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The "left" showed their true colors when they lost the 2016 election. They paid an ex-spy to fabricate lies about the person who won that election, and they spent 4 years talking about nothing but those lies. The worst, however, was the hatred and vitriol that they spewed out, not just at the winner of that election, but especially at fellow citizens who voted for him whom they deemed racist and deplorable. I used to think the "left" were the people who cared, the group who had compassion for their fellow humans. But once I saw the anger and hatred directed at working class--the group that they claimed they supported--I knew the "left" was no longer a group I wanted to associate with. (I used to consider myself "progressive".) After 4 years of Russiagate lies they went on to 2 years of covid lies and now they're spouting Ukraine lies.

I am incredibly grateful for Naomi Wolf, for the work she's doing here, for the fact that she too was part of the "left" but has had the willingness to seek out the truth and then proclaim it on these pages and elsewhere. Thank you! And thank you Charles and others here who are holding fast to the truth. God bless all of you!

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Elon Musk wasn't wrong when he said we live in a simulation. People are imagining a sci-fi scenario but all it really is, is an artificial reality created by TV and media and a false "agreed upon" history. We're seeing them create it now in real time with the miraculous "vaccines" and "80 million votes for Biden."

Go back 100 years and apply the same - what is our history, really?

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The simulation is created by Godhead and Satans.

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It's called the Valley of the Shadow of Death in the Bible.

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Thank you for your thoughtful post…I so resonate with what you have said about The Left…I used to be in that camp but left years before The COVID-19 Scam. At the end of Obama’s first term going into his second, I knew that the Left & The Dems were a party that I could no longer support…they had morphed into this elitist Woke progressive group of people that certainly did not support the ‘Liberal Ideology’ that I had grown up with in the late 60’s and early 70’s. As both RFK Jr. (and Naomi Wolf) say, the Left and the Democratic Party has little resemblance to the Democratic Party of his father or Uncle JFK, The Party of ‘classic liberal’ values. (But on the converse side of things the Republicans nor DJT held no a

sway over me either. I am a party-less ‘declined to state’ voter now. )

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The Democratic party isn't particularly "left." They may represent the top 10% rather than the top 1%, but they still don't give the north end of a southbound rat about the bottom 90%.

They talk a lot of culture-war hoohah, but they don't really mean any of that either. It's a great big club, and you're most likely not in it, which means that neither party will give you anything but a bullshit-biscuit and a big middle finger.

"The left" should mean something, and if it means "The US Democratic Party," then it means nothing.

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Oh I like what you said! I have been saying this, even before all the Scamdemic c**p, that both Political Parties are “just two cheeks of the same ass”, and neither party gives a rat’s ass about any of us 90%!

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