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Better to know the truth!

Do not lose all hope. Millions of women refused the jab. Millions of women refused to allow their sons and daughters to be jabbed. Will it be enough? God willing, yes!

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Those that refused the jab trust God, not man, not evil government agencies, or tainted science. They are smart women, strong and courageous in this day of great opposition. Many forfeited jobs, were mocked by their families. Many of these women will someday be wonderful mothers of beautiful, healthy children, who will grow with God's wisdom. Pray for the conversion of others who were deceived.

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I refused the jab and I will not ever let my daughter get the jab, or any other jab from now on.

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Mrs Wolf is a liar

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Go Fuck Yourself Shlomo.

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What's the lie? We can all verify everything that is said. I can look at the CDC data and see for instance, that deaths in pregnant mothers skyrocketed after the jab became available. A lie isn't something you disagree with because it's ugly.

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You are the liar.

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Sadly my daughter is not one who refused. She was coerced by her university to take 3 jabs. WouldnтАЩt listen to me and her dad.ЁЯШе

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Mine did it too.

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So heart wrenching.

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My daughter too. She was in PA school when this started. Believes all the bs to the hilt. Calls me a conspiracy theorist. Until now. I went to the doctor with her last week. She had to have blood tests because she is getting sick. Her blood was almost black. Her lungs are congested. Having trouble breathing. Just like what I showed her pictures of in the beginning. This is very hard to take.

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I am so sorry..that is terrible!! There are things that can help with the side effects. My son and my boyfriend both got the moderna shots last year. They both had the terrible headaches, brain fog, breathing problems, fatigue. I am unvaccinated but I started getting the same from being around them. I started using ivermectin with claritin for 5-7 days in a row, now once a week. We take NAC, plus other vitamins listed in these protocols everyday. It's definitely worth a try. Some of the flccc Drs are treating vaccine injuries now





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Oh my goodness! IтАЩm so sorry to hear this! I will keep your daughter in my prayers for recovery. This is all so horribly unbelievable! I keep wanting to tell my daughter to have a d-dimer test, but I know she doesnтАЩt want to hear anything. I didnтАЩt say before, but I also have a 33 year old son who took 3 jabs all on his own, no coercion. Not working or going to school currently due to depression & anxiety. He believed all the hype too along with his friends who are all deathly afraid of long Cvd. I even told him about early treatments that can prevent long Cvd. He said all the people IтАЩm listening to are snake oil salesmen & IтАЩm causing him more anxiety talking about it all. I keep praying & hoping all will be revealed as soon as possible for the sake of our and all children & grandchildren. God bless us all!

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You may need this to dispel the depression/anxiety source. Plus a tourmaline crystal in his room if he is an empath and picking up other people's emotions.

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When the parasites start to grow in them....they will be singing a different tune.

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not alone Gabriella. I am being shunned by both of my daughters and their husbands and banned from seeing the grand babies of my youngest by her husband. All because I share information that they do not want to read or think about. I am a conspiracy theorist of fake news

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I am another one whose daughter and son-in-law will not allow us to see our only grandchild. It's been 2 1/2 years since we've seen him. I can hardly think about it, my heart is so broken over it.

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Zephyr, is it because of opinion differences?

I understand your grief completely.

I am learning not to dwell on it, keep busy, find happiness, be productive

You are loved

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It's because they have bought into the covid fear porn. They are vaccinated and we are not. We have had Covid, however, and even got blood tests to show we have antibodies. But they are still afraid for us to visit. The other grandparents, who are vaxxed and most likely boosted, are free to visit frequently.

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Sorry for your losses. Not sure if this video will help, but mass hypnosis is everywhere, and hard to resist. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lOUcXK_7d_c

Only with a sound understanding of philosophical principles and argumentation strategiesтАФlogos, kyros, pathos, and ethosтАФcan a person begin to see where truth exists.

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So sorry to hear you are being shunned. Insanity! Thankfully I am not shunned by family members but am shunned from a few friends. So hard to understand why people are so trusting of something that is experimental. But if they are all listening to mainstream media only, they are sooo convincing. I hope and prey someday soon all the harms will be public knowledge for all to see!

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My grandchildren's other grandmother is pushing them to get the kill shot hard while I am telling them never never to get it. My son did not get shot but his wife did. Her mother is a retired nurse and she maintains that the medical people and shot makers are all wonderful life-savers and would never do anything to harm anyone. Yes, she's delusional and a lefty. I try to not get into it with her but on the kill shot subject I will not let her roll over me

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That's gotta' be difficult. Very sorry. One thing about family that often goes unnoticedтАФfamily members are not chosen. From a philosophical perspective: where there is no choice, there is no obligation. Painful, but I think it's true. Not an easy to topic to bring up on this "cult-of-the-family" planet we occupy.

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Evil by design. Divide and conquer. Still believe we will prevail

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So sorry that you have to go through that. It's as if millions of people have been abducted into a global cult.

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Your label or theirs?

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theirs. I sent them ONE article about the shots for infants and toddlers and how thorough testing/trials have not been done (basically YOUR kids are the trials) and another one about VAERS related to the shots. More specifically, a study of several patients that developed optic nerve damage from the severe headaches caused by the shots.

I was soundly scolded by my son in law. He was severely insulted by this because he himself has had the discovery made by a specialist, and has had MRI of the brain, with findings to grey matter. He is also Dx with the optic nerve damage.

He called me childish (?) and stated that if I sent them any more information (just two informative studies, reports over the past two years) our "relationship would be over"

I emailed him back and told him he was behaving rather harsh. He then stated that they were considering banning us from seeing the grand babies.

Then in a later email, my son in law said we are permanently banished.

It hurts.

Days after that entire dramatic episode (last week Monday or maybe it was the Sunday the 22?) on the 25th, I underwent major abdominal surgery, (hysterectomy to be precise), so it was sad that I did not have my daughters (either of them) loving support. It hurts my heart.

Today, I am coping. I have not heard anything from any of my daughters.

It has been over a week. In a pitiful sort of way, I feel okay. I am not missing them, I am not missing the adorable grand babies either. Maybe it is just my own completely normal post operative emotional state.

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I am so, so, sorry Rosemary! How are you feeling? How is your recovery going?

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Thank you Shari. My recovery is okay. Perhaps the absence of the triggered family members is a good thing. I was able to focus on eating properly and spending much more time with my hubbs. Also, I am taking care of my daddy (98) and he likes to go to the gym and ride the bikes. My surgeon gave me the okay to do that now.

Again, thank you sincerely for your caring statement

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You are most welcome, Rosemary. Take care of yourself. Allow the healing to come.

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Could be the elimination of stress. I havenтАЩt seen or spoken to my daughter, grandson or son in law for 5 years now. Emotionally up & down, however so calm now. Abuse comes in many ways.

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thank you for sharing this. We do not do this kind of "shit" in my family, but my younger daughter's hubb does. His parents are also shunned. I like his mom and dad so we do text about the drama. I do believe the roots are buried in his family.

Anyway, I am sure my daughter is suffering. My older daughter chose not to get involved, but she has not been supportive or helpful. That is okay. They are both in their 30's and hubbs and I are doing just fine. You are most likely SPOT ON, that it is the elimination of the stress. Fortunately, I have a life, and friends and piles of fun taking care of my old daddy 98 yo.

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IтАЩve always thought that тАЬInvasion of the Body SnatchersтАЭ was the scariest movie ever made. The past two years, IтАЩve felt that IтАЩm living in it.

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Me too. It was predictive programming.

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In the summer of 1967 I was sixteen years old when I stepped into an elevator alone with Rod Serling. A big fan of the Twilight Zone I asked him if those stories really happened. He grinned, took a drag of his cigarette and said, "Yea kid they do". It took a long time for me to finally realize it.

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Wow ЁЯШ│

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Imagine if you will: a seventy-one year-old Twilight Zone fan walks into an elevator only to be met by an ageless Rod Serling. The fan says, "Thanks for the heads-up."

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Oh wow! Now that is awesome.

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Yup. The 50s movie jumped out as eerily fitting analogy to me way back in 2020... seeing so many become pod people so readily has been terrifying.

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I've sat and watched it a couple of times during the last two years. It was so amazing that the makers could see into our future. It certainly has a different resonance when viewed today and many people I've come across online have mentioned it.

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ItтАЩs more than that. The CIA uses Hollywood to indoctrinate us and tell us whatтАЩs coming. IтАЩm beginning to think they are Luciferians. Luciferians have to tell you what they are about to do. Sounds crazy, I know.

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No itтАЩs not crazy, itтАЩs spot on.

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Here's the self satisfied Time article I mentioned in case you haven't seen it. I found it astounding and insulting in its attempt to spin what amounts to criminal and immoral activity into a virtue.


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Thank you!

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They've done that over and over. It's like they're gloating and boasting. There was the Time article about the 2020 election where they virtually admitted and outlined their devious wrongdoing. Then there's the WEF website telling us what they will do to us and Klaus Schwab boasting that they're shaping and controlling the world only last month.

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So true. What about "Invasion of the Country Snatchers?

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HA! Love it!

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It's very upsetting and worrying isn't it? My grownup daughter and son and their spouses also had it. They're in their 40s so I couldn't stop them. My son has been badly affected. I worry for my young grandchildren who are so far jab free thank goodness.

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My 24 year old daughter got it. I'm horrified for her future as a mother. If she ever becomes one. At this point I think her chances are incredibly slim and that absolutely breaks my heart. She got the shot because she was afraid she'd never get to see her friends. The ultimate peer pressure. :(

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There are treatments that can be used to help clear the vaccines. Look up Dr. Mercola's website. Have faith. Humans are tough! We also have family members and friends who are jabbed. I just pray for the ones who appear well that their belief in the vax will allow them to continue with no symptoms. I say nothing negative to them about the vaxx unless they ask. I am not giving up on the vaccinated just yet!

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Personally I wouldn't trust anybody else than Medical Medium. He provided the only information that helped me heal multiple severe illnesses. His information sources from above, from God's highest spirit "spirit of compassion" and is absolutely unique and free of the mistakes and confusion that go around even the alternative medecine sector. His protocols for detoxing the body and healing from severe and mysterious medical conditions truly work! He even provides information on which supplements are clean and safe to take. Of course he advised against taking "new medical treatments" ЁЯТЙHighly, highly recommend his work! I hope from the bottom of my heart it will spread the world so everybody gets a chance to protect their health тЩея╕П

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Thank you! IтАЩll go to Dr MercolaтАЩs site. I have been wondering if there were treatments to mitigate the shot. My son was forced to take the shot for his education program. Boo. He opted for the one and done, non-mRNA shot.

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Nothing can clear the vax. Please do not be fooled. DNA has been altered and cannot be changed back by supplements. Only God can fix this if people repent.

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I took Enbrel for psoriasis a while ago. WhatтАЩs your opinion on it? (I actually did repent concerning it. )

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I take many of MercolaтАЩs supplements for my CIRS, and other autoimmune issues. Excellent quality, really fast shipping. On holiday he usually has a sale . IтАЩm stocked up & will order more on the 4th of July. The customer service is good, helped my billing questions quickly. Non gmo , gluten free, helps my peace of mind. IтАЩm sorry your son was forced. Many of my friends in upstate New York took the Johnson & Johnson тАЬ one and done тАЬ. I know only 2 people who refuse led, quit & found other jobs, everyone else took it. ItтАЩs a crime we didnтАЩt have any safety information.

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Are your friends doing well? It would be nice to keep an eye on blood clotting if possible.

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Only one friend was willing to listen and took NAC , querciten & zinc afterwards. They all had the J&J . The rest wonтАЩt listen & call me conspiracy theory but. Even though they have seen the medical neglect and harm( serious side effects )done to me by insurance dictated doctors.

IтАЩm very concerned for them & their adult children who needed it for college and work ( from home!) .

Meanwhile 4 elderly family friends in the Syracuse area struggling with cancer recurrence and absolutely odd problems ( one had leak in small intestines last week) . Sadly they donтАЩt see any connection.

Similar denial in Alva Florida, my momтАЩs retirement community. A few of them stopped taking the booster shots.

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I do pray for them.

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Thanks for the tip about treatments to clear the vaxx. I'll look it up and pass it on to my son.

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I hope your son gets better by trying some of these protocols. It helped my son & my boyfriend. It's sad that there is also shedding from the vaccinated that can cause symptoms for the unvaccinated. I definitely think it's a bioweapon. My daughter and I aren't jabbed but we have gotten ill being around vaccinated people..




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NAC, Quercetin, Milk Thistle, Dandelion Tea, Zeolite, Serrapeptase, Pine Needle Tea. All helpful.

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Absolutely! Advanced TRS is the best zeolite in my experience. Everything else you mentioned is wonderful too.

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Thank you.

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Oh, and Fulvic Acid.

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Some of the toxins in the vax can be detoxed, at least to a degree. The spike proteins can be removed by Advanced TRS as they have a positive ionic charge (it removes toxins with a positive charge).

My mother is 79 and has had two Pfizer jabs, and now has a heart condition that was never there before. Advanced TRS had helped her so much! If you can convince the vax injured to detox it can really help them. https://healingwithnano.com/products/coseva-products-advanced-trs/

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With my leaky gut, detox is very challenging. IтАЩm dependent on a thyroid medication & that can detox the medication along with the heavy metal. I learned that from overdoing colloidal silver, made my thyroid low. Just wanted to mention for anyone detoxing.

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Glad you are looking out for her!

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FLCCC just came up with a treatment plan as well...just listened to that video yesterday.


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They wonтАЩt listen to take the supplements. It would be admitting it isnтАЩt safe. My elderly mom is fully boosted, blaming her side effects on having omnicron. ItтАЩs wild to see her so gone emotionally.

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The older generation was told to hide under desks in case of a nuclear bomb and fluoride in water is a good thing. No one questioned it because the govt would protect them. Hard to change minds because it requires self examination.

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My generation! And crouching in the hallway, & trained to look for yellow triangle Fallout Shelter signs. In second grade, we got the fluoride and a toothbrush. The latchkey kid generation of the 70тАЩs & mtv 80тАЩs .

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My 89 year old Mother had 2 Pfizer. With dementia, she would тАШreplayтАЩ every 15 minutes. So 1 hour conversation, same story 4 times. Boosted with Pfizer in December, now that loop is every 5 minutes...

My twin brother, who lives closer to our Mom (with his family) are all triple jabbed...I canтАЩt even reason with him...

I am Covid recovered, so am & will remain jab free!!!

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Yes, it is. We have so many family members that took the shots and I worry about them everyday. DonтАЩt know whatтАЩs in store for them in the future. We had 4 elderly relatives die in summer 2021. Two from heart attacks, one from stroke during surgery & one from recurring cancer. I am pretty sure they all had shots.

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my cousin in her 30s got the shot, the second and then the booster. Then she got a "mysterious" baseball-sized tumor (benign) on her liver that was largely filled with blood and had to have major surgery to remove. . Anybody else heard of stories like that?

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wow. I have not heard any personal stories, but I know this is out there.

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I know how you feel. Aside from my aunt (who knows the score) everyoneтАФEVERYONEтАФI know got the damned shots. She and I are terrified for all of them, and we find ourselves wondering if weтАЩre going to wind up being completely alone in the world. This year, weтАЩve had two relatives suddenly die (massive unexpected heart attack and an unusually aggressive cancer,) while my mother has had two small strokes. My vaxxed mother and sister are currently suffering their THIRD bout of Covid. I really feel weтАЩre all living a nightmare where thereтАЩs no waking up from it.

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It's stunning how the "fully vaccinated and boosted" can also be on their second or third bout with "COVID" and they still insist that nothing is wrong with The Science.

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I, too, worry about everyone I know! All of my friends, all of my family (including my young grandchildren) have taken these shots. I read these reports with such a heavy heart. They donтАЩt want to hear what I have to say, so I suffer in silence and turn to God. ItтАЩs all I can do.

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I have an extra copy of Robert Kennedy book on Fauxchi, canтАЩt get anyone to read it! Will end up giving it to the library.

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We are praying with you

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Keep praying. Can relate!

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