truth" - Each generation became Pharisaical (even Judaism ?) in their greed and wickedness, with all the World Religions & World Governments, in their "New" world order...and Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Zedong, even Idi Amin etc.. are laughing in their graves because everyone's in lying & denying mode, while their all rich - are they' really rich? The wages of all this will be the Antichrist & False Prophet with more violence, destruction and death. There is so much more in the "in between" but/and we're all created by Jesus, who scolded the Pharisees with Woe to you / - look what has happened. The Cab driver and the Hamas terrorist's need Jesus and there's no salvation in Judaism. Good job reporting by Naomi.

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It's very sad & hurtful when males turn out like this in life - they say, "Everything begins in the home" / Everything begins in the womb & your "brought home" - We're to love, protect & nurture her & baby, there's are maker/creator & we learn of him & real' life & sin ( forget make it & bake it, & little girly doll house pretendsies, with infantile vernacular) - but instead we get Money (God), World Religions & Government and there isn't anything in these systems' that ever created "a mommies baby" but "they" run the systems to destroy them, with Satan & the demons (Christ & our adversaries) - Cab driver' (poor soul) he's born & raised seeing & knowing all the abuses on the "American Woman", especially the White one - controlling their babies Brains, Bodies & Blood & murdering their lives & breeding their daughters & cover it up with money, lies & deceit & racial audio diarrhea, also bio generic-synthetic constructs gotten into the body to completely destroy America, by eradicating the white peoples this way. Cab driver' (and all like him) is born& raised, not denying this but living out these peoples destruction of their lives - while learning of suppressing the truth in wickedness with the to much "domestic violence" with the "False Church" of Europe destroying America (British are coming, NO the False Church of Europe is coming) - that's why M.L.K. isn't Martin Luther/then, Satan & the demons will bring in her Satan sister false religion' & that's why Cassius Clay isn't Muhammad Ali, Malcolm Little isn't Malcolm X, Louis Eugene Walcott isn't Farrakhan & the Nation of Islam, Lew Alcindor isn't Kareem Abdul Jabbar - and they learn all this EVIL on White people to perpetuate these Crimes of Inhumanities with the domestic violence that came with it - to destroy the Nation & breed the white women (raping them at all ages) and murdering the lives of the males / while they print more Mullah-money, the boys get N-word rich ( their motto, "just show me the money") While they murdered all the white race in a holocaust of U.S.Auschwitz, with Cancer, A.L.S. & Polio, they stole all the Gold out of Ft. Knox, etc.. as our what you label "Blacks" are using Izola Curry to murder M.L.K. in New York at the book signing (and she's a destroyed gal & do this or else)/"I have a dream" is all about "the product of white people slavery" being in the White House, while they' murdered the mother & her mother, etc..(Putin & Xi Jinping are laughing at you & all the peoples, with 2 billion Arabs - "wanta' be's" Cab Driver types' just enjoying living out your destruction, while laughing hysterically at your constant Denial, & all your N-word rich "what's in your wallet. WE are there & NO ONE mocks GOD (JESUS) - and murder babies in the womb with all this / and "some broad is complaining about a cab driver" culture, you see (in their heads) - when the camera's we're not flashing in the Oval office - President Johnson & M.L.K. we're with The False Church of Europe and the money printers & when the Nazi's we're marching all the Jews to the death camps One mile from the Vatican, etc.. - We're all in Denial. Just let them be "N-word rich" - have a little (so called) power, we'll do all this and we got it made - another Satanic success of Sin, Violence, destruction & death (death of this nation) and the Cab driver & every one else needs to Repent and Confess it, as President Lincoln was telling the people before he was assassinated in 1865. All of our future is in the Bible, which we all & Cab driver need to read and understand - but now - everyone say's "we know that stupid you". I see. Good reporting by Naomi - let's look at all the bad news.

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Wonderful insight as ever thank you Naomi. I can definately CONFIRM Culrure is being targetted. An ex fashionista who moved deep country 20 years ago i watched my small unremarkable V classic Miss Marple English Country Market Town and then even my birth village a Tint Hamlet that had remain unchanged since my own birth in the 1960s - both now over runby Yuppies/Toxic Woke/Drug Dealers and Toxic Vampish Psycoapthic women. The natives are restless ( very) and as an indiginous native i speak often to disgruntled farmers and depressed ploughboys, im down with the gypsies and the drug dealers as well as the Lords and ladies - so i get a very acute view. And its all very feudal with the new Lord Bath behaving like Henry the 8th - his father my God Father a good leader. His son like so many now a weakling. And all that was of real value has been stripped and our once strong community now nother more that a bland Tromp L'oile - deep fake - deep state - a slow pernicious relentless poision. The Native American Indians call it WETIKO - The 'white Mans disease' and or Mind-Blindness.

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What is culture? America's culture since the sexual revolution and the radical feminist movement is one of rejection of what is true, good, wholesome, worthy of respect, and reality.

In particular, both served to deny the dignity of women and their very nature although the claim is women are so much better off than they ever have been. I ask the question has the world become more peaceful since women rejected motherhood and ascended on a stairway of dead children's bodies?

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Thank you for this ! And thank you for your work and your beautiful writing .What a truth warrior you are ! I loved your last book facing the beast ! Great read 🙏

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Re: culture - A post on current unfolding in Israel offers untold (to my ears) history of extremist Israeli acts of terror,and its recent celebration causing Biden to draw a line in the sand with Israel. Curious if you can validate this historical accounting of Israeli extremist terror.

excerpt -

"Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf, sentenced to life imprisonment in 1984, addresses thousands of Jewish supremacists.


Two weeks ago, a star-studded celebratory event was held at Jerusalem’s International Convention Center. It was entitled "Conference for Israel’s Victory - settlements bring security: returning to the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria". 12 ministers, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, took part.

However, not a single political figure, not even the Minister of Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, was entitled to the frenzied ovations that greeted Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf, now a central figure in the Israeli debate, albeit unknown abroad. His presence rekindled in the participants hope of redeeming what they consider to be the "sin" of the withdrawal of Jewish settlements from Gaza in 2005.

In the hours that followed, Yaakov Margi (Shas), Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs, declared that his colleagues should have “thought” "before going to this circus.

The leader of the opposition, Yair Lapid, lamented that Benjamin Netanyahu, "who was once at the centre of the national camp being dragged aimlessly by extremists", has "hit rock bottom."

Gen. Benny Gantz, declared that the conference was "an insult to Israeli society in wartime. It undermines our legitimacy in the world and the efforts to create a framework for the return of our hostages." Commenting on the Prime Minister’s participation, he continued: “He who dances and divides, does not decide, and he who is silent and allows himself to be dragged along, is not a leader"."

posted here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/dynamite-news-in-jerusalem-the-conference?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=667911&post_id=141630907&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=12vcal&utm_medium=email

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Western culture-civilization is the only Christian culture-civilization that has existed in history. The Judeo-Christian civilization that came into existence with the conversion of Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, ascended to world dominance because of Judeo-Christian values and doctrine. The rejection of this basis of its superiority by itself has led to its decline. It is only logical that Western Christian culture-civilization and its inhabitants, as followers of Christ, the mortal enemy of Satan would be a special target of Satan and his minions.

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Dr. Wolf, thank you for the essay on Culture. I listened today and found it revealing and depressing. I ask myself daily, “what can I DO?”

So many of my circle of friends are off limits as far as discussing what is going on,

In some way I feel empowered by the knowledge and awareness I gain from your essays and many times I feel so alone and powerless! But, thank you.

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Thanks for such honesty - yes so many of us feel the same. A strange no mans land between helpless/hopeless and mute. WHY i wonder are so many of our previously intelligent friends now being 'off-limits' when it comes to vital subject like this? Prayer and keeping calm and really sending visions for peace help the powerless but. But yes its dreadful and the charities are not getting aid in - it is sickening.Bless you - bless them - bless us all!

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Culture is a lie agreed upon by the powerful. They craft it, they enforce it, and they record it as His-story, then we are stuck with it.

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Nicely said. I have been reading 'The Wilder Shores of Love by Leslie Blanch. A fantatsicly well researched and well written book about 4 fanulous ladies who - quite litterally - changed culture. And as an ex fashionista we know the best way it to work fro within - Trojan horse stylee. I think there are so many of us now questioning this vile 'culture' we may indeed see a change for the better sooner than we think. Bless you great comment.

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Everyone may make a difference if we try. So keep up the good work.

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Today’s Supremacy Bowl ILLustrates what “Culture” is, literally & figuratively, on its face (SUPERficially) and at depth (beneath the surface sheen & glitz).

And, just for today, here’s this on today’s most CONNEDsumtive secular veritable Holy Day HUGE Spectacle:

The Supremacy Bowl

Supremacists are usually Supercilious & Sanctimonious in their support of Superstitions CONcerning the so-called “Supernatural,” including, SIGNifiCANTly, the CONcept of Salvationism.

Those who believe they’re superior, better than us, often claim to be smarter, to have Intelligence Quotients (IQ) above the average which is 100. They’re generally truthful in this regard because, as Malcolm X noted, a smart person can play dumb, but a dumb person can’t pretend to be smart.

Now, in Athletics, specifically in the #TeamSport of American Football, Players’ Strength, Speed, Agility, and Quickness are essential components of a winning season, a team’s success. Beyond these basic physical criteria, ultimate success, True superiority also requires good Strategizing/Planning, group cohesion, coordination and cooperation;  unified mission focus; #NEARLY mistake-free execution, and the enthusiasm/passion which constitutes good #Teamwork. Teamwork has made the Dream work for both these franchises.

Whichever of the two #WildWest(ern) US football teams wins today’s/tonight’s HUGE 66th (LXVI) Annual #Superbowl game, the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers, their winning will establish & confirm their ultimate superiority, their supreme status as National Football League Champions for the whole of this next year, 2024.

So, here before the last second has “run off the clock” and the final gun sounded, and the scoreboard tells us the Final Result  #WeThePeople (even here in the bluer “Blue States” of the Atlantic Seaboard) are behooved to Congratulate BOTH teams for their 2023 Conference Championship Seasons.

And, as always: May the Better Team Win.

Lew A (Lincoln) Welge

#CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer) Candidate for #AlachuaCountyFlorida #SchoolBoard.

#CeasefireNow #AbrahamLincoln’s Birthday Eve, & #Vote4LAW in the August primary.


#Subscribe4Free with just your email address at LewWelge.com’s Contact Page, por favor.

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Thank you Naomi for consolidating issues that concern Americans and countries with open borders. What I wasn’t aware of is who is funding the mass migration. I was aware Catholic charities are facilitating integrating migrants into our communities. While National and American institutions are working together, I wonder who the elites are that got it going.

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