Your efforts are most appreciated.

🌏💉”Dr. James Thorpe recently mentioned research that estimates 585 million people combined, have either died or have been permanently injured, directly from the shot (worldwide).”: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/2ZfkZFxSDnKsUsJV/?

At least half a billion people affected; and with the deaths, no doubt they’re reflected in the most recent Our World in Data excess mortality figures for countries such as the Philippines and Brazil.

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Why hasn’t republicans asked for proof of life. Congress hasn’t asked for Biden to come to congress or invite republicans speaker to White House meetings. Mike Johnson not doing his job.

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Aloha. How about body doubles?

We’re a nation of coups. Here, there …

Where’s the gift, the awakening in this disguise?

May unexpected blessings and love keep coming to everyone and from everyone.


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I think you are on target, Naomi. “Just inferring” is the legit fallback when we have preposterous lies telling us only who and what NOT to believe. Call it inference, intuition, instinct, discernment, whatever, the chasm between secular and God-based intuition can be vast and disturbing. “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:14). That statement reflects the distress of one young man who recently posted, “I need God.” I believe we ALL do if we hope to survive the chaos.

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thank you once again🇺🇸❤️

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Kamala was in Houston on Fri. meeting with the national teachers union and will come back to Houston next week for the funeral of Sheila Jackson Lee (D) of the House of Rep.

I think the Deep State will take out Kamala and Trump and then allow us to pick either Hillary or Niki Haley in Nov. Given that choice I'll vote for RFK and he just might beat those 2 warmongers. Of course the Deep State will never let Bobby be sworn in.

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It’s going to be a troubled sea indeed as The 2020 Prophecy of Kamala being the next President is being unfold! According to this prophecy she is going to be a cruel one! A serious call for prayers and repentance and call for Divine intervention is critical! This prophecy should Not be taken lightly! I was trying not to believe it when I heard this a year ago but my goodness it is now unfolding to my horror! People should Not underestimate the dark forces behind Kamala and around the world we have witnessed the reign of evil forces and its minions in the last 4 years !

Ephesians 6:12

“12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.“

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Meanwhile, the compliance grid is underway. Just a hint from Copenhagen this week. More to come starting in South America with Satellogic, Peter Thiel and others. Links:



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Operation Gladio's "Strategy of Tension" also comes to mind.

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COG question below. New medical countermeasures first.

We don't need a President to declare another health emergency. That's for the HHS Secretary. Currently that's Becerra and he just declared another Prep Act level emergency for bird flu:

"On July 18, 2024, the Secretary amended the April 19, 2013, determination made pursuant to the FD&C Act, regarding the avian influenza A (H79N) virus, and determined pursuant to his authority under the Act that there is a significant potential for a public health emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and that involves biological agents, namely pandemic influenza A viruses and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential."

- https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/07/24/2024-16247/declaration-of-emergency-pursuant-to-the-federal-food-drug-and-cosmetic-act

"The amendment now applies to pandemic influenza A viruses and others with pandemic potential, such as the current H5N1 strain of bird flu that has infected cattle and subsequently humans in some states. Previously, the declaration specifically covered just the H7N9 strain of bird flu. The declaration would allow the Food and Drug Administration to extend the expiration date of certain medical products and allow HHS to issue an emergency use authorization for unapproved drugs, devices or products, among other actions."

- American Hospital Association (AHA),


Thanks, Naomi. I'm not a legal scholar or scholar by any account, but we know through the investigative legal work of people like Katherine Watt that there is much going on below the surface with laws and statutes regarding public emergencies. This reminds me of the brilliant work of Peter Dale Scott, who is now 95 years old, but perhaps worth revisiting too (below). In short, I wouldn't doubt if there might be a legitimate condition or loophole of sorts among all of the events, declarations and emergencies that is allowing us to be living through (and what's been almost always mostly undisclosed in the past), a Continuity of Governance (COG) moment. Cheney and Rumsfeld set it up in the 80s when they were working at major corporations outside of government. It was utilized on September 11, 2001. Do we know if it's ever expired or been re-implemented utilized since we've had emergencies and events since 2020? i.e. Covid, Mpox, and now Bird Flu PHE / PHEIC declarations, as well election and "insurrection" and other events as you have discussed. Just a hunch.


Peter Dale Scott, 2010:

"In other words extraordinary emergency measures, originally designed for an America devastated in a nuclear attack, were now to be applied to anything the White House considered an emergency. Thus Cheney and Rumsfeld continued their secret planning when Clinton was president; both men, both Republicans, were heads of major corporations and not even in the government at that time. Moreover, Andrew Cockburn claims that the Clinton administration, according to a Pentagon source, had “no idea what was going on.”8 (As I shall explain later, this sweeping claim needs some qualification.)

"The expanded application of COG to any emergency was envisaged as early as 1984, when, according to Boston Globe reporter Ross Gelbspan,

"Lt. Col. Oliver North was working with officials of the Federal Emergency Management Agency . . . to draw up a secret contingency plan to surveil political dissenters and to arrange for the detention of hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens in case of an unspecified national emergency. The plan, part of which was codenamed Rex 84, called for the suspension of the Constitution under a number of scenarios, including a U.S. invasion of Nicaragua.9

"Clearly 9/11 met the conditions for the imposition of COG measures, and we know for certain that COG planning was instituted on that day in 2001, before the last plane had crashed in Pennsylvania. The 9/11 Report confirms this twice, on pages 38 and 326.10 It was under the auspices of COG that Bush stayed out of Washington on that day, and other government leaders like Paul Wolfowitz were swiftly evacuated to Site R, inside a hollowed out mountain near Camp David.11

"What few have recognized is that, nearly a decade later, some aspects of COG remain in effect. COG plans are still authorized by a proclamation of emergency that has been extended each year by presidential authority...."

- ‘Continuity of Government’ Planning: War, Terror and the Supplanting of the U.S. Constitution, Peter Dale Scott, 2010, https://apjjf.org/Peter-Dale-Scott/3362/article


July 26, 2024 CDC Response to the new HSS Declaration of Emergency:

"CDC provides an update on its response activities related to the multistate outbreak of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, or "H5N1 bird flu," in dairy cows and other animals in the United States."


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A video about COG naming some top players still in the game was posted in 2016 or thereabout. It was accessible here three days ago: https://x.com/AMERICANSTYLE76. Since then, X has suspended the account. Hmmm.

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Thank you for your courageous tireless work to look out for us. I just know your dad is so proud of you! Love you and God bless you

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Thank you for your honest and brave analysis. You have been instrumental in opening my eyes. Gos bless and keep you

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No, the military oversees the president!

You haven’t had a ‘president’ for 4 years…

Makes no difference whether he’s there or not, he doesn’t run the country. he’s just a puppet for the faceless controllers

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Yes, and it’s so much worse.

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Some are so much worse, Trump for instance, he said -“if you vote for me,

you will never have to vote again!”

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Keeping us all in a state of confusion. Typical Maoist tactics.

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"The people" have never really had choices. The moneyed and powerful determine the political candidates we get to choose from. If we really had choices, anyone who wanted to run for office would be given opportunities to voice their ideas far and wide without having to spend millions of dollars.

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Agreed. Even so, I hope we don't take that as justification to not vote. We might still have a chance to choose the lesser of two evils.

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Both are the head of the snake. The Corp body is what needs to die. The Crown Corp and Vatican. The Republic of the United States of America needs to reform a Government and kill the United States Corp. the imposter Corp that is running a muck in US, Canada, Australia, and wherever the Colonial Crown colonized.

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I don't disagree, but I have hope and won't give it up. If we're surrounded by snakes—and I won't argue we aren't—I'm voting for the one that didn't kill my country, and I'm hoping he restores policies that aren’t poisonous.

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I know you are lifelong Democrat Naomi but could you not see that your party installed Biden purposefully because he would do anything the party controllers told him to do? They knew they had to regain the presidency with a puppet they could control as their goal to destroy America was interrupted with Trump as president and they know their time is running out.

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Barack Obama decided to support Kamala Khameleon only after she accepted to be a FIGURE HEAD allowing the Obama Led Politburo to decide issues such as the Ukranian Proxy War and foreign policy generally.

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Yet she is a perfect candidate for the misnamed Democrats (they hate democracy) because she is an idiot, she is as corrupt as corrupt can be, but most importantly, it guarantees them another more radically anti-America, anti-human puppet than Biden and to top it off, she is not white and not a male.

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Ironically she is looking for a white guy to be her V.P. According to people I follow, at the DNC they are installing Hillary or Michelle Obama lol time will tell.

Right now we are living in some kind of Wag the dog/ \psyop. Obviously it's a coup.

I just pray to god that the truth prevails.

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Communists come in all skin tones.

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I think they are going to replace Cackling Camala at the last minute with either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsome. Probably Newsome because I doubt most people would vote for two women for president and vice president except the far left. And although Newsome is white and a male, he has proven his Communist loyalties and wouldn't hesitate to do whatever needed to finally completely destroy this country.

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You are definitely onto something. Waiting until the last minute works in their favor. America is infatuated with “brand new,” and that alone is enough to win votes. TDS victims will vote for card-carrying communists for the simple reason they are not Trump. We are so short sighted.

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Nailed it

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I totally agree with you. He never got 81 million legal votes.

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Ever since voting machines were introduced, no election result can be considered valid. They have been and are easily compromised.

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Weren't the Dominion voting systems developed under Maduro (I remember it was a South American socialist dictator of some sort!)?

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According to wiki Dominion voting systems were developed by Canadians.

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That's Wikipedia for you. Ted Cruz, Rudi Guiliani and Dinesh D'Souza reported it after the election. Sorry I can't steer you in the right direction right now, but I'll try looking it up. Very critical issue.

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