
The sofar missing info on the pangolin data they banked on.

Basically confirming it was bogus and that the virus was man-made!

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Psycho-Techno mesmerism with a big dash of pharmacopeia..

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Arizona and lady of the lake, pay attention to the reveal there.

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"It’s pretty much Moscow on the Hudson here."

In truth Moscow has the Duma and real elections over there, as well the recent Lugansk/Donetsk/Kherson referendums. True democracy, where people vote what they want and they get it. Also Crimea, which voted and got what they wanted in 2014. How is it Russian Federation gives people what they want? Because they have real Western democracy. America tried to spread it but you can't spread democracy when you are a totalitarian oligarchy of tech tyrants.

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Why yes, you would know all about that, wouldn't you?

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America the Gullible.

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Google is evil. Period. The internet used to be a place of near unfettered access to the world. Now it is algorithmically serving drivel based on who ever pays the most. For the last 2 1/2 years, at least, the government has been paying the most to steal your mind and body from you.

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I beg to differ. We’re all watching you doofuses pretend you can’t stop them. #annoyed.

Edited because I’m literate.

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Profound article as always!

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Amen. I watched the results coming in on election day, a ritual I attend to every 2 years with as much anticipation and interest as many people reserve for the Superbowl. But this time my excitement was tinged with anxiety, not over who was going to win, but over my concern that I would walk away from this election wondering if the results we're given are really real. "What if they steal it?" "How will we know?" "What are the red flags we should be looking for?" and, "If there are shenanigans in some places, will anyone investigate? Will recounts even be allowed?" These are the questions we were asking ourselves in the final days leading up to the election.

And based on what I learned from the 2020 election, the best answers I could come up with were:

-watch for early calls, especially when the call contradicted the initial trend (as with Virginia, which in 2020 was called for Biden while the votes were still showing 60% for Trump...until the score ratio magically flipped many days later)

-watch for very long counting periods, where many days pass before a results is announced (as these seemed to be correlated to districts where people later reported large numbers of unverifiable "mail in" ballots showing up, vote totals that exceeded the number of registered voters, and other signs of fraud)

-No, likely no one will investigate, and if anyone tries they will likely be discredited as an election denier and a Trump supporter (aka a radical right-wing extremist).

When the first polls closed on the West Coast, my jaw dropped as i saw 3 states immediately called for Democrats in the Senate races. I scrolled over the entries again and again, checking: Yes, it says 0% of the vote reporting, yet it's been called. How is that possible? My husband reasoned, "These states always go blue. They're probably calling them because people are anxious for results, they want to get them out of the way so we can focus on the races whose outcomes are uncertain."

But they don't always go blue. California had a Republican governor as recently as the 2000s. In 1981, 49 states voted for Ronald Reagan - including all 3 solid blue Pacific states. No one saw that coming. Now we dont' even entertain the possibility? Why hold an election at all if they're going to announce the results before any votes have been counted? What does that mean for the people who voted in those states? What does that say to the people who ran as Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Green, or any other party? That they shouldn't bother? Would they bother to update the "official" results if the count turned out to contradict the media's assumption, made purely based on prior voting trends from previous elections with literally none of the votes counted from the election currently underway?

And since when is it the media's job to prioritize quick *estimated* results over *accurate* reporting, as my husband's explanation would imply? And even if that were their mandate, why then do we still have congressional races, in Colorado and California, that - 2 1/2 weeks later! - have not been fully counted or a winner announced? How is it that it was ok to jump to conclusions for the senate and governors races on election night with NO VOTES COUNTED, yet these counties, each of which have less than 400,000 votes to count, can sit on their ballots for weeks doing God knows what before they can announce a winner? The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

I suggest we need to:

1. Abolish the use of voting machines. Require a paper trail for every single vote. Establish a constitutional right for every citizen to a physical record of their vote, to be stored in a secure location in a polling place. Receipts, generated by the scantron counter, that they could take home, verifying that their recorded results matched the votes they cast, would be even better.

2. Mandate deadlines for determinign results. If results for a district can't be established within, say, 48 hours of polls closing, there should be some kind of reset. Like, the people charged with counting those votes get sent home, and a new staff of vote counters has to be brought in to redo the count from scratch. We can't have people barricaded in a room with the votes for weeks at a time without producing a result.

3. We need a system that makes it easy to cross reference the total number of registered voters in a district, with the number of votes actually recorded. This would be an easy way to check for obvious egregious stuffing of ballot boxes with fake votes.

4. Pass voter ID laws across the board. There are illegal immigrants that have drivers licenses in some states. You need an ID to get a credit card, to get health insurance, to get a bank account, to get food stamps. If you pay taxes, if you are on a payroll and not paid cash under the table, then you have an official ID. If there are people in this country so destitute that they cannot get down to the DMV or equivalent to get a state-issued ID, then maybe we need to make state-issued IDs easier to get, rather than letting people vote with no proof of identity, because we're afraid of disenfranchising some small minority of people who can presumably manage to survive in our modern post-privacy society, AND also get themselves to their proper polling place, but supposedly can't figure out how to get an official ID card.

5. Any credible allegations of shenanigans should trigger an independent recount at a minimum; any evidence of egregious tampering should trigger an investigation.

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If you would have shown someone from the not-so-distant-past a clip of Biden in 2022 fumbling his way around while being led by the Easter Bunny and giving his "Winter of Death" speech to "the unvaccinated," and said that is the President of the United States. They would have laughed hysterically at you and would never believe it, yet here we are....

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Spot. On.

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This won't solve all the problems, but will go a long way.

When you go get your ballot, you first select a four-digit number like a serial number off a computer screen. Only you know what it is. When you hit "go" out comes your ballot with your unique ID number printed on it, plus ID numbering for the precinct. When you cast your vote, you get a xerox copy on counterfeit-proof paper. Now you can go to any computer, google your precinct, and scroll to the data region that has your unique voter number. Only you know which vote you are looking at. Now you know whether the system actually counted your vote correctly. You can also totalize votes for your precinct or city or county or state if you use the right software, and see if TV reports are accurate.

Some say this would allow blackmail and bribery. But a huge proportion of voting happens absentee, and that is already hugely subject to blackmail and bribery. So as long as there is absentee voting there can be no legitimate objection to the proposal of the preceding paragraph.

We already are doing almost exactly this same thing. Every time you pay a dollar for a lottery vote for 5 numbers, you are getting a copy of how you voted instantly, anonymously, and for cheap. So we know the technology is practical and economical. What the lottery does on a daily basis, the voting system can economically do merely once in two years, and only crooks with vote rigging to hide can object. If it works for cheapie lottery tickets, it works for my much more valuable vote.

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This won't solve everything, but will go a long way.

When you go get your ballot, you first select a four-digit number like a serial number off a computer screen. Only you know what it is. When you hit "go" out comes your ballot with your unique ID number printed on it, plus ID numbering for the precinct. When you cast your vote, you get a xerox copy on counterfeit-proof paper. Now you can go to any computer, google your precinct, and scroll to the data region that has your unique voter number. Only you know which vote you are looking at. Now you know whether the system actually counted your vote correctly. You can also totalize votes for your precinct or city or county or state if you use the right software, and see if TV reports are accurate.

Some say this would allow blackmail and bribery. But a huge proportion of voting happens absentee, and that is already hugely subject to blackmail and bribery. So as long as there is absentee voting there can be no legitimate objection to the proposal of the preceding paragraph.

We already are doing almost exactly this same thing. Every time you pay a dollar for a lottery vote for 5 numbers, you are getting a copy of how you voted instantly, anonymously, and for cheap. So we know the technology is practical and economical. What the lottery does on a daily basis, the voting system can economically do merely once in two years, and only crooks with vote rigging to hide can object. If it works for cheapie lottery tickets, it works for my much more valuable vote.

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This comment has nothing to do with this post. Naomi I just finished watching the video with you and Dr. Fuellmich. I wanted to post to you right away of the incredibly profound implications i realized by watching it. Anyone who reads this comment you MUST see that video," Suddenly Changed". The reasoning is this... If TPTB KNOW that the vaxx is causing the kind of brain damage that was discussed, that means they are INTENTIONALLY trying to destroy the only things that make the human race worth saving. If the human race loses the ability to have feelings of love, caring, compassion, generosity etc. Then all that will be left will be the baser emotions...selfishness, greed, envy, anger, hate etc. Possibly even those will be lost if the damage is severe enough as Dr. Breggin was describing. These MONSTERS are literally trying to destroy the human race... not our bodies but our SOULS, what separates us from the beasts and gives us the only things that truly make life worth living... our connection to God and to each other!! They must be stopped or the human race will be gone forever. Don't stop fighting Naomi... NO sacrifice is too much to stop these bastards.

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This is exactly correct.

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Closer, but you're still acting like we didn't make the Boogeyman. "Google didn't give us accurate information, boo hoo". GOOGLE IS IN THAT POSITION BECAUSE WEVE GIVEN IT A BILLION CLICKS A MINUTE FOR 20 YEARS. "NBC was mean to Trump". And you watched and put money in their pocket. "Nobody is talking about election tampering". So what!?!? If you have valid suspicions then it's your fucking job as a citizen to talk about it. Not to spend idle hours in front of the TV waiting for a permission slip to think your thoughts. But this is exactly what has happened. We are all just watching the drama like it's entertainment programming. We get caught up in the drama, we attach our emotions, but we don't DO anything. Just wait for the next dopamine rush we'll get from the next tweet or video. We are almost fully in the matrix, except in this case the matrix is all of reality, not a simulation. Brazilians marched half a million people into a military base to protest their sham election. They aren't violent or up to mischief, but by virtue of just standing there in the most tightly packed mass of humanity you've ever seen, they completely shut down the base. We, by contrast, tweet angrily, but careful not to use terms that might get us banned. Are you serious? This is all we've got? And you think youre free? You think you aren't enslaved? You think your one worthless vote represents all your unlimited freedoms so long as it's just counted correctly? That's just all the same Fantasyland thinking that led you to believe in the first place that any candidate for any office seeks only to work in service to you and your freedoms. The system is so broken no such person could get within a million miles of it. Do what you want but don't cry to me about 'problrms' that you refuse to accept are of your own creation, due to your own compliance. Mostly out of laziness and not really owning the conviction you posture as having in the Fantasyland feedback loops you spend your entire lives in. I know it's harsh, but reality is too. You want to actually fix something you have to start by accepting the most uncomfortable truths about it. And then YOU have to ACT. Rest assured you won't. What will be tomorrow topic for complaining about without actually doing anything?

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