have ta share, we got some bitter melon caps fer my Type 1 daughter an' the last few days her blood sugars have been NORMAL! this is quite sumthin' as since she was exposed ta two jabbed ladies (sheddin') her blood sugars have been totally abby-normal! did two edta rounds per dr ana (that helped), berberine (helped a little) but this bitter melon is doin' it! It's cheap too--since all the insulin (life-savin' fer type 1's) is poisoned with graphene, nano-stuff, etc per dark microscopy--keeping the bad stuff outta Type 1 bodies is hard--but yippee for bitter melon!

an' thank ya many times over Naomi! -- type 1 is challenge enuf but havin' this as a tool is great!

(we wouldn't'a known about it were it not for this great stack postin')

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Love this! I have powdered bitter melon in my cabinet. I’ve mixed it with several other prebiotic powders and take a little stirred into water each day. It’s a microbiome power house! Thanks for the great video!

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Would you mind sharing the source and brand? Never purchased it before so any advice is great!

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I ordered a pouch off of Amazon from the Herbs Botanical brand several months ago. I do not know many details about it. I just picked an organic brand and it seems to be good quality.

After reading this article, I thought I would also order some of the bitter melon juice and add a little swig of that too in the morning. So I picked one off Amazon and ordered it as well. I live in a very small town in AK so there isn’t always other options. If we had a local health food store that carried it, I would love to buy it from them. We do have a small store and I should probably check with them to see if they can order it for me.

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Thanks so much for this info. I too live in a very small town with no health food store, so sometimes nasty Amazon is the only choice if I can’t find locally or directly from the vendor!

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Nutraceuticals is used by several companies.

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Use the word “remedies.”

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That's post I put up about it on my substack page that includes screenhot of what Ticket Master/Live Nation tried to force me to click ok to, which of course I didn't, before going on to their site to obtain concert tickets.

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Got something for you Dr. Wolf,

Off topic from bitter melons but you may find this interesting; I certainly did, course you may already be well aware of this.

I was looking into getting tickets for an upcoming concert in my hometown taking place a month from now ; it was through LiveNation/Ticket Master- In any event here's part of a statement I was forced to click OK to, which of course I didn't, before being even allowed on the site to look at tickets

Health Advisory

Entry requirements are subject to change. By purchasing tickets to this event you agree to abide by entry requirements in effect at the time of the event. Check the venue website leading up to your event for the latest protocols.

Is it fair to wonder if they might know something general public doesn't??- Have they been tipped off about something?? - cos it looks like health requirements might change and they don't want to have to be in the position of issuing refunds if concertgoers won't get another Jagged Little Jab to see Alanis effing Morissette.

I've looked into tickets for a few other major acts in my town as well as nearby Orlando leading up to this - and I"m telling you that statement was NOT present - I kept an eye out for non-sense look like contemplating some past purchases and I didn;t see anything, certainly not as a requirement to even get on to site.

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Don’t know if anyone noticed

COVID-19 data has been relegated to general descriptions, lacking historical context or detailed insights from individual wastewater testing locations. This represents a significant setback in tracking and anticipating COVID-19 trends. I remember when influenza reports disappeared in 2020-2021 when only Covid data was available from WHO and the CDC.

These moves appear to be part of a coordinated effort to suppress information about COVID-19, further obscuring critical data from public view. It seems likely that someone influential pressured Biobot's decision-makers to remove their data and switch to written reports, which are far easier to manipulate.

Biobot.io wrote the following:

“The Power of Narrative: Wastewater data is a powerful tool, but raw data alone can be challenging to interpret. We recognize that through curated reports, we can weave a narrative that makes the data actionable for each community.”

This states the obvious desire to control the narrative

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Agreed about shortcuts. Peterson's been on that diet for about 7 years. In videos, he says a large number of physical afflictions disappeared on that diet. his daughter Mikhaila is on it, too -- she actually developed it -- and she looks extremely healthy.

Here's Mikhaila's website: https://mikhailapeterson.com/

The "Lion Diet" section has a page that shows Jordan's blood tests. They look good, which surprised me. I'd have thought he'd be low on certain vitamins, such as E, C, and D, which are heat-sensitive. But they were in normal ranges. So, there seems to be more to all this than we know. Or maybe think we know. :-)

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Naomi, I am in my mid 70s, not on any medications but glucose blood levels tending to pre diabetic. Smoothies don’t work for me, but i am going to look for bitter melon at my local asian grocer.

My very wonderfully knowledgeable and experienced nurse practitioner who specializes in type 2 management with the goal of remission through diet shared this tip with me. She said she was wary of smoothies for people like me. While great for younger people or athletes, she noticed not every individual does well blood sugarwise with a smoothie. She and her colleague/nurses noticed that smoothies tended to elevate blood sugar levels in a way that the same ingredients chewed did not. An individual can experiment and can test themselves at home with a prick or using a CGM. For me, I found I get a blood sugar spike with a smoothie. Even one without fruit or sweeteners. My adult children do not. My wonderful practitioner did not speculate as to why this was happening, nor did she know of any research on this. Just her and her associates experiences of what they observed happening in older patients and those already with type 2 diabetes.

Maybe my older body needs the enzymes released by chewing. Maybe my food needs more time in my stomach. Or more warmth. Remember, the Chinese TCM diet for certain unwell individuals requires warmed and cooked foods like soups and stews without spices. So if an individual is in that category (and I struggle with , as TCM , puts it “stagnant liver” ) I will do better with warm soup or stew in the morning.

However, Dr Terry Wahls MD who reversed her severe MS through diet includes many smoothie recipes in her book. Her protocol is successful for reversing MS and confirmed through clinical research at the University of Iowa. Her book makes no mention of blood sugar spikes and smoothies for older people, maybe its cuz of the gazillion cups of vegetables you also have to eat each day on the diet? Maybe she didn’t have older participants in her studies? I don’t know. But I do use many of her recipes as they are wheat and dairy free and the whole family likes them. We can enjoy eating together all eating pretty much the same GF/CF diet. But I avoid the smoothies.

As always, as you and many others have said loudly and clearly, we as INDIVIDUALS need to be able to make our own decisions about our own bodies. And one size fits all protocols mandated by the government are just plain evil.

Again Dr Wolfe, I love your explorations and these treasures you describe I really appreciate that you are not defeated by the TSUNAMI of evil that recently washed over us. To paraphase what we are advised by Paul in his epistles to do as followers of Yeshua, we are to defeat evil with goodness. And you do just that with presentations such as yours.

I am less virtuous than you, I just want to make myself too hard to kill. LOL

(And PS you are looking better than ever these days, which is very beautiful indeed)

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Regarding TCM practices advising warm foods, consider adding some warm liquids to your smoothies, such as green tea or even just warm water. The end result is not a hot smoothie, but one without the chill.

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Good idea!

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Naomi, you seriously need to interview Jordan Peterson about his all-beef diet. He says he has experienced all sorts of amazing health benefits from it; including spontaneously dropping 50 lb in 9 months.

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Benefits, like being on a keto diet, are short-term. Jordan Peterson looks very unhealthy. There are no shortcuts to a healthy lifestyle.

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I love learning new things. I will give this a try for my blood glucose. Its not bad but looking to get it under 70.

Almost 6 years ago I used mistletoe IV, subcutaneous shots, and direct tumor injections to shrink and kill a breast tumor.

Check out the The mistletoebook.com or BelieveBig.org for more information on European mistletoe.

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Your hair today looking better not as dry and wirey looking. Looking more healthy

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Check out MedicalMedium.com website

Bitter Melon will regulate blood sugar and is especially good for diabetic types that are watching that. I have found if I have eaten something that spikes my blood sugar and I feel over the top, I will take a capsule of Billter Melon which will normalize my blood sugar...my experience.

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Where can we get the bitter melon product you show?

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