Dr. Wolf, Vedic Astrology might be ancient but so was the deception in Genesis 3:5: "But God doth know that when ye shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Information warfare, truth vs. falsehood, began with this event. Vedic Astrology might be ancient but, God is not the source of what it reveals. Do not forget that the fallen angels have been referred to as "stars," and that Satan parades himself as an angel of light, though he deceives the nations.
Dr. Wolf - will you please continue your Geneva Bible readings and commentary on your other channel please? They are excellent presentations. Thank you.
From what i'm getting in 1st minutes of Naomi's post here, she is targeting Trump & Trumps team. She is wisely advising the Trump team to be mature, professional, & to reach out to all Americans. Even the Blues , even the mentally ill. Even People in prison. Everyone. I would add that it would be smart of Trumps followers to lean in this direction as well. A little "classy" gloating. something genuinely funny ? & not spiteful? from the rank & file? who could resist maybe some of that
Oh we're spiking the ball and doing the YMCA Trump dance 🕺🏻 after what the left have put us through the last 4yrs... Labeling us a"grandma k'ller, anti vaxer, anti science, white supremacy, racist, phobia, Nazi and garbage! I'll give some grace for an average person who is misguided but absolutely no grace for the elites who censored us and bullied us into submission! What do you do to bully? We stand up to them and tell No! It needs to stop 🛑 on 11/5/24 The silent majority is no longer silent!
i thought Naomi was referring to the team close to Trump? Trump & his team of advisors etc need to behave like leaders of all Americans, & not engage in juevenille behavior
Even so, I feel Trump have been put through a ringer since he called out Obama's birthday certificate.. they became unhinged. And Russia'Gate, spied on and Hunter's laptop, and his closest ppl been charged, in jailed and debanked and J6! I feel these narcissistic characters need to be put in placed and trolling em is the best way!
After multiple generations of constant verbal abuse from the political Left in America you now want the right, after a sweeping across the board victory, to be that which the Left has never been upon winning?
Absolutely NOT!
I agree we shouldn't get dragged into name calling or derogatory words but if a military general is a man dressing up as a woman, calling him out for what he is, is not being rude but recognizing reality; something the Left has been in denial about for a long time.
The Democrat/Left in America deserves everything coming it's way. If you want to prove you're not a part of teh #WokeAuthoritarianLeft then you're just going to have to put up with a little while longer. Eventually it will die down on it's own.
It is truly arrogant to expect those who have been victims of the Political Lefts verbal punishment for years, decades even to know act better then the Left ever has after winning.
wasn't Naomi referring to Trump & his advisors & close team? If so, i fully agree. Trump & those closest to him need to behave in a mature way & reach out to all Americans. even the Blue, even the mentally ill. everyone.
Possibly but this is not the first post from Dr Wolfe making this kind of request and the last time it was definitely aimed at all and not just Trump. Now as for how Trump and his cabinet should behave goes they should behave however they normally do b/c to do otherwise is a betrayal of one's self. Trump should no more be Mr Nice Guy to those working against him then he has been, People voted for him b/c he's the first in our lifetime to stand up to the corrupt political establishment and say NO.
I'm not arguing for actively harassing people or physical harm but after how most pro-Trump supporters have been treated since 2016, no one has any right to expect them to no go quietly and humbly into the night.
I don't believe Naomi was referring to just Trump and his cabinet but I may be wrong.
well "spiking" is not the same thing as some tasteful , well deserved ribbing, its more pointed, even violent . i think she meant, "tone it down, it gets on the unecessary , useless & distasteful side". she senses when its counterproductive, when it crosses a line. I was not much disposed towards trump in 2016 , although i was a little "open" . a very polite conservative woman pointed out to me that the whole "trump mocking the guy w disabilities" thing was a a concoction of the press... Trump had already done that herky jerky thing other times to other people, it wasn't specific to the disabled guy. she shared to me a vid of trump doing his jerky thing on other occassions.. it was one of those moments when i started to go in a different direction. i thanked her for setting me strait.
After nearly a decade of the new woke/progressive left's being abusive and nasty towards those not on the Left they don't get to gripe about the Rights response to a win especially the kind of win Trump got. As long as they aren't physically assaulting or even touching someone or trying to do something like get them fired or something like swatting then nothing done is excessive; in fact it;s probably well deserved for many.
For several decades the Left has advanced it's agenda even when not in power until Trump won in 2016. This is because the Republican party is filled with both spineless cowards and RINO's as well as teh sell-outs who are actually members of the Uni-party and just wear the mask of a Republican. The Left finally pushed too far and now they are feeling the backlash of what has been building for years.
heres a problem i see.... calling people who vote democrat(or generally voted Democrat over last several decades, just one thing -"the Left " while bestowing the luxury of different labels onto the group who have generally voted repulican. how bout some "dinos" & "spineless cowards" & 'uni party " labels for the Left too. & then there are the "true left" who are now voting for Trump (who is actually a NYC democrat, lol) I've experienced nasty
reactionary republican leaning people in my llife, just as there are reactionary democrats. Admittedly democrats have been leading the way over the last few decades in becoming arrogant, compartmentalized , college educated (sadly indoctrinated) bozos, but then republicans have their churchy brainwashed israel supporting bimbos. it quite works out even Stephen or close to it. Huge numbers of people who long voted democrat voted for trump & are disgusted by the woke crap - & do not really identify as a Republican... me being one. Naomi another.
You were doing good until your church comment which shows you clearly have an anti-Christian bias. Is the selectively reserved for Christianity? Are you able/willing to speak equally negative towards all faiths and remember the Left views only Christianity as bad, all other faiths especially Islam are sacred cows not to be criticized.
A very sensible essay. One expects harsh extremism from much of the left, but I have been appalled at how much of it is also on the right. I have particularly noticed it in comments on the Internet from supposed "conservatives" painting with such a broad brush that they regard every resident of blue states as the bad guy (regardless of who they voted for, by the way, since just living there apparently makes them suspect). Any nuanced thought is met with automatic hostility by some of these people which is sad.
That's not painting everyone with 1 brush but making generalized observations. Rarely is anything %100; rarely are there no exceptions to some rule. There are 2 sexes, male & female and yet biological reality (and mutations) have disproven that on a few rare occasions but we still say there are only 2 sexes b/c that is teh overwhelming majority.
What you are seeing is the frustration and exhaustiveness of one group that has been on the receiving end of this kind of unacceptable treatment for generations, now being lectured to by those same people to not be rude now that their side has won across the board.
The people that I am referring to are doing a lot more than "making generalized observations." I am referring to the sort of person who smugly lectured an old man about how he should leave his blue state. When the man said that he was too elderly and infirm to leave, the critic verbally attacked him in a nasty way.
They are not outliers in my experience. I have often commented on how not everybody in blue states votes Democrat and I have received quite a few hateful comments berating me for living in a blue state.
"..in my experience" being the key phrase. Whether you want to admit it or not most of us are biased because we don't know and can't know the larger group we can only make best guesses. When we see Pro-Trump/MAGA people doing something like killing people and or justifying it as the progressive Left has already started in on with the UHC Healthcare Executive then we can talk about having gone to far; not before then.
The Conservative Right has always been expected to be the better person and that got us nowhere so now were engaging in a more active role like the Left has shown us needs to be done. Until we've gone far crazy right for years at a time with the major institutions like the US Press, backing us, until then no we haven't gone too far. Besides, if we are the better people, the Left will learn nothing. Like a drug addict you must hit rock bottom before acknowledging how far you've actually gone.
Again your diagnosis and proposed treatment are spot on. Imagine Trump and Team Trump emphasizing empathy as the door to America restored and made whole. The reduction of the number of "thems" in the us vs thems equation. Yes Trump and key members of his team can not only calm nerves but, can bring more and more Americans into both cooperation and excitement. I pray your essay and its timeliness reach the President Elect. Your call for an effective Comms Team with well-crafted op eds cannot be argued against.
I have been reflecting a great deal on the Nixon Administration and historic parallels with Trump. Nixon stated early that he would eliminate the Deep State. While he never even tried, just his words caused them to take him out. As to your points, Nixon had no Noonan or Sorenson.
Watching your podcast, I went to empathy for those fearing their job and or department being eliminated. I could feel also for the highly-educated liberal women out there. It was easy to do so because, even though I have been a strong supporter of Trump and his mission from the beginning, now that the election is over, there are no vehicles (even for his supporters) to be involved in the making concrete the ideas we supported abstractly. An example is that it would not take me more than one week to detail American Education going forward, philosophy and practice. I doubt we will ever get such from Linda McMahon. This lack of not only flesh but the bones of education reform leaves me in the same questioning group of the liberal women and others post-election.
We are in the late stages of a color revolution coup against everything American and little ‘r’ republican. The corrupt lawfare of institutions traditionally revered as sacred in the national consciousness has been devastating. So as the last vestiges of real security have become nostalgic dreams of past generations, a new ‘Sheriff’ has been appointed by the people. Those same people who have been assured that ‘We the People’ have the last word, that ‘No One is Above the Law,’ that elections are sacred and undefiled by nefarious players, that a national narrative can be created by elite power, above reproach in spite of the ensuing devastation. This has been a colossal disaster for the stability of our nation, our society shaken to the core, and until this moment of realignment, infused with the poison of hatred by those who would have our country overrun by the ‘Medes and the Persians’, and absorbed into the collective of the ‘Borg.’ They say all that Declaration of Independence yammer is the relic of a ’flawed vision’ of society, especially nominal Judeo-Christian society, with its vestiges of ‘white supremacy’ and the racism (I.e.,control) that entails.
So the ‘fundamental changes’ projected by these newly installed principles of hate were poured like muriatic acid into the waters of our stream of consciousness, with the presumed mandate — let the scrubbing of ugly bonded residues begin. But the discoloration of this ‘color revolution’, with its devastating costs and consequences to anyone caught in the defining narrative of ‘insurrection’ against this ‘color revolution’ proved to be unacceptable. Even the women of our society are now awakened to the poisonous nature of the unnatural mix designed to remove power from earned, merited authority by virtue of design law prevailing over generations of human development. And it will be the voices of women of principle like Dr Naomi Wolf who know how to speak truth to the more complex minds of women that make a lasting impact on our national consciousness. King Lemuel praised his mother for good reason, and those who pay attention to caring for the needs of women, who have great power over the fruits of labor and wealth, will seal national advancement in movements like MAGA and MAHA.
MAHA? How (HOW!) can any American believe that Trump "The King of COVID-19" will make America HEALTHY again? 😲 VAIN HOPE as well as FEAR are four-letter words! WE HAVE BEEN WARNED by his first term! REMEMBER what happened? The only GREAT news is that we CAN SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😊 EarthClinic.com IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) President Donald J. Trump works for The Christian Vatican in Rome. A U. S. president will be the first world leader to enforce "The Mark of the Beast: CHRISTIANITY!" Revelation 13:18 😡
PRAY NOW 🙏 to Yahweh the Father asking to believe in Him and His Son Yahshua The Messiah for YOUR salvation! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
The only part I didn't enjoy was the calling for MAGA statements on the trans/queer brigade. They have been in our face every day for years, irritating the hell out of normal people. The last thing I want to hear, is the Trump team aiding & abetting their perversions. Let them live their lives, but I don't want to hear about it.
I don't buy that there are many public employees there to serve the public. People go into a public job because they figure that it's an easy job to hold on to. There's no competition. Plus, despite what many public employees say, they will earn from age 25 to age 75 not only more than they would in the private sector - but multiples of what they would earn.
Those are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to take a job in the federal government because one wants the salary and fringe benefits and also to sincerely want to do a good job for the USA. Is there rot in the bureaucracy? Sure, but there are also employees who do needed jobs and do them well.
Naomi, I also recognize the need for this effort you clearly outlined in this Substack video, and in your 11/7 essay. I hope the MAGA and MAHA comms and leadership teams will take your suggestions seriously and act on them, sooner rather than later. The opportunity to seize the day is slowly slipping through their fingers.
It might be even more powerful if several of Substack essayists/podcasters teamed up and delivered a combined message(s) to the teams. For instance, Dr. Robert Malone, Vigilant Fox, Aaron Everitt (aka The Loanly Hipster, Charles Eisenstein, Michael Shellenberger, or maybe even Nicole Shanahan. Maybe reach out to one or more of them.
Who has Trump's ear or Bobby's ear the most? Target that individual. Steve Bannon, Nicole Shanahan, Amaryllis, Dell Bigtree, Mary Holland, Calley Means, or perhaps one of the other transition team members?
Thank you for all your hard work and insightful essays, articles and recordings.
Dear Naomi, respectfully submitted: my rebuttal essay to your essay...
"Naomi Wolf: You & Your Substack, ARE the Op-Ed Outlet for the 'MAGA/MAHA Comms Team', now! Legacy Op-Ed Outlets NO LONGER Legitimate! Plant your Flag! Claim this Czarina role we ALL want you to claim!
"I disagree with a central point in Naomi Wolf's 'Dear Team Trump: Don’t ‘Spike the Football’; Rather, Balance the Language and Walk Through the Biggest-Ever Open Door' essay"
Yes, we can hear the dishwasher in the background. It is somewhat distracting.
Dr. Wolf, Vedic Astrology might be ancient but so was the deception in Genesis 3:5: "But God doth know that when ye shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Information warfare, truth vs. falsehood, began with this event. Vedic Astrology might be ancient but, God is not the source of what it reveals. Do not forget that the fallen angels have been referred to as "stars," and that Satan parades himself as an angel of light, though he deceives the nations.
Dr. Wolf - will you please continue your Geneva Bible readings and commentary on your other channel please? They are excellent presentations. Thank you.
thanks, Dr., for keeping us posted.
Warm wishes and blessings to everyone at Hanukah. Christmas. Winter Solstice.24
From what i'm getting in 1st minutes of Naomi's post here, she is targeting Trump & Trumps team. She is wisely advising the Trump team to be mature, professional, & to reach out to all Americans. Even the Blues , even the mentally ill. Even People in prison. Everyone. I would add that it would be smart of Trumps followers to lean in this direction as well. A little "classy" gloating. something genuinely funny ? & not spiteful? from the rank & file? who could resist maybe some of that
Oh we're spiking the ball and doing the YMCA Trump dance 🕺🏻 after what the left have put us through the last 4yrs... Labeling us a"grandma k'ller, anti vaxer, anti science, white supremacy, racist, phobia, Nazi and garbage! I'll give some grace for an average person who is misguided but absolutely no grace for the elites who censored us and bullied us into submission! What do you do to bully? We stand up to them and tell No! It needs to stop 🛑 on 11/5/24 The silent majority is no longer silent!
i thought Naomi was referring to the team close to Trump? Trump & his team of advisors etc need to behave like leaders of all Americans, & not engage in juevenille behavior
Even so, I feel Trump have been put through a ringer since he called out Obama's birthday certificate.. they became unhinged. And Russia'Gate, spied on and Hunter's laptop, and his closest ppl been charged, in jailed and debanked and J6! I feel these narcissistic characters need to be put in placed and trolling em is the best way!
well , just so its genuinely funny or has wit and heart... this qualifies for me: https://x.com/DefiantLs/status/1864693715824202220
Dr Wolfe - No.
After multiple generations of constant verbal abuse from the political Left in America you now want the right, after a sweeping across the board victory, to be that which the Left has never been upon winning?
Absolutely NOT!
I agree we shouldn't get dragged into name calling or derogatory words but if a military general is a man dressing up as a woman, calling him out for what he is, is not being rude but recognizing reality; something the Left has been in denial about for a long time.
The Democrat/Left in America deserves everything coming it's way. If you want to prove you're not a part of teh #WokeAuthoritarianLeft then you're just going to have to put up with a little while longer. Eventually it will die down on it's own.
It is truly arrogant to expect those who have been victims of the Political Lefts verbal punishment for years, decades even to know act better then the Left ever has after winning.
wasn't Naomi referring to Trump & his advisors & close team? If so, i fully agree. Trump & those closest to him need to behave in a mature way & reach out to all Americans. even the Blue, even the mentally ill. everyone.
Possibly but this is not the first post from Dr Wolfe making this kind of request and the last time it was definitely aimed at all and not just Trump. Now as for how Trump and his cabinet should behave goes they should behave however they normally do b/c to do otherwise is a betrayal of one's self. Trump should no more be Mr Nice Guy to those working against him then he has been, People voted for him b/c he's the first in our lifetime to stand up to the corrupt political establishment and say NO.
I'm not arguing for actively harassing people or physical harm but after how most pro-Trump supporters have been treated since 2016, no one has any right to expect them to no go quietly and humbly into the night.
I don't believe Naomi was referring to just Trump and his cabinet but I may be wrong.
well "spiking" is not the same thing as some tasteful , well deserved ribbing, its more pointed, even violent . i think she meant, "tone it down, it gets on the unecessary , useless & distasteful side". she senses when its counterproductive, when it crosses a line. I was not much disposed towards trump in 2016 , although i was a little "open" . a very polite conservative woman pointed out to me that the whole "trump mocking the guy w disabilities" thing was a a concoction of the press... Trump had already done that herky jerky thing other times to other people, it wasn't specific to the disabled guy. she shared to me a vid of trump doing his jerky thing on other occassions.. it was one of those moments when i started to go in a different direction. i thanked her for setting me strait.
After nearly a decade of the new woke/progressive left's being abusive and nasty towards those not on the Left they don't get to gripe about the Rights response to a win especially the kind of win Trump got. As long as they aren't physically assaulting or even touching someone or trying to do something like get them fired or something like swatting then nothing done is excessive; in fact it;s probably well deserved for many.
For several decades the Left has advanced it's agenda even when not in power until Trump won in 2016. This is because the Republican party is filled with both spineless cowards and RINO's as well as teh sell-outs who are actually members of the Uni-party and just wear the mask of a Republican. The Left finally pushed too far and now they are feeling the backlash of what has been building for years.
heres a problem i see.... calling people who vote democrat(or generally voted Democrat over last several decades, just one thing -"the Left " while bestowing the luxury of different labels onto the group who have generally voted repulican. how bout some "dinos" & "spineless cowards" & 'uni party " labels for the Left too. & then there are the "true left" who are now voting for Trump (who is actually a NYC democrat, lol) I've experienced nasty
reactionary republican leaning people in my llife, just as there are reactionary democrats. Admittedly democrats have been leading the way over the last few decades in becoming arrogant, compartmentalized , college educated (sadly indoctrinated) bozos, but then republicans have their churchy brainwashed israel supporting bimbos. it quite works out even Stephen or close to it. Huge numbers of people who long voted democrat voted for trump & are disgusted by the woke crap - & do not really identify as a Republican... me being one. Naomi another.
You were doing good until your church comment which shows you clearly have an anti-Christian bias. Is the selectively reserved for Christianity? Are you able/willing to speak equally negative towards all faiths and remember the Left views only Christianity as bad, all other faiths especially Islam are sacred cows not to be criticized.
A very sensible essay. One expects harsh extremism from much of the left, but I have been appalled at how much of it is also on the right. I have particularly noticed it in comments on the Internet from supposed "conservatives" painting with such a broad brush that they regard every resident of blue states as the bad guy (regardless of who they voted for, by the way, since just living there apparently makes them suspect). Any nuanced thought is met with automatic hostility by some of these people which is sad.
That's not painting everyone with 1 brush but making generalized observations. Rarely is anything %100; rarely are there no exceptions to some rule. There are 2 sexes, male & female and yet biological reality (and mutations) have disproven that on a few rare occasions but we still say there are only 2 sexes b/c that is teh overwhelming majority.
What you are seeing is the frustration and exhaustiveness of one group that has been on the receiving end of this kind of unacceptable treatment for generations, now being lectured to by those same people to not be rude now that their side has won across the board.
The people that I am referring to are doing a lot more than "making generalized observations." I am referring to the sort of person who smugly lectured an old man about how he should leave his blue state. When the man said that he was too elderly and infirm to leave, the critic verbally attacked him in a nasty way.
In other words your concentrating on normalizing the outliers.
They are not outliers in my experience. I have often commented on how not everybody in blue states votes Democrat and I have received quite a few hateful comments berating me for living in a blue state.
"..in my experience" being the key phrase. Whether you want to admit it or not most of us are biased because we don't know and can't know the larger group we can only make best guesses. When we see Pro-Trump/MAGA people doing something like killing people and or justifying it as the progressive Left has already started in on with the UHC Healthcare Executive then we can talk about having gone to far; not before then.
The Conservative Right has always been expected to be the better person and that got us nowhere so now were engaging in a more active role like the Left has shown us needs to be done. Until we've gone far crazy right for years at a time with the major institutions like the US Press, backing us, until then no we haven't gone too far. Besides, if we are the better people, the Left will learn nothing. Like a drug addict you must hit rock bottom before acknowledging how far you've actually gone.
Dr. Wolf:
Again your diagnosis and proposed treatment are spot on. Imagine Trump and Team Trump emphasizing empathy as the door to America restored and made whole. The reduction of the number of "thems" in the us vs thems equation. Yes Trump and key members of his team can not only calm nerves but, can bring more and more Americans into both cooperation and excitement. I pray your essay and its timeliness reach the President Elect. Your call for an effective Comms Team with well-crafted op eds cannot be argued against.
I have been reflecting a great deal on the Nixon Administration and historic parallels with Trump. Nixon stated early that he would eliminate the Deep State. While he never even tried, just his words caused them to take him out. As to your points, Nixon had no Noonan or Sorenson.
Watching your podcast, I went to empathy for those fearing their job and or department being eliminated. I could feel also for the highly-educated liberal women out there. It was easy to do so because, even though I have been a strong supporter of Trump and his mission from the beginning, now that the election is over, there are no vehicles (even for his supporters) to be involved in the making concrete the ideas we supported abstractly. An example is that it would not take me more than one week to detail American Education going forward, philosophy and practice. I doubt we will ever get such from Linda McMahon. This lack of not only flesh but the bones of education reform leaves me in the same questioning group of the liberal women and others post-election.
We are in the late stages of a color revolution coup against everything American and little ‘r’ republican. The corrupt lawfare of institutions traditionally revered as sacred in the national consciousness has been devastating. So as the last vestiges of real security have become nostalgic dreams of past generations, a new ‘Sheriff’ has been appointed by the people. Those same people who have been assured that ‘We the People’ have the last word, that ‘No One is Above the Law,’ that elections are sacred and undefiled by nefarious players, that a national narrative can be created by elite power, above reproach in spite of the ensuing devastation. This has been a colossal disaster for the stability of our nation, our society shaken to the core, and until this moment of realignment, infused with the poison of hatred by those who would have our country overrun by the ‘Medes and the Persians’, and absorbed into the collective of the ‘Borg.’ They say all that Declaration of Independence yammer is the relic of a ’flawed vision’ of society, especially nominal Judeo-Christian society, with its vestiges of ‘white supremacy’ and the racism (I.e.,control) that entails.
So the ‘fundamental changes’ projected by these newly installed principles of hate were poured like muriatic acid into the waters of our stream of consciousness, with the presumed mandate — let the scrubbing of ugly bonded residues begin. But the discoloration of this ‘color revolution’, with its devastating costs and consequences to anyone caught in the defining narrative of ‘insurrection’ against this ‘color revolution’ proved to be unacceptable. Even the women of our society are now awakened to the poisonous nature of the unnatural mix designed to remove power from earned, merited authority by virtue of design law prevailing over generations of human development. And it will be the voices of women of principle like Dr Naomi Wolf who know how to speak truth to the more complex minds of women that make a lasting impact on our national consciousness. King Lemuel praised his mother for good reason, and those who pay attention to caring for the needs of women, who have great power over the fruits of labor and wealth, will seal national advancement in movements like MAGA and MAHA.
Bravo with Godspeed, Dr Naomi Wolf.
What is your sense about January 6?
MAHA? How (HOW!) can any American believe that Trump "The King of COVID-19" will make America HEALTHY again? 😲 VAIN HOPE as well as FEAR are four-letter words! WE HAVE BEEN WARNED by his first term! REMEMBER what happened? The only GREAT news is that we CAN SURVIVE and STAY WELL NATURALLY! 😊 EarthClinic.com IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion!) President Donald J. Trump works for The Christian Vatican in Rome. A U. S. president will be the first world leader to enforce "The Mark of the Beast: CHRISTIANITY!" Revelation 13:18 😡
PRAY NOW 🙏 to Yahweh the Father asking to believe in Him and His Son Yahshua The Messiah for YOUR salvation! I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
HalleluYah! Hebrew: "Praise ye Yah!"
The only part I didn't enjoy was the calling for MAGA statements on the trans/queer brigade. They have been in our face every day for years, irritating the hell out of normal people. The last thing I want to hear, is the Trump team aiding & abetting their perversions. Let them live their lives, but I don't want to hear about it.
I don't buy that there are many public employees there to serve the public. People go into a public job because they figure that it's an easy job to hold on to. There's no competition. Plus, despite what many public employees say, they will earn from age 25 to age 75 not only more than they would in the private sector - but multiples of what they would earn.
Those are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to take a job in the federal government because one wants the salary and fringe benefits and also to sincerely want to do a good job for the USA. Is there rot in the bureaucracy? Sure, but there are also employees who do needed jobs and do them well.
Naomi, I also recognize the need for this effort you clearly outlined in this Substack video, and in your 11/7 essay. I hope the MAGA and MAHA comms and leadership teams will take your suggestions seriously and act on them, sooner rather than later. The opportunity to seize the day is slowly slipping through their fingers.
It might be even more powerful if several of Substack essayists/podcasters teamed up and delivered a combined message(s) to the teams. For instance, Dr. Robert Malone, Vigilant Fox, Aaron Everitt (aka The Loanly Hipster, Charles Eisenstein, Michael Shellenberger, or maybe even Nicole Shanahan. Maybe reach out to one or more of them.
Who has Trump's ear or Bobby's ear the most? Target that individual. Steve Bannon, Nicole Shanahan, Amaryllis, Dell Bigtree, Mary Holland, Calley Means, or perhaps one of the other transition team members?
Thank you for all your hard work and insightful essays, articles and recordings.
Dear Naomi, respectfully submitted: my rebuttal essay to your essay...
"Naomi Wolf: You & Your Substack, ARE the Op-Ed Outlet for the 'MAGA/MAHA Comms Team', now! Legacy Op-Ed Outlets NO LONGER Legitimate! Plant your Flag! Claim this Czarina role we ALL want you to claim!
"I disagree with a central point in Naomi Wolf's 'Dear Team Trump: Don’t ‘Spike the Football’; Rather, Balance the Language and Walk Through the Biggest-Ever Open Door' essay"