Skeptical about this as a business considering all the ramifications....but enjoyed the conversation and the questions you asked. You can buy these oils and use them now...they have always been available.
Biblical beauty is an interesting thing to ponder. It reminded me of passages in Song of Songs, Song of Solomon or שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים (Shīr ha-Shīrīm) which, among other things, includes some references to the aesthetic ideals of that ancient time. It’s a hot read.
This post effectively ties Israel, current perpetrator of the most unimagineable atrocities, with healthfulness and beauty. I am surprised and dismayed at the author.
I don't really care that a small beauty company is far from being the main issue here - it's still an overall irresponsible post to make.
Unless the translation is incorrect, Deuteronomy 22:5 says that cross dressing is an abomination. King James Version: " The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God."
What an interesting relaxed beautiful conversation with two special (especially Naomi), including a challenging friendly tit-for-tat.
YES WE ARE ALL POISONED FROM CHEMICALS. I was a student in a course involving human cadavers in an anatomy lab in 1983. ALL THE WOMEN cadavers had dark orange colored fat in their bodies and smelled extra bad.. This was from the toxic cosmetics the women used during their lifetimes. How is this healthy? It is NOT!!!
in my research with cannabis this was thrilling to run across. I feel cannabis is the most powerful natural healing plant on earth. It heals cancer and helps so many health troubles in humans and animals. I hope Lori will research and integrate this, but don't wait for her, YOU check this out!!!!
'Biblical Beauty' made me think of Martin Luther's 'Literal Accountability' that sprung the reformative clear-skin emancipation that became the powerful beauty USA ;-)
Hahahaha! Wait — you’re serious? Pushing expensive and unnecessary products sourced halfway around the world (in a war zone, no less — I wonder who’s doing the collecting for Gregory) is somehow “more positive”? No. This is a money-making scheme. And as The Beauty Myth (remember that?) showed its readers, the message is still the same, however cleverly disguised: “something’s wrong with you and here’s the fix.”
To associate beauty with the Bible is a vain enterprise. Only truth can be associated with beauty.
Skeptical about this as a business considering all the ramifications....but enjoyed the conversation and the questions you asked. You can buy these oils and use them now...they have always been available.
Gosh.. Naomi said it a few times - ‘ there’s a lot to unpack there ‘ …
What a fascinating interview for the discomfort disharmony, and dischord it creates. Not in relation to Naomi,
but in relation to the guest , and the things she speaks about .
This is really important at this very delicate time - to notice, and to feel,
because so many words
already we know have been hijacked
for hawking of goods ,
and frankly - the hawking of our souls, to
be blunt .
“ subaru - Love !”… vaccines - Health !
and ofcourse so many concepts also.
The awful ‘ new age movement ‘ hi jacked many genuine people who really needed to feel Home in its True sense -
and it sold them a tinsel version , if that ,
of a path to no where. They used
some very beautiful concepts and words,
yet those demonstrating these
had zero understanding or experience with this they ‘ taught’ others
It is important now to be able to separate
the mind’s appreciation of a word ,
and a true feeling of “ resonnance “
in what the person presents.
It is so important because we all want to be
somewhere NEW .
The dark forces know this and will present
‘ new ‘ in exactly the colors we crave.
Except the colors are not real.
They are the imitation version.
We are vulnerable now more than any time ,
as we let go of the ‘ old’
to want safety .
But if we are not careful and discerning
we will unknowingly grab hold of the very same system
which has simply changed lingo, changed
face , or changed color .
And so we could go round on that carousel
for another 100 years
unless we start to discern
what is Real
and what isnt.
We all feel it . Our minds think - and are pleased.
But before that -
just like music .. we ‘ feel ‘ and know.
It ‘resonates’ to me , here when she speaks about
the no chemicals.. the actual details of the products .. or details of the toxic products being sold.
The other stuff has little
to no resonance in it at all.
Hats off to Naomi for holding space for questions and answers which may be uncomfortable,
and allowing this to exist .
This is freedom, and allows us the audience to discern for ourselves what is what.
Biblical beauty is an interesting thing to ponder. It reminded me of passages in Song of Songs, Song of Solomon or שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים (Shīr ha-Shīrīm) which, among other things, includes some references to the aesthetic ideals of that ancient time. It’s a hot read.
Current Israel is certainly living up to the dark killing fields of the Old testament.
This post effectively ties Israel, current perpetrator of the most unimagineable atrocities, with healthfulness and beauty. I am surprised and dismayed at the author.
I don't really care that a small beauty company is far from being the main issue here - it's still an overall irresponsible post to make.
Unless the translation is incorrect, Deuteronomy 22:5 says that cross dressing is an abomination. King James Version: " The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God."
What an interesting relaxed beautiful conversation with two special (especially Naomi), including a challenging friendly tit-for-tat.
YES WE ARE ALL POISONED FROM CHEMICALS. I was a student in a course involving human cadavers in an anatomy lab in 1983. ALL THE WOMEN cadavers had dark orange colored fat in their bodies and smelled extra bad.. This was from the toxic cosmetics the women used during their lifetimes. How is this healthy? It is NOT!!!
I will look further into these products.
I am fascinated with the biblical connection especially with the healing compound used by Jesus's apostles containing cannabis, frankincense, myrrh (
in my research with cannabis this was thrilling to run across. I feel cannabis is the most powerful natural healing plant on earth. It heals cancer and helps so many health troubles in humans and animals. I hope Lori will research and integrate this, but don't wait for her, YOU check this out!!!!
All for the Glory of God!!!
'Biblical Beauty' made me think of Martin Luther's 'Literal Accountability' that sprung the reformative clear-skin emancipation that became the powerful beauty USA ;-)
Hahahaha! Wait — you’re serious? Pushing expensive and unnecessary products sourced halfway around the world (in a war zone, no less — I wonder who’s doing the collecting for Gregory) is somehow “more positive”? No. This is a money-making scheme. And as The Beauty Myth (remember that?) showed its readers, the message is still the same, however cleverly disguised: “something’s wrong with you and here’s the fix.”
You’re beautiful, timeless. Your brilliance and courage and love of honesty makes you biblically beautiful. Magnesium is nice too. :)