I appreciate that you bring different perspectives. One reason I read you is because I believe you seek to be honest and fair.

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This approach is exactly why we are paid subscribers!

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Just a reminder, we're a republic. It makes a difference.

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agreed - some things I do not agree with you. But I like to hear why other people think what they do. It makes me think, confirm or question my own views. I grew up in the evangelical church and walked away for many years because of "pat and shallow answers" to my questions. I have come back to much of that belief - but now know why I believe what I believe. Because I thought it through, did some research, and - after decades of in depth bible study - now own my own opinions. Thank you so much for what you add to my critical thinking ability!

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Remember civil discourse? Only when we exercise it, as Naomi is doing here so eloquently, will we in fact have it. To crib a popular adage: There is no WAY to civil discourse, civil discourse is THE WAY.

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Ditto on the comments I've read so far. This editorial is exactly why your readers follow you. We agree 100% to agree or disagree. We desire conversation and an exchange of ideas. However, this is the only place I am able to have this "conversation" as those closest to me already assume they know where I stand. I don't even know how to have a conversation anymore. Suffice it to say, I trust you Dr. Naomi. You are a voice for all of us who seek the truth no matter how difficult it may be to hear. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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So lovely but also so sad.

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Naomi. You are a good person. A likeable person. And an honest person. There. I just had to say that. Do I agree with you 100% of the time? No. I also don't agree with my wife 100% of the time. I don't think I want to live in a society where everyone agrees.

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Your point about primary and secondary sources can’t be stated often enough. If we really want to know what Nicole Shanahan, Nehemia Gordon, Dr Ealy, and machete fighters think, we need to hear what they say about themselves, not what opinion writers and propagandists say about them. I don’t always agree with your guests and commentors, but I’m not here for my feelings. Every voice, from thoughtful to obnoxious, makes me think and learn, especially when it contradicts what I think I know. That’s a shadow benefit of the 1st Amendment and the original promise of the internet. Keep doing what you do, Dr. Wolf. Damn the torpedoes.

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Love that

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Please keep bringing us your content, as varied as it is and present it to us, so we can determine what WE want to believe. Very few journalists are doing this today and I support as many of those as I can. Critical thinking skills should be the "norm", but these days, I feel those of us who think critically are in the minority. Hoping that will change! Keep up the great work Dr Wolf!

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Naomi, I think the name of your substack say it all-- Outspoken. More importantly, it is YOUR name on this substack. Debate is the hallmark of a civilized society. We have seen the last few years what lack of debate has done to science and medicine. But, the important part of debate is that it is speech, communication between two or more people. When we can no longer tolerate conversation and debate, a situation we are presently in, we, as a civilized people are in big trouble. Lack of debate means lack of a learning experience. If nothing else, it is important to know how the opposite party thinks, how their gears mesh (or don't). We have this little trash can symbol on our computers/tablets/phones. If one doesn't like what is presented, don't read or listen to it, then simply hit delete. No harm, no offense.

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Everyone has differing mental health/emotional limits when it comes to information that is structured in different ways, however true or false it is. This generally seems to affect how much wisdom they are able to obtain. Expanding these limits is like a muscle that has to be strengthened; life values matter for determining how much action will be taken to do that, and for determining how virtuous/morally excellent and meaningful the action will be. While we are all flawed humans, maybe society is straying more from virtues in their life values to their own detriment, and this includes the rise of censorship. The idea of what virtues are could always be understood more, but it's worth noting that they are the life values category that seems to prevail most throughout human history; and this goes along with the idea of the Lindy effect: "..a concept that suggests that the longer something has survived, the longer it is likely to continue to exist in the future."

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I find this crazy that people are upset about Nicole shanahan. After all I am not aware of trump being against abortion. He thinks that is up to states. If you don’t like her don’t vote for her ! She will prob save more children from autism than Trump will just saying.

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The very first thing I read by you was your essay And Grief Enough For All, and I was captivated by your striving to view each situation and phenomenon you are interested in from every angle. Thanks for, well, reporting.

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Thanks for reminding me (and all of us who read the post) of the critical importance of being able to hold space for listening. You're absolutely right that this skill is largely lacking, even among many of us who think we have it. Many of us do not actually have it.

So, thank you.

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I love this perspective! You are one of the very few “journalists” I trust… because I know you are reporting FACTS without any hidden spin or agenda.

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