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I would get out. It's only going to get "suckier". The libtards will have laid waste to such a proud country in a mere 5-10 years. Now they want your guns? That's got to be a line in the sand, right?

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You assume they will be alive 5-10 years from now.

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Ryan...I respectfully will say that republicans are just as much on board with all of this. The coof and deathstab craze should provide enough evidence of this. I don't see any difference in political parties anymore and really haven't in over 10 years personally. In my free time studies, I've come to realize that the last hundred years or so have been almost all uniparty. Sure some break through but they don't ever gain traction and are shunned.

It takes at least 99% of the population being compliant for a society to properly function. If only 1% or 3.5 million say screw you, it all falls apart. This newest and manufactured gun debate goes where I think it is, that line in the sand will be glaring and the war will be official.

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There's more to this story. I'm a member of the National Firearms Association. Had a chat with them today. A lot of it was emotional theatre. The idiot is trying to capitalize on something that happened in Texas.

They're confident they can amend the proposal. There are no details in the proposals just the usual empty platitudes and lies that come naturally to Justin. He's a LIAR. It's worth noting Canada's gun culture is somewhere in between the USA and Europe. So it won't go Australia's route. At least I don't think. We own a lot of guns up here too. Not like the USA obviously, but per capita we're top 10 and most of the countries ahead of us are small, war-torn countries. In terms of the West, it's pretty much in the top 3-5 if memory serves me right.

Justin is a very weak leader. Both as an individual and politically. He's trying to project power in an effort to win over a majority government. He's too divisive and hated to pull it off.

We're not done. Yet.

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Keep fighting man! We're on your side down here. Really proud of our fellow refusnik's in Canada. Stay STRONG!

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We do draw inspiration from America.

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That's true. But I feel like several of my friends in Canada have said the same thing about some of the other crazy comments he's made. And then they come to pass.

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That's true. The assault on the unvaccinated is the main one for me. But he's not alone. 201 MP's voted to keep the mandates and travel bans in place. They're irrational and cruel buffoons at this point.

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I agree. Cruelty is the point...at this point. Taking the guns doesn't seem that far fetched. They're basically treating you guys like vermin. Makes me so angry!

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We've thought about leaving, as have many friends. Easier said than done. We leave behind a strong community, and aging parents. I now know why people didn't flee places like Poland and Austria during WWII.

But here's another thing. If Canada was a great place and people fled to my country, I might begin to wonder whether they'd stay and fight if the going got tough. Or would they just run away from here, too?

Is running away always the answer?

We have decided to get out if they start coming after our kids. That's OUR line in the sand.

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Yep - hands off your children. Stand strong

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Having already left, I can yes. Life is worth more than having to suffer. The Berlin wall did not go up until 1961. The wall will go up, and it will get worse.

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I hate to say this, but I agree. History does indeed tend to be repeated.

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Same considerations here. Plus the USA has made it harder to move there since 9/11. We have the means to go but to set up shop at our age would be hard. So we'll stay and fight for now. But we will be moving assets to the USA and plan to live there most of the year. Amazing. I never thought I'd have to be put in this position but Justin is sufficiently dangerous enough to at least justify discussing this scenario. I despise what's become of Canada.

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And it just pisses me off they're doing this to good folks like you guys

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I wish you well. My heart breaks for you. I don't know what my wife and I would do in a similar situation. But as you said: there's a bright line when it comes to our kids. I just hope you're not put in that position. Best wishes and stay STRONG!

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Thank you, Ryan. Hardships seem to visit each generation. This is our cross. It is not easy, but we have been given the grace to carry it. And the reality is that they're after anyone who stands in the way of their globalist agenda. I just don't think they realize how many of us there are. Heh, heh, heh. :)

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