
Pestilences in the news and Global Pestilences to come.. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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easy to see how this data supports the malicious side of the malicious / negligent explanations for the whole lockdown mandate scheme...

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Reproductive Disorders have surged tremendously in Australia across all age groups. I have been a registered health care practitioner for 15 years, and thus, have seen this in my clinical practice.

It's rather disturbing and alarming the media and government suppress the veracity of this evolving Crisis.

MRNA Spike protein drugs were never available to the public years ago (when SARS broke out in the early 2000s) for VALID SAFETY REASONS. People who conducted their own research, not associated with corporate or government funding are in a better state than those who naively followed the mass propaganda.

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Bobby Kennedy wants to Blockchain your children for profit on Human Impact Bond Markets.


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May 25·edited May 25

An interesting note is Bill Gates TEDTalk referencing vaccinations as a means to lowering world population. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DeHLNthYTSI&t=198s

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Politely inquiring if there is a transcript? I'd prefer to read vs listen, if possible, and thank you.

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Good idea re: transcript. Incredibly important podcast. Naomi, your mic is distorting, so actually hard to hear in spots.

Thanks to you both for bringing this to light. We must take good care of ourselves and our loved ones given the shock impact of this sort of info. Many big hugs needed for our nervous systems.

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I am glad I contribute to this organization….thank you for your efforts and exposure. I bet now the Canadian Govt will want to arrest you for telling the truth…stay on this side of the border for sure…and ensure none of your plane flights go over their territory so they could force a landing and haul you off to prison…for simply telling the truth.

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Naomi could you show the 2020 figures too, to demonstrate that it's not covid itself causing all these harms? (I think covid does cause harms, but probably only 5% of the amount of damage caused by the vaccine (ie 20 times less).

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Is there a cohort or coalition of OB/GYNs speaking out about this? Are there fertility clinic data being compiled? These trends should be reaching these groups by now. Once again, I am reminded of the movie "Children of Men". This is frightening and chilling.

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Why would doctors getting paid to shill for big Pharma, speak up about true data that should be made available to the general public? This is maddening, John and this was my first concern. Where are the obgyn’s on this topic?

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Check this out Sunny. This JAMA study is full of holes. I've come up with several, including one that is actually cited within the paper under "Limitations" e.g. no follow up post 4 weeks after birth. Plus, under "Outcomes" ( second sentence)outcomes refer to in-hospital events ONLY. How many mothers of full term babies spend 4 weeks in the hospital with their babies anyway ( unless one or the other or both are sick)? I have a list and we can compare notes after you have a look if you so desire.... the list is long.

Please let me know what you find.

Also of note is that google searching keywords associated with the Daily Clout article revealed studies the latest of which are dated 2022. Nothing of 2023,2024 or Ontario

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Thank you, John. I’ll take a peek this week and come back to you. Your concern and interest is truly admirable and respected. 🙏

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I wonder how many people are aware that the transhumanist/anti-humanists do not want human beings to have children because they believe they are going to be able to keep themselves alive forever through uploading their consciences into the cloud (Bill Gates stated this years ago) and with them being the only humans alive after all of their policies to exterminate the majority of people, will have ownership and control over all of the resources of the earth so their immortal lives will be full of pleasures.

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If the elites actually believe this, they will only realize the truth when the famished hoards eat them when they finally come out of their carefully prepared bunkers. When the diesel fuel for the generators runs out, when the freezers are depleted, when the internet has completely, totally gone off-line, they will finally learn the truth. It takes billions of people to maintain the infrastructure. Oh, they might store weapons and ammunition to kill the zombies, but the ammunition will run out. Maybe no one will be left to eat them before they starve to death. There will still be ants and flies and rats to eat them.

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May 25·edited May 25

This is a really good point. I hope you don't mind my pointing out that the WEF/transhumanist/tech-bro/anti-humanists seem to have blunted consciences and seek to upload their consciousness into the cloud.

Have you ever noticed that they call it "the cloud," as if it's Heavenly, whereas if they called it an "off-site server," or "data-farm," or "third-party computer system," it wouldn't sound that way at all? These people have delusions of grandeur--but, let's be honest, if you dreamed up inventions that changed humanity and have been adopted by almost everyone, bringing you unimaginable wealth--wouldn't it be easy to start believing all kinds of things about yourself?

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Excellent post. I've noticed that their language must hide the evil they propose or accept.

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Let me also add, “the devil’s hell!”

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There are 194 Countries, in WHO and in each case, it is the Politicians who drove the WHO false Covid Pandemic from February 2020, by putting in place "Disinformation Laws" from May 2020 to June 2023 to force as many to get vaccinated as possible. Those same people who we the majority, voted into Politics to look after us and our interests and they live amongst us - what seems to be the case is that Big Pharma pays them large lump sums when they quit Politics - but how can that be, the Politicians are paid huge incomes from the public purse, with lurks and perks, to keep them honest - surely any Big Pharma paid Politician is corrupt, as were the decisions they made to get everyone vaccinated, without knowledgable consent the purpose of the vaccines, or their Military end game, being what?

Don't you think it interesting that nobody has challenged Moderna about their patented Covid-19 virus CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in 2013 - they stick with the Wuhan variety, even when evidence shows otherwise, or say they don't know where it came from - why is that?

The rest of this article is on my free substack

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What would help (especially in Canada) would be to get the links to the scientific papers that cover this topic. There is no way in hell that the MSM will cover this, but to be able to post the actual research would go a long way to getting the word out.

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I doubt such research would be funded. Too many benefit from keeping the numbers hidden.

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Thank you so much for your work.

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If only we knew what changed around that time...

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This kind of info is just what we need and may there be more of it.

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