Dang, I wasn't able to read this and missed the new show. I'm sure it was great. Naomi hit the head on how easy he took the bait, unfortunately.

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1) Trump doesn’t have a woman Problem

2) Abortion is NO Longer the


INFANTICIDE = Murder for money as Planned Parenthood donates money to DemocRats❗️

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I had a look in detail at the first bit of the debate. I see this:

6.10 – Harris walks over to Trump’s position and says ‘Kamala Harris, let’s have a good debate’. He says ‘Nice to see you, have fun’.

One would have thought she would say ‘Hello Mr Trump’ etc. otherwise it sounds like she thinks Donald Trump is Kamala Harris. I didn’t think Joe’s dementia was catching, but on the other hand….

6.35 – Muir says ‘You and president Trump were elected 4 years ago’. Does he know something we don’t? Have DT and KH been in cahoots all this time? Might expalin the insanity.

6.45 – Muir asks Harris ‘Do you believe Americans are better off than four years ago?’ which she doesn’t answer, she just has ‘a plan’. Nobody challenged her to answer the question.

It would take too long to examine the rest in detail but Kamala is a war hawk clearly, quite happy to sacrifice the Ukraine for the industrial armaments complex until enough resources are pillaged and property values reduced so the bankers etc can move in and Build Back Better – at a profit of course. One should however be wary of false profits which is referred to in Revelation if one has ears to hear.

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Video proof that they are grilling cats in Ohio https://youtu.be/aI9RlBPUo6A?feature=shared

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I don't know how you can take either of these two fools seriously, if you do. They are nothing but actors playing their rolls and nothing ever changes.

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They tried to kill Trump. This is very real.

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If they wanted him dead, he'd be dead.

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I don’t believe Trump could act this part.

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I think that attempted shooting was a Hollywood script and He did have his own TV show. I grew up in NY most everyone I knew saw Trump as a con man.

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Amazing how many times “most everyone” doesn’t *really* know someone.

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If you do not believe me fine, but giving energy by supporting either of these two criminals is a huge mistake IMO.

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Jake, one candidate is unquestionably directly evil for this country and the world. The other candidate has already shown us his value and merit as a President. Not perfect at all, but by far a better vote that still gives us hope. If you pay attention, all the right people hate him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And the worst that could happen, is that you *might* be right and Trump is really a verrrrry elaborate ruse, and we had no hope. But. Most of us are wagering you are *wrong*. Because no matter what:

Should you give your vote to Kamala, by no voting, the worst outcome is much much worse, and *certain.*

Please drop the sanctimony of “not voting this.”

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Do the letters “Dr” in front of your name stand for dismisses reality? I hope you received a free college education and that someone else,your family maybe, didn’t waste their hard earned money for you to obtain it if in fact you did. I have no respect for people who make their way through life bullying and belittling others. We condemn children who do this and yet you, the Republican Party, and if you watch Fox News, half of the United States are willing to give up their self respect for lies that they think will bring them lower grocery bills and cheap gas. Is Donald Trump who you want to be your children’s role model? Children emulate their parents, and we wonder why there’s so much hatred towards minorities in the schools. It’s bad enough that they see it on social media, to see it in the home and on tv just confirms it. Judas Iscariot sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver.

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African Americans support Trump. Please watch this video, which is just one of hundreds of examples of why https://youtu.be/6i0Z01xtERQ?feature=shared

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Yes, not sure where she goes to school (teaches, probably) and sees all this hatred towards minorities, and blames it apparently on Trump to boot?

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LOL You are delusional, as is the entire DEmocrat party and followers.

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Furthermore, gas prices are tumbling in free fall all of a sudden. What exactly makes gas prices able to tumble so quickly and reliably in the weeks before a major election, with Democrats incumbent?

As well, can you tell me exactly how inflation itself rose so quickly, without the simple fact that as fuel prices go, so go the costs of *everything else*?

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What on earth makes you a true believer of the Democrat party? A giant percentage of the commenters here, and Dr. Wolf herself, if you were paying attention, are former card-carrying, religiously fervent, proud liberal-progressive practical agnostic secular Democrats. Do you haev any idea of what you’re talking about?

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Why would you immediately assume that someone who doesn’t agree with Trump is a Democrat?

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But your post has so many holes and assertions and assumptions. You are speaking like a Democrat, sorry.

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Why would Trump not realize or care that presenting the idea of undocumented immigrants eating pets was going to not only cost him any on-the-fence swing voters, but largely take over all discourse about the debate and his performance?

Without actual easy-to-find proof of this accusation, this was a huge misstep. Anyone watching who wanted to entertain this story for even a second would find nothing on MSM (which is where people will be looking!) except for the video of the arrest of that crazed woman -a US citizen - from Canton. I've read in an article that there were group fb posts talking about things like my sister's cat was being butchered in a tree - someone cut off a duck's head in the park in front of kids - but then why weren't police involved in these incidents? If someone's cat was being butchered, wouldn't they call the police, wouldn't there be a police report? And if police WERE involved, wouldn't they WANT to go on record about this?

This makes zero sense to me.

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Here is video proof of cats being grilled on a hibachi in Ohio taken by a neighbor. https://youtu.be/aI9RlBPUo6A?feature=shared

Note in this video other cats coming around to inspect what is happening. Cats are very intelligent and,cas with all living creatures, this is a serious matter and can't be allowed to become acceptable. We have to draw the line and I am glad President Trump is defending these innocent creatures.

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This isn't proof....it is some evidence, that you can poke a lot of holes in, which does not equal proof.

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I was told by a DC lawyer friend (and Trump supporter— yes, total anomaly) that independents after the debate have been moving to Trump by some large percentage, in spite of his frustrating performance.

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There are so many cases of this. Your algorithm os keeping them from you and feeding them to me for whatever reason

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Hi Naomi & team - I need help regarding my PAID SUBSCRIPTION!

I've been trying to contact you for over a week now, but I can't get any response. Please check your DM messages.

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Please email me at Naomi@DailyClout.io. So sorry for this frustration. I have not received your emails. I can’t check dms I fear.

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Unfortunately, your predictions became fact. Trump did take her baits. He tried to get his message through but the moderators were definitely in the bag for Harris and interrupted and fact checked him, even when what he said was true. Harris, on the other hand, was not fact checked and lied extensively. She did, I believe, admit she has not changed her core beliefs. She won’t allow fracking, she’ll continue with open borders, she will not fix the economy. She will try to redesign the SC. The wars will continue and escalate. She, like good ol’ Joe from Scranton, will not be in charge. The country will continue down the road of transgender surgeries on children, continued bad food and health care for us all. The chronic health conditions will be ignored. Additionally, continued support for a global government with the WEF, UN and WHO will ensue. The goal is to continue to create chaos, another word for evil until we are lost as a nation. I am sick at heart to think of this. I am praying with all my might that this evil will be stopped. God help us. Vote for Trump and Vance and we get Bobby, too. Our way of life depends on it.

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Yes. May God help us and have mercy on us. Holy Mother of God, all the saints and angels in Heaven, pray for us.

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So, basically, debates are pointless the way they are currently run. You can't train your way out of a national emergency. If it isn't a test of improvisational thinking, the format needs to be changed.

I think the solution is to force an Oxford Union or Intelligence Squared type format. Have them debate one and only one topic to absolute death.

Most people, even if they are intelligent, have trouble taking a verbal debate beyond one or two exchanges---esp. outside their field of expertise (but plenty of experts just say "I know this and take my word for it" and can't debate either).

Of course, it will never happen. The public does not have the necessary powers of concentration.

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so true. this debate, as they all are now, is meaningless theater. I love your idea, agree it won't happen, not only because of the public's lack, but because the powers that be do not want a true debate.

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And I want to say, if we're talking about women and identity...

Trump only has to say, that while Kamala identifies her gender as a she/her "woman", in this role her defining identity is high powered political aggressor, who occasionally uses her gender identity as one of her weapons.

Trump is Absolutely Entitled to battle her out on the stage on which she is trying to compete, against her defining identity.

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Kommie-la is hardly a representative of women. Not at all of women of character. She is the *worst* representation of woman, may God have mercy on her soul.

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Wow you called it Naomi. I haven't seen the debate as I'm up here in Canada. I am suspicious of the earbud earrings too.

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I loved it when Trump said that Biden hates Harris. Perfect!

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Naomi, you nailed the poorly-tailored navy blue suit (nothing against Ross, I shop there too!), white silk blousy thing, neutral nails, etc. As far as the jewelry goes, had you known about earbud earrings, you would have been spot on. Personally, I hadn’t heard of them before. Oh, but wait! Snopes has already debunked this. Well, never mind. I’ll go back to my “conspiracy theory bozo” daily routine. Cheers!

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I've never really heard an explanation of why Kamala was so disliked in her 2019 presidential nominee campaign but I suspect they were intangibles. If so, she will probably be disliked again because those are hard to change, especially if you don't even know what the are.

Personally I thought then she looked and acted "bitchy" and being a (disliked) "radical" shill DA in San Fransisco didn't help either, but I was surprised she got close to zero support and dropped out so early. That seems hard to do, so there must be something about her that's a non-starter when it's discovered.

Can they hide it for another month or two? I guess it depends on how perceptive voters are.

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She spoke like a prosecutor for the most part. Trump definitely underperformed but, at least, he sounded human and looked natural, an old man. She sounded fake (does she really believe that?) and came up as a nasty, bloodthirsty person who wants Ukrainians to keep dying for her "rules". Maybe, some voters confuse presidents with prosecutors, but in 2020 being a cop didn't serve her well.

And, maybe, it's time to reconsider the "professional woman" style. I would even go for a dress and nice manners once in a while, femininity is precious. And I like this new crop of grassroot candidates looking and talking like neighbors which are running because they love their country and want to serve We The People, not being our bosses. What does Harris love and is passionate about? Nobody knows. She used to be my Senator, she doesn't listen to the people, just sent me spam ordering to support this and that until I blocked her (Dianne Feinstein was different). She's so above those stupid peasants! And a professional woman's accomplishments and failures speak for themselves, not this performative "leadership". The only accomplishment of the current administration she mentioned (and I give it to them) was cupping the price of insulin.

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thank you, so well said. yes, my deluded friends who are in love with her seem to really love this aggressive prosecutorial style....and I really still do not know what Harris stands for. Besides all that, we know that campaign promises are meaningless and facts are like silly putty anymore.

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TRUMP SPOKE THE TRUTH AND THAT IS WHAT IS VALUABLE, IF YOU CARE. She will take the world to WWIII. WITHOUT A DOUBT. She is a communist who obeys her masters and gets money and power for doing that. She is their tool/puppet. This is a super dangerous time and Trump had better win because he is SMART and knows what is going on which most people clearly do not.

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That too. She's a psychopath who doesn't care if people die or live. In contrast with Trump expressing concern about people dying, dangers of starting WWIII and wanting to stop the war in Ukraine.

I think the word Marxism/communism is greatly overused, the Democrats don't care about working class a single bit. We live in a classic fascist state where the government merged with corporations. Or, perhaps, more accurately, a hybrid red-brown (traits of both fascism and communism) state.

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The Marxism-Communism is *not* overused; we didn’t take it seriously enough til now. No one under age 50 was educated on it in either politics or history, and society is reaping that. Commie-la’s parents were actual open Marxist advocates. As a huge percentage of academics are today. No one took them seriously as such, for too long. But as progressive Democrats, now that’s serious. It is what immigrants of Eastern Europe over age 50 have been warning everyone else about for many years.

The innovation is *exactly* what you’re calling in your second paragraph. No one would have foreseen the global corporations merging with government and the power they’d have married. But it too has been in the works for decades, as we meekly complained about “big box stores,” large companies kicking out independent and family-operated competition; quality, uniqueness, and customer service became obsolete.

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Well, I myself came from Eastern Europe... I had to study Marxism at school when I grew up. The core of it is an economic theory (as applied to the 19th century capitalism, completely obsolete and logically deficient, but whatever) and the goal was to empower working class and improve their lives. Many well meaning educated people believed in it when it was created. But, when it came to practice, it was a fantasy forced on uneducated masses by tyrannical governments, so the experiment completely failed with human lives and entire families destroyed "for the greater good".

Progressives, on the other hand, completely threw the economic theory and interest of the working class away (do you really expect them to stop profiting from their relationships with corporations and special interest groups?), instead, using Marxist dividing people into "groups" as a shell, along with the totalitarian principle "the ends justify the means". I would say that it's a hybrid regime with the underlying economy being fascist backed by Marxist culture. Both are totalitarian. All those "trans kids" are about profits for the medical-pharmaceutical industry... But do they even believe their own ideas? Harris delivers word salads starting "I grew up in a middle class family". It's not about communist morality, but a complete lack of moral principles, saying whatever brings them more profits and power.

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Don’t forget the absolute importance of maintaining a godless society for their ideology to take absolute hold over all people, the people themselves being mere cogs in a collective (but so very important cogs!) Individual worth, being loved unto death by one’s Creator, ironically for the alphabet progressives, is absolutely derived from Christ.

I totally see the new hybrid at work here today. Years ago, my mom used to complain about mall store policies constantly updating to be less customer-centered, and called it all “Communism!”

Were you taught Marxism during the Communist era? (I’m asking your age range here) or were you taught it afterwards? I imagine being taught it during the height of it, you’d have been taught it in its ideal form by the idealists. Ironically, here all (it seems like all) our teachers and professors here are still Marxist idealists!

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The end of communism was more like gradual. Marxism in schools was still compulsory when nobody took it seriously. Then it stopped being a requirement, and the same instructor taught Christian philosophy... Those were weird times.

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I completely agree. Communism has taken hold all over the world, even though we have fought against it for so long. Fascism has also increased to an alarming degree and is the face of the NWO gov't attempting to take complete dominion. I know many over the years who do not even know what communism is because they were not taught any history in schools. These people are in their 40's and 50's and the teachers who taught them [nothing] are indoctrinated "progressives" , feeling superior in their stupor of positive thinking and inclusivity. Everything has been planned and is going accordingly.....and that is what Trump said. Who listened, only those who know history and desire the truth.

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