Late to the game on this Substack, but not to the info therein. So glad you did an interview with Dr. Thorp. Thank you for sleuthing out all the connections to the CCP and big pharma. It seems all roads lead those two places.
Naomi, this research we broke a few years back ties into the Hebraic supernatural reasons of why we are not to mess with the Genome and your wonderful podcast. (Been doing parallel, but very different research to Rabbi Cahn for 20 years) Here is one our impossible godtype codes showing the supernatural reasons for not messing with the human genome. Ancient Judaism Understood!
Naomi Rivka, one cannot simply open a computer or smartphone and read correct, thorough, English-language translations of the writings of the holy Sages of Yisrael, may their merit protect us.
It don't work that way.
What's more, one would never understand the concepts alluded to on the page because they are deep and complex and presented in a way that demands escort from a God-fearing Jew who has learned from another God-fearing Jew thus extending our tradition to Moshe at Sinai.
Dr. Wolf, thank you. I’ve often asked “why me” as far as recognizing this attack on humanity since its start. It’s been torture…lost friends, family, and almost my own ability to function in a world bent on destruction. Today I can only think of one reason we’ve been chosen to bear witness to this atrocity. It can only be that we were Chosen to fight a battle worthy of God’s kingdom. I didn’t believe in God before this happened. I was a fortunate young person, a successful adult, and chased most of the same materialistic ambitions as others…it’s all meaningless now. The only thing that matters today is the ultimate battle between good and evil. I pray for your safety and that of other experts like you, heroes of mankind, and that the evil that's possessed so many is crushed under the wrath of the Lord.
Dr. Naomi, WuxiAppTech is in the United States! Read these 2 articles for the research. They are even administering the ThermoFisher PCR tests being given. Please read them. I'm also inquiring to ask if anyone was able to calculate the toxicity of the nanoparticle compounds with regard to toxicity based on mg/kg of body mass index found in tissues in organs. Thank you. Please let me know if you or anyone was able to make the determination on the toxicity over the threshold of the "acceptable" amounts given on the forwarded email from me that your husband sent. Thank you.
Just wanted to give you a heads up that the ''Pfizer documents'' (to ) hyperlink doesnt work anymore.
Im guessing they moved the page to:
Thank you for your amazing work and effort.
Late to the game on this Substack, but not to the info therein. So glad you did an interview with Dr. Thorp. Thank you for sleuthing out all the connections to the CCP and big pharma. It seems all roads lead those two places.
Every sentence here takes time to process and consider, so much shocking information its almost overwhelming. Thank you for the work you do.
Naomi, this research we broke a few years back ties into the Hebraic supernatural reasons of why we are not to mess with the Genome and your wonderful podcast. (Been doing parallel, but very different research to Rabbi Cahn for 20 years) Here is one our impossible godtype codes showing the supernatural reasons for not messing with the human genome. Ancient Judaism Understood!
A good Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan.
Forgive me but I just saw this response of yours.
Naomi Rivka, one cannot simply open a computer or smartphone and read correct, thorough, English-language translations of the writings of the holy Sages of Yisrael, may their merit protect us.
It don't work that way.
What's more, one would never understand the concepts alluded to on the page because they are deep and complex and presented in a way that demands escort from a God-fearing Jew who has learned from another God-fearing Jew thus extending our tradition to Moshe at Sinai.
Come to Jerusalem and I will speak with you.
Dr. Wolf, thank you. I’ve often asked “why me” as far as recognizing this attack on humanity since its start. It’s been torture…lost friends, family, and almost my own ability to function in a world bent on destruction. Today I can only think of one reason we’ve been chosen to bear witness to this atrocity. It can only be that we were Chosen to fight a battle worthy of God’s kingdom. I didn’t believe in God before this happened. I was a fortunate young person, a successful adult, and chased most of the same materialistic ambitions as others…it’s all meaningless now. The only thing that matters today is the ultimate battle between good and evil. I pray for your safety and that of other experts like you, heroes of mankind, and that the evil that's possessed so many is crushed under the wrath of the Lord.
I am wondering if the emasculation of boys that I’m seeing as a school teacher is caused by ingredients in other childhood vaccines.
Are you a vaccinazi?
If you threaten a person’s livelihood because of their vaccine views, you are a vaccinazi.
If you censor a person’s speech because of their vaccine views, you are a vaccinazi.
If you coerce a person to get vaccinated, you are a vaccinazi.
If you restrict a person’s activities because of their vaccine status, you are a vaccinazi.
If you impede the open study and free discussion of vaccines, you are a vaccinazi.
Pregnancy complications reported during covid but Don’t KNOW WHY!!!
Very well-said overall. And absolutely horrifying!
And now they are trying to claim that stillbirths are caused by the virus. Anything but the jabs. If that's not chutzpah, I really don't know what is!
Dr. Naomi, WuxiAppTech is in the United States! Read these 2 articles for the research. They are even administering the ThermoFisher PCR tests being given. Please read them. I'm also inquiring to ask if anyone was able to calculate the toxicity of the nanoparticle compounds with regard to toxicity based on mg/kg of body mass index found in tissues in organs. Thank you. Please let me know if you or anyone was able to make the determination on the toxicity over the threshold of the "acceptable" amounts given on the forwarded email from me that your husband sent. Thank you.
Birthrate is down 7 % in Sweden Jan. - July 2022.
And in plenty of other countries too.
Judicial Watch uncovered the Pfizer vaccine research used by HBS was performed in CHINA!! Here are the documents!!
On it
Naomi , I’m BEGGING you to make this info public. Judicial Watch uncovered the vaccine research used by HHS was done in CHINA!!