Sunshine and rainbows. How incredibly dim-witted, I expect more from someone of your ability and experience. Sad.
Just because you WANT to believe the world is beautiful doesn’t make it so. REALITY happens to people like us: my son was stopped and asked on campus last week if he is Jewish. I lived in open anti-semitism in my childhood in …
Sunshine and rainbows. How incredibly dim-witted, I expect more from someone of your ability and experience. Sad.
Just because you WANT to believe the world is beautiful doesn’t make it so. REALITY happens to people like us: my son was stopped and asked on campus last week if he is Jewish. I lived in open anti-semitism in my childhood in Moscow, thank God my kids don’t know what antisemitism is - they grew up in America. Now they are finding out! I never thought I would see the day!!!
So forgive me if I am not worried right now about freedom of speech or interfaith unity, I am worried about my kids’ safety, all Jewish kids’ safety, all Jewish peoples’ safety. ‘From the river to the sea’ is a direct call for MORE genocidal violence and it should be illegal. ObviousHATE CRIME speech anyone?I dont understand why universities are not acting faster. They need to see actual violence? A lot of actual violence before they do something?
And by the way violence is not coming from the Jewish kids. I asked my son why they are not organising a pro Israel protest, on campus, he said ‘Mom, we are not stupid like they are, we don’t need to to be loud like that.’
There were people with similar beliefs to yours, they went to dance and party for peace, unity and unicorns, - those people (and other innocents) were slaughtered with machine guns and knives on October 7th.
Not enough? What will it take for you to understand these are nice ideals completely divorced from reality? If Oct 7 didn’t change your mind I don’t think anything will. I hope they never come to your peace party like they came for those 1,400 people. They were lucky if they got shot or died quickly. Most of them were tortured in the most horrific ways. And I would bet your more reality-based husband doesn’t agree with you, like my husband, he is a conservative with legal guns, and your man will be the one defending you while you dance at a peace party with people who want you dead. It’s not safe for us, stop pretending.
Isn’t it obvious we are in the pre-Holocaust situation? You were on the right side during Covid fighting for what is right, fighting for the minority, fighting for victimised. Your New York mosque friends are fakes who are much more used to a wild mix of people - they HAVE TO accept others like you in a weird crowded area like NYC. Or maybe you’d like a Malibu mosque with equally-demented and detached Barbara Streisand… Try that in psycho Rep Talib’s district or join hands with Ilan Ormar’s Somali mosque friends and you’ll experience something real and special for dupes like you. Ivory tower ideals - It’s amazing to me how blind you need to be to ignore the ramifications of what’s unfolding now in front of our eyes. A genocide on iPhones…
What feels good and right to me right now is to stand with Israel, to stand with my people. My husband and I went to pro Israel rally this weekend with friends, that that felt incredible. My heart and prayers are with my Jewish brothers and sisters, we will get through this too and we will survive and thrive. Peace to you in any case 🇮🇱
I am sorry for your Son’s experience. But I suggest you look into the real reasons why this happened. There are deep dark partially hidden forces controlling many current world “events”. As Naomi is trying to explain in this post, this is all part of the bigger plan to divide all of us so the 1% can control those of us left when their objectives are complete. Are you telling me that you believe Mossad and the IDF who usually know when a bird lands on a fence didn’t see this coming, couldn’t have prevented it and took six hours to come to the aid of their own people. Violence begets more violence. I am not saying we look the other way when people are calling for violence against another group. We have every right to protect ourselves. Many people who have different religious and cultural beliefs are not extremists and want to get a long with their neighbors. Historically the small % of extremists on all sides hijack narrative/outcomes. If we the masses go along with that, then nothing changes.
No question huge mistakes were made by Israeli Army and intelligence, hands down. Makes my teeth hurt when I think about those poor innocent people who died on oct 7 bc of too much reliance on tech, taking weapons from the civilians, changing rules of engagement when an Israeli solder needs permission to shoot instead making the decision on the spot. Israel relaxed and fell asleep, they didn’t really have a full blown war in 50 years. Many reasons, none are good, they will learn and won’t forget.
And no you cannot do peace with men eaters and barbarians who put babies in the oven. You destroy them🇮🇱! The fact that she is pretending Islam is a peaceful religion when it’s been stated by the Muslims themselves that it’s not possible to be a true Muslim and a true American at the same time because of conflicting values…most things in life lie in the grey area, but some are clearly black and white. Oct 7 is black and white. If you are not standing up and making your position clear that you are with the Israelis on this I do not have any respect for you. I am frustrated with Naomi Wolf and it’s probably better for my mental health to unsubscribe. :(
Thank you for your words. I’m sorry that this is so frustrating for you, I can totally understand why, What happened in Israel is horrific. That makes sense to me your explanation about relaxation of their defenses. While I agree with you on one level that people who are psychopaths are unlikely to be changed through love, whether that be people that follow Mohammed’s teachings, or Psychopaths with no empathy. As a Christian I follow the teachings of Jesus, therefore I am against murdering others, but the age old question is, how do we protect ourselves with a certain % of Psychopaths among us. Well, the second amendment is important for defensive purposes, I say that as a Veteran. But eliminating an entire group of people as solution ?Even if you killed every single Palestinian in the West bank and Gaza, there are other Islamists spread throughout the world. I pray that your heart finds moments of peace in this dark time.
TY Inna. I'm not from the former Soviet Union but I understand. I think Naomi is being gaslighted, and should listen to her husband, who has a firm grip on reality.
Sunshine and rainbows. How incredibly dim-witted, I expect more from someone of your ability and experience. Sad.
Just because you WANT to believe the world is beautiful doesn’t make it so. REALITY happens to people like us: my son was stopped and asked on campus last week if he is Jewish. I lived in open anti-semitism in my childhood in Moscow, thank God my kids don’t know what antisemitism is - they grew up in America. Now they are finding out! I never thought I would see the day!!!
So forgive me if I am not worried right now about freedom of speech or interfaith unity, I am worried about my kids’ safety, all Jewish kids’ safety, all Jewish peoples’ safety. ‘From the river to the sea’ is a direct call for MORE genocidal violence and it should be illegal. ObviousHATE CRIME speech anyone?I dont understand why universities are not acting faster. They need to see actual violence? A lot of actual violence before they do something?
And by the way violence is not coming from the Jewish kids. I asked my son why they are not organising a pro Israel protest, on campus, he said ‘Mom, we are not stupid like they are, we don’t need to to be loud like that.’
There were people with similar beliefs to yours, they went to dance and party for peace, unity and unicorns, - those people (and other innocents) were slaughtered with machine guns and knives on October 7th.
Not enough? What will it take for you to understand these are nice ideals completely divorced from reality? If Oct 7 didn’t change your mind I don’t think anything will. I hope they never come to your peace party like they came for those 1,400 people. They were lucky if they got shot or died quickly. Most of them were tortured in the most horrific ways. And I would bet your more reality-based husband doesn’t agree with you, like my husband, he is a conservative with legal guns, and your man will be the one defending you while you dance at a peace party with people who want you dead. It’s not safe for us, stop pretending.
Isn’t it obvious we are in the pre-Holocaust situation? You were on the right side during Covid fighting for what is right, fighting for the minority, fighting for victimised. Your New York mosque friends are fakes who are much more used to a wild mix of people - they HAVE TO accept others like you in a weird crowded area like NYC. Or maybe you’d like a Malibu mosque with equally-demented and detached Barbara Streisand… Try that in psycho Rep Talib’s district or join hands with Ilan Ormar’s Somali mosque friends and you’ll experience something real and special for dupes like you. Ivory tower ideals - It’s amazing to me how blind you need to be to ignore the ramifications of what’s unfolding now in front of our eyes. A genocide on iPhones…
What feels good and right to me right now is to stand with Israel, to stand with my people. My husband and I went to pro Israel rally this weekend with friends, that that felt incredible. My heart and prayers are with my Jewish brothers and sisters, we will get through this too and we will survive and thrive. Peace to you in any case 🇮🇱
I am sorry for your Son’s experience. But I suggest you look into the real reasons why this happened. There are deep dark partially hidden forces controlling many current world “events”. As Naomi is trying to explain in this post, this is all part of the bigger plan to divide all of us so the 1% can control those of us left when their objectives are complete. Are you telling me that you believe Mossad and the IDF who usually know when a bird lands on a fence didn’t see this coming, couldn’t have prevented it and took six hours to come to the aid of their own people. Violence begets more violence. I am not saying we look the other way when people are calling for violence against another group. We have every right to protect ourselves. Many people who have different religious and cultural beliefs are not extremists and want to get a long with their neighbors. Historically the small % of extremists on all sides hijack narrative/outcomes. If we the masses go along with that, then nothing changes.
No question huge mistakes were made by Israeli Army and intelligence, hands down. Makes my teeth hurt when I think about those poor innocent people who died on oct 7 bc of too much reliance on tech, taking weapons from the civilians, changing rules of engagement when an Israeli solder needs permission to shoot instead making the decision on the spot. Israel relaxed and fell asleep, they didn’t really have a full blown war in 50 years. Many reasons, none are good, they will learn and won’t forget.
And no you cannot do peace with men eaters and barbarians who put babies in the oven. You destroy them🇮🇱! The fact that she is pretending Islam is a peaceful religion when it’s been stated by the Muslims themselves that it’s not possible to be a true Muslim and a true American at the same time because of conflicting values…most things in life lie in the grey area, but some are clearly black and white. Oct 7 is black and white. If you are not standing up and making your position clear that you are with the Israelis on this I do not have any respect for you. I am frustrated with Naomi Wolf and it’s probably better for my mental health to unsubscribe. :(
Thank you for your words. I’m sorry that this is so frustrating for you, I can totally understand why, What happened in Israel is horrific. That makes sense to me your explanation about relaxation of their defenses. While I agree with you on one level that people who are psychopaths are unlikely to be changed through love, whether that be people that follow Mohammed’s teachings, or Psychopaths with no empathy. As a Christian I follow the teachings of Jesus, therefore I am against murdering others, but the age old question is, how do we protect ourselves with a certain % of Psychopaths among us. Well, the second amendment is important for defensive purposes, I say that as a Veteran. But eliminating an entire group of people as solution ?Even if you killed every single Palestinian in the West bank and Gaza, there are other Islamists spread throughout the world. I pray that your heart finds moments of peace in this dark time.
TY Inna. I'm not from the former Soviet Union but I understand. I think Naomi is being gaslighted, and should listen to her husband, who has a firm grip on reality.