I find you courageous Naomi. Going back to Yale after all these traumatic interactions was hard to do but it has its rewards. It brings healing. It helps to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. There is the good and the bad. Hopefully, you will be able to forgive more completely and continue to inspire many with the wisdom you have gained.

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Most people choose COMMUNITY over TRUTH. Some, like yourself, prefer TRUTH. It’s a lonely path, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And when you find someone else who shares your integrity, whether a romantic partner or not, a powerful bond is formed. The road less traveled.

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Jun 25Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Naomi - two things:

1 - please put a link to the text of your videos in the same post as the video. I MUCH prefer the text and I am sure I am not alone. Having the text allows me to go back and re-study a passage, or ponder it, like this one:

2 - “…which all obscures the fact that the whole UWC mechanism is set up to feed information about victims to the University’s legal counsel, and to prevent real university investigations of perpetrators, let alone civil or criminal action, from ever taking place.”

This passage chilled me as if the devil himself had breathed on me.

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and some of your devotees have a small portable "loudspeaker" that Plug-in and Plug-out-& Play from the Laptop (Wi Fi ), so one can listen , wherever you are working or relaxing in your home.

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Jun 25Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thanks for your honesty and courage ... it isn't easy standing up to the bullies and predators in our midst ... we admire your conviction and ministry

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Dear Naomi, i love your communication skill. Sorry about this subject. You got away better than my daughter who on being date raped went on a self destruct mission. No ammount of love or affirmation can get to the depth of her injury only by Grace we still pray. She continues to date bullies and replaces them as they walk away. So am thankful for you and for who you are and have been even after the unwelcomed sexual contact.

I must say as a believer i caught myself relish the idea he has a child with mental health and from the sounds of it, its not just the one. I would include the one that came to your address as not being all that ok either.

I repented of the rejoicing but i noted that sometimes sins of fathers may visit the children.

So then how come our daughter was molested! Is it my sin or her father?

Hence why we should read, empathize but dont let the defilers defile our humanity. I wish no harm to his family and am so thankful you pushed as far as you could plus even going to alumni day. Good on you.

Forget the cocktails…. You walked in with dignity and left with it intact even though sad about your Alma Mater ….. is that the spelling?

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Yes .. you did wonderful.. after your article, my ex-husband & his partners started offering FREE self - defense classes to the high school seniors in our New Jersey town before they went away .. & to educate them on what was happening on campuses 🙏

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great idea

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She did. I felt like i was virtually there with her😀

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We had a pervert football coach in the PAC -10 … nothing happened to him and now works for a large recruitment company in NYC . He deserves prison.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Naomi, you are a woman of great courage, grace, integrity, principle, and you shine like a brilliant sun, for all those who have the privilege to learn from you. Your hardships and tests have helped you to learn the vital lessons and to become a trusted soul, who will guide millions and millions in the years to come. Yale is like almost all universities, a simple business managed by big egos that favor money over goodness, truth and higher principles. With the coming years they are likely to not have the solutions to solve the problems that we face now and will worsen with time. God bless you and may all your chakras glow with joy and Light. Thank you.

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She is a gem….ivy league is become like the creeping poison ivy chocking our garden😤

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Anne, that is most true. Almost all the big named universities sold out to NIH & Big Pharma, and most also penalized the students, faculty, and staff for supporting the protests against the US funded and arming of the Israeli genocide in GAZA. Poisoning people for the sake of money (via the jabs) and curbing free speech for the opposition to genocide, makes a tragedy that they need to answer for.

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There is method in this madness. Brainwashing generations has become insidious. The sad thing is, it was on decent peoples watch many years in the making..

One day we woke up the fact that our youth left for university from home believers in all things decent including ten commandments and returned confused about their identity.

Its been like proverbial boiling the frog😭

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Well done Naomi and also for knowing when to quit. The battle belongs to the Lord when we have done our best

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Well said.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Dear Naomi,

Thank you for your courage and steadfast persistence. I, too, graduated 40 years ago from Yale (Ezra Stiles), but didn't even consider attending our reunion.

I, too, was molested by an esteemed Yale professor when I was 19. In my case it was history professor, John Morton Blum. (Perhaps significantly, a few years later Prof. Blum appeared in Woody Allen's film "Zelig".) Incidentally, Blum was eleven years from retiring and married.

I was in Blum's office alone after his weekly Thursday open lunch table with fellow undergraduate students from his history class. Marveling that he would take the time to express interest in my life, we walked together from lunch and I accepted his invitation to continue the conversation in his office. I spoke openly. When I then got up to leave, he helped me on with my coat and proceeded to French kiss me. I pulled away and rushed out, shaken by the experience.

My roommate suggested I report it, but I was scared to, afraid that I'd "brought it on" by speaking so vulnerably. In lieu of officially reporting it, I decided to confide in my one female professor, Marilyn Migiel, who taught Italian.

She downplayed what I told her, defending his actions by saying it's not uncommon for professors to "care so much" or "love their students so much" that their caring can be misinterpreted. I later learned she was having an affair with a freshman boy.

What also occurs to me to share here is that on my first day on campus, Sept 1979 (I was originally in the Class of '83), in my Vanderbilt Hall dorm room, I answered the phone and the caller identified herself as a Yale Hospital nurse doing a study on student sexuality. I proceeded to answer all her questions and, when asked, agreed to meet her at Claire's Cornucopia across Church Street. At the last minute before our meeting, I got a call saying "Mary" couldn't make it, but another nurse would meet me in her stead. When I arrived at the restaurant, I was taken aback that the supposed nurse was a man.

I overrode any inner voices trying to caution me because I'd been well-trained to prove that I trusted people, even when my gut told me otherwise. After our weird conversation, I agreed to meet this guy and allow him to drive me and a few of my friends to go to his house to look at possible furniture and firewood to buy for our dorm. As I recall, a couple of floor mates came with me. We all piled into his car and we all returned, with a chair and some firewood. To think of what could have happened...

Obviously I lived to tell the tale, but a few months later in February of 1980, one of these friends rushed over holding a copy of The Yale Daily News. On the bottom of the front page was an article reporting that a man had been arrested for impersonating a Yale nurse. It made the point that at least no one had met with him or been harmed.

It had never even occurred to me that the first nurse had been a man impersonating a woman.

Around that time I went to speak with the dean of my college about allowing me to drop out but stay on campus through spring break. The reason, I said, was that I had been unable to do my homework, unable to read or write critically. I enjoyed attending lectures and loved the convivial conversation over mealtimes, and I was able to record my detailed dreams (I was seeing a Jungian therapist at the time who agreed it would be better for me to leave Yale until my "(underdeveloped) emotional life caught up with [my] (overdeveloped) intellectual life").

Almost as an afterthought I mentioned the episode with the nurse impersonator from that first few days of my time at Yale. I noticed that at that point, the dean seemed to fall all over himself trying to accommodate me. In retrospect, I suppose he and the administration were glad my parents weren't suing the university. That wasn't even a thought in my mind. I hadn't even told my parents.

I did drop out and returned a year later, at which point I had the encounter with John Blum.

I managed to graduate, but just barely. Now at 62, these events and others from earlier in my life are coming into greater focus. COVID and all that has been revealed during this time completely turned my world upside down.

I appreciate your clarity around this and so many topics. Please know your work is meaningful and important.


Margaret Bullitt

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I am so very sorry that both of those awful, dangerous things happened to you.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Ooh so sorry for your experience. My now 22 yr old experienced a molestation in her teens that completely derailed her. I hope you know it was not your fault and that you found reason to lead a life worthy of your God intended destiny. Thank you for sharing. A joy shared is multiplied and a sorrow shared is halved

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thank you Margaret. I had an experience in a similar fashion but not at a prestigious university. Sharing stories like yours helps many others come to terms with their own stories.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I once told a woman almost old enough to be my mother, that a lot of people have been abused. When you open up about things that have happened to you, they will also have a story. She completely dismissed me and contradicted my claim, saying things like that hardly ever happen. She grew up in California, I guess in a very safe home and place, and she didn’t believe that my experiences were not unusual. (That is a good way to convince someone not to confide their experiences with you, by the way…)

I sometimes wonder if my abusers went on to abuse others, even their own children…. I don’t trust people very much. I also suspect the things that happened to me are a big reason that I never got married. Trusting a man is a very scary thing to do.

On a different note…. The transcriptions in the video were sometimes incomprehensible. If anyone were depending on them for the actual content, they would be lost in some spots. I took screen shots of quite a few of the bloopers, but I wasn’t looking at them all the time. Some examples…

“I walked up chapel street and was odd at the changes.”

“The town gown tensions of the 1980s had been solved.”

“ And they'd been so firmly locked in my day I did not recall”

“ and clear cornucopia, natural food that dated back to my era”

“ oriented Buckley Institute, and which assigned to said that for years”

“ apologized for the privilege and quote”

“ or made some fragile stretch and claim to being quote of color, unquote”

“ are being determined by funders with Dei portfolios”

“ The weather was not still balmy, clear New Haven, early summer”

“One was a headmaster at a private school in need”

“Soft wind side through its fresh green leaves”

“ not be wearing to any more festivities and close to my suitcase”

“I heard the president salivate, had completed”

“accepting his conclusion to the class of 1984”

“because you're most often targeted, and they’re the scariest”

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Oh dear. I will pass that on to our team. Thank you for the feedback.

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the bloopers sound like AI.

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Yes…. It’s distracting to me. I have to try hard to ignore the flashing words, and even so, they attract my attention and to see them all mixed up makes it even worse...

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

If only to awaken you further Naomi.

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Lux et Veritas. The Angel of Light rules that motto. Even if light reveals truth, the 'and' means no imperative or condition follows, it just sits there ignored, shrivelling, turning to dust. Lucifer's dream.

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There is someone talking like a predator or at least a pervert on this site. I blocked and muted it.

A lot of jerks are doing really spiteful trolling online because they aren't "getting any" and feel entitled to it.

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Jun 24Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thomas Wolfe already told us the answer. No, you can not.

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So, here is Harold Bloom, surrounded by intelligent, attractive young women dripping with sex. And he kisses you. So, what did you do? Boink him til he begged for mercy, (the smart thing)? Or did you act like a prig and complain (the stupid thing)?

Attractive young women are using their bodies to get ahead all over America. Rock Stars anyone? And Harold Bloom was no mere rock star. He was a major intellectual, something that you Naomi would someday aspire to become. Did you take advantage of the situation and learn something?

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Naomi, please remove this comment....

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I am leaving it here to confirm what we are up against. This is exactly why young women fear reporting abuse.

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Ok, thank you for replying! I can see what you mean.

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Our bodies are often more intelligent than we are. That's why when Covid struck, people flocked to the beaches (sunshine, moving air, vitamin D). If you put a bunch of intelligent, attractive young women, who will produce intelligent children, in the same room with a proven provider and protector, like an Ivy League college professor, you are going to get mating behaviors. This is normal, natural, and good. Even wholesome, unless you are an avid materialist, in which case everything is politics, even aesthetics (Piet Mondrian anyone?). It's the reason the human race will survive after Yale University has been long forgotten.

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You are sick.

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